891 research outputs found

    Using data of optic sensors and pigment content in leaves for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition

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    Received: February 23rd, 2022 ; Accepted: May 16th, 2022 ; Published: August 12th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] monitoring and diagnostics of a condition of crops permit to make prompt and proper activities on dressing nitrogen fertilizers. This will allow the plants to use the nitrogen applied efficiently, and therefore reduce their use in field. Since nitrogen that has not been utilized by plants is able to escape into the atmosphere or be washed out of the soil with water. The most accurate diagnostic method is to determine the chemical composition of plants, but it takes quite a long time and requires laboratory conditions, which is not always possible in the field. One of the promising methods is photometric diagnostics of crops using optical instruments. Experiment is carried out in contrasting weather conditions, on soddy-podzolic soil with spring barley and spring rapeseed being investigated. Results of research show the efficiency of using optic sensors (N-testers) for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition of plants. The readings of the device (N-tester) were compared with the concentration of a and b chlorophyll, determined by a chemical method. Results of diagnostics with portable photometric device ‘Yara’ are correlating with concentrations of chlorophylls a (r=0.96) and b (r = 0.91) in spring rapeseed. Moreover, correlation of rapeseed yield and concentrations of chlorophylls a and b has quantity and inverse relation similar to device indication (r = -0.81 and r = -0.70 respectively). Results of diagnostics with N-tester ‘Spectroluxe’ are strongly correlating with chlorophyll concentration. Device indication correlates stronger with chlorophyll b concentration in spring barley and chlorophyll a concentration in spring rapeseed (rapeseed was investigated in dryer conditions). Thus, such a modern optical device as N-tester, whose action is based on measuring the concentration of leafy chlorophyll, can replace chemical methods and increase the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization, which means increasing the productivity of plants and reducing the negative impact of unreasonable use of nitrogen fertilizers


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    This article is an attempt to uncover and explain the reactions of the human body in listening to music. Sinceancient times it has been known about the special place of music in culture of mankind.Many ancient scientists studied the effects of music on animals, plants and people. Modern scientific and socialьresearches prove the views of the ancient sages that music is a powerful source of energy which affects the person.Nowadays, a huge mass of aggressive information intrusively attacks the human brain and continues increasingits intensity. The methods of delivery and penetration of information flows don’t satisfy by the human consciousness.Increasingly the using of the latest development to impact on the subconscious mind begins and it influences on the behaviorand moral foundations of one's personality.To understand the possibility of "illegal" influence on the formation of personality for possible further manipulation,it is necessary to identify ways and methods of such impact. In this case, it is the impact by music. In our time, toresearch the possibilities of using of music in the influence on the subconsciousness and manipulation is very importantin the context of social and political changes which are the integral part of our modern life. Some people have a greattemptation to manipulate not only individuals but also crowds of people. Unfortunately, it is part of our modern reality.В статье рассмотрено происхождение музыки, параметры естественных и искусственных шумов и ихвлияние на человеческий организм, психологические последствия от прослушивания разных жанров и стилеймузыки. Исследовано правильную организацию и воспитание восприятия музыки, а также значение и место восприятия музыкальных произведений.У статті розглянуто походження музики, параметри природних і штучних шумів та їхній вплив на людський організм, психологічні наслідки від прослуховування різних жанрів і стилів музики. Досліджено правильну організацію та виховання сприйняття музики, а також значення та місце сприйняття музичних творів у загальномурозумінні музичного мистецтва. Наголошено на важливості вивчення музичної психології у закладах музичноїосвіти

    Practical issues of cooperation between credit unions and insurance companies of Ukraine

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    Стаття присвячена небанківським фінансовим установам України: кредитним спілкам та страховим компаніям. В статті обґрунтовано, що фінансові послуги кредитних спілок можуть виступати об’єктами страхування (кредитні договори, внески (вклади) на депозитні рахунки ), що і є основним підгрунттям для налагодження успішної співпраці між спілками та страховими компаніями.Статья посвящена небанковским финансовым учреждениям Украины: кредитным союзам и страховым компаниям. В статье обосновано, что финансовые услуги кредитных союзов могут выступать объектами страхования (кредитные договоры, взносы (вклады) на депозитные счета ), что и является основной почвой для налаживания успешного сотрудничества между союзами и страховыми компаниями.The article is devoted to non-Bank financial institutions in Ukraine: credit unions and insurance companies. The article proves that financial services credit unions can be the objects of insurance (credit agreements, contributions (deposits) on Deposit accounts ), which is the main ground for successful cooperation between unions and insurance companies

