858 research outputs found


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    Purpose: An overview of how trademarks are used to brand universities and an analysis of global trends in this area. Methodology: The methodology of the article is based on the basic method used in legal sciences, which is the legal-dogmatic method. In addition, an analysis of the literature on the subject was carried out. Furthermore, within the framework of the article, data on registered trademarks in the databases of intellectual property offices were used. Findings: The use of trademarks as part of a university's branding and identity is becoming a global trend. An increasing number of universities are choosing to protect their trademarks also within regional and international systems. The use of trademarks is part of the third-generation university model as one focused on communication and cooperation with the socio-economic environment. Originality/value: The article refers to the realisation by trademarks their functions in the activities of entities that are not directly aimed at generating profit. It attempts to show the relationship between the change in the operating model of universities and the use of distinctive signs in communication with the socio-economic environment. Keywords: trademark, branding, third generation universit

    Zdolność rejestrowa zapachowych znaków towarowych przed i po wprowadzeniu dyrektywy 2015/2436. Zmiana w praktyce czy jedynie w teorii?

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    Smells are an unusual way of communication, allowing not only for the creation of associations in the minds of the recipients, but also for evoking certain emotions. Therefore, they are used in marketing strategies and they may become trade marks. Unfortunately, until the adoption of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks, these signs were, in principle, excluded from registration. This was due to their inability to meet the requirement of graphic representation as understood by the criteria established by the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. However, under this Directive, this requirement was abolished and replaced by the criterion of so-called representativeness of the sign. The purpose of this article is to present olfactory marks from both a marketing perspective and the admissibility of their registration, as well as to analyze the practice of registering them before and after the adoption of Directive 2015/2436.Zapachy są niezwykłym sposobem komunikacji, który pozwala nie tylko na powstawanie w umysłach odbiorców określonych skojarzeń, lecz także na wywoływanie pewnych emocji. Z tego powodu są one wykorzystywane w strategiach marketingowych, a niekiedy stają się znakami towarowymi. Niestety, do czasu przyjęcia dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2015/2436 z dnia 16 grudnia 2015 r. mającej na celu zbliżenie ustawodawstw państw członkowskich odnoszących się do znaków towarowych oznaczenia te były w zasadzie wyłączone z rejestracji. Powodem tego był brak możliwości spełnienia wymogu graficznej przedstawialności, rozumianego przez pryzmat kryteriów wypracowanych w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej. Jednakże na mocy wspomnianej dyrektywy wymóg ten został zniesiony i zastąpiony wymogiem tzw. zdolności przedstawieniowej oznaczenia. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie znaków zapachowych z perspektywy zarówno marketingowej, jak i dopuszczalności ich rejestracji, a także dokonanie analizy praktyki rejestrowania tych oznaczeń w okresie przed i po przyjęciu dyrektywy 2015/2436

    Is there an easier way to differentiate phases of Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women?

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    Background Precise detection of the moment of infection with Toxoplasma gondii in a pregnant woman plays a key role in determining the risk of transmission to the foetus. Diagnostic examination for toxoplasmosis performed in a pregnant woman should be performed as soon as possible, best before the planned pregnancy and in the beginning of the 1st trimester. Sometimes the first toxoplasma screening is only done later in pregnancy or close to term, when even the lack of specific IgM and high IgG avidity using traditional immunodiagnostic methods with native antigen does not allow to exclude early T. gondii infection with 100% certainty. Furthermore, diagnosis of acute toxoplasma infection often requires collection of two blood samples in 2-3 week period and demonstration of significant rise in IgG titres. The aim of the study was to show the possibilities of using recomLineToxoplasma test based on recombinant antigens and immunoblot technique in detection of the time of infection in pregnant women, incl. the risk of the transmission to the foetus, and differentiation of acute vs. chronic or past infection. Materials/methods Patients analysed consisted of women between ages 26-35, in whom IgG, IgM presence/titers and IgG avidity was tested using ELISA-VIDITEST Toxo IgG/IgM (Vidia) and ELISA Avidity-TOXO (EUROIMMUNE). In each patient, presence of IgG and IgM was tested additionally for recombinant T. gondii antigens: ROP1c, MIC3, GRA7, GRA8, p30, MAG1, GRA1, rSAG1 and IgG avidity for p30, MAG1, GRA1, and rSAG1 using recomLine Toxoplasma test (Mikrogen). Results were read automatically and interpreted with BLOTrix-Leader and phases of infection (I, II, III, IV) were determined according to test producer’s instructions. To show the usefulness of the test we selected 3 different patients. Results In the first patient in her 32 week of pregnancy, standard ELISA testing showed border values for IgM (1.0), positive IgG (192 IU/ml) and high IgG avidity (87%). recomLine test results were as follows: positive IgM for ROP1c, high IgG avidity to p30 and GRA1 and low to rSAG1, and pointed to II phase of infection (last 3-6 months), which correlated to acute toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, having in mind the 32 hbd. In the second patient (30 hbd), standard ELISA testing showed IgG of 198 IU/ml, no IgM and IgG avidity of 80%. recomLine test showed high IgG avidity to p30, MAG1, GRA1 and rSAG1 as well as IgM, which confirmed chronic infection (IV phase of infection; > 12 months) and excluded toxoplasma infection in pregnancy. In the third patient (17 hbd), standard ELISA showed specific IgM (1.7), IgG (187 IU/ml) and borderline avidity of 47%. recomLine test results showed: positive IgM for ROP1c and GRA8 and low IgG avidity to p30 and GRA1, which in fact pointed to the I phase of infection (0-3 months since examination), and confirmed the risk of possible foetal transmission. Results are shown in Fig.1. Conclusion recomLine Toxoplasma test, which is based on recombinant antigens, facilitates differentiation of acute from chronic T. gondii infection and allows to determine the time since infection and the risk of transmission to the foetus, without the need to collect consecutive blood samples. It may be useful especially in pregnant women, who only have their first diagnostic toxoplasma screening done in the II or III trimester of pregnancy. Figure 1. Results of standard ELISA vs. recombinant antigen testing for Toxoplasma gondii in 3 pregnant patients. Legend: hbd (hebdomas), i.e. week of pregnancy

