250 research outputs found

    Participatory Democracy in Local Government: An Online Platform in the City of Madrid

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    In 2015, the local government of the city of Madrid (Spain) introduced an electronic participation system. This initiative stemmed mainly from the social movements that had occupied the squares of many Spanish cities since 2011. As a result of the local elections in 2015, many of those same activists gained institutional power, took citizens’ participation very seriously, and decided to use the possibilities offered by the internet for political and administrative participation. In this article, we seek to assess the impacts of the Madrid city government with the e-democracy experiment – based mainly on establishing an online platform to facilitate citizen participation in political and administrative decision processes. Drawing on qualitative and documental data, our research indicates that whereas the overall aim of the project was to give citizens a say in local policy and decision making, our case study shows that participation was very low since most of the population does not feel concerned by these processes. Indeed, one of our findings showed that citizens’ involvement offline surpassed in some cases their online participation. To identify who is politically active online and offline is a great challenge, to which the promoters of the project did not pay much attention. Although e-participation was meagre in relation to the electoral turnout, the case study also shows that many proposals from the public were incorporated into the local policies, indicating that from a qualitative point of view, e-participation influences decision-making processes. Perhaps local governments should use a more strategic and integrated approach towards the use of electronic technologies to foster and motivate citizens’ involvement in local politics and administration. This more integrated approach should be less dependent on ideological incentives, more institutionalized, and must incorporate citizens’ perceptions and inputs before the introduction of new technologies

    Desconociendo el peligro: inundabilidad en una paleoforma fluvial que afecta usos de suelo residencial e industrial. Villa Parque Santa Ana, Córdoba, Argentina

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    En la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina el día 28 marzo del 2017 ocurrió una lluvia torrencial localizada, que causo daños por inundación en la localidad de Villa Parque Santa Ana, roturas en la planta de disposición final de residuos peligrosos (Taym y erosión hídrica concentrada en el predio en donde se radicará el vertedero regional de residuos sólidos urbanos de Córdoba Capital y de 16 localidades metropolitanas. La escorrentía luego de atravesar estos sitios, ingresó al canal de abastecimiento de la planta potabilizadora Los Molinos que provee agua potable al 29 % de la Capital provincial. Los sectores afectados no presentaban cursos de agua permanentes o temporarios, y carecían de estudios geomorfológicos antecedentes de detalle respecto de la dinámica del escurrimiento superficial y su peligrosidad. En base a ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los condicionantes geomorfológicos del escurrimiento superficial y su peligrosidad asociada a partir del criterio geológico geomorfológico e histórico. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la escorrentía superficial mantiforme y concentrada es captada y conducida por un paleocauce sin conexión hidrológica con el ambiente serrano, esta geoforma no fue contemplada en la planificación urbana y expone a la población e infraestructura construida a una situación de riesgo ante eventos hidrometeorológicos severos. La información generada demuestra la importancia de realizar evaluaciones de peligrosidad por inundación de base geomorfológica, como insumo para la toma de decisiones de planificación territorial que limiten el avance de emplazamientos urbanos en zonas naturalmente inundables y de este modo evitar la creación de nuevos riesgos

    Apoptosis and cell proliferation in porcine placental vascularization

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    The placenta is a highly vascularized organ, indispensable tothe transfer of nutrients to the growing fetuses. During gestation, there exists an expansion of the placental vascular network through active angiogenesis. The aim of this research was to study cell proliferation and apoptosis through high resolution light microscopy (HRLM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) ultrastructure, immunohistochemistry for Ki67and caspase-3, determination of placental vascular area,and TUNEL assay. Crossbred sows placental tissues from approximately 30 ± 2(n =5), 40 ± 2(n =5), 60 ± 2 (n =5), 80 ± 2(n =5), 90 ± 2(n =5) and 114 ± 2(n =5) days of gestation were used. The evaluation of cell proliferation showed the highest%Ki67 values on days 30 ± 2 and 80 ± 2 of pregnancy. Caspase-3 expressed the highest value on day 30 ± 2, while the highest apoptotic indexes were found on days30 ± 2 and 90 ± 2. The placental vascular area was higher on day 80 ± 2 of pregnancy. According to our results, an active vascular cell remodeling by a caspase-3 dependent apoptosis seems to be present in early pregnancy. The increase in the vascular area on day 80 ± 2 would be the result of the intense vascular cell proliferation detected with Ki67. Further studies are needed to understand the complex processes of angiogenesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis that interact in the placenta during porcine gestation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Los materiales curriculares como disparadores de reflexiones sobre la gestión pedagógica