    Potential Energy of Pretext: Structural and Compositional Features of “Isaac and Abraham” by Joseph Brodsky

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    An interpretation of the well-known, but rarely used for a holistic analysis of the work of I. Brodsky “Isaac and Abraham” is proposed in the article. If Brodsky’s text is traditionally viewed as a poetic retelling of the Old Testament history in a modern way, then the authors propose a different perspective of textual perception - free reflections of a lyrical subject, a modern hero, over an ancient sacred text. As a result, the claims of critics regarding the “chaotic” and “congested” Brodsky’s text are removed, in contrast, the harmony and depth of reflection of the lyrical subject, the modern heropoet, are demonstrated. In the course of the analysis, the genre qualification of “Isaac and Abraham” was clarified - not as a poem (the traditional point of view), but as a “great poem” (I. Brodsky’s autopresentation). Deciphering of the “difficult” places of the poem - images of a bush, a board, a train, etc., as it seemed to critics, was artificially introduced by Brodsky into the text and violated the integrity of the work. It is argued that the poem “Isaac and Abraham” was not a transcription of the Bible, but an attempt by the maturing Brodsky from today to comprehend the sacred text and on its basis comprehend himself, penetrate into the dark past in order to see the present more clearly

    Figurative and Motive Unity of Joseph Brodsky’s Cycle “Mexican Divertissement”

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    An interpretation   of   the   semantic   unity of the poetic cycle of Joseph Brodsky “Mexican    Divertissement”    (1975),    consisting of 7 (15) lyrical texts, is proposed. If earlier researchers considered one or another poem of the cycle in isolation, then the problem of the integrity of the entire lyrical work is actualized in the work, the question of the relationship of individual cyclic texts is raised. It is shown how the same characters (emperor Maximilian, Huaretz, lyrical hero), images (ducks, parrot, lizard, cancer, etc.), motives (loneliness, death, delirium), details (geometry of figures, etc.), words and signs (explicated and implied) pass from text to text, ensuring the unity of the whole variety of melodic “pictures” of the divertissement. It is traced how “random” details appearing in one text are overgrown with additional connotations in another, providing semantic and logical support for the whole. Brodsky’s intertextual references to classical Russian literature are revealed, which translate the code of the text from “Mexican divertissement” to “Leningrad / Petersburg”, allowing one to discern the contours of the history of Russia and the fate of the hero himself (alter ego of the author) behind the exotic realities of Mexico. Some “dark places” of the cycle are deciphered, new interpretations of those already reflected by criticism are proposed. It is shown that the intention of the hero-narrator is focused not on the position of the scriptertraveler, but the creator-thinker

    Prophylaxis of complications after radical operations in patients, suffering a mammary gland cancer

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    Objective. Elaboration of prophylactic measures for complications after radical operations in patients, suffering mammary gland cancer, and estimation of its efficacy. Materials and methods. Immediate results of surgical treatment were analyzed in 147 patients, suffering mammary gland cancer, and distributed, depending on perioperative treatment methods, into: the1st (comparison group) - 92 women-patients, to whom a standard treatment was applied, the second one (main group) - 55 women-patients, in whom complex of prophylactic measures was applied, including organizational, as well as compressive and medicinal therapy. Results. Application of complex of prophylactic measures was accompanied by reduction of the development rate of postoperative oedema from 50% (comparison group) to 25% (p=0.003), the seroma’s formation - from 29 to 11% (p=0.010), development and severity of postmastectomy syndrome, lymphorrhea - from 29 to 18% (p=0,131) and the wounds complications - from 25 to 7.3% (p=0.007). Conclusion. After radical operations with the lymph node dissection in patients, suffering mammary gland cancer, the early morbidity rate is rather high, and mainly connected with lymphovenous drainage outflow. The complex of measures, aiming at minimization of the patients’ stationary stay, early extraction of draining tubes, early activation of the patients, the improved compressive and medicinal therapy permits to reduce the rate and severity of morbidity and to accelerate the patients’ recovery and reconvalescence

