1,252 research outputs found

    Converging Perturbative Solutions of the Schroedinger Equation for a Two-Level System with a Hamiltonian Depending Periodically on Time

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    We study the Schroedinger equation of a class of two-level systems under the action of a periodic time-dependent external field in the situation where the energy difference 2epsilon between the free energy levels is sufficiently small with respect to the strength of the external interaction. Under suitable conditions we show that this equation has a solution in terms of converging power series expansions in epsilon. In contrast to other expansion methods, like in the Dyson expansion, the method we present is not plagued by the presence of ``secular terms''. Due to this feature we were able to prove absolute and uniform convergence of the Fourier series involved in the computation of the wave functions and to prove absolute convergence of the epsilon-expansions leading to the ``secular frequency'' and to the coefficients of the Fourier expansion of the wave function

    Helminth infections, atopy, asthma and allergic diseases: protocol for a systematic review of observational studies worldwide.

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    INTRODUCTION: Childhood infections, particularly those caused by helminths are considered to be important environmental exposures influencing the development of allergic diseases. However, epidemiological studies focusing on the relationship between helminth infections and risk of allergic diseases, performed worldwide, show inconsistent findings. Previous systematic reviews of observational studies published 10 or more years ago showed conflicting findings for effects of helminths on allergic diseases. Over the past 10 years there has been growing literature addressing this research area and these need to be considered in order to appreciate the most contemporary evidence. The objective of the current systematic review will be to provide an up-to-date synthesis of findings of observational studies investigating the influence of helminth infections on atopy, and allergic diseases. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This systematic review protocol was registered at PROSPERO. We will search Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, ISI Web of Science, WHO Global Health Library, Scielo, IndMed, PakMediNet, KoreaMed, Ichushi for published studies from 1970 to January 2020. Bibliographies of all eligible studies will be reviewed to identify additional studies. Unpublished and ongoing research will also be searched in key databases. There will be no language or geographical restrictions regarding publications. Critical Appraisal Skills Programme quality assessment tool will be used to appraise methodological quality of included studies. A descriptive summary with data tables will be constructed, and if adequate, meta-analysis using random-effects will be performed. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist will be followed for reporting of the systematic review. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Since this systematic review will be only based on published and retrievable literature, no ethics approval will be sought. The multidisciplinary team performing this systematic review will participate in relevant dissemination activities. Findings will be presented at scientific meetings and publish the systematic review in international, peer-reviewed, open-access journals. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42020167249

    Projeto de desenvolvimento de software GESCORR: sistema de gestão documental e processos empresariais

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    Provas públicas apresentadas à Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do Título de Especialista em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação.A gestão de documentos e processos é essencial ao bom desempenho de uma empresa e um reflexo da sua organização interna. A existência de grandes volumes de informação, tanto oriundos do exterior como internos potencia a perda de documentos, aumenta a dificuldade em aceder rapidamente à informação e à sua localização física e dificulta o controlo dos fluxos de informação. O GesCorr é uma plataforma de gestão documental que permite o seguimento, consulta, organização e arquivo da informação interna e externa da empresa, em formato eletrónico. Este sistema permite concentrar toda a informação de natureza documental trocada com clientes, fornecedores ou cidadãos nos pontos de contacto com a organização, contribuindo fortemente para a melhoria do nível de serviço prestado. Este trabalho pretende apresentar todo o processo de desenvolvimento e implementação da aplicação de Gestão Documental desenvolvida pelo autor no âmbito da sua atividade profissional na BEIRANET – Soluções Informáticas, Lda e posteriormente na BEIRANET II – Serviços Empresariais, Lda (spin-off da BEIRANET). Mostra-se o processo de modelação do software, o processo de modelação de dados e mostrar-se-ão alguns dos principais módulos e funcionalidades do sistema.N/

