142 research outputs found

    Bleomycin-induced trans lipid formation in cell membranes and in liposome models

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    Cell cultures of NTera-2 cells incubated with bleomycin and liposomes as biomimetic models of cell membranes were used for examining some novel aspects of drug-metal induced reactivity with unsaturated lipids under oxidative conditions. In cell cultures, bleomycin was found for the first time to cause the formation of trans fatty acids. The chemical basis of this transformation was ascertained by liposome experiments, using bleomycin-iron complexes in the presence of thiol as a reducing agent that by incubation at 37 °C gave rise to the thiyl radical-catalysed double bond isomerisation of membrane phospholipids. The effect of oxygen and reagent concentrations on the reaction outcome was studied. An interesting scenario of free radical reactivity is proposed, which can be relevant for understanding the role of membrane lipids in antitumoral treatments and drug carrier interaction.Fil: Cort, Aysegul. Akdeniz University. Faculty of Medicine; Turquía. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Ozben, Tomris. Akdeniz University. Faculty of Medicine; TurquíaFil: Sansone, Anna. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Barata Vallejo, Sebastian. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Italia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Química Orgánica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos. Demokritos National Centre For Scientific Research; GreciaFil: Ferreri, Carla. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Itali

    Datasets of ionospheric parameters provided by SCINDA GNSS receiver from Lisbon airport area

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    Here we present datasets provided by a SCINDA GNSS receiver installed in the Lisbon airport area from November of 2014 to July of 2019. The installed equipment is a NovAtel EURO4 with a JAVAD Choke-Ring antenna. The data are in an archived format and include the general messages on quality of records (*.msg), RANGE files (*.rng), raw observables as the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios, pseudoranges and phases (*.obs), receiver position information (*.psn), ionosphere scintillations monitor (ISMRB; *.ism) and ionospheric parameters: total electron content (TEC), rate of change of TEC index (ROTI), and the scintillation index S4 (*.scn). The presented data cover the full 2015 year. The raw data are of 1-minute resolution and available for each of the receiver-satellite pairs. The processing and the analysis of the ionosphere scintillation datasets can be done using a specific "SCINDA-Iono" toolbox for the MATLAB developed by T. Barlyaeva (2019) and available online via MathWorks File Exchange system. The toolbox calculates 1-hour means for ionospheric parameters for each of the available receiver-satellite pairs and averaged over all available satellites during the analyzed hour. Here we present the processed data for the following months in 2015: March, June, October, and December. The months were selected as containing most significant geomagnetic events of 2015. The 1-hour means for other months can be obtained from the raw data using the aforementioned toolbox. The provided datasets are interesting for the GNSS and ionosphere based scientific communities.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1910.0404

    Total electron content PCA-NN model for middle latitudes

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    A regression-based model was previously developed to forecast the total electron content (TEC) at middle latitudes. We present a more sophisticated model using neural networks (NN) instead of linear regression. This regional model prototype simulates and forecasts TEC variations in relation to space weather conditions. The development of a prototype consisted of the selection of the best set of predictors, NN architecture and the length of the input series. Tests made using the data from December 2014 to June 2018 show that the PCA-NN model based on a simple feed-forward NN with a very limited number (up to 6) of space weather predictors performs better than the PCA-MRM model that uses up to 27 space weather predictors. The prototype is developed on a TEC series obtained from a GNSS receiver at Lisbon airport and tested on TEC series from three other locations at middle altitudes of the Eastern North Atlantic. Conclusions on the dependence of the forecast quality on longitude and latitude are made.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2201.0347

    Estudi per la certificació energètica d'un edifici destinat a concessionari d'automòbils situat a Terrassa

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    Aquest projecte presentat a continuació mostra el resultat d’un estudi realitzat durant el quadrimestre de primavera del 2019 com a Treball Final de Grau en Enginyeria en Tecnologies Industrials a l’Escola Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial, Aeroespacial i Audiovisual de Terrassa. Aquest treball es basa en l’obtenció d’un estudi per la certificació energètica d’un edifici destinat a un concessionari d’automòbils situat a Terrassa. L’estudi consisteix en fer dues certificacions energètiques, una bàsica i una altre més exhaustiva. Darrerament s’analitzaran els resultats obtinguts juntament amb els consums reals de la nau, es proposaran possibles mesures de millora i se’n analitzarà la viabilitat. Es durà a terme amb l’ajut del programa CE3X. Per últim s’extraurà una conclusió amb la finalitat de millorar el consum energètic de la nau


