257 research outputs found

    Cytokine expression in malaria-infected non-human primate placentas

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    Malaria parasites are known to mediate the induction of inflammatory immune responses at the maternal-foetal interface during placental malaria (PM) leading to adverse consequences like pre-term deliveries and abortions. Immunological events that take place within the malaria-infected placental micro-environment leading to retarded foetal growth and disruption of pregnancies are among the critical parameters that are still in need of further elucidation. The establishment of more animal models for studying placental malaria can provide novel ways of circumventing problems experienced during placental malaria research in humans such as inaccurate estimation of gestational ages. Using the newly established olive baboon (Papio anubis)-Plasmodium knowlesi (P. knowlesi) H strain model of placental malaria, experiments were carried out to determine placental cytokine profiles underlying the immunopathogenesis of placental malaria. Four pregnant olive baboons were infected with blood stage P. knowlesi H strain parasites on the one fiftieth day of gestation while four other uninfected pregnant olive baboons were maintained as uninfected controls. After nine days of infection, placentas were extracted from all the eight baboons through cesarean surgery and used for the processing of placental plasma and sera samples for cytokine sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Results indicated that the occurrence of placental malaria was associated with elevated concentrations of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-{\alpha}) and interleukin 12 (IL-12). Increased levels of IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 and interferon gamma (IFN-{\gamma}) levels were detected in uninfected placentas. These findings match previous reports regarding immunity during PM thereby demonstrating the reliability of the olive baboon-P. knowlesi model for use in further studies.Comment: Open Veterinary Journal 1st June 2012. Seven pages, Three Figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1201.323

    Neonatal Survival in Sub-Sahara: A Review of Kenya and South Africa

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    Introduction: The majority (99%) of the children who die during the first 4 weeks of life do so in the poorer parts of the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. In 2018, sub-Saharan Africa had a neonatal mortality rate of 28 deaths per 1000 live births. The purpose of the review was to explore and describe the trends of neonatal mortality within the two sub-Saharan countries. Methods: We did a literature search in biomedical databases of data published, in English, between Jan 1, 1975, and November 30, 2019. The databases included Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, PUBMED, OVID and Google scholar. The keywords used in the search: “Neonatal Survival”, “Sub-Sahara”, “Kenya” and “South Africa”. Results: The search generated 2209 articles of which only 27 met the inclusion criteria. The present study qualitatively analysed data. Data were presented and organized under two thematic domains: 1) trends of national neonatal mortality rates in South Africa and Kenya and 2) causes of neonatal mortality. Conclusion: The current review results noted that in 2018, the neonatal mortality rate for Kenya was 19.6 deaths per 1000 live births. The neonatal mortality rate has fallen gradually from 35.4 deaths per 1000 live births in 1975. On the other hand, South Africa has had its neonatal mortality rate fall from 27.9 deaths per 1000 live births in 1975 to 10.7 deaths per 1000 live births in 2018. Most neonatal deaths resulted in preterm birth complications followed by intrapartum-related events for the two countries. Within the sub-Saharan region, disparities exist as neonates born in South Africa are more likely to survive during the neonatal period compared to Kenya.Health Studie

    Re-Defining Hate Speech Towards Reform Agenda: The Discursive use of Referential Strategies in Kenya’s 2017 Pre-Election Campaigns

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    Hate crimes and inflammatory speeches have often been propagated in Kenya\u27s election campaigns. Kenya has put in place various mechanisms to monitor hate speech. This paper focuses on various ways in which referential strategies by key leaders in the 2017 pre-election political discourse reflect and determine hate speech. It also examines the interplay of politics, social theory and linguistics towards achieving Kenya\u27s Reform Agenda. The study is grounded in Fairclough\u27s and Wodak\u27s Discourse Historical Approach as a theoretical framework. The findings discursively depict the leaders as using representations that elevate their authority in the texts and naturalise the ideology of intolerance through vilification of others, intentional misinterpretation, subversive intentions, rumours, threats, innuendos, propaganda, depersonalising metaphors falling short of achieving the reform agenda. Policy makers would use the findings to adherence to laws and policies promoting national cohesion

    Hernia Surgery in Nyeri Provincial General Hospital, Kenya: Our 6 Year Experience

