41 research outputs found

    UGROŽENE VRSTE RIBA U SVIJETU: Cobitis levantina Krupp & Moubayed, 1992 (Cobitidae)

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    Cobitis levantina is distributed only in the uppermost Litani and Orontes River basins in Syria and Turkey. Its populations are under threat due to several factors such as desiccation, climate change and pollution. The species is assessed as Endangered (EN) in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Cobitis levantina je rasprostranjena u području najgornjeg dijela riječnih slivova rijeka Litani i Orontes u Siriji i Turskoj. Njezina populacija je ugrožena radi nekoliko čimbenika kao što su isušivanje, klimatske promjene i zagađenje. Vrsta se procjenjuje kao ugrožena (EN) prema IUCN Crvenom popisu ugroženih vrsta

    Mapping the establishment and invasiveness potential of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Turkey: With special emphasis on the conservation of native salmonids

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    Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) has become by far the most frequently farmed freshwater fish species in Turkey, whereas very little is known about its establishment and invasiveness potential. We explored this potential through a combination of Maxent habitat suitability model and the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK) on the river basin scale by generating an overall risk score (ORS). The outcome of this approach was also incorporated with the spatial analysis of native salmonid species by generating a relative vulnerability score (RVS) to prioritize susceptibility of native species (or populations) and to propose risk hotspots by identifying their potential geographic overlap and interaction with O. mykiss. Results suggest that the northern basins (Eastern Black Sea, Western Black Sea and Marmara basins) are the most suitable basins for O. mykiss. According to the Basic Risk Assessment (BRA) threshold scores, O. mykiss is classified as "high risk" for 3 (12.0%) of the 25 river basins screened (Western Black Sea, Eastern Black Sea and Maritza-Ergene), and as "medium risk" for the remaining basins. The climate change assessment (CCA) scores negatively contributed the overall invasiveness potential of O. mykiss in 22 (88.0%) of the river basins and resulted in zero contribution for the remaining three, namely Aras-Kura, coruh river and Eastern Black Sea. The ORS score of river basins was lowest for Orontes and highest for Western Black Sea, whereas it was lowest for Konya-closed basin and highest for Eastern Black Sea, when CCA was associated. The micro-basins occupied by Salmo rizeensis had the highest mean habitat suitability with O. mykiss. Among the all species, S. abanticus had the highest RVS, followed by S. munzuricus and S. euphrataeus. The overall outcome of the present study also suggests that the establishment and invasiveness potential of O. mykiss may decrease under future (climate warmer) in Turkey, except for the northeast region. This study can provide environmental managers and policy makers an insight into using multiple tools for decision-making. The proposed RVS can also be considered as a complementary tool to improve IUCN red list assessment protocols of species

    A new species of pseudophoxinus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey

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    YOGURTCUOGLU, Baran/0000-0001-8144-6191;WOS: 000363695700006PubMed: 26624395Pseudophoxinus mehmeti, new cyprinid species from the Alankoy basin in south-western Turkey, is distinguished from all species of Pseudophoxinus in adjacent regions by the combination of the following characters: body slender, its length 1.3-1.5 times its depth; caudal peduncle length 1.6-2.0 times its depth; mouth almost superior, with the tip of the mouthcleft approximately level with the middle of the pupil; snout with a pointed tip, its length markedly greater than eye diameter; lateral line not complete, with 30-50 perforated scales and 48-60+2 scale rows in lateral series; 111/2-131/2 scale rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin, 31/2-51/2 scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin; dorsal-fin with 61/2-71/2 branched rays; anal-fin with 61/2-71/2 branched rays; a distinct black epidermal stripe from eye to caudal-fin base in preserved individuals

    İstilacı Bir Balık Türü Gambusia holbrooki İle Endemik Bir Balık Türü Aphanius transgrediens'in Acıgöl (Denizli-Afyon) Kaynaklarındaki Yaşam Döngüleri, Besin Rekabeti ve Habitat Kullanımları

