219 research outputs found

    Life history and description of the preimaginal stages of Scythris siccella (Zeller, 1839) (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

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    Egg, second, and last instar larvae, as well as pupa of Scythris siccella (Zeller, 1839) are described and illustrated in detail. Life history of this scythridid species is also presented. The eggs are laid singly or in small groups. The larva mines leaves of Hieracium pilosella and Rumex acetosella; it lives in sandcovered silken tubes attached to food plant. The full-grown larva is 8–10 mm long, and pupation takes place in a dense cocoon encrusted with grains of sand. The adults fly in one generation, from the end of May to the end of July. In Poland, Scythris siccella (Zeller) inhabits open, lowland dunes with xerothermic vegetation

    The immature stages of Elachista zonulae (Sruoga, 1992) (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae)

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    The morphology of larva and pupa, as well as larval mines of Elachista zonulae (Sruoga, 1992) are described and illustrated for the first time. Carex firma Host is reported as a new host plant ofthe species; previously only Carex sempervirens Vill. was known to be host plant of E. zonulae. Some information on life history of this elachistid moth is also provided. The mature larva is 4.5—5.5 mm long. Pupation takes place usually at base of leaf blade of the food plant. The species is univoltine and hibernates as young larva

    Elachista baltica Hering, 1891 sp. rev. – a valid species of Elachistidae from the Baltic shore (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea)

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    Elachista baltica Hering, 1891, previously synonymised with Elachista freyerella (Hübner, 1825) is considered to be a good species. Morphological differences between E. baltica Hering, 1891, E. consortella Stainton, 1851, E. exactella (Herrich—Schäffer, 1855), E. freyerella, and E. stabilella Stainton, 1858 are presented and discussed. E. baltica is redescribed, including morphology ofgenitalia of both sexes, full grown larva and details on biology. The adults of E. baltica have been reared from larvae mining on Festuca rubra ssp. arenaria (Obs) Syme

    Fotokatalityczna redukcja ditlenku węgla w układach hybrydowych

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    Wykorzystanie ditlenku węgla może przyczynić się do zmniejszenia jego emisji do atmosfery i ograniczenia zużycia zasobów węgla kopalnego. Badane są różnorakie metody redukcji CO2, spośród których fotokataliza wydaje się być bardzo obiecująca, gdyż jest to przyjazna środowisku metoda konwersji energii świetlnej w chemiczną. Trzy strategie redukcji ditlenku węgla do użytecznych związków chemicznych i paliw były badane i są przedstawione w niniejszej pracy: fotokatalityczna karboksylacja substratów organicznych na drodze redukcji CO2, fotokatalityczna konwersja CO2 do związków C1, jak również inspirowana fotosyntezą fotochemiczno-enzymatyczna redukcja ditlenku węgla do metanolu. Fotokatalityczna karboksylacja acetyloacetonu i 2,3-dihydrofuranu została przeprowadzona używając siarczku cynku jako fotokatalizatora. Powstawanie odpowiednich kwasów karboksylowych zostało udowodnione na podstawie analiz spektroskopowych i chromatograficznych (13C-NMR, GC-MS i IR). Zaobserwowano zwiększenie wydajności reakcji wskutek modyfikacji półprzewodników nanocząstkami metalicznego rutenu. Reakcja zachodzi poprzez jednoelektronową redukcję ditlenku węgla do CO2 indukowaną fotogenerowanym elektronem z pasma przewodnictwa siarczku cynku oraz utlenianie organicznych substratów fotogenerowaną dziurą do odpowiednich rodników. Sprzęganie powstałych rodników prowadzi do utworzenia wiązania C-C i tym samym molekuły kwasu karboksylowego. ZnS, CuI, NiO i CuS były badane jako fotokatalizatory wieloelektronowej redukcji CO2 do związków C1, w czasie której HCOOH i CO zostały zidentyfikowane jako główne produkty reakcji. Ilość i wzajemny stosunek produktów silnie zależały nie tylko od użytego fotokatalizatora, ale również od obecności rutenu na powierzchni materiałów, stężenia donora elektronów czy polarności rozpuszczalnika. Ostatni aspekt pracy dotyczył fotokatalitycznej regeneracji koenzymu NADH i jego wykorzystania w enzymatycznej redukcji CO2 do CH3OH katalizowanej przez kaskadę enzymatyczną: FateDH, FaldDH i ADH. Badana była seria aktywnych w świetle widzialnym fotokatalizatorów półprzewodnikowych, spośród których TiO2 fotosensybilizowany organicznymi i nieorganicznymi modyfikatorami, półprzewodniki absorbujące światło widzialne półprzewodniki (Cu2O i InVO4), czy domieszkowany jonami kobaltu i żelaza siarczek cynku wydają się być najbardziej obiecujące. Przeprowadzone badania doprowadziły do opracowania układu opartego na półprzewodniku i kompleksie rodu pośredniczącemu w przeciesieniu elektronu z fotokatalizatora do NAD+. W takim układzie zachodziła wydajna i selektywna regeneracja enzymatycznie aktywnego izomeru 1,4-NADH, który może być wykorzystany w procesie enzymatycznej redukcji CO2. Badane procesy mogą w dalszej perspektywie znaleźć zastosowanie w indukowanych światłem słonecznym zielonych szlakach syntezy paliw i związków organicznych Cn+1 z Cn wykorzystujących ditlenek węgla jako substrat

