68 research outputs found

    Impact of ERK5 on the Hallmarks of Cancer

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    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 (ERK5) belongs to the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family that consists of highly conserved enzymes expressed in all eukaryotic cells and elicits several biological responses, including cell survival, proliferation, migration, and differentiation. In recent years, accumulating lines of evidence point to a relevant role of ERK5 in the onset and progression of several types of cancer. In particular, it has been reported that ERK5 is a key signaling molecule involved in almost all the biological features of cancer cells so that its targeting is emerging as a promising strategy to suppress tumor growth and spreading. Based on that, in this review, we pinpoint the hallmark-specific role of ERK5 in cancer in order to identify biological features that will potentially benefit from ERK5 targeting

    A GLI1-p53 inhibitory loop controls neural stem cell and tumour cell numbers

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    How cell numbers are determined is not understood. Hedgehog-Gli activity is involved in precursor cell proliferation and stem cell self-renewal, and its deregulation sustains the growth of many human tumours. However, it is not known whether GLI1, the final mediator of Hh signals, controls stem cell numbers, and how its activity is restricted to curtail tumourigenesis. Here we have altered the levels of GLI1 and p53, the major tumour suppressor, in multiple systems. We show that GLI1 expression in Nestin+ neural progenitors increases precursor and clonogenic stem cell numbers in vivo and in vitro. In contrast, p53 inhibits GLI1-driven neural stem cell self-renewal, tumour growth and proliferation. Mechanistically, p53 inhibits the activity, nuclear localisation and levels of GLI1 and in turn, GLI1 represses p53, establishing an inhibitory loop. We also find that p53 regulates the phosphorylation of a novel N' truncated putative activator isoform of GLI1 in human cells. The balance of GLI1 and p53 functions, thus, determines cell numbers, and prevalence of p53 restricts GLI1-driven stem cell expansion and tumourigenesis

    The Hedgehog-GLI Pathway Regulates MEK5-ERK5 Expression and Activation in Melanoma Cells

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    Malignant melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer, with a poor prognosis in advanced stages. We recently showed that the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 (ERK5), encoded by the MAPK7 gene, plays a pivotal role in melanoma by regulating cell functions necessary for tumour development, such as proliferation. Hedgehog-GLI signalling is constitutively active in melanoma and is required for proliferation. However, no data are available in literature about a possible interplay between Hedgehog-GLI and ERK5 pathways. Here, we show that hyperactivation of the Hedgehog-GLI pathway by genetic inhibition of the negative regulator Patched 1 increases the amount of ERK5 mRNA and protein. Chromatin immunoprecipitation showed that GLI1, the major downstream effector of Hedgehog-GLI signalling, binds to a functional non-canonical GLI consensus sequence at the MAPK7 promoter. Furthermore, we found that ERK5 is required for Hedgehog-GLI-dependent melanoma cell proliferation, and that the combination of GLI and ERK5 inhibitors is more effective than single treatments in reducing cell viability and colony formation ability in melanoma cells. Together, these findings led to the identification of a novel Hedgehog-GLI-ERK5 axis that regulates melanoma cell growth, and shed light on new functions of ERK5, paving the way for new therapeutic options in melanoma and other neoplasms with active Hedgehog-GLI and ERK5 pathways

    Targeted inhibition of Hedgehog-GLI signaling by novel acylguanidine derivatives inhibits melanoma cell growth by inducing replication stress and mitotic catastrophe

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    Aberrant activation of the Hedgehog (HH) signaling is a critical driver in tumorigenesis. The Smoothened (SMO) receptor is one of the major upstream transducers of the HH pathway and a target for the development of anticancer agents. The SMO inhibitor Vismodegib (GDC-0449/Erivedge) has been approved for treatment of basal cell carcinoma. However, the emergence of resistance during Vismodegib treatment and the occurrence of numerous side effects limit its use. Our group has recently discovered and developed novel and potent SMO inhibitors based on acylguanidine or acylthiourea scaffolds. Here, we show that the two acylguanidine analogs, compound (1) and its novel fluoride derivative (2), strongly reduce growth and self-renewal of melanoma cells, inhibiting the level of the HH signaling target GLI1 in a dose-dependent manner. Both compounds induce apoptosis and DNA damage through the ATR/CHK1 axis. Mechanistically, they prevent G2 to M cell cycle transition, and induce signs of mitotic aberrations ultimately leading to mitotic catastrophe. In a melanoma xenograft mouse model, systemic treatment with 1 produced a remarkable inhibition of tumor growth without body weight loss in mice. Our data highlight a novel route for cell death induction by SMO inhibitors and support their use in therapeutic approaches for melanoma and, possibly, other types of cancer with active HH signaling

    Inhibition of ERK5 elicits cellular senescence in melanoma via the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21

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    2021 The Authors.Melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer with a very poor prognosis in advanced stages. Although targeted and immune therapies have improved survival, not all patients benefit from these treatments. The mitogen-activated protein kinase ERK5 supports the growth of melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo. However, ERK5 inhibition results in cell-cycle arrest rather than appreciable apoptosis. To clarify the role of ERK5 in melanoma growth, we performed transcriptomic analyses following ERK5 knockdown in melanoma cells expressing BRAFV600E and found that cellular senescence was among the most affected processes. In melanoma cells expressing either wild-type or mutant (V600E) BRAF, both genetic and pharmacologic inhibition of ERK5 elicited cellular senescence, as observed by a marked increase in senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity and p21 expression. In addition, depletion of ERK5 from melanoma cells resulted in increased levels of CXCL1, CXCL8, and CCL20, proteins typically involved in the senescence-associated secretory phenotype. Knockdown of p21 suppressed the induction of cellular senescence by ERK5 blockade, pointing to p21 as a key mediator of this process. In vivo, ERK5 knockdown or inhibition with XMD8–92 in melanoma xenografts promoted cellular senescence. Based on these results, small-molecule compounds targeting ERK5 constitute a rational series of prosenescence drugs that may be exploited for melanoma treatment.The work in E. Rovida’s lab was supported by grants from Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC, IG-15282 and IG-21349), by Ente Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (ECRF), and Universita degli Studi di Firenze (Fondo di Ateneo ex-60%). A. Tubita was supported by a “Carlo Zanotti” Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (FIRC)-AIRC fellowship (ID-23847)