10 research outputs found

    Russia’s role in the official peace process in South Ossetia

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the role of Russia in the transformation of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and analyse this important period in the history of the Caucasus, where Georgia and its secessionist region of South Ossetia have been trying to find a peaceful solution to their post-war situation. Major milestones of the official peace process are set in the context of Russian-Georgian relations. We then proceed to the analysis of the internal changes within the Russian Federation at the turn of the millennium and try to find a connection between this internal transformation of Russia and the transformation of the conflict in South Ossetia. The most important factors behind the more assertive approach by the Russian Federation towards Georgia in the last decade are considered: internal centralisation of power and economic growth of the Russian Federation, the reinforcement of the importance of the South Caucasus as part of the geopolitical discourse within the Russian Federation, the deterioration in Russian-Georgian relations, and the suppression of the fear of the spill-over effect since the end of Second Chechen War

    Economic and Technical Analysis of Operation of Czech Air Rescue Service

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá provozem Letecké záchranné služby České republiky, a to jak po ekonomické stránce, tak i technické. V úvodu této práce se lze dozvědět zajímavosti a fakta o genezi Letecké záchranné služby v České republice. V hlavní části práce jsou vypsány provozní údaje jednotlivých stanic LZS za určené období a je rozebíráno ekonomické zhodnocení a následně i vyhodnocení provozu Letecké záchranné služby v České republice v porovnání s ostatními státy v Evropě, které se řadí ke světové špičce. V závěru této práce dochází k vyhodnocení všech aspektů a návrhu doporučení pro provoz Letecké záchranné služby v České republice pro aktuální smlouvy i kontrakty následující.The diploma thesis deals with the operation of the Air Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, both from an economic and technical point of view. In the introduction to this work, you can learn interesting facts about the genesis of the Air Rescue Service in the Czech Republic. In the main part of the thesis, the operational data of individual LZS stations for the specified period are listed and the economic evaluation and subsequently the evaluation of the operation of the Air Rescue Service in the Czech Republic in comparison with other countries in Europe, which are among the world's best, are discussed. At the end of this work, there is an evaluation of all aspects and a proposal of recommendations for the operation of the Air Rescue Service in the Czech Republic for the current contracts and subsequent contracts.342 - Institut dopravyvýborn

    Design of Technological Procedure of Helicopter Airframe Repair

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá technologií opravy draku vrtulníku ve vojenském letectví pro konkrétní typ poškození a popisuje opravné postupy stejného typu poškození v civilním letectví. V úvodu této práce se čtenář dozvídá charakteristické prvky a rozdělení programů údržby v civilním letectví. Dále je rozdělena a popsána údržba v civilním a vojenském letectví. V hlavní části jsou popsány různé typy poškození, které se v letectví vyskytují a je sepsán návrh na vytvoření nového technologického postupu opravy draku vrtulníku. V závěru této bakalářské práce je tento technologický postup ekonomicky zhodnocen.This bachelor thesis deals with the technology of helicopter airframe repair in military aviation for a specific type of damage and describes the repair procedures of the same type of damage in civil aviation. In the introduction to this work, the reader learns the characteristics and division of maintenance programs in civil aviation. Furthermore, maintenance in civil and military aviation is divided and described. The main part describes the various types of damage that occur in aviation and a proposal is made to create a new technological process of repairing the helicopter airframe. At the end of this bachelor's thesis, this technological process is economically evaluated.342 - Institut dopravyvýborn

    Vojna proti terorizmu a vojna teroru: Analýza post-transformačného separatizmu Kremeľ, radikálny Salafizmus a post-sovietsky Dagestan na ceste od mieru k násiliu