    Primary pulmonary melanoma: the unexpected tumour

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    A 62-year-old woman was referred to our pulmonology team with exertional dyspnoea and chest tightness of 2 months duration. Her medical history included cervical cancer and thyroid nodules. Imaging studies showed collapse of left upper lobe. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy unveiled an endoluminal lesion and bronchial biopsy displayed features of melanoma. She denied a history of melanoma or excision of lesions of skin, mucous membranes or the eye. A thorough evaluation including combined positron emission tomography with CT scan excluded other possible sites of primary melanoma, but there was a metastasis in a thoracic vertebra. Palliative radiotherapy of the spine was performed. Chemotherapy initiation with dacarbazine was postponed by the appearance of a malignant pleural effusion, confirmed by pleural fluid cytology. After four cycles chemotherapy was discontinued due to disease progression. The patient is still alive with a follow-up of 12 months, currently on best supportive care

    Association between mouth-breathing and atypical swallowing in young orthodontic patients at Egas Moniz Dental Clinic

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inflammatory radicular cyst : clinical case

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    Poster presented at the 2nd International Congress of CiiEM - Translational Research and Innovation in Human and Health. 11-13 June, 2017, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Sickle Cell Disease and Cerebrovascular Stroke: A Preventable Event

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    Introdução: Na criança, a etiologia do acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é conhecida em 75% dos casos, sendo a anemia de células falciformes (ACF) a mais frequente na criança de raça negra. O interesse deste caso clínico reside na forma de apresentação pouco habitual e curso evitável. Caso clínico: Criança de raça negra com 27 meses de idade, sem antecedentes relevantes, admitida por sinais neurológicos focais de instalação súbita. A tomografia computorizada cranio-encefálica e ressonância magnética evidenciaram lesão isquémica aguda extensa e alterações compatíveis com AVC silencioso prévio. Analiticamente apresentava anemia normocítica, muitos drepanocitos de formação espontânea e 87% de hemoglobina S. Neste contexto, foi submetida a transfusão-permuta. Conclusão: O AVC como complicação da ACF pode acontecer em idades precoces e surgir como quadro inaugural. Pensamos que se justifica divulgar o rastreio pré-natal e realizar um estudo da relação custo-benefício para a implementação de um rastreio neonatal desta patologia em Portugal

    Approach to Adapt a Legacy Manufacturing System Into the IoT Paradigm

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    This work has been supported by Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, by Uninova-CTS research unit and by national funds through FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the research unit CTS - Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas (project UID/EEA/00066/2013). The authors would like to thank all the institutions.Enterprises are adopting the Internet of Things paradigm as a strategy to improve competitiveness. But enterprises also need to rely on their legacy systems, which are of vital importance to them and normally difficult to reconfigure or modify, their mere replacement being usually not affordable. These systems constitute, therefore, barriers to agility and competitiveness, raising the need to develop cost-effective ways for IoT adaptation. An approach for adapting legacy manufacturing systems into the IoT realm is proposed in this research. The methodology is twofold: an adaptation board is firstly designed to provide IoT connectivity, allowing to remotely invoke the “legacy” functionality as services. Then, the board itself can leverage the legacy system by developing additional functionalities inside it, as the update process is usually triggered by the need of new functionality from these systems. An experiment, which consists of adapting to IoT a small distribution line that is controlled by an aged Programmable Logic Controller, is developed to illustrate how straightforward, affordable and cost effective the adaptation approach is, allowing to holistically achieve a new system with more sophisticated functionality.publishersversionpublishe

    Aneurisma Intracraniano na Criança

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    Os aneurismas cerebrais são raros na criança, embora a sua ruptura seja a principal causa de hemorragia subaracnoideia neste grupo etário. Apresenta-se o caso de uma criança de 11 anos de idade, que recorreu ao hospital por cefaleia súbita e intensa, sem história prévia de traumatismos ou infecções. O estudo clínico e imagiológico realizado foi sugestivo de hemorragia subaracnoideia. A angiografia cerebral permitiu o diagnóstico de aneurisma da bifurcação da artéria carótida interna esquerda. Foi submetida a cirurgia, com boa evolução pós-operatória. Pretende-se com este caso alertar para as dificuldades no diagnóstico diferencial de ruptura de aneurisma cerebral na criança e salientar que um diagnóstico correcto e precoce permite melhorar o prognóstico