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    Introduction of invasive species is currently considered as one of the main threats for biodiversity and ecosystem function. Gambusia holbrooki (mosquitofish), which has been introduced to many countries since the beginning of the 20th century in order to control mosquitoes, has now invaded all of the continents except Antarctica. Many studies have shown that G. holbrooki, known to threaten many native vertebrate and invertebrate groups, is the most important factor particularly in Europe, by threatening endemic Aphanius species. Turkey with its 13 endemic species of Aphanius, can simply be considered the center of speciation of this genus. Despite this, the biological and ecological characteristics of these species and the information on the impact of G. holbrooki on these species are quite insufficient. Within the scope of this thesis, sex ratios, age structures, growth, reproduction and feeding properties, food competitions and habitat use of critically endangered A. transgrediens, distributed in only Acıgöl (Denizli-Afyon) in the world, and the invasive G. holbrooki, which shares the same habitat, were addressed. iv Preliminary studies were carried out between March 2013 and September 2013 for the purpose of determining the population sizes and overall distributions of the species and habitat characteristics of the area. Following this, a total of 3 stations were selected, in which the interaction of two species was low and high, and the environmental conditions such as salinity and temperature were variable and constant, and monthly fish sampling was carried out accordingly between September 2013 and September 2014. It was determined that while G. holbrooki was present in all of the springs, A. transgrediens was inhabiting only in a few one with a limited population size. Female dominated sex structure is revealed in both species. While a lifespan of 2 years was presented in A. transgrediens, a maximum lifespan of 2 years for females and a maximum of 1 year for males was presented in G. holbrooki. It was found that the average length, length-at first maturity and absolute fecundity of both species were higher in variable environment, but G. holbrooki has a lower reproductive success than in the other stations. In addition, A. transgrediens and G. holbrooki were revealed to reproduce between February-May and AprilSeptember, respectively. It was determined that G. holbrooki fed mainly on Insecta (especially Diptera) adult and larvae as well as zooplankton and occasionally on vegetative sources. A. transgrediens was predominantly fed on detritus and filamentous algae in addition to Insecta larvae and zooplankton. Considering the feeding interactions, G. holbrooki was estimated to have a higher diet diversity and broader niche than A. transgrediens in the area, and put at a low rate of competition, predation and aggression pressure on A. transgrediens which resulted in a current and potential threat. However, it has been shown that the dietary composition of both species differed markedly in all stations studied and that A. transgrediens had herbivorous feeding strategy in the station with particularly variable conditions. It has been figured out that A. transgrediens can survive in large springs where there is a chance of using different parts of the habitat and in high sodium sulphate salinity due to their high tolerance, however G. holbrooki is affected negatively from high salinity. Therefore, it has been revealed that habitat shrinkage is one of the most important factors that may cause G. holbrooki to increase the adverse effect on A. transgrediens.Günümüzde biyoçeşitlilik ve ekosistem işlevleri üzerindeki başlıca tehditlerden birinin istilacı türler olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Yirminci yüzyılın başlarından itibaren sivrisinek