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    After 1999 the situation in then relatively stable Dagestan started to deteriorate swiftly. However, unlike in the cases of previous separatist movements which sprung up in some parts of the Russian Federation after the demise of the USSS, Dagestani separatists did not officially gather under the flags of nation but under the flags of Islam. Soon, Dagestan entered a period of instability and violence which turned into a vicious circle of bloodshed. In a short period of time, Dagestan radically turned from stability to large scale violence, which makes it necessary for us to understand the factors responsible for the current situation. The following thesis analyses the development of Dagestan after the collapse of the USSR, from the stable period of the 90s till these days, which are characterized by omnipresent violence. Employing the theoretical knowledge collected by other scholars and analyzing similar separatist movements in other parts of the post-socialist world, taking into account the specifics the North Caucasus region, this study attempts to identify the factors (grassroots) which caused the rise of Dagestani insurgence. In comparison with the Chechen separatism of the early 90s, it uncovers the roots and the real face of the "new wave" of insurgency which flooded Dagestan and started to...Po roku 1999 sa situácia v do tej doby relatívne stabilnom Dagestane začala prudko zhoršovať. Avšak na rozdiel od prípadov predchádzajúcich separatistických hnutí, ktoré vzplanuli v niektorých častiach Ruskej federácie po rozpade ZSSR, Dagestanskí separatisti sa nezačali zhromažďovať pod nacionalistickými vlajkami, avšak pod vlajkou Islamu. Už čoskoro nastúpil Dagestan vstúpil do obdobia zvýšenej nestability a násilia, ktoré sa vyvinuli v bludnú špirálu krviprelievania. Tento v skutku radikálny odklon Dagestanu od stability k rozsiahlemu násiliu za tak krátke obdobie pred nás kladie potrebu pochopiť aké faktory vznik daného stavu spôsobili. Táto diplomová práca analyzuje vývoj Dagestanu po rozpade ZSSR od stabilných 90-tych rokov až do dnešných dní, ktoré sú charakteristické všadeprítomným násilím. Aplikáciou teoretických poznatkov získaných inými odborníkmi analyzujúcimi obdobné separatistické hnutia v post-socialistickom priestore, za prihliadnutia k špecifikám regiónu Severného Kaukazu sa táto štúdia snaží identifikovať faktory, ktoré stoja na pozadí Dagestanského separatizmu. Pomocou komparácie s Čečenským separatizmom zo začiatku 90-tych rokov práca odhaľuje korene a skutočnú tvár "novej vlny" separatizmu, ktorá zaplavila Dagestan a ďalej sa šíri regiónom Severného Kaukazu.Katedra ruských a východoevropských studiíDepartment of Russian and East European StudiesFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    The War on Terror and the War of Terror: Revealing the post-transformation separatism Kremlin, Radical Salafism and Post-Soviet Dagestan on a Road from the Peace to the Violence

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    After 1999 the situation in then relatively stable Dagestan started to deteriorate swiftly. However, unlike in the cases of previous separatist movements which sprung up in some parts of the Russian Federation after the demise of the USSS, Dagestani separatists did not officially gather under the flags of nation but under the flags of Islam. Soon, Dagestan entered a period of instability and violence which turned into a vicious circle of bloodshed. In a short period of time, Dagestan radically turned from stability to large scale violence, which makes it necessary for us to understand the factors responsible for the current situation. The following thesis analyses the development of Dagestan after the collapse of the USSR, from the stable period of the 90s till these days, which are characterized by omnipresent violence. Employing the theoretical knowledge collected by other scholars and analyzing similar separatist movements in other parts of the post-socialist world, taking into account the specifics the North Caucasus region, this study attempts to identify the factors (grassroots) which caused the rise of Dagestani insurgence. In comparison with the Chechen separatism of the early 90s, it uncovers the roots and the real face of the "new wave" of insurgency which flooded Dagestan and started to..

    Kosovská autonomie a faktory etnického napětí. Etnický střet jako nevyhnutelný?

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    Department of Russian and East European StudiesKatedra ruských a východoevropských studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Hodnocení informačního systému v podniku Obráběcí stroje Olomouc, s.r.o.

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství. Katedra (634) ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgi

    Russia's role in the official peace process in South Ossetia

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    abstract. The aim of this article is to analyse the role of Russia in the transformation of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and analyse this important period in the history of the Caucasus, where Georgia and its secessionist region of South Ossetia have been trying to find a peaceful solution to their post-war situation. Major milestones of the official peace process are set in the context of Russian-Georgian relations. We then proceed to the analysis of the internal changes within the Russian Federation at the turn of the millennium and try to find a connection between this internal transformation of Russia and the transformation of the conflict in South Ossetia. The most important factors behind the more assertive approach by the Russian Federation towards Georgia in the last decade are considered: internal centralisation of power and economic growth of the Russian Federation, the reinforcement of the importance of the South Caucasus as part of the geopolitical discourse within the Russian Federation, the deterioration in Russian-Georgian relations, and the suppression of the fear of the spill-over effect since the end of Second Chechen War

    North Caucasus

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