13 research outputs found

    Approach to Adapt a Legacy Manufacturing System Into the IoT Paradigm

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    This work has been supported by Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, by Uninova-CTS research unit and by national funds through FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the research unit CTS - Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas (project UID/EEA/00066/2013). The authors would like to thank all the institutions.Enterprises are adopting the Internet of Things paradigm as a strategy to improve competitiveness. But enterprises also need to rely on their legacy systems, which are of vital importance to them and normally difficult to reconfigure or modify, their mere replacement being usually not affordable. These systems constitute, therefore, barriers to agility and competitiveness, raising the need to develop cost-effective ways for IoT adaptation. An approach for adapting legacy manufacturing systems into the IoT realm is proposed in this research. The methodology is twofold: an adaptation board is firstly designed to provide IoT connectivity, allowing to remotely invoke the “legacy” functionality as services. Then, the board itself can leverage the legacy system by developing additional functionalities inside it, as the update process is usually triggered by the need of new functionality from these systems. An experiment, which consists of adapting to IoT a small distribution line that is controlled by an aged Programmable Logic Controller, is developed to illustrate how straightforward, affordable and cost effective the adaptation approach is, allowing to holistically achieve a new system with more sophisticated functionality.publishersversionpublishe

    Mercury levels in biological matrices from inhabitants of Estarreja, Portugal

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    Humans are exposed to mercury trough several pathways including the consumption of contaminated seafood and ingestion of contaminated house dust. We have previously demonstrated that mercury levels in house dust samples from Estarreja region are amongst the highest reported in Portugal. Here we report the levels of total mercury in different biological matrices from 88 adult individuals from Estarreja (age: 37-83, median: 68). Mercury was detected in all samples analysed, with the highest levels being found in hair (range: 560-4540 ng/g, median: 1680 ng/g), followed by fingernails (range: 215-1740 ng/g, median: 844 ng/g), toenails (range: 144-1850 ng/g, median: 555 ng/g), blood (range: 0.97-18.4 ng/g, median: 6.70 ng/g) and urine (range: 0.15-5.14 ng/g, median: 0.61 ng/g). The hair to blood ratio (H:B) varied between 147 and 616, with a median value of 274, which is only 9% higher than the H:B ratio proposed by the Word Health Organization . The concentrations of mercury in hair were very strongly correlated with the concentrations in blood (p0.001). Such results suggest that a urine levels reflect the exposure to a different species of mercury, reinforcing previous studies that propose urine as a suitable matrix for inorganic mercury whereas blood, hair and nails are suitable matrices for methylmercury exposure.Ana C Sousa acknowledges the financial support from University of Aveiro, in the scope of the framework contract foreseen in the numbers 4, 5 and 6 of the article 23, of the Decree-Law 57/2016, of August 29, changed by Law 57/2017, of July 19 (A.C.A. Sousa)publishe


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    This work aims to analyze the digital marketing developed by the company TAP Air Portugal and make a comparison with Easyjet and Emirates.As a methodology, in a first phase, a literature review was carried out in several databases: ProQuest, RCAAP, RECIL and Google Scholar.In a second stage, the detailed study of TAP Air Portugal was developed, in which the digital media used and the analysis of their performance were researched, through the digital communication tools: Google Trends, KWFinder, Page Speed Insights, GT Metrix, Similar Web and Site Analyzer.Finally, a comparison was made between TAP Air Portugal, Emirantes and EasyJet.As a fieldwork, an anonymous questionnaire was carried out to 735 customers - between 10/28/2019 and 10/30/2019 - who were at the Lisbon Airport and were preparing to board. This questionnaire allowed to verify the reach of TAP Air Portugal’s digital marketing.From this study it was found that they should continue to be focus on digital marketing, social networks, and mobile web, because they have a great impact on the promotion and sale of airline ticketsEste artigo tem como objetivo analisar o marketing digital desenvolvido pela empresa TAP Air Portugal e efetuar uma comparação com a Easyjet e a Emirates. Metodologicamente, numa primeira fase realizou-se uma revisão da literatura em diversas bases de dados, através da ProQuest, do RCAAP, do RECIL e do Google Scholar.Numa segunda etapa desenvolveu-se o estudo detalhado da TAP Air Portugal, em que se pesquisaram os meios de comunicação digital utilizados e a análise do seu desempenho, através das ferramentas de comunicação digital: Google Trends, KWFinder, Page Speed Insights, GT Metrix, Similar Web e Site Analyzer.Por último, elaborou-se uma comparação entre a TAP Air Portugal, a Emirantes e a EasyJet. Como trabalho de campo, foi realizado um questionário anónimo a 735 clientes - entre os dias 28/10/2019 e 30/10/2019 - que se encontravam nas instalações do Aeroporto de Lisboa e que se preparavam para embarcar. Este questionário permitiu verificar o alcance do marketing digital da TAP Air Portugal.Deste estudo verificou-se que deve continuar a haver uma aposta no marketing digital, nas redes sociais e no mobile web pois têm um grande impacto na divulgação e venda de passagens aéreas