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    El presente trabajo se articuló alrededor de dos ejes: el primero se centró en los resultados de la evaluación de los materiales curriculares del curso de Biología Celular (carrera de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata) realizada mediante un cuestionario a los estudiantes (n=217). El primer eje ofició de disparador para el segundo, la reflexión sobre la gestión pedagógica del curso. Los resultados cuali-cuantitativos mostraron que los encuestados valoraron positivamente diversos aspectos de los materiales. Las diferencias encontradas respecto de una encuesta anterior, analizadas a la luz de la masificación y diversificación de la educación superior, señalaron la necesidad de repensar la naturaleza de los materiales curriculares. Se propone el empleo de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) para implementar mejoras e innovaciones en los materiales del curso. En el reconocimiento de que las TIC no son la quintaesencia de la innovación educativa y que las universidades no se hallan exentas del impacto de las TIC sobre todos los dominios de la actividad académica es que se propuso el desarrollo de nuevos materiales bajo una nueva concepción que haga uso productivo y significativo de la inclusión de TIC.This work was organized around two axes. The first focused on the results of the evaluation of the curriculum materials of the Cell Biology course (Veterinary Medicine, National University of La Plata) conducted by a questionnaire to students (n=217). This first axis acted as a promoter for the second axe, the reflection on the pedagogical course management. The qualitative and quantitative results showed that respondents positively evaluated various aspects of the materials. The differences with respect to a previous survey, analyzed under the light of massification and diversification of higher education, pointed the need to rethink the nature of curriculum materials. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to implement improvements and innovations in course materials is proposed. In order to recognise that ICT is not the quintessence of educational innovation, and that universities are not exempt from the impact of ICT on all domains of academic activities, the development of new materials was proposed under a new conception to make productive and meaningful use of ICT.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Los materiales curriculares como disparadores de reflexiones sobre la gestión pedagógica

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    El presente trabajo se articuló alrededor de dos ejes: el primero se centró en los resultados de la evaluación de los materiales curriculares del curso de Biología Celular (carrera de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata) realizada mediante un cuestionario a los estudiantes (n=217). El primer eje ofició de disparador para el segundo, la reflexión sobre la gestión pedagógica del curso. Los resultados cuali-cuantitativos mostraron que los encuestados valoraron positivamente diversos aspectos de los materiales. Las diferencias encontradas respecto de una encuesta anterior, analizadas a la luz de la masificación y diversificación de la educación superior, señalaron la necesidad de repensar la naturaleza de los materiales curriculares. Se propone el empleo de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) para implementar mejoras e innovaciones en los materiales del curso. En el reconocimiento de que las TIC no son la quintaesencia de la innovación educativa y que las universidades no se hallan exentas del impacto de las TIC sobre todos los dominios de la actividad académica es que se propuso el desarrollo de nuevos materiales bajo una nueva concepción que haga uso productivo y significativo de la inclusión de TIC.This work was organized around two axes. The first focused on the results of the evaluation of the curriculum materials of the Cell Biology course (Veterinary Medicine, National University of La Plata) conducted by a questionnaire to students (n=217). This first axis acted as a promoter for the second axe, the reflection on the pedagogical course management. The qualitative and quantitative results showed that respondents positively evaluated various aspects of the materials. The differences with respect to a previous survey, analyzed under the light of massification and diversification of higher education, pointed the need to rethink the nature of curriculum materials. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to implement improvements and innovations in course materials is proposed. In order to recognise that ICT is not the quintessence of educational innovation, and that universities are not exempt from the impact of ICT on all domains of academic activities, the development of new materials was proposed under a new conception to make productive and meaningful use of ICT.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Pilot study of an online intervention for young people with a first psychotic episode: Thinkapp

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    Differential Spatiotemporal Patterns of Galectin Expression are a Hallmark of Endotheliochorial Placentation