    Silver recovery from zinc metallurgical sludge – analysis of solutions

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    During the hydrometallurgical process of zinc production, conducted in the ZGH “Bolesław” S.A. in Bukowno [Mine and Metallurgical Plant], about 40,000 tons of sludge is generated. After dehydration in the Larox filter presses, sludge contains ca. 16-18% of Zn, 20-25% of Fe, and 200-300 ppm of Ag. Next, sludge is transported to the Olkusz concentrator for flotation to obtain concentrate enriched with Ag (1,000-1,500 ppm). The concentrate is then sent to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie” [zinc smelter], while the flotation tailings are subjected to recycling in waelz kiln in Bukowno to regain mainly Zn and Pb, in the form of oxides (also sent later to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie”)

    Health-related quality of life in Polish adolescents with "Hymenoptera" venom allergy treated with venom immunotherapy

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    Introduction: Venom allergy, though rare, may seriously influence health-related quality of life (HRQoL). There is a paucity of research on HRQoL of adolescents and young adults with Hymenoptera venom allergy. The aim was to assess the level of HRQoL and to evaluate its independent predictors in Polish adolescents and young adults treated with venom immunotherapy. Material and methods: A multicenter cross-sectional study based on the Vespid Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (VQLQ) adapted for Polish adolescents was used. The study sample included 87 patients (14-21 years) studied at different stages of venom immunotherapy (VIT). Statistical analysis was done with multivariate linear regression. Results: Anxiety level was higher in patients with 4th grade of Mueller’s classification (anaphylactic shock) than in those with 3rd grade (B = 0.84, 95% CI = 0.07-1.61, p = 0.03). Caution increased along with an increase of anxiety of adolescents treated with VIT (B = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.39-0.68, p < 0.01). Level of limitations increased with increasing caution of adolescents (B = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.35-0.91, p < 0.01). Discomfort increased along with a rise of caution of patients (B = 0.38, 95% CI = 0.22-0.55, p < 0.01). Similarly, it increased with an increase of their feeling of limitations (B = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.23-0.51, p < 0.01). The level of discomfort in adolescents treated with VIT was lower in those who were treated with conventional protocol in comparison to those treated with rush or ultrarush ones (B = –0.47, 95% CI = –0.90 - –0.03, p = 0.04). Conclusions: Severity of anaphylactic reaction is an independent determinant of anxiety level in adolescents treated with VIT. The VIT protocol affects HRQoL of treated patients

    Theoretical validity and reliability of Vespide Quality of Life Questionnaire in Polish adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy

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    Measurement of health-related quality of life is mostly used with advanced measurement tools, such as scales. The use of a certain scale in different cultural settings or in age groups other than those it was designed for needs conducting the adaptation process and assessment of psychometric properties of the adapted scale. This paper presents the results of theoretical validity and reliability analysis of the Polish adaptation of the VQLQ scale for adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy. The study sample consisted of 78 adolescents aged 14-19 years, who were treated with venom immunotherapy in Polish allergological centers in 2008 year. Theoretical validity of the scale was analyzed with exploratory factor analysis using the principal components method. Reliability analysis was assessed in terms of internal consistency with Cronbach's α coefficient and by testing Kline's criterion. The results showed satisfactory validity of the scale: factor analysis revealed a 3-factor structure of the scale - extracted factors were described as anxiety, caution and discomfort. All the scale items contributed to unique factors, except for one item concerning limitation in summer due to allergy, which was identified as a separate dimension of health-related quality of life of Polish adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy. All the extracted subscales were characterized by values of α coefficient equal or higher than 0.8, what is usually considered as a high-level reliability coefficient. The adapted scale is a valid and reliable tool measuring health-related quality of life in Polish adolescents treated with venom-specific immunotherapy

