6 research outputs found

    Development of Potent Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses in Long-Term Hemodialysis Patients After 1273-mRNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination

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    Long-term hemodialysis (HD) patients are considered vulnerable and at high-risk of developing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection due to their immunocompromised condition. Since COVID-19 associated mortality rates are higher in HD patients, vaccination is critical to protect them. The response towards vaccination against COVID-19 in HD patients is still uncertain and, in particular the cellular immune response is not fully understood. We monitored the humoral and cellular immune responses by analysis of the serological responses and Spike-specific cellular immunity in COVID-19-recovered and naïve HD patients in a longitudinal study shortly after vaccination to determine the protective effects of 1273-mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in these high-risk patients. In naïve HD patients, the cellular immune response measured by IL-2 and IFN-ɣ secretion needed a second vaccine dose to significantly increase, with a similar pattern for the humoral response. In contrast, COVID-19 recovered HD patients developed a potent and rapid cellular and humoral immune response after the first vaccine dose. Interestingly, when comparing COVID-19 recovered healthy volunteers (HV), previously vaccinated with BNT162b2 vaccine to HD patients vaccinated with 1273-mRNA, these exhibited a more robust immune response that is maintained longitudinally. Our results indicate that HD patients develop strong cellular and humoral immune responses to 1273-mRNA vaccination and argue in favor of personalized immune monitoring studies in HD patients, especially if COVID-19 pre-exposed, to adapt COVID-19 vaccination protocols for this immunocompromised population.Funding was obtained from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) RICORS program to RICORS2040 (RD21/0005/0001), FEDER funds; Acción Estratégica en Salud Intramural (AESI), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grant number AESI PI21CIII_00022 to PP and Healthstar-plus -REACT-UE Grant through Segovia Arana Research Institute Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda-IDIPHIM. JO is a member of VACCELERATE (European Corona Vaccine Trial Accelerator Platform) Network, which aims to facilitate and accelerate the design and implementation of COVID-19 phase 2 and 3 vaccine trials. JO is a member of the INsTRuCT under the MSC grant agreement Nº860003 (Innovative Training in Myeloid Regulatory Cell Therapy) Consortium, a network of European scientists from academia and industry focused on developing innovative immunotherapies.S

    Maintenance of Potent Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses in Long-Term Hemodialysis Patients after 1273-mRNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination

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    Continuous evaluation of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine effectiveness in hemodialysis (HD) patients is critical in this immunocompromised patient group with higher mortality rates due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. The response towards vaccination in HD patients has been studied weeks after their first and second SARS-CoV-2 vaccination dose administration, but no further studies have been developed in a long-term manner, especially including both the humoral and cellular immune response. Longitudinal studies that monitor the immune response to COVID-19 vaccination in individuals undergoing HD are therefore necessary to prioritize vaccination strategies and minimize the pathogenic effects of SARS-CoV-2 in this high-risk group of patients. We followed up HD patients and healthy volunteers (HV) and monitored their humoral and cellular immune response three months after the second (V2+3M) and after the third vaccination dose (V3+3M), taking into consideration previous COVID-19 infections. Our cellular immunity results show that, while HD patients and HV individuals secrete comparable levels of IFN-γ and IL-2 in ex vivo stimulated whole blood at V2+3M in both naïve and COVID-19-recovered individuals, HD patients secrete higher levels of IFN-γ and IL-2 than HV at V3+3M. This is mainly due to a decay in the cellular immune response in HV individuals after the third dose. In contrast, our humoral immunity results show similar IgG binding antibody units (BAU) between HD patients and HV individuals at V3+3M, independently of their previous infection status. Overall, our results indicate that HD patients maintain strong cellular and humoral immune responses after repeated 1273-mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations over time. The data also highlights significant differences between cellular and humoral immunity after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, which emphasizes the importance of monitoring both arms of the immune response in the immunocompromised population

    Perspectives of European Patient Advocacy Groups on Volunteer Registries and Vaccine Trials: VACCELERATE Survey Study

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    Background: The VACCELERATE Pan-European Scientific network aims to strengthen the foundation of vaccine trial research across Europe by following the principles of equity, inclusion, and diversity. The VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry network provides access to vaccine trial sites across the European region and supports a sustainable volunteer platform for identifying potential participants for forthcoming vaccine clinical research. Objective: The aim of this study was to approach members of patient advocacy groups (PAGs) across Europe to assess their willingness to register for the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry and their perspectives related to participating in vaccine trials. Methods: In an effort to understand how to increase recruitment for the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry, a standardized survey was developed in English and translated into 8 different languages (Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish) by the respective National Coordinator team. The online, anonymous survey was circulated, from March 2022 to May 2022, to PAGs across 10 European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Sweden) to share with their members. The questionnaire constituted of multiple choice and open-ended questions evaluating information regarding participants' perceptions on participating in vaccine trials and their willingness to become involved in the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry. Results: In total, 520 responses were collected and analyzed. The PAG members reported that the principal criteria influencing their decision to participate in clinical trials overall are (1) the risks involved, (2) the benefits that will be gained from their potential participation, and (3) the quality and quantity of information provided regarding the trial. The survey revealed that, out of the 520 respondents, 133 individuals across all age groups were "positive" toward registering in the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry, with an additional 47 individuals reporting being "very positive." Respondents from Northern European countries were 1.725 (95% CI 1.206-2.468) times more likely to be willing to participate in the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry than respondents from Southern European countries. Conclusions: Factors discouraging participants from joining vaccine trial registries or clinical trials primarily include concerns of the safety of novel vaccines and a lack of trust in those involved in vaccine development. These outcomes aid in identifying issues and setbacks in present registries, providing the VACCELERATE network with feedback on how to potentially increase participation and enrollment in trials across Europe. Development of European health communication strategies among diverse public communities, especially via PAGs, is the key for increasing patients' willingness to participate in clinical studies