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    Introduction: Hernia is a common surgical condition world over. Much of hernia surgery in Africa is carried out as an emergency while elective procedures are few. Knowledge of the burden of hernia disease would facilitate optimal resource allocation. Methods: A retrospective audit between 2007 and 2012 was carried out in Nyeri Provincial General Hospital. Results: Hernia surgery accounted for 5.9% (N=239) of all surgeries excluding obstetric operations. The male to female ratio was 1.6:1 and 35.6% were aged below 5 years. Inguinal hernia was the most common type (51.4%) followed by umbilical (21.5%), epigastric (17.5%), incisional (6.2%) and hiatus hernia (3.4%). A painless abdominal or groin swelling was the most common presentation (81.6%). All cases underwent open surgical repair with 93.8% of the operations done electively. The average length of hospital stay was 3 days. Of the inguinal hernias, 81.3% were right while 18.7% were left sided. Methods of inguinal hernia repair included Modified Bassini (79%), Shouldice 4% and Mesh (19%). Surgery was done under general, spinal or local anaesthesia (86%, 12% and 2% respectively). Conclusion: Hernia disease continues to be a significant source of morbidity in our set-up. While majority of the cases can be handled as elective cases, uptake of mesh repair remains low.Key Words: Hernia surgery, Herniorapphy, Groin hernia, Mesh repai

    Kaji Pembuatan Kanvas Rem Sepeda Motor Bahan Komposit dengan Filler Palm Slag

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    Brake pads have a very important role to become a major factor in driving safety. Brake quality depends on the constituent materials. Palm slag is one that has potential as a filler material for composite brake. Manufacture of brake pads in this study using the palm slag as a filler, phenolic resin as a binder, steel powder as reinforcing, graphite as a lubricant, alumina as an abrasive. In the manufacture of brake pads remains composition of materials used to variation the compacting and sintering temperature. This study will examine the wear rate and hardness in the brake pads against the brake commercial reference. Brake pads are made with palm slag initial compacting varied is 190 Bar and 380 bar and then proceed with the final compacting of 450 bar ± 2 minutes. Brake pads that have been heated to a temperature of 1500C using the heater. Brake pads that have been sintered variations to 1500C and 1700C. Brake pads that have sintered be tested for wear and hardness. Brinell hardness testing to get the highest hardness in the brake B is 15.35 BHN (kgf/mm2) commercial brake approaching violence. In dry conditions the wear testing found the smallest wear is approaching commercial brake brake B is equal to 4777 x 10-6 g/mm2.seconds with a braking time of 15.33 seconds and shortest braking distance is 63 meters

    Tomato Production Characteristics, Biotic Constraints and their Management Practices by Farmers in Bungoma County, Kenya

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an important crop in Bungoma County, Kenya. Its production is constrained by arthropod pests and diseases which make farmers rely heavily on synthetic chemicals to control them. To support the development of effective integrated pest and disease management strategies on tomato, a survey was carried out in Sirisia, Bumula and Mt. Elgon sub-counties. A total of 90 randomly selected farmers in the region were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Data collected included demographic characteristics of farmers, tomato varieties, farm size, prevalence of pests, diseases and their management practices. Majority of the respondents were male with 89.7% in Mt. Elgon. Most of the respondents had primary education. The varieties of tomato grown were Rio-grande, Kilele, Carl-J, Money-maker, Safari and Onyx. The average farm size ranged from 0.25 to 1.0 hectare with 80.4% in Sirisia. Most prevalent pests affecting tomato were Frankliniella occidentalis (58.6%) and Bemisia tabaci (35%) while the most reported disease was Ralstonia solanacearum (75%). The chemicals used against pests included Imidacloprid (24.4%), Alpha-Cypermethrin (20.7%) and Lambda-cyhalothrin (20%). Farmers controlled diseases using Metalaxyl-M, Mancozeb, Propineb and Carbendazim. Out of the total ninety respondents in the region, only 2.4% in Sirisia used bio-pesticides. At least 60%, 22% and 20.7% of respondents in Bumula, Sirisia and Mt. Elgon, respectively used more than one chemical. About 10% of respondents in Bumula and 6.9% in Mt. Elgon applied chemicals twice a week. In Sirisia, about 53.6% reported that the chemicals used effectively controlled the pests and diseases compared to Bumula (61%) and Mt. Elgon (58.6%) who reported that they were ineffective. The main source of advice on crop protection was Agrovet shops. The findings revealed that pest and diseases limited tomato production in the region. The study therefore recommends increased awareness on proper use of chemicals and use of safer alternatives such as bio-pesticides to reduce on pesticide residues and the production cost. Future studies on the level of synthetic chemical residues in tomatoes produced in the region should be conducted. Keywords: Bio-pesticides, chemicals, diseases, pests, tomato. DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-12-07 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Dampak Debu Vulkanik Letusan Gunung Sinabung Terhadap Kadar Cu, Pb, Dan B Tanah Di Kabupaten Karo

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    The Study of Effect Volcanic Ash Eruption of Sinabung Mountain on the Content of Copper, Lead,and Boron of Soils at Karo District. Have been done at six locations using Soils Survey Method onSeptember 2010 until March 2012. Each of site soil sampling were done by purposive sampling attwo depths (0-5 cm and 0-15 cm) with two replications. The results showed that at 0,5-15 mm ofthickness of volcanic ash containt at very low level Copper, content of Boron were moderate, high,and very high and content of Lead was at admitted level at 0-5 cm and 0-15 cm soil depth at somesites at Karo Distric