mücadelesi amacıyla pek çok ülkeye taşınan Gambusia holbrooki (sivrisinek balığı) günümüzde Antarktika dışındaki tüm kıtaları istila etmiş durumdadır. Birçok yerel omurgalı ve omurgasız gruplarını tehdit ettiği bilinen G. holbrooki’nin özellikle Avrupa kıtasındaki endemik Aphanius türlerinin tehdit altına girmesindeki en önemli etken olduğu pek çok çalışma ile ortaya konmuştur. Türkiye sahip olduğu 13 endemik Aphanius türü ile bu cinsin adeta türleşme merkezi konumundadır. Buna rağmen bu türlerin biyolojik ve ekolojik özellikleri ile G. holbrooki’nin bu türler üzerindeki etkisi hakkındaki bilgiler oldukça yetersizdir. Yürütülen bu tez çalışması kapsamında, dünyada sadece Acıgöl (Denizli-Afyon) Kaynaklarında dağılım gösteren kritik düzeyde tehlike altındaki A. transgrediens ile aynı habitatı paylaşan istilacı G. holbrooki’nin eşey oranları, yaş yapıları, boyağırlık analizleri, büyüme, üreme ve beslenme özellikleri ile besin rekabetleri ve habitat kullanımları ele alınmıştır. İki türün alandaki popülasyon büyüklüklerinin, genel dağılımlarının ve alanın habitat özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla öncelikle Mart 2013 - Eylül 2013 ayları arasında ön çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın ardından iki türün ii etkileşimlerinin düşük ve yüksek düzeyde olduğu ve tuzluluk ve sıcaklık gibi çevresel koşulların değişken ve sabit olduğu toplam 3 istasyon belirlenmiş ve Eylül 2013 - Eylül 2014 arasındaki dönemde aylık balık örneklemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre G. holbrooki’nin tüm kaynaklarda bulunduğu, A. transgrediens’in ise sadece birkaç kaynakta ve sınırlı popülasyon büyüklüğünde kaldığı ortaya konmuştur. Her iki türde de dişi bireylerin baskın olduğu bir eşey yapısı belirlenirken, A. transgrediens’te 2 yıllık bir ömür uzunluğu, G. holbrooki dişilerinde en fazla 2, erkeklerinde ise en fazla 1 yıllık ömür uzunluğu belirlenmiştir. Her iki türün değişken çevresel koşulların olduğu örnekleme alanında ortalama boy değerlerinin, ilk olgunluk boylarının ve mutlak fekonditelerinin daha yüksek olduğu ancak G. holbrooki’nin üreme başarısının diğer istasyonlara göre daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır. Bununla birlikte A. transgrediens’in Şubat-Mayıs ayları arasında, G. holbrooki’nin ise Nisan-Eylül ayları arasında ürediği, dolayısıyla üreme dönemlerinin birbirinden farklı olduğu ve G. holbrooki’nin daha uzun bir üreme dönemine sahip olduğu ortaya konmuştur. G. holbrooki alanda ağırlıklı olarak Insekta (özellikle Diptera) ergin ve larvalarının yanı sıra zooplankton ve zaman zaman bitkisel kökenli kaynaklarla beslendiği, A. transgrediens’in ise ağırlıklı olarak detritus ve ipliksi alg gruplarının yanı sıra Insekta (özellikle Diptera) larvası ve zooplanktonla beslendiği belirlenmiştir. Beslenme etkileşimleri ele alındığında G. holbrooki’nin çalışma alanında A. transgrediens’e göre daha yüksek bir besin çeşitliliğine ve daha geniş bir nişe sahip olduğu, A. transgrediens üzerinde düşük de olsa rekabet, predasyon ve agresyon baskısı kurduğu ve sonuç olarak güncel ve potansiyel bir tehdit oluşturduğu bu çalışma ile belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, incelenen tüm istasyonlarda her iki türün diyet kompozisyonlarının önemli ölçüde farklılık gösterdiği ve A. transgrediens’in özellikle değişken koşulara sahip istasyonda herbivor bir beslenme tarzına sahip olduğu ortaya konmuştur. A. transgrediens’in habitatın farklı noktalarını kullanabilme şansının olduğu büyük kaynaklarda ve yüksek toleransı sayesinde yüksek sodyum sülfat tuzluluğunda hayatta kalabildiği, G. holbrooki’nin ise yüksek tuzluluktan olumsuz yönde etkilendiği belirlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla G. holbrooki’nin A. transgrediens üzerindeki olumsuz etkisinin artmasına yol açabilecek en önemli etkenlerin başında habitat daralmasının olduğu belirlenmiştir

