995 research outputs found

    Geotechnical properties of gullying in Tomsk Oblast

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    The article deals with causes, conditions and factors of gullying in Tomsk Oblast, the case of site Grodnenskaya. A nuclear-power station was planned to be constructed in Closed Administrative Territorial Unit Seversk, which led to geotechnical investigation of the area to study the geological processes developing there. The investigation included reconnaissance traverse of the area, geological and geomorphic descriptions, and sampling. The area and percentage of the territory affected by the geological processes were estimated. As a result, it was proved that the geological processes of the area are conditioned by surface water activity leading to gullying and river erosion, and by both ground water and surface water activity resulting in bog formation. It appears that gullying is caused not only by natural factors but also by technogenic ones

    Reconstruction of the historical and cultural landscape of the late XIX century"Settlement "Kamennaya melnitsa""in the process of future designers training

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    Today, the problem of preservation of historical and cultural landscapes as the objects of local history, eyewitnesses to the memory of Kazan development, as the objects for thedevelopment of domestic tourism in Tatarstan, is especially urgent. One of such objects is the lost cultural and historical landscape of the studied object “Settlement“ Kamennaya Melnitsa””, located at Vysokogorsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, there was the flour production, belonging to the family of merchants - the Suslovs. In the course of the work, geological, hydrological, ecological and historical features of the Blue Lakes area and the history of flour milling industry, using water mills, were studied. The article presents the main provisions, which allow to implement the project of reconstruction the historical and cultural landscape of the “Settlement “Kamennaya Melnitsa””, located within the specially protected natural area of the "Blue Lakes" reserve, into the study programs of the additional education institutions of the small homeland history. This is done with the aim to preserve historical connection of generations, as well as to promote the process of reviviscence of cultural and historical objects. Detailed characteristics and description of the objects of historical and cultural landscape is given in the work. The practical experience is shown in a logical sequence from the initial studies of the surviving remnants of historical objects to the project of its renovation and 3-D visualization.Keywords: historical and cultural landscape, cultural and historical heritage, renovation, reconstruction, 3-D visualization

    Specifics of computer discourse translation from English into Russian

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    Relevance of the problem under study is caused by need of further development of science and technology in Russia and abroad and it inevitably puts on the agenda the issue of information exchange in the field of scientific and technological achievements. This article is directed on identification and analysis of main features of translation of lexical and grammatical phenomena of computer discourse. The leading approaches to research of this problem are logical and gnosiological analysis, method of actualization, selection, systematization and generalization with analysis of the specifics of lexical-grammatical phenomena of computer discourse point of translation studies. The main results of the study are that the concept of computer discourse and the characteristics of technical translation were analyzed; specificity of computer terminology translation was revealed; lexical and grammatical phenomena of computer discourse in terms of the theory of translation were investigated. The article may be useful for IT teachers when preparing teaching aids and manuals on languages, seminars and special courses on English in the field of information technology and dictionaries of the English and Russian languages.Key words: language, translation, text, linguistics, introduction, computer, discourse, minority, terminology, semantics, grammar

    Creation, doubling, and splitting, of vortices in intracavity second harmonic generation

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    We demonstrate generation and frequency doubling of unit charge vortices in a linear astigmatic resonator. Topological instability of the double charge harmonic vortices leads to well separated vortex cores that are shown to rotate, and become anisotropic, as the resonator is tuned across resonance


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    The article discusses the laboratory practical work on subjects related to biotechnical systems and technologies. Example of the laboratory work, currently in use on the biotechnical specialties of physico-technological institute.Рассмотрены новые лабораторные работы, включенные в лабораторный практикум по дисциплинам, связанным с биотехническими системами и технологиями, которые используются в настоящее время на биотехнических специальностях физико- технологического института

    Construction of layered structures on valve metal alloys by microplasma oxidation

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    Process of layered structure materials creation based on aluminum alloys is presented. Microplasma texturing method, microplasma oxidation method and chemical metallization method were used to create these structures. Non-conductive nonmetallic inorganic coatings were produced by microplasma oxidation method. Obtained structures showed high durability under thermal stress loads due to substrate metal - non-conductive nonmetallic inorganic coating phase boundary texturing

    Interdisciplinary course project on electronics and microprocessor equipment

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    Tasks of the interdisciplinary courses projects on the disciplines concerning with electrical equipment, electronics, microprocessor equipments and primary sensors are discussed. The real tasks, which are used now when carrying out at academic courses projects are givenВ статье обсуждается формирование заданий междисциплинарного курсового проекта по дисциплинам, связанным с электротехникой, электроникой, микропроцессорной техникой и первичными датчиками. Приведены реальные задания, использующиеся в настоящее время при проведении курсового проектировани

    Laboratory course using 1986VE92U ARM-microcontrollers

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    Presented development board based on microprocessor stand, built on a modern microcontroller 1986VE92U with ARM core family of Cortex-M3. A distinctive feature is a built-board peripherals, the presence of control and display and other functions. The high efficiency computational core allows you to use this microprocessor stand for laboratory practical courses on "Microprocessor technology" and "Microprocessor systems"Представлена отладочная плата на базе микропроцессорного стенда, построенного на современном микроконтроллере 1986ВЕ92У с ядром ARM семейства Cortex M3. Отличительной особенностью платы является наличие встроенного периферийного оборудования, наличие органов управления и индикации и других функций. Вычислительное ядро достаточно высокой производительной способности позволяет использовать данный микропроцессорный стенд для проведения лабораторного практикума по курсам «Микропроцессорная техника» и «Микропроцессорные системы