7 research outputs found

    Study of chemical sympathectomy in endotoxin-induced lethality and fibrin deposition

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    Study of chemical sympathectomy in endotoxin-induced lethality and fibrin deposition. Shock and the generalized Shwartzman reaction are well known features of endotoxin which have been shown to involve the sympathetic nervous system. The mechanism of sympathetic nervous system involvement with endotoxin injection was studied in rabbits chemically sympathectomized with 6-hydroxydopamine. Endotoxin, in doses producing a spectrum of morbidity and mortality in normal rabbits, was administered i.v. to chemically sympathectomized, normal, and unilateral renal surgically sympathectomized animals. Chemical sympathectomy produced a significant depletion of tissue norepinephrine which, in endotoxin recipient animals, was associated with a significantly lower mortality rate and greatly decreased fibrin deposition in the lungs and kidneys, despite intravascular coagulation. Unilateral renal sympathectomy afforded protection to the ipsilateral kidney, but data on mortality and systemic fibrin deposition were similar to those reported for normal rabbits given endotoxin. Six-hydroxydopamine prevents significant tissue injury secondary to endotoxin in this experimental model. In addition, the data provide direct evidence that an intact reactive sympathetic nervous system is essential for development of lethal toxicity and generalized Shwartzman reaction due to endotoxin.Etude de la sympathectomie chimique de la lethalité et des dépôts de fibrine chez animaux qui ont reçu l'endotoxine. Le choc et le phénomène de Schwartzman généralisé sont des conséquences bien connues de l'endotoxine et il a été montré que ces réactions impliquent le systéme nerveux sympathique. Le mécanisme de la mise en jeu du système nerveux sympathique par l'injection d'endotoxine a été étudié chez des lapins ayant subi une sympathectomie chimique par la 6-hydroxydopamine. L'endotoxine, aux doses qui déterminent une morbidité et une mortalité chez les lapins normaux, a été administrée par voie intraveineuse à des animaux normaux, ayant subi une sympathectomie chimique ou ayant subi une sympathectomie rénale, chirurgicale et unilatérale. La sympathectomie chimique a produit une déplétion significative de norépinéphrine tissulaire qui, chez les animaux qui ont reçu l'endotoxine, a été associée à une diminution significative de la mortalité et une diminution importante des dépôts de fibrine dans les poumons et les reins malgré la coagulation intravasculaire. La sympathectomie unilatérale a protégé le rein ipsilatéral mais la mortalité et les dépôts systémiques de fibrine ont été semblables à ceux observés chez les lapins normaux qui ont reçu l'endotoxine. La 6-hydroxydopamine diminue de façon significative les altérations tissulaires secondaires à l'endotoxine dans ce modèle expérimental. De surcroît, ces observations apportent la preuve directe de ce qu'un système nerveux sympathique intact et réactif est essentiel pour l'apparition de la léthalité et du phénomène de Schwartzman généralisé consécutifs à l'endotoxine

    Reactive oxygen species generation.

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    <p>Fluorescence generated from selected ROS probes (10 μM): (a) APF, (b) HPF, (c) DHE, (d) SOSG during irradiation of photosensitizer solution (5 μM, EtOH:PBS <i>ca</i>. 1:99 <i>v/v</i>). Presented data are expressed as mean value (N = 6) ±SEM. The label (*) represents statistically significant difference (P<0.05). The t-test has been used for the statistical significance determination.</p

    PDI of microorganisms mediated by halogenated porphyrin derivatives.

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    <p>Cells were incubated with PS for 1 h and exposed (or not) to 10 J/cm<sup>2</sup> of visible light (420±20 nm). The dashed black line shows viability values for 99.9% (3 logs) inactivation of microorganisms.</p

    Liposomal Binuclear Ir(III)–Cu(II) Coordination Compounds with Phosphino-Fluoroquinolone Conjugates for Human Prostate Carcinoma Treatment

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    Novel heteronuclear IrIII–CuII coordination compounds ([Ir(η5-Cp*)Cl2Pcfx-Cu(phen)](NO3)·1.75(CH3OH)·0.75(H2O) (1), [Ir(η5-Cp*)Cl2Pnfx-Cu(phen)](NO3)·1.75(CH3OH)·0.75(H2O) (2), [Ir(η5-Cp*)Cl2Plfx-Cu(phen)](NO3)·1.3(H2O)·1.95(CH3OH) (3), [Ir(η5-Cp*)Cl2Psfx-Cu(phen)] (4)) bearing phosphines derived from fluoroquinolones, namely, sparfloxacin (Hsfx), ciprofloxacin (Hcfx), lomefloxacin (Hlfx), and norfloxacin (Hnfx), have been synthesized and studied as possible anticancer chemotherapeutics. All compounds have been characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), a number of spectroscopic methods (i.e., IR, fluorescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)), cyclic voltammetry, variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements, and X-ray diffractometry. The coordination geometry of IrIII in all complexes adopts a characteristic piano-stool geometry with the η5-coordinated and three additional sites occupied by two chloride and phosphine ligands, while CuII ions in complexes 1 and 2 form a distorted square-pyramidal coordination geometry, and in complex 3, the coordination geometry around CuII ions is a distorted octahedron. Interestingly, the crystal structure of [Ir(η5-Cp*)Cl2Plfx-Cu(phen)] features the one-dimensional (1D) metal–organic polymer. Liposomes loaded with redox-active and fluorescent [Ir(η5-Cp*)Cl2Pcfx-Cu(phen)] (1L) have been prepared to increase water solubility and minimize serious systemic side effects. It has been proven, by confocal microscopy and an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis, that the liposomal form of compound 1 can be effectively accumulated inside human lung adenocarcinoma and human prostate carcinoma cells with selective localization in nuclei. A cytometric analysis showed dominance of apoptosis over the other cell death types. Furthermore, the investigated nanoformulations induced changes in the cell cycle, leading to S phase arrest in a dose-dependent manner. Importantly, in vitro anticancer action on three-dimensional (3D) multicellular tumor spheroids has been demonstrated