    Neural networks application to reduction of train caused distortions in magnetotelluric measurement data

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    Artificial intelligence methods for MT data processing are proposed. Distortions having a complex structure created by external artificial sources such as, for example, passing train were investigate. In the first part of this paper the time intervals with such type of distortions were found by using a special neuronal system. Next for time intervals found in the first stage the measure curve fragment is removed and then it is replied by the fragment created by a trained perceptron. The experiment showed that used method are effective

    Dislocation of the mandible in a 47 year old patient

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    Dislocation of mandible is relatively uncommon disorder of temporomandibular joints. Disorder can occur during extreme dilation of mouth such as yawing, during dental treatments or endoscopic examination. 47- year old patient was admitted to the Department of Maxillo-facial Surgery in case of bilateral mandible dislocation. In this case the reposition in general anaesthesia was performed but ended up with failure

    Dislocation of mandible in 48 year old patient - the continuation of a therapy

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    Dislocation of a temporomandible joint (TMJ) is a rare disfunction, which has multiform background divided into imbalance in the function of neuromascular component or structural deficit. A 48-year-old woman was admitted to the Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery of the Medical University of Lublin due to continuation of a treatment of TMJ dislocation. Previous hospitalization was performed a few months earlier. Reposition in general anaesthesia was used as a treatment, however it ended up with defeat. Current hospitalization with open surgery reposition was scheduled. Bilateral condylectomy was prosecuted. After surgery correct movability and proper anterior-posterior placement of mandible were achieved

    Domain-Agnostic Neural Architecture for Class Incremental Continual Learning in Document Processing Platform

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    Production deployments in complex systems require ML architectures to be highly efficient and usable against multiple tasks. Particularly demanding are classification problems in which data arrives in a streaming fashion and each class is presented separately. Recent methods with stochastic gradient learning have been shown to struggle in such setups or have limitations like memory buffers, and being restricted to specific domains that disable its usage in real-world scenarios. For this reason, we present a fully differentiable architecture based on the Mixture of Experts model, that enables the training of high-performance classifiers when examples from each class are presented separately. We conducted exhaustive experiments that proved its applicability in various domains and ability to learn online in production environments. The proposed technique achieves SOTA results without a memory buffer and clearly outperforms the reference methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.1496

    Wpływ handlu równoległego leków na rynek farmaceutyczny w Polsce

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    Impact of parallel trade on pharmaceutical market in PolandParallel trade of pharmaceuticals is very complex and controversial phenomenon. It has 9 year history of systematic growth in Poland, however has reached only 1% share of the total Polish pharmaceutical market, so far. Moreover, there is a future risk that the growth of this sector will slow down or even change into negative trend without governmental support and with growing parallel export phenomenon stimulated by new reimbursement act. The results of this research show that there is an instant need for development of mechanisms to control export of Polish pharmaceuticals. Simultaneously, more specific approach is required to stimulate import of drugs in Poland. Both should ensure the right balance of the local pharmaceutical market and proper availability of pharmaceutical products for the Polish patient

    The COVID-19 Pandemic, Authoritarianism and Rejection of Sexual Dissenters in Poland

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    In Poland, gender hierarchy restricting women’s sexuality and hetero-normativity are rooted in traditional ‘family values’ supported by the teachings of the Polish Catholic Church and attached to Polish national identity. Dissenters to traditional norms regulating gender and sexual relations are rejected as threat to social order and national unity. Latent growth curve modeling performed on data from a three-wave longitudinal study indicated linear, inter-related increases in authoritarianism, a desire for national cohesion and rejection of sexual dissenters in the nationally representative sample of participants (N = 889) as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded in Poland. Data were collected before and during the outbreak of the pandemic allowing us to link the changes in social attitudes to this naturally occurring threat. Cross-lagged panel analysis indicated that authoritarianism predicted desire for national cohesion, which resulted in rejection of dissenters. These results are in line with theoretical models of authoritarianism as a response to threat. They are also in line with findings linking death anxiety and the threat of infectious disease to increases in authoritarianism, traditional worldview defense, in-group cohesion and sexual restrictiveness