    İstilacı Bir Balık Türü Gambusia holbrooki İle Endemik Bir Balık Türü Aphanius transgrediens'in Acıgöl (Denizli-Afyon) Kaynaklarındaki Yaşam Döngüleri, Besin Rekabeti ve Habitat Kullanımları

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    Introduction of invasive species is currently considered as one of the main threats for biodiversity and ecosystem function. Gambusia holbrooki (mosquitofish), which has been introduced to many countries since the beginning of the 20th century in order to control mosquitoes, has now invaded all of the continents except Antarctica. Many studies have shown that G. holbrooki, known to threaten many native vertebrate and invertebrate groups, is the most important factor particularly in Europe, by threatening endemic Aphanius species. Turkey with its 13 endemic species of Aphanius, can simply be considered the center of speciation of this genus. Despite this, the biological and ecological characteristics of these species and the information on the impact of G. holbrooki on these species are quite insufficient. Within the scope of this thesis, sex ratios, age structures, growth, reproduction and feeding properties, food competitions and habitat use of critically endangered A. transgrediens, distributed in only Acıgöl (Denizli-Afyon) in the world, and the invasive G. holbrooki, which shares the same habitat, were addressed. iv Preliminary studies were carried out between March 2013 and September 2013 for the purpose of determining the population sizes and overall distributions of the species and habitat characteristics of the area. Following this, a total of 3 stations were selected, in which the interaction of two species was low and high, and the environmental conditions such as salinity and temperature were variable and constant, and monthly fish sampling was carried out accordingly between September 2013 and September 2014. It was determined that while G. holbrooki was present in all of the springs, A. transgrediens was inhabiting only in a few one with a limited population size. Female dominated sex structure is revealed in both species. While a lifespan of 2 years was presented in A. transgrediens, a maximum lifespan of 2 years for females and a maximum of 1 year for males was presented in G. holbrooki. It was found that the average length, length-at first maturity and absolute fecundity of both species were higher in variable environment, but G. holbrooki has a lower reproductive success than in the other stations. In addition, A. transgrediens and G. holbrooki were revealed to reproduce between February-May and AprilSeptember, respectively. It was determined that G. holbrooki fed mainly on Insecta (especially Diptera) adult and larvae as well as zooplankton and occasionally on vegetative sources. A. transgrediens was predominantly fed on detritus and filamentous algae in addition to Insecta larvae and zooplankton. Considering the feeding interactions, G. holbrooki was estimated to have a higher diet diversity and broader niche than A. transgrediens in the area, and put at a low rate of competition, predation and aggression pressure on A. transgrediens which resulted in a current and potential threat. However, it has been shown that the dietary composition of both species differed markedly in all stations studied and that A. transgrediens had herbivorous feeding strategy in the station with particularly variable conditions. It has been figured out that A. transgrediens can survive in large springs where there is a chance of using different parts of the habitat and in high sodium sulphate salinity due to their high tolerance, however G. holbrooki is affected negatively from high salinity. Therefore, it has been revealed that habitat shrinkage is one of the most important factors that may cause G. holbrooki to increase the adverse effect on A. transgrediens.Günümüzde biyoçeşitlilik ve ekosistem işlevleri üzerindeki başlıca tehditlerden birinin istilacı türler olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Yirminci