    Product Biography Information System: A Lifecycle Approach to Digital Twins

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    This paper introduces the concept of product biography information system (PBIS). The findings emerge from a design science research project conducted in a paper pulp company integrating the PSI-20 stock market index of Euronext Lisbon. The results include a reference architecture and design principles for the development of PBIS supported by blockchain and multiple generations of digital twins. For theory, PBIS offers an extension to product lifecycle management, ensuring that products lives are memorized in its sociomaterial context of production, logistics, and use. For practice, we show how organizations can design new enterprise systems that capture complex product biographies taking advantage of Industry 4.0. The findings are relevant for the innovation of product-service systems that adhere to the emerging challenges of sustainable development and traceability

    Crimes Cumulativos: Fundamentos Teóricos a Aplicabilidade Prática

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Em Direito, apresentada à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbr

    Approach to Adapt a Legacy Manufacturing System Into the IoT Paradigm

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    Enterprises are adopting the Internet of Things paradigm as a strategy to improve competitiveness. But enterprises also need to rely on their legacy systems, which are of vital importance to them and normally difficult to reconfigure or modify, their mere replacement being usually not affordable. These systems constitute, therefore, barriers to agility and competitiveness, raising the need to develop cost-effective ways for IoT adaptation. An approach for adapting legacy manufacturing systems into the IoT realm is proposed in this research. The methodology is twofold: an adaptation board is firstly designed to provide IoT connectivity, allowing to remotely invoke the “legacy” functionality as services. Then, the board itself can leverage the legacy system by developing additional functionalities inside it, as the update process is usually triggered by the need of new functionality from these systems. An experiment, which consists of adapting to IoT a small distribution line that is controlled by an aged Programmable Logic Controller, is developed to illustrate how straightforward, affordable and cost effective the adaptation approach is, allowing to holistically achieve a new system with more sophisticated functionality

    Approach to Adapt a Legacy Manufacturing System Into the IoT Paradigm

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    Síndrome Demencial como Fator de Risco para Penfigoide Bolhoso

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    O penfigoide bolhoso é uma patologia cutânea autoimune adquirida, mais frequente nos idosos. Estudos recentes demonstraram a associação causal entre a ocorrência de penfigoide bolhoso em doentes com síndromes demenciais. Apresentamos o caso de uma doente do sexo feminino, 80 anos, com antecedentes de doença de Parkinson, internada por dermatose bolhosa extensa, constituída por placas urticariformes e bolhas tensas com halo eritematoso, sem envolvimento das mucosas. Após confirmação por biópsia cutânea, imunofluorescência direta positiva e exclusão de outras causas, foi feito o diagnóstico de penfigoide bolhoso. Foi instituída terapêutica com prednisolona, azatriopina e doxiciclina, verificando-se evolução clínica favorável. Consideramos o presente caso clínico pertinente, pois realça a importância do diagnóstico precoce de penfigoide bolhoso. O atraso no início do tratamento pode levar a complicações graves, com elevada morbi-mortalidade

    Mutant IL7R collaborates with MYC to induce T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by NIH grant R01CA211734 (DML), the MGH Research Scholar Award (DML), the ERC consolidator CoG-648455 and proof-of-concept PoC-862545 grants from the European Research Council, under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (JTB), and the FCT grants FAPESP/20015/2014, PTDC/MEC-HEM/31588/2017 and PTDC/MEC-ONC/4606/2021 (JTB).T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive pediatric cancer. Amongst the wide array of driver mutations, 10% of T-ALL patients display gain-of-function mutations in the IL-7 receptor α chain (IL-7Rα, encoded by IL7R), which occur in different molecular subtypes of this disease. However, it is still unclear whether IL-7R mutational activation is sufficient to transform T-cell precursors. Also, which genes cooperate with IL7R to drive leukemogenesis remain poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate that mutant IL7R alone is capable of inducing T-ALL with long-latency in stable transgenic zebrafish and transformation is associated with MYC transcriptional activation. Additionally, we find that mutant IL7R collaborates with Myc to induce early onset T-ALL in transgenic zebrafish, supporting a model where these pathways collaborate to drive leukemogenesis. T-ALLs co-expressing mutant IL7R and Myc activate STAT5 and AKT pathways, harbor reduced numbers of apoptotic cells and remake tumors in transplanted zebrafish faster than T-ALLs expressing Myc alone. Moreover, limiting-dilution cell transplantation experiments reveal that activated IL-7R signaling increases the overall frequency of leukemia propagating cells. Our work highlights a synergy between mutant IL7R and Myc in inducing T-ALL and demonstrates that mutant IL7R enriches for leukemia propagating potential.publishersversionpublishe