2,588 research outputs found

    Silica–Cyclodextrin Hybrid Materials: Two Possible Synthesis Processes

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    : Both cyclodextrin (CD) and porous silica possess interesting properties of adsorption and release. A silica-CD hybrid, therefore, could synergically merge the properties of the two components, giving rise to a material with appealing properties for both environmental and pharmaceutical applications. With this aim, in the present study, a first hybrid is obtained through one-pot sol-gel synthesis starting from CD and tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) as a silica precursor. In particular, methyl-β-cyclodextrin (bMCD) is selected for this purpose. The obtained bMCD-silica hybrid is a dense material containing a considerable amount of bMCD (45 wt.%) in amorphous form and therefore represents a promising support. However, since a high specific surface area is desirable to increase the release/adsorption properties, an attempt is made to produce the hybrid material in the form of an aerogel. Both the synthesis of the gel and its drying in supercritical CO2 are optimized in order to reach this goal. All the obtained samples are characterized in terms of their physico-chemical properties (infra-red spectroscopy, thermogravimetry) and structure (X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy) in order to investigate their composition and the interaction between the organic component (bMCD) and the inorganic one (silica)

    Identificazione dei siti di studio e organizzazione del sistema GIS/database. Stato di avanzamento attività 3.2

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    Nel presente rapporto viene presentato lo stato di avanzamento dell'attività 3.2 ad un anno dall'inizio del progetto. Detta attività consiste nella realizzazione di un sistema informativo per ciascuno dei siti selezionati comprensivo di mappe, archivi, dati, etc. da utilizzare successivamente per le simulazioni. In questo contesto il lavoro è consistito nell'acquisizione, gestione e analisi di dati eterogenei provenienti da diverse fonti informative. Tali dati sono costituiti da rilievi in campo e/o in laboratorio, cartografia esistente e simulazioni eseguite con i modelli numerici di calcolo che in alcuni casi sono di tipo dinamico, cioè variabili nel tempo. Mediante l'uso di software GIS commerciali, i dati sono stati organizzati e convertiti in formati consistenti fra loro, e in seguito inseriti e elaborati all'interno del GIS stesso, in modo da arrivare ad un sistema dinamico per la gestione, l'analisi e la rappresentazione dei vari tipi di dati (alfanumerici, tabelle, raster, vettoriali; dati statici e dinamici; etc.). Operazioni di georeferenziazione e correzione in molti casi sono state particolarmente impegnative a causa della scarsa qualità dei dati stessi. Entrando in maggiore dettaglio sull`attività svolta durante il primo anno, si è fatto un primo “screening” su una serie di siti in Sardegna e non. Questi siti presentano problemi di inquinamento di una certa rilevanza e ad una prima analisi si sono dimostrati dei validi candidati per uno studio maggiormente approfondito. I siti considerati per lo studio preliminare vengono elencati qui di seguito: Ringe, Capoterra, Portoscuso, Muravera, Oristano. Viene data una descrizione di massima dei siti in studio e dei problemi di inquinamento a cui sono soggetti. Infine, sulla base di una serie di considerazioni viene descritta la scelta dei due siti su cui si focalizzerà il progetto

    Criteria for standardising counselling for HIV testing

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    In the present work, we outline basic health counselling skills, specifically, those for performing pre-test and post-test counselling for HIV infection. The ultimate goal is to propose that counselling be performed in facilities that carry out screening for anti-HIV antibodies, following standardised (and thus replicable) criteria, with consistent focus on the quality of the relationship between the healthcare professional and the individual undergoing testing and on the individual's specific needs

    Endogenous erythropoietin as part of the cytokine network in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is of great interest as a therapy for many of the central nervous system (CNS) diseases and its administration is protective in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Endogenous EPO is induced by hypoxic/ischemic injury, but little is known about its expression in other CNS diseases. We report here that EPO expression in the spinal cord is induced in mouse models of chronic or relapsing-remitting EAE, and is prominently localized to motoneurons. We found a parallel increase of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-1 alpha, but not HIF-2 alpha, at the mRNA level, suggesting a possible role of non-hypoxic factors in EPO induction. EPO mRNA in the spinal cord was co-expressed with interferon (IFN)-gamma and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and these cytokines inhibited EPO production in vitro in both neuronal and glial cells. Given the known inhibitory effect of EPO on neuroinflammation, our study indicates that EPO should be viewed as part of the inflammatory/anti-inflammatory network in MS

    Italian youth mobility during the last two decades: an overview in eight selected EU countries