    Enhancing public health communication of vaccine trials: The pan-European VACCELERATE Toolkit

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    Background: The pan-European VACCELERATE network aims to implement the first transnational harmonised and sustainable vaccine trial Volunteer Registry, serving as single entry-point for volunteers willing to participate in large scale vaccine clinical studies across the European region. The present work exhibits a set of harmonised vaccine trial educational and promotional tools for the general public, designed and disseminated by the pan-European VACCELERATE network. Objective: The main objectives of the present study are the design and creation of a standard toolkit to increase positive attitudes, and access to trustful information for better access and increased recruitment to vaccine trials for the public community. More specifically, the produced tools are focused on inclusiveness, equity, and they are targeting different population groups, including underserved ones, as potential volunteers for the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry (elderly, migrants, children and adolescents). The promotion/education material is aligned with the main objectives of the Volunteer Registry, to increase public literacy and awareness regarding vaccine clinical research/trials and trial participation, such as informed consent and legal issues, side effects and frequently asked questions on vaccine trial design. Methods: The tools' development has followed the aims and principles of the VACCELERATE project, focusing on trial inclusiveness and equity and they are adjusted to the local country requirements to improve public health communication. The selection of the produced tools has been based on the cognitive theory, inclusiveness and equity of different aged and under-represented groups, and standardised material from several official trustful sources (e.g. COVAX, ECDC, EUPATI, GAVI and WHO). In addition, team of specialists from different fields (infectious diseases, vaccine research, medicine, education) edited and reviewed the subtitles and scripts for the educational videos, extended brochures, interactive cards and puzzles. Graph designers also selected the colour palette, audio settings and dubbing for the video story-tales and implementation of QR codes. Results: This study presents the first set of harmonised promotional and educational materials/tools (i.e. educational cards, educational and promotional videos, extended brochures, flyers, posters, and puzzles) for vaccine clinical research (e.g. COVID-19). The developed tools inform the public about possible benefits and disadvantages of trial participation, but also build the confidence of participants about the safety and efficacy for COVID-19 vaccines and healthcare system. The present material has been translated into several languages and meant to be freely and easily accessible to facilitate dissemination among the participating countries of the VACCELERATE network, as well as among the European and global scientific, industrial, and public community, in general. Conclusions: The produced material could also be useful for filling knowledge gaps of healthcare personnel and providing the appropriate future patient education for vaccine trials, as well as to tackle vaccine hesitancy and parents' concerns for potential participation of children in vaccine trials

    Enhancing Public Health Communication Regarding Vaccine Trials: Design and Development of the Pan-European VACCELERATE Toolkit

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    BACKGROUND: The pan-European VACCELERATE network aims to implement the first transnational harmonized and sustainable vaccine trial Volunteer Registry, being a single entry point for potential volunteers of large-scale vaccine trials across Europe. This work exhibits a set of harmonized vaccine trial-related educational and promotional tools for the general public, designed and disseminated by the pan-European VACCELERATE network. OBJECTIVE: This study primarily aimed to design and develop a standard toolkit to increase positive attitudes and access to trustworthy information for better access and increased recruitment to vaccine trials for the public. More specifically, the produced tools are focused on inclusiveness and equity, and are targeting different population groups, including underserved ones, as potential volunteers for the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry (older individuals, migrants, children, and adolescents). The promotional and educational material is aligned with the main objectives of the Volunteer Registry to increase public literacy and awareness regarding vaccine-related clinical research or trials and trial participation, including informed consent and legal issues, side effects, and frequently asked questions regarding vaccine trial design. METHODS: Tools were developed per the aims and principles of the VACCELERATE project, focusing on trial inclusiveness and equity, and are adjusted to local country-wise requirements to improve public health communication. The produced tools are selected based on the cognitive theory, inclusiveness, and equity of differently aged and underrepresented groups, and standardized material from several official trustworthy sources (eg, COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access; the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; the European Patients' Academy on Therapeutic Innovation; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; and the World Health Organization). A team of multidisciplinary specialists (infectious diseases, vaccine research, medicine, and education) edited and reviewed the subtitles and scripts of the educational videos, extended brochures, interactive cards, and puzzles. Graphic designers selected the color palette, audio settings, and dubbing for the video story-tales and implemented QR codes. RESULTS: This study presents the first set of harmonized promotional and educational materials and tools (ie, educational cards, educational and promotional videos, extended brochures, flyers, posters, and puzzles) for vaccine clinical research (eg, COVID-19 vaccines). These tools inform the public about possible benefits and disadvantages of trial participation and build confidence among participants about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and the health care system. This material has been translated into several languages and is intended to be freely and easily accessible to facilitate dissemination among VACCELERATE network participant countries and the European and global scientific, industrial, and public community. CONCLUSIONS: The produced material could help fill knowledge gaps of health care personnel, providing the appropriate future patient education for vaccine trials, and tackling vaccine hesitancy and parents' concerns for potential participation of children in vaccine trials