    Analisis Penilaian Biological Asset Berdasarkan International Accounting Standard 41 Agriculture pada Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (Studi Kasus Sipef Group Tahun 2006-2013)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan nilai total biological asset, nilai total pendapatan, dan nilai total laba bila dinilai dengan menggunakan pendekatan fair value dan pendekatan historical cost, serta menganalisis kecenderungan income smoothing indeks yang lebih besar pada penerapan pendekatan fair value dibandingkan menggunakan pendekatan historical cost. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus pada Perusahaan Société Internationale de Plantations et de Finance yang bergerak di bidang agrikultur selama jangka waktu delapan tahun yaitu dari tahun 2006 sampai dengan 2013. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan time series. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan nilai total biological asset, nilai total pendapatan, nilai total laba apabila menggunakan pendekatan fair value, selain itu menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan fair value memiliki income smoothing indeks yang lebih besar dibandingkan menggunakan historical cost. Hasil yang ditunjukkan dalam penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa penerapan fair value yang disyaratkan dalam IAS 41 bagi Perusahaan agrikultur dapat memberi dampak perbedaan nilai total biological asset, nilai total pendapatan, dan nilai total laba. Selain itu penerapan metode fair value mengindikasikan bahwa peluang income smoothing lebih besar daripada metode historical cost. Kata Kunci : IAS 41, biological asset, pendapatan, laba, fair value, historical cost, income smoothing The aim of this study are to analyze the differences of biological assets total value, revenue total value, and profit total value when assessed using fair value approach and historical cost approach, and also analyze trend of income smoothing index of fair value approach greater than income smoothing index of historical approach. This study is a case study of a agricultural company, Société Internationale de Plantations et de Finance, for eight periods of financial statement (from 2006 to 2013). The method of the study is time series method. Time series method used for test the hypothesis in this reserach. The results indicate that there are differences of the biological assets total value, revenue total value, and profit total value when using the fair value approach. The result also shows that the application of fair value approach has income smoothing index greater than using historical cost approach. The results shown in this study indicates that the application of the fair value as required under IAS 41 for the agricultural company can impact the total value difference of biological assets, the total value difference of revenue, and the total value difference of profit. Moreover the application of fair value approach indicate that income smoothing opportunities than the historical cost approach. Keyword : IAS 41, biological asset, revene, profit, fair value, historical cost, income smoothing DAFTAR PUSTAKA Argiles, J.M., Blandon, J.G., & Monllau, T. (2009). Fair Value Versus Historical Cost-Based Valuation for Biological Assets: Predictiability of Financial Information. Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review Vol.14 – Na 2, 87-113. Bauwhede, H.V., & Willekens, M. (2003). 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Analisis Nilai Wajar Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Berdasarkan International Accounting Standard 41 Agriculture Dibandinngkan dengan Berdasarkan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan 16 Aset Tetap: Studi pada PT Agro Indonesia [tesis]. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Schroeder, R.G., Clark, M.W., & Cathey, J.M. (2011). Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis (10th ed.). United Stated of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sugiyono. (2010). Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis. Jakarta: Alfabeta. SIPEF. Diakses dari http://www.sipef.be/about.html [30 April 2015]. Simamora, E., & Geraldina, I. (2014). Peran Debt Covenants dalam Memitigasi Perilaku Oportunistik Kepemilikan Blockholders dalam Mengatur Rasio Volatilitas pada Perusahaan yang Menerapkan IAS 41 Agrikultur. SNA 17 Mataram, Lombok. Somantri, A., Maruddani, D.A., & Hoyyi, A. (2013). 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    Estimation of the aboveground biomass in the trans-boundary River Sio Sub-catchment in Uganda

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    The enormous land cover in Uganda is rapidly being depleted or encroached. To examine this, the study aimed at estimating the above-ground biomass in River Sio sub-catchment in Uganda. The study utilized an ortho-rectified Landsat TM/ETM image of 2004 which was classified using NDVI classification system for the aboveground biomass assessment in ILWIS 3.3 software. A total of 42 homogenous sampling sites were identified for biomass estimation along six laid transects measuring 500m long. The seven randomly selected sampling plots measured 50m X 50 m. The classification showed that Bushlands (0.17), wetlands (0.03) and small scale farming (- 0.29-0.03) had relatively more medium and low biomass ranges compared to grasslands (-0.41/-0.29) which mainly comprised of bare land. The above ground biomass was relatively higher in bushlands (4.9 tons) and wetlands (4.7 tons) compared to non-uniform small scale farming (farmlands) with 3.9 tons and grasslands with 1.6 tons. The variation in biomass shows that the sub-catchment requires an urgent need for land use/cover planning and management to prevent further degradation of land cover

    Translating research to development

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