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    The international mobility of young people from Europe’s Mediterranean countries has become an important topic in scientific debate. The issue has major reverberations in the national media since youth outflows – not adequately compensated for by return flows or new inflows – can undermine the economic and social sustainability of development processes in the countries of origin. The 2007–2008 financial and economic crisis, contributed significantly to intensifying those outflows and reducing the return flows. This paper focuses on the international mobility of young Italians during the past two decades. After addressing the problem of existing data sources and their comparability, our analysis, in terms of spatial distribution, will be concentrated on eight EU destination countries presenting three different sets of socio-economic characteristics: the UK, Germany and Sweden (characterised by high mobility, high income, and high capacity for attracting immigration); Latvia, Romania and Slovakia (characterised by high out mobility, medium-low income, and low capacity for attracting immigration) and Ireland and Spain (characterised by high mobility, mediumhigh income, and a temporally and spatially discontinuous capacity for attracting immigration). In terms of geographical distribution, our analysis will consider the most represented places of origin in Italy at the provincial level. Our study provides an overview of international outflows of young Italians, considering destination countries, places of origin, gender, marital status and age. These results could be used by scientists and policymakers in dealing with the challenge of maximizing the advantages of mobility for individuals while minimizing costs in terms of social and economic sustainability

    A mesostructured hybrid CTA–silica carrier for curcumin delivery

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    Curcumin is a natural active principle with antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Its use is limited by a low water solubility and fast degradation rate, which hinder its bioavailability. To overcome this problem, curcumin can be delivered through a carrier, which protects the drug molecule and enhances its pharmacological effects. The present work proposes a simple one-pot sol–gel synthesis to obtain a hybrid carrier for curcumin delivery. The hybrid consists of a mesostructured matrix of amorphous silica, which stabilizes the carrier, and hexadecyltrimethylammonium (CTA), a surfactant where curcumin is dissolved to increase its water solubility. The carrier was characterized in terms of morphology (FESEM), physicochemical properties (XRD, FTIR, UV spectroscopy) and release capability in pseudo-physiological solutions. Results show that curcumin molecules were entrapped, for the first time, in a silica-surfactant mesostructured hybrid carrier. The hybrid carrier successfully released curcumin in artificial sweat and in a phosphate buffer saline solution, so confirming its efficacy in increasing curcumin water solubility. The proposed drug release mechanism relies on the degradation of the carrier, which involves the concurrent release of silicon. This suggests strong potentialities for topical administration applications, since curcumin is effective against many dermal diseases while silicon is beneficial to the skin

    Retrospective analysis of dry period length in Italian Holstein cows

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    This research studied the relevance of potential sources of variation for dry period length in Italian Holstein cows reared in northern Italy and investigated the effect of days dry (DD) on milk production and calving interval in the subsequent lactation. Field data of individual cow DD were merged: a) with information from the previous lactation (6832 lactations, 87 herds) and analysed to investigate factors influencing DD; b) with milk yield (MY) and calving interval (CI) of the subsequent lactation (≈4000 lactations, >80 herds) and analysed to investigate the effect of DD on subsequent lactation performance. Individual cow DD averaged 67±27d, with a median of 62d; nearly 20% of DD were greater than 80 d. Herd had the greatest impact on DD; average herd DD was 71 d and >50% of herds had a mean dry period length >70d. Longer DD were associated with second or later parity cows, lower daily MY at dryoff, and extremes in the length of the previous lactation, either short or long. After an adjustment for MY genetic merit, dry periods 80d resulted in a 100kg increase in subsequent MY. However, yield lost in the subsequent lactation caused by average DD<65 d might be offset completely by the higher yield obtained in the previous lactation due to its longer length. Conversely, dry period length did not significantly affect ensuing CI. Therefore, data from this study and literature analysis suggest that a decrease in the duration of DD could be profitable for most herds considered. A general recommendation towards dry periods between 45 to 60d could be advised

    Time-varying/sign-switching risk perception on foreign exchange markets

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    Digitised version produced by the EUI Library and made available online in 2020

    PROMISCUOUS 2.0: a resource for drug-repositioning

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    The development of new drugs for diseases is a time-consuming, costly and risky process. In recent years, many drugs could be approved for other indications. This repurposing process allows to effectively reduce development costs, time and, ultimately, save patients' lives. During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, drug repositioning has gained widespread attention as a fast opportunity to find potential treatments against the newly emerging disease. In order to expand this field to researchers with varying levels of experience, we made an effort to open it to all users (meaning novices as well as experts in cheminformatics) by significantly improving the entry-level user experience. The browsing functionality can be used as a global entry point to collect further information with regards to small molecules (∼1 million), side-effects ∼110 000) or drug-target interactions (∼3 million). The drug-repositioning tab for small molecules will also suggest possible drug-repositioning opportunities to the user by using structural similarity measurements for small molecules using two different approaches. Additionally, using information from the Promiscuous 2.0 Database, lists of candidate drugs for given indications were precomputed, including a section dedicated to potential treatments for COVID-19. All the information is interconnected by a dynamic network-based visualization to identify new indications for available compounds. Promiscuous 2.0 is unique in its functionality and is publicly available at http://bioinformatics.charite.de/promiscuous2