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    Problem: Galectins influence the progress of pregnancy by regulating key processes associated with embryo-maternal cross talk, including angiogenesis and placentation. Galectin family members exert multiple roles in the context of hemochorial and epitheliochorial placentation; however, the galectin prolife in endotheliochorial placenta remains to be investigated. Method of study: Here, we used immunohistochemistry to analyze galectin (gal)-1, gal-3 and gal-9 expression during early and late endotheliochorial placentation in two different species (dogs and cats). Results: We found that during early feline gestation, all three galectin members were more strongly expressed on trophoblast and maternal vessels compared to the decidua. This was accompanied by an overall decrease of gal-1, gal-3 and gal-9 expressions in late feline gestation. In canine early pregnancy, we observed that gal-1 and gal-9 were expressed strongly in cytotrophoblast (CTB) cells compared to gal-3, and no galectin expression was observed in syncytiotrophoblast (STB) cells. Progression of canine gestation was accompanied by increased gal-1 and gal-3 expressions on STB cells, whereas gal-9 expression remained similar in CTB and STB. Conclusion: These data suggest that both the maternal and fetal compartments are characterized by a spatiotemporal regulation of galectin expression during endotheliochorial placentation. This strongly suggests the involvement of the galectin family in important developmental processes during gestation including immunemodulation, trophoblast invasion and angiogenesis. A conserved functional role for galectins during mammalian placental development emerges from these studies.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Differential Spatiotemporal Patterns of Galectin Expression are a Hallmark of Endotheliochorial Placentation

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    Problem: Galectins influence the progress of pregnancy by regulating key processes associated with embryo-maternal cross talk, including angiogenesis and placentation. Galectin family members exert multiple roles in the context of hemochorial and epitheliochorial placentation; however, the galectin prolife in endotheliochorial placenta remains to be investigated. Method of study: Here, we used immunohistochemistry to analyze galectin (gal)-1, gal-3 and gal-9 expression during early and late endotheliochorial placentation in two different species (dogs and cats). Results: We found that during early feline gestation, all three galectin members were more strongly expressed on trophoblast and maternal vessels compared to the decidua. This was accompanied by an overall decrease of gal-1, gal-3 and gal-9 expressions in late feline gestation. In canine early pregnancy, we observed that gal-1 and gal-9 were expressed strongly in cytotrophoblast (CTB) cells compared to gal-3, and no galectin expression was observed in syncytiotrophoblast (STB) cells. Progression of canine gestation was accompanied by increased gal-1 and gal-3 expressions on STB cells, whereas gal-9 expression remained similar in CTB and STB. Conclusion: These data suggest that both the maternal and fetal compartments are characterized by a spatiotemporal regulation of galectin expression during endotheliochorial placentation. This strongly suggests the involvement of the galectin family in important developmental processes during gestation including immunemodulation, trophoblast invasion and angiogenesis. A conserved functional role for galectins during mammalian placental development emerges from these studies.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Deletions of specific exons of FHOD3 detected by next-generation-sequencing are associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Despite new strategies, such as evaluating deep intronic variants and new genes in whole-genome-sequencing studies, the diagnostic yield of genetic testing in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is still around 50%. FHOD3 has emerged as a novel disease-causing gene for this phenotype, but the relevance and clinical implication of copy-number-variations (CNVs) have not been determined. In this study, CNVs were evaluated using a comparative depth-of-coverage strategy by NGS in 5493 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy probands and 2973 disease-controls. We detected three symmetrical deletions in FHOD3 that involved exons 15 and 16 in three HCM families (no CNVs were detected in the control group). These exons are part of the diaphanous inhibitory domain of FHOD3 protein, considered a cluster of mutations for HCM. The clinical characteristics of the affected carriers were consistent with those reported in FHOD3 in previous studies. This study highlights the importance of performing CNV analysis systematically in NGS genetic testing panels for HCM, and reinforce the relevance of the FHOD3 gene in the disease. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Calbindin D28k Expression and the Absence of Apoptosis in the Cerebellum of Solatium bonariense L-lntoxicated Bovines

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    Solanum bonariense intoxication is characterized by cerebellar neuronal vacuolation, degeneration, and necrosis. Cerebellar Purkinje cells seem especially susceptible, but more research is needed to determine the pathogenesis of neuronal necrosis and the mechanism of Purkinje cell susceptibility. Calbindin D28k (CbD28k) is highly expressed in Purkinje cells and has been used as a marker for normal and degenerative Purkinje cells. The goal of this study was to describe S bonariense-induced disease by ascertaining Purkinje cell-specific degenerative changes using CbD28k expression and to correlate this with apoptosis in Purkinje cells, as determined using TUNEL (transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling) and ultrastructural changes. In all cases, an increase in both dose and duration of S bonariense intoxication resulted in a decrease in the number of Purkinje cells. CbD28k immunohistochemistry was an excellent marker for Purkinje cells because immunoreactivity did not change in normal or degenerative tissues. This finding suggests that excessive calcium excitatory stimulation does not induce rapid neuronal degeneration and death. As found in previous studies, TUNEL tests and electron microscopy suggest that Purkinje cell degeneration and death are not occurring via an apoptotic process. These findings suggest that S bonariense poisoning induces progressive Purkinje cell death that is not mediated by excitotoxicity or apoptotic activation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria