2,700 research outputs found

    Planificación y programación de un centro educativo

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    Planificación: objetivos generales: La eficacia de un Centro educativo en sentido amplio depende de su planificación, razón por la cual la Dirección debe tener constantemente presentes los objetivos educativos establecidos y toda organización en función de los mismos. El primer problema a resolver en la planificación consiste en traducir la filosofía o fines educativos propios del Centro y los del sistema nacional, en objetivos concretos, que sean conductas medibles si queremos hacer del proceso educativo algo científico y pedagógico. Parte del desprestigio de algunas instituciones docentes nace de considerar que éstas son algo absolutamente distinto de cualquier otro sector social o económico, siendo la improvisación y la rutina la norma general de actuación

    Effect of flocculation on lipid extraction from Chlorella vulgaris Utex 1803 using response surface methodology

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    Microalgae are an attractive source of metabolites, such as lipids, proteins, pigments and carbohydrates, of potential interest to the pharmaceutical, food and energy sectors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of flocculation on lipid extraction from Chlorella Vulgaris. A 3 3 experimental design was performed with STATISTICA 7.0 software in order to determine the effects of flocculant (AlCl 3 ) addition, pH and time. The best strategy of pH adjustment-flocculant addition was evaluated, followed by lipid extraction under optimal conditions. pH adjustment after the addition of flocculant provided higher flocculation efficiencies (87.2-98.9%) compared to adjustments made before adding the flocculant (67.8-85.9%). Experiments performed according to the experimental design led to a flocculation efficiency of 99.7% when 100 mg/L of AlCl 3 , pH 7 and a cultivation time of 18.3 days were used. The percentage of a lipid extract from the flocculated biomass was 2.7% and the flocculant did not affect the production of fatty acid methyl esters

    Evaluation of modifications to a physicochemical method for determination of readily biodegradable COD

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    In the Mamais-Jenkins-Pitt method for determination of readily biodegradable COD (SS), 2 alternatives were proposed for the intermediate determination of soluble inert COD (SI). When a full-scale treatment plant exists, influent SI = effluent truly soluble COD. When there is no full-scale plant, then the truly soluble COD of the effluent of a 24 h fill-and-draw batch reactor treating the wastewater is taken as influent SI. In this study, both SI methods were statistically compared on 24 wastewater samples from 2 municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). While average SI obtained for the 2 methods was the same, individual samples usually had very different SI values. In fact, virtually no correlation was found between the 2 methods. Also, the SS values obtained using both SI alternatives were statistically compared. A good correlation was observed, in spite of the poor SI correlation – low, dispersed SI values did not seriously affect the correlation between both SS determinations. A method was proposed for determination of the limit of detection and the limit of quantification (LOQ) for both SS methods. The LOQ resulted in 28.6 mg/l and 32.6 mg/l, respectively, for the full-scale and the laboratory-scale alternatives. Some assumptions of the original laboratory-scale (LS) method could potentially be sources of error in SI determi-nation. Two modifications to the laboratory-scale method were implemented in order to avoid these potential problems: Washing biomass with tap water, and correcting SI in the fill-and-draw reactor by the SI of the original biomass suspension. These method modifications were tested on wastewater samples from the mentioned WWTPs. The fundamentals and results of both modifications are discussed in this paper, as well as the imprecision associated with estimating influent SIfrom effluent CODsol in all studied methods, and its impact on SS determinationPostprint (published version

    Obesity and Preeclampsia: Common Pathophysiological Mechanisms

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    Preeclampsia is a disorder specific of the human being that appears after 20 weeks of pregnancy, characterized by new onset of hypertension and proteinuria. Abnormal placentation and reduced placental perfusion associated to impaired trophoblast invasion and alteration in the compliance of uterine spiral arteries are the early pathological findings that are present before the clinical manifestations of preeclampsia. Later on, the endothelial and vascular dysfunction responsible of the characteristic vasoconstriction of preeclampsia appear. Different nutritional risk factors such as a maternal deficit in the intake of calcium, protein, vitamins and essential fatty acids, have been shown to play a role in the genesis of preeclampsia, but also an excess of weight gain during pregnancy or a pre-pregnancy state of obesity and overweight, which are associated to hyperinsulinism, insulin resistance and maternal systemic inflammation, are proposed as one of the mechanism that conduce to endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, proteinuria, thrombotic responses, multi-organ damage, and high maternal mortality and morbidity. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that pregnant women that suffer preeclampsia will have an increased risk of future cardiovascular disease and related mortality in their later life. In this article we will discuss the results of studies performed in different populations that have shown an interrelationship between obesity and overweight with the presence of preeclampsia. Moreover, we will review some of the common mechanisms that explain this interrelationship, particularly the alterations in the L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway as a crucial mechanism that is common to obesity, preeclampsia and cardiovascular diseases

    A simulation analysis of a microalgal-production plant for the transformation of inland-fisheries wastewater in sustainable feed

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    The present research evaluates the simulation of a system for transforming inland-fisheries wastewater into sustainable fish feed using Designer® software. The data required were obtained from the experimental cultivation of Chlorella sp. in wastewater supplemented with N and P. According to the results, it is possible to produce up to 11,875 kg/year (31.3 kg/d) with a production cost of up to 18 (USD/kg) for dry biomass and 0.19 (USD/bottle) for concentrated biomass. Similarly, it was possible to establish the kinetics of growth of substrate-dependent biomass with a maximum production of 1.25 g/L after 15 days and 98% removal of available N coupled with 20% of P. It is essential to note the final production efficiency may vary depending on uncontrollable variables such as climate and quality of wastewater, among others

    Early Response to Dehydration 7 Remodels Cell Membrane Lipid Composition During Cold Stress in Arabidopsis

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    Plants adjust to unfavorable conditions by altering physiological activities such as gene expression. Although previous studies have identified multiple stress-induced genes, the function of many genes during the stress responses remains unclear. Expression of ERD7 (Early Response to Dehydration 7) is induced in response to dehydration. Here, we show that ERD7 plays essential roles in both plant stress responses and development. In Arabidopsis, ERD7 protein accumulated under various stress conditions including exposure to low temperature. A triple mutant of Arabidopsis lacking ERD7 and two closely-related homologs had an embryonic lethal phenotype, whereas a mutant lacking the two homologs and one ERD7 allele had relatively round leaves, indicating that the ERD7 gene family has essential roles in development. Moreover, the importance of the ERD7 family in stress responses was evidenced by the susceptibility of the mutant lines to cold stress