yüzyılın başlarından itibaren sivrisinek mücadelesi amacıyla pek çok ülkeye taşınan Gambusia holbrooki (sivrisinek balığı) günümüzde Antarktika dışındaki tüm kıtaları istila etmiş durumdadır. Birçok yerel omurgalı ve omurgasız gruplarını tehdit ettiği bilinen G. holbrooki’nin özellikle Avrupa kıtasındaki endemik Aphanius türlerinin tehdit altına girmesindeki en önemli etken olduğu pek çok çalışma ile ortaya konmuştur. Türkiye sahip olduğu 13 endemik Aphanius türü ile bu cinsin adeta türleşme merkezi konumundadır. Buna rağmen bu türlerin biyolojik ve ekolojik özellikleri ile G. holbrooki’nin bu türler üzerindeki etkisi hakkındaki bilgiler oldukça yetersizdir. Yürütülen bu tez çalışması kapsamında, dünyada sadece Acıgöl (Denizli-Afyon) Kaynaklarında dağılım gösteren kritik düzeyde tehlike altındaki A. transgrediens ile aynı habitatı paylaşan istilacı G. holbrooki’nin eşey oranları, yaş yapıları, boyağırlık analizleri, büyüme, üreme ve beslenme özellikleri ile besin rekabetleri ve habitat kullanımları ele alınmıştır. İki türün alandaki popülasyon büyüklüklerinin, genel dağılımlarının ve alanın habitat özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla öncelikle Mart 2013 - Eylül 2013 ayları arasında ön çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın ardından iki türün ii etkileşimlerinin düşük ve yüksek düzeyde olduğu ve tuzluluk ve sıcaklık gibi çevresel koşulların değişken ve sabit olduğu toplam 3 istasyon belirlenmiş ve Eylül 2013 - Eylül 2014 arasındaki dönemde aylık balık örneklemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre G. holbrooki’nin tüm kaynaklarda bulunduğu, A. transgrediens’in ise sadece birkaç kaynakta ve sınırlı popülasyon büyüklüğünde kaldığı ortaya konmuştur. Her iki türde de dişi bireylerin baskın olduğu bir eşey yapısı belirlenirken, A. transgrediens’te 2 yıllık bir ömür uzunluğu, G. holbrooki dişilerinde en fazla 2, erkeklerinde ise en fazla 1 yıllık ömür uzunluğu belirlenmiştir. Her iki türün değişken çevresel koşulların olduğu örnekleme alanında ortalama boy değerlerinin, ilk olgunluk boylarının ve mutlak fekonditelerinin daha yüksek olduğu ancak G. holbrooki’nin üreme başarısının diğer istasyonlara göre daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır. Bununla birlikte A. transgrediens’in Şubat-Mayıs ayları arasında, G. holbrooki’nin ise Nisan-Eylül ayları arasında ürediği, dolayısıyla üreme dönemlerinin birbirinden farklı olduğu ve G. holbrooki’nin daha uzun bir üreme dönemine sahip olduğu ortaya konmuştur. G. holbrooki alanda ağırlıklı olarak Insekta (özellikle Diptera) ergin ve larvalarının yanı sıra zooplankton ve zaman zaman bitkisel kökenli kaynaklarla beslendiği, A. transgrediens’in ise ağırlıklı olarak detritus ve ipliksi alg gruplarının yanı sıra Insekta (özellikle Diptera) larvası ve zooplanktonla beslendiği belirlenmiştir. Beslenme etkileşimleri ele alındığında G. holbrooki’nin çalışma alanında A. transgrediens’e göre daha yüksek bir besin çeşitliliğine ve daha geniş bir nişe sahip olduğu, A. transgrediens üzerinde düşük de olsa rekabet, predasyon ve agresyon baskısı kurduğu ve sonuç olarak güncel ve potansiyel bir tehdit oluşturduğu bu çalışma ile belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, incelenen tüm istasyonlarda her iki türün diyet kompozisyonlarının önemli ölçüde farklılık gösterdiği ve A. transgrediens’in özellikle değişken koşulara sahip istasyonda herbivor bir beslenme tarzına sahip olduğu ortaya konmuştur. A. transgrediens’in habitatın farklı noktalarını kullanabilme şansının olduğu büyük kaynaklarda ve yüksek toleransı sayesinde yüksek sodyum sülfat tuzluluğunda hayatta kalabildiği, G. holbrooki’nin ise yüksek tuzluluktan olumsuz yönde etkilendiği belirlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla G. holbrooki’nin A. transgrediens üzerindeki olumsuz etkisinin artmasına yol açabilecek en önemli etkenlerin başında habitat daralmasının olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Aphanius anatoliae

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    Key to species in the <i>Aphanius anatoliae</i> group <p>The key is largely based on the colour pattern of adult, nuptial males. It might be difficult to differentially diagnose immature individuals and individuals out of the spawning season.</p> <p>1a Scales on back and belly usually absent, scales absent or rare on flank in one species; usually 1–3 lines of large, not or only slightly overlapping scales on mid-lateral flank.............................................................. 2</p> <p>1b Body completely covered with overlapping scales............................................................ 5</p> <p>2a Lateral-head profile almost quadratic, lower jaw large, directing upward; body depth 4.0–5.3 times in standard length...... 3</p> <p>2b Lateral-head profile triangular or rounded, lower jaw small, directing forward; body depth 3.2–4.2 times in standard length.. 4</p> <p> 3a No or few isolated scales on flank; black bars wider at dorsal part in male, narrower in ventral region............ <i>A. saldae</i></p> <p> 3b 38–46 total, overlapping scales along lateral series; male with black bars regularly shaped, not wider at dorsal part..................................................................................................... <i>A. splendens</i></p> <p> 4a Caudal peduncle depth 11–14% SL; head depth at nape 61–69% SL; head width at nape 51–60% SL; nuptial males with grey dorsal-fin base............................................................................... <i>A. sureyanus</i></p> <p> 4b Caudal peduncle depth 16–18% SL; head depth at nape 68–75% SL; head width at nape 62–74% SL; nuptial males with completely black dorsal fin...................................................................... <i>A. transgrediens</i></p> <p> 5a Male with irregularly set and shaped, dark-brown bars, bars with white spots or vermiculate pattern, some large individuals plain dark-grey with some yellow blotches........................................................ <i>A. irregularis</i></p> <p>5b Male with regularly set and shaped dark-brown or black bars, without white spots in bars............................ 6</p> <p> 6a Male with a completely black anal fin or anal fin white with a wide black margin, without black bands or blotches.................................................................................................... <i>A. fontinalis</i></p> <p>6b Male with yellow or white anal fin with a narrow black margin, usually with 1–5 black bands or rows of blotches.......... 7</p> <p> 7a Male with 4–14 vertical rows of small black or brown spots on caudal fin; male with 13–25 narrow brown bars on body; female larger than 40 mm SL usually without back spots or blotches on flank except one bold black blotch at middle of hypural..................................................................................... <i>A. villwocki</i></p> <p>7b Male with 1–4 bold black vertical bars on caudal fin; male with 5–13 black bars on body; female with bold back spots or/and blotches on flank...................................................................................... 8</p> <p>8 Male with black dorsal-fin origin, dorsal fin with black distal margin and white proximal band or with a proximal row of white spots or blotches distinctly or slightly above dorsal base....................................................... 9</p> <p>8b Male with hyaline or white dorsal-fin base, dorsal fin completely black or with greyish or black distal margin and a white line or row of white spots at dorsal-fin base or very slightly above.................................................. 10</p> <p> 9a Male with wide, white proximal band in black dorsal; last lateral bar in male regularly shaped, not fused with penultimate bar............................................................................................... <i>A. iconii</i></p>Published as part of <i>Yoğurtçuoğlu, Baran & Freyhof, Jörg, 2018, Aphanius irregularis, a new killifish from south-western Anatolia (Cyprinodontiformes: Aphaniidae), pp. 319-330 in Zootaxa 4410 (2)</i> on page 320, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4410.2.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3066618">http://zenodo.org/record/3066618</a&gt

    Aphanius irregularis, a new killifish from south-western Anatolia (Cyprinodontiformes: Aphaniidae)

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    Yoğurtçuoğlu, Baran, Freyhof, Jörg (2018): Aphanius irregularis, a new killifish from south-western Anatolia (Cyprinodontiformes: Aphaniidae). Zootaxa 4410 (2): 319-330, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4410.2.

    Oxynoemacheilus theophilii Stoumboudi, Kottelat & Barbieri 2006

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    Oxynoemacheilus theophilii Stoumboudi, Kottelat & Barbieri 2006 (Fig. 13) Oxynoemacheilus theophilii Stoumboudi, Kottelat & Barbieri 2006:140, Figs. 8–9 (type locality: Lesbos Island, Tsingou springs, in Evergetoulas drainage, Greece) Barbatula bergamensis Erk‘akan, Nalbant & Özeren 2007:71, Fig. 3 (type locality: Bergama, Kozak (Madra) Creek, 39°40‘N, 27°28‘E, Turkey) Material examined. FFR 15538, 21, 36–56 mm SL; Turkey: İzmir prov.: Karadere stream a tributary of Bakır River 15 km east of Bergama, 39.1299 27.3723.— FSJF 3052, 17, 33–58 mm SL; Turkey: İzmir prov.: Kemer stream at Aşağımahalle, 4 km north of Bergama, 39.1559 27.1600. Additional distribution records. Erk’akan et al. 2007: 39.1147 27.2839; Barbieri et al. 2015: 39.1744 26.4223; unpublished records: 39.1000 26.3500, 39.2600 27.2700. Diagnosis. Oxynoemacheilus theophilii is distinguished by a combination of characters none of them unique to the species. It is distinguished from O. anatolicus, O. angorae, O. eregliensis, O. isauricus, O. germencicus and O. nasreddini by having an almost uniform body depth between the dorsal- and caudal-fin bases, or body depth very slightly decreasing (depth of caudal peduncle 87–97% of body depth at anterior-most dorsal fin base vs. 68–79 in O. anatolicus, 70–83 in O. angorae and O. eregliensis, 72–82 in O. germencicus, 60–77 in O. isauricus, and 70–86 in O. nasreddini). It is further distinguished by having a moderately deep caudal peduncle (caudal-peduncle depth 1.3–1.6 times in length (vs. 1.5–1.8 in O. angorae and O. germencicus, 1.5–1.9 in O. eregliensis, 2.2–2.6 in O. isauricus, 1.5–2.1 in O. nasreddini), an emarginate caudal fin (middle caudal-fin ray 71–80% of length of longest upper caudal-fin ray vs. slightly emarginate or almost truncate, 84–93 in O. anatolicus, 88–92 in O. angorae, 83–91 in O. eregliensis and deeply emarginate, 65–76 in O. mediterraneus), and no depigmented stripe along the anterior part of the lateral line (vs. usually present in O. angorae). It is further distinguished from O. mediterraneus by the tip of pectoral fin not reaching the pelvic-fin origin in male (vs. usually reaching). Distribution. Oxynoemacheilus theophilii is found in the Bakır River drainage in western Anatolia. It also occurs on the Greek island of Lesbos. Remarks. Based on our COI dataset, O. theophilii is well separated from all other studied Oxynoemacheilus species, including by a minimum K2P distance of 2.7% to O. eliasi, its closest relative. It is also supported as a distinct species by the PTP approach, but not by the mPTP delimitation.Published as part of Yoğurtçuoğlu, Baran, Kaya, Cüneyt & Freyhof, Jörg, 2022, Revision of the Oxynoemacheilus angorae group with the description of two new species (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), pp. 451-485 in Zootaxa 5133 (4) on pages 471-472, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5133.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/653088

    Oxynoemacheilus amanos, a new nemacheilid loach from the Orontes River drainage (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)

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    Oxynoemacheilus amanos, new species, is described from Incesu spring in the upper Hupnik drainage, a northern tributary of the lower Orontes in Turkey. It is distinguished from the other Oxynoemacheilus species in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea basin by possession of an incomplete lateral line with 23-45 pores, terminating between the vertical through the dorsal fin origin and the anus, 10-13 pores in the infraorbital canal, a deeply emarginate caudal fin, no suborbital groove in the male, and a series of irregularly shaped and set dark-brown bars on the flank, not connected to saddles on the back

    Oxynoemacheilus undetermined

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    Key to <i>Oxynoemacheilus</i> species from the Göksu, Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes rivers, plus coastal drainages within their bounds <p> (Modified from Kaya <i>et al.</i> 2020)</p> <p>1a Suborbital groove absent in male......................................................................... 2</p> <p>1b Suborbital groove present in male........................................................................ 6</p> <p> 2a Caudal fin slightly emarginate, almost truncate................................................... <i>O. seyhanensis</i></p> <p>2b Caudal fin deeply emarginate or forked.................................................................... 3</p> <p> 3b Lateral line terminating above anal-fin base or on hypural complex; many isolated and embedded scales on back and flank in front of dorsal-fin origin; shortest middle caudal-fin ray 1.1–1.3 times in length of longest ray of upper caudal-fin lobe.............................................................................................. <i>O. ceyhanensis</i></p> <p> 3a Lateral line terminating anterior to or below dorsal-fin base, rarely above anus or anal-fin base; no or very few (<i>O. namiri</i>) isolated and embedded scales on back and flank in front of dorsal-fin origin; shortest, middle caudal-fin ray 1.3–1.5 times in length of longest ray of upper caudal-fin lobe in <i>O. namiri</i> and <i>O. amanos</i>; 1.2–1.4 in <i>O. cilicicus</i>, in which lateral line is terminating in front of or below dorsal-fin base........................................................................ 4</p> <p> 4a Flank pattern usually with 6–17, very distinct and regularly shaped and set bars, usually all or most flank-bars, at least behind dorsal-fin base, extending to middorsal saddles and usually meeting contralaterals........................... <i>O. namiri</i></p> <p>4b Flank pattern mottled or with many, very narrow, irregularly shaped and set, pale-brown bars, usually flank-bars separated from middorsal saddles and not meeting contralaterals............................................................. 5</p> <p> 5a Lateral line with 23–45 pores; infraorbital canal with 10–14 pores; body depth at dorsal-fin origin 1.2–1.4 times in HL................................................................................................. <i>O. amanos</i></p> <p> 5b Lateral line with 13–23 pores; infraorbital canal with 8–10 pores; body depth at dorsal-fin origin 1.0–1.2 times in HL.................................................................................................. <i>O. cilicicus</i></p> <p> 6a Caudal-fin pattern very indistinct, almost or completely absent....................................... <i>O. seyhanicola</i></p> <p>6b. Caudal fin with dark-brown bands of elongated blotches....................................................... 7</p> <p>7a A bold, black blotch or spot at upper and lower caudal-fin base................................................. 8</p> <p>7b One central, bold-brown blotch or no blotch on caudal-fin base, often an irregularly-shaped black bar at caudal-fin base.... 9</p> <p> 8a 5–7 flank-bars, irregularly shaped and set, extending to the middorsal saddles and meeting the contralaterals; caudal peduncle 1.8–2.4 times longer than deep................................................................... <i>O. shehabi</i></p> <p> 8b A midlateral series of large blotches, usually disconnected from saddles on back, caudal peduncle 1.4–1.8 times longer than deep.......................................................................................... <i>O. sarus</i></p> <p> 9a Caudal peduncle depth 1.4–1.9 times in its length; middle caudal-fin ray 64–74% of length of longest ray in upper caudal-fin lobe......................................................................................... <i>O. hamwii</i></p> <p>9b Caudal peduncle depth 1.8–3.5 times in its length; middle caudal-fin ray 74–91% of length of longest ray in upper caudal-fin lobe............................................................................................... 10</p> <p> 10a A yellowish triangle at upper and lower posteriormost portions of caudal peduncle; caudal peduncle depth 1.8–2.4 times in its length; caudal fin emarginate, middle caudal-fin ray 80–91% of the length of the longest ray in the upper caudal-fin lobe................................................................................................. <i>O. evreni</i></p> <p> 10b No yellowish triangles at posteriormost portion of caudal peduncle; caudal peduncle depth 2.2–3.5 times in its length; middle caudal-fin ray 74–83% of the length of the longest ray in the upper caudal-fin lobe........................ <i>O. samanticus</i></p>Published as part of <i>Freyhof, Jörg, Yoğurtçuoğlu, Baran & Kaya, Cüneyt, 2021, Oxynoemacheilus sarus, a new nemacheilid loach from the lower Ceyhan and Seyhan in southern Anatolia (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), pp. 123-139 in Zootaxa 4964 (1)</i> on page 126, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4964.1.6, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4706765">http://zenodo.org/record/4706765</a&gt