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    Objetivo: Verificar y analizar la relación de los clubes deportivos chilenos con las organizaciones públicas y privadas con y sin fines de lucro. Problemática: Las organizaciones deportivas son un objeto carente de análisis en Latinoamérica y también en Chile. En este país, las exiguas investigaciones no se han enfocado exclusivamente en la figura del club, por lo tanto no existen mayores evidencias respecto a sus relaciones con el entorno, lo cual ha generado un desconocimiento de información que podría emplearse en el diseño de estrategias que permitieran abordarlos. Referentes teóricos: La comprensión de la relación de los clubes con otras organizaciones de la sociedad se enfoca a partir de la teoría del tercer sector (Levitt, 1973; Salamon et al., 1999). Junto a ello, se observan las características de los clubes (Heinemann, 1999) que permiten distinguirlos de otras organizaciones del deporte. Los anteriores onstructos teóricos se sitúan desde el deporte como un sistema abierto (Puig y Heinemann, 1991). Metodología: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, experimental y de corte transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo. Se aplicó un cuestionario a ciento cincuenta dirigentes deportivos provenientes de clubes de la región del Biobío. La muestra fue probabilística y estratificada, y el análisis de los datos se realizó a través de estadística descriptiva. Conclusiones: Se observó que los clubes presentaban una importante cercanía con las instituciones públicas. Llamó la atención también que tuvieran más vínculos con otras organizaciones de la sociedad que no están relacionadas directamente con el deporte

    “This Graft-vs.-Host Disease Determines My Life. That's It.”—A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Needs of Allogenic Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation Survivors in Germany

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    Background: Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) is the only curative treatment modality for many patients affected by hematologic malignancies. However, it can cause debilitating long-term effects. Understanding the impact of alloHSCT on all aspects of the patients' life is required for optimal survivorship management. Aim: To explore in-depth HSCT-survivors' experiences and needs post-transplant. Partners were included to provide further information on survivors' needs and how care could be improved in this area. Methods: We conducted semi-structured face-to-face and phone interviews with alloHSCT-survivors and their partners referred to a survivorship clinic in Germany. Theoretical sampling was used to recruit participants. Data were analyzed using framework analysis. Results: Thirty-two survivors (consent rate: 100%, response rate: 100%) and eighteen partners (consent rate: 84%, response rate: 72%) participated. Survivors were aged between 25 and 68 years (Median: 48, IQR: 25.3) and partners were aged between 26 and 64 years (Median: 54, IQR: 16, SD: 12.8). The themes emerging from the data involved survivors' needs included (i) the diversity of long-term treatment side-effects; and (ii) time post discharge as a dynamic process with individual peaks of burden. Survivors and their partners also suggested strategies for mitigating these unmet needs, i.e., (iii) transparent communication and patient empowerment; and (iv) improvement in continuity of care system and help with claiming social benefits as cornerstones of optimal survivorship care. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is one of the first qualitative studies focused on the views of German alloHSCT-survivors on the long-term effects of alloHSCT and the first study integrating the view of their partners. Healthcare providers could better support survivors with managing their symptoms and adhering to their prescribed care by ensuring comprehensive, transparent communication that helps increase survivors' understanding and involvement in their care. Further efforts should be made to provide patient-centered, continuous survivorship care that involves additional support with navigating the healthcare and social service system. Intervention studies are required to test the effectiveness of the suggested strategies.Peer Reviewe

    A Mobile App (mHeart) to Detect Medication Nonadherence in the Heart Transplant Population : Validation Study

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    Medication nonadherence in heart transplant recipients (HTxR) is related to graft loss and death. mHeart is a mobile app that uses electronic patient-reported outcome measures (ePROMs) to identify and manage medication nonadherence in the outpatient heart transplant (HTx) population. The study primarily aimed to validate mHeart to measure medication nonadherence in early stage HTxR by assessing the psychometric properties of ePROMs. The secondary aims were to (1) measure patient satisfaction with the mHeart tool and its usability and (2) explore the impact of a theory-based treatment on medication nonadherence rates to determine its scalability to larger research. A prospective study was conducted in the outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital. All consecutive early stage HTxR (0.7, P <.001). Reproducibility was moderate (Haynes-Sackett κ=0.6, P <.002) or poor (Morisky-Green-Levine κ=0.3, P =.11) because of unexpected improved medication adherence rates during the test-retest period. According to responsiveness, the theory-based multifaceted intervention program improved medication nonadherence by 16% to 26% (P <.05). A burden analysis showed that ePROMs could potentially overcome traditional on-site limitations (eg, automatic recording of ePROM responses in the hospital information system). The mean score for overall patient satisfaction with the mHeart approach was 9 (SD 2; score range: 0-10). All 100% (29/29) of patients surveyed reported that they would recommend the mHeart platform to other HTxR. ePROMs adhered to the quality standards and successfully identified medication nonadherence in the HTx population, supporting their widespread use. The theory-based intervention program showed a promising improvement in medication adherence rates and produced excellent patient satisfaction and usability scores in HTxR

    Quality of life in hematopoietic cell transplantation /

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat concedit pels programes de doctorat de la UAB per curs acadèmic 2016-2017El trasplantament al·logènic de progenitors hematopoètics (TPH) és la principal opció curativa per diverses neoplàsies hematològiques tot i que comporta una morbiditat física i psicològica significativa. L'objectiu de la tesi és avaluar la qualitat de vida, la depressió, les estratègies d'afrontament de problemes i les necessitats psicosocials en receptors de TPH al·logènic i els seus cuidadors. Els participants són receptors adults de TPH al·logènic que havien rebut un TPH en el Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, Estats Units) i els seus cuidadors. Els resultats s'han analitzat mitjançant metodologia qualitativa i quantitativa. La tesi es basa en cinc articles. En el primer estudi vam observar que els pacients diagnosticats d'hemopatia maligna, i especialment els supervivents de TPH al·logènic, tenen necessitats psicosocials significatives. Els resultats del segon estudi mostren que la fatiga i les nàusees associades a la profilaxis de la malaltia de l'empelt contra l'hoste amb sirolimus contribueixen a disminuir la qualitat de vida durant el primer any post- TPH. En el tercer estudi vam observar que les estratègies d'afrontament adaptatives mitiguen la relació entre els símptomes associats al TPH i la depressió. En el quart treball, que avalua l'educació sobre la qualitat de vida post-TPH, vàrem trobar que els receptors de TPH al·logènic estan ben preparats per afrontar la fase aguda del TPH, però no els efectes tardans o la malaltia del l'empelt contra l'hoste crònica. De manera similar, el cinquè estudi mostra que els cuidadors dels receptors de TPH necessiten més informació sobre els efectes tardans del TPH al·logènic, així com suport emocional. En conclusió, els resultats d'aquesta tesi destaquen la càrrega física i emocional associada al TPH al·logènic i les significatives necessitats psicosocials d'aquesta població. Futurs estudis han d'avaluar i desenvolupar intervencions dirigides a millorar l'educació del pacient, la comunicació metge pacient, el maneig dels símptomes relacionats amb el TPH, i l'afrontament dels efectes secundaris del TPH.Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is the primary curative option for some hematological cancers but is associated with significant physical and psychological morbidity. The aim of this thesis is to assess quality of life (QoL), depression, coping strategies, and unmet needs for psychosocial care among allogeneic recipients and their caregivers. Participants were adult allogeneic recipients who received an HCT at the Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, United States) and their caregivers. Qualitative and quantitative methodology were used. Five papers contribute to the current thesis. In the first study, we found significant unmet needs for psychosocial care among patients diagnosed with hematological malignancies, particularly allogeneic survivors. In the second paper, results showed that fatigue and nausea were associated with receipt of sirolimus (SIR) for graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) prophylaxis and contributed to diminished QoL during the first year post-HCT. In the third study, we found that adaptive coping mitigated the relationship between HCT symptoms and depression. In the fourth work focused on patient education about post-HCT QoL, we observed that HCT patients reported feeling well prepared to deal with the acute transplant phase, but unprepared to deal with the late onset of late effects and chronic GvHD. Similarly, the fifth study showed that caregivers also reported significant unmet needs for information on late effects as well as unmet needs for emotional support. In conclusion, results of this thesis highlight the emotional and physical burden associated with allogeneic HCT and the significant unmet needs for psychosocial care among this population. Future studies should assess and develop interventions aimed at improving patient education, patient and physician communication, symptom management, and coping with the side effects of HCT