    Samotność idei? : społeczeństwo obywatelskie we współczesnym świecie

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationCelem niniejszej pracy jest próba przedstawienia kształtu obecnych relacji i stosunków między społeczeństwem obywatelskim a wspomnianymi ideami czy procesami społecznymi.Książka, którą oddajemy do rąk Czytelników jest zbiorem prac studialnych o zróżnicowanym poziomie analizy. Dla części autorów jest to próba pierwszej, samodzielnej pracy naukowo-badawczej, dla innych - kolejna okazja do podzielenia się przemyśleniami, ugruntowanymi wieloletnim doświadczeniem badawczym i studiami.Wszystkich połączyło i skłoniło do współpracy zainteresowanie tym samym - losem społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w zderzeniu z problemami współczesności

    Hypertension treatment preferences in long-term dialysed children in Poland : a survey of pediatric nephrologists

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    Wstęp Przewlekła choroba nerek prowadzi do rozwoju nadciśnienia tętniczego u większości chorych. Leczenie nadciśnienia towarzyszącego niewydolności nerek jest utrudnione przez ograniczenia w stosowaniu wielu preparatów i brak wystarczających doświadczeń klinicznych, a ponadto istniejące obecnie rekomendacje nie obejmują w ogóle chorych ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek. Wybór terapii hipotensyjnej ogranicza też młody wiek chorych, gdyż wielu leków nie można stosować u dzieci. Celem badania była analiza jakości leczenia przeciwnadciśnieniowego u dzieci ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek poddawanych przewlekłej dializoterapii. Materiał i metody Analizą objęto wszystkie dzieci dializowane w Polsce w dniu 30 listopada 2004 roku (n = 134). Uzyskano informacje dotyczące grup stosowanych leków oraz dawek preparatów, a także opinie lekarzy na temat doboru leków stosowanych przy nagłym wzroście ciśnienia tętniczego oraz tych, których dzieciom dializowanym nie powinno się podawać. Wyniki Nadciśnienie tętnicze stwierdzono u 74 (55%) dzieci (47 chłopców, 27 dziewczynek). Najczęstszą przyczyną niewydolności nerek w grupie dzieci z nadciśnieniem było kłębuszkowe zapalenie nerek (27/74). W badanej grupie 65% dzieci leczono za pomocą kilku leków hipotensyjnych, 32% za pomocą jednego leku, a 3% jedynie metodami niefarmakologicznymi. Mimo aktywnego leczenia, zaledwie u 58% dializowanych dzieci prowadziło ono do obniżenia wartości ciśnienia tętniczego poniżej 95 percentyla dla wzrostu i wieku. Najmniejszą skuteczność kontroli ciśnienia tętniczego obserwowano w przypadku leczenia skojarzonego, zwłaszcza wielolekowego. Najczęściej stosowanymi lekami byli antagoniści wapnia, które podawano u ogółem 73% dzieci, w tym u 43/48 w politerapii, a 11/24 w monoterapii. Inhibitory konwertazy angiotensyny były najczęściej stosowane w monoterapii (50%). Mimo znanych kontrowersji, przy nagłym wzroście ciśnienia tętniczego stosowano najczęściej nifedipinę. Wnioski Badanie wykazało, że w Polsce odsetek dializowanych dzieci wymagających leczenia nadciśnieniowego sięga 55%, w tym większość z nich wymaga podawania kilku leków. Pomimo że zasady leczenia są podobne we wszystkich ośrodkach, skuteczność leczenia pozostaje niezadowalająca (58%).Background Chronic kidney disease is associated with the development of arterial hypertension in a vast majority of patients. The treatment of hypertension in these subjects is difficult and challenging due to a limited clinical experience with most drugs and no widely recognised recommendations for patients with end-stage renal disease. A choice of antihypertensive drugs is further narrowed by the young age of the patients since almost all drugs are not recommended in children with renal failure. The aim of this nationwide retrospective analysis was to assess the hypertension treatment patterns in the population of children with chronic kidney diseases (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis in Poland. Material and methods Among all 134 children dialysed on 30th November 2004 in 13 pediatric dialysis centres in Poland seventy four (55%; 47M, 27F) children were hypertensive. For each patients the treating physicians filled a questionnaire that allowed to collect the following data: the primary kidney disease, chronic dialysis treatment, diagnostic criteria of hypertension and present antihypertensive medication if any. Additionally we asked of the doctors’ preference for a therapy for the acute rise in blood pressure and suggestions which drugs, in their opinion, should not be used in dialysed children. Results In the hypertensive dialysed patients the most frequent causes of chronic kidney disease were chronic glomerulopathies (27/74). Thirty two percent of children were on monotherapy whereas 65% required combined treatment. The therapy was adequate only in 58% of subjects. The lowest rate of efficacy was detected in patients requiring a combined antihypertensive therapy. Among antihypertensive drug classes calcium channel blockers were administered most frequently (in 73% of children, in 11/24 cases in monotherapy and in 43/48 patients in combination). Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors were most frequently administered in monotheraphy (50%). Nifedipine was preferred in acute blood pressure rise in children. Conclusion We conclude that incidence of hypertension in dialysed children in Poland is relatively high. The pattern of the treatment was quite uniform, although the efficacy was relatively low (58%)