    Design of concordant forms of modern clothes on the basis of proportional correlations of sacred geometry

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    Design of concordant collection of women’s clothes by means of interpretation of proportional correlations of sacred geometry using combination options for structural forms and lines when creating texture, colour and prints. In order to analyse the information sources, the literary and analytical, visual and analytical methods have been applied; to investigate the requirements of the customer segment, the sociological survey has been applied; in order to transform typical proportional correlations to rhythms of the designer clothes, the systems and structural, morphological analyses have been applied

    Atomic force microscopy analysis of DNA extracted from the vegetative cells and the viable, but nonculturable, cells of two mycoplasmas (Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8 and Mycoplasma hominis PG37)

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    This article reports on a study of some characteristics of DNA extracted from the vegetative and viable, but nonculturable (VBNC), cells of two mycoplasma species (Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8 and Mycoplasma hominis PG37) using atomic force microscopy (AFM). DNA images were obtained by operating the AFM microscope in the tapping mode. It was found that DNA from the VBNC forms of M. hominis PG37 has decreased sizes (height: 0.177 ± 0.026 nm vs. 0.391 ± 0.041 nm for the vegetative forms, and width: 1.92 ± 0.099 vs. 2.17 ± 0.156 nm for the vegetative forms) in comparison to DNA from the vegetative forms of the mycoplasma. In the case of DNA from the A. laidlawii PG8 VBNC forms, we detected a decrease in width (1.506 ± 0.076 nm vs. 1.898 ± 0.117 nm for the vegetative forms), but an increase in height (0.641 ± 0.068 nm vs. 0.255 ± 0.010 nm for the vegetative forms) of the molecule. Analyzing the obtained results, one can speculate on some similarities in the physical-chemical properties of DNA from M. hominis PG37 and M. gallisepticum S6. In turn, this implies some general mechanisms of adaptation to a severe environment. ©2010 with author. Published by TheScientificWorld

    Methodology and Practical Tools for Digital Transformation of High-tech Enterprises

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    Purpose: the aim of the article is to develop a methodology and practical tools for effective digital transformation of high-tech enterprises. To achieve this goal, a concept of enterprise transformation by means of innovative modernization, affecting changes in products, technological operations and organizational and production structures, was developed. For this, a number of tasks were solved, including the development of original economic and mathematical models that describe the change in the functional business strategies of a high-tech enterprise; selection and formalization of model variables; development of organizational design methods for flexible robotic structures and models for determining the parameters of flexibility and productivity of a robotic structure; software development of digital transformation processes.Methods: in preparing the article, methods of systems theory, project management of an innovative focus, mathematical modeling and a number of other methods were used.Results: a set of information systems for decision support in the areas of design and economic activities of a high-tech enterprise has been developed. The design of such systems was due to a number of circumstances. Firstly, the need to transform traditional information technologies used in the practice of a high-tech enterprise into digital information technologies. Secondly, the need for a high-tech enterprise in original applied software applications that provide solutions to innovative and economic problems, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise. To do this, an analysis was performed and models of data collection and storage were proposed for solving the problems of information support of the economic activity of a high-tech enterprise. The possibility of using a consistent data model in organizing the management of receivables and payables is shown. Cross-platform software was developed for the support system for decisions made by a high-tech enterprise, and a convenient user interface was implemented.Conclusions and Relevance: the study showed that it is advisable to create information systems as hierarchical structures covering the strategic, tactical and operational levels of management. In order to bring the automation level of the control and production subsystems into conformity, industrial robotics must be integrated into the created production links

    Creation, doubling, and splitting, of vortices in intracavity second harmonic generation

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    We demonstrate generation and frequency doubling of unit charge vortices in a linear astigmatic resonator. Topological instability of the double charge harmonic vortices leads to well separated vortex cores that are shown to rotate, and become anisotropic, as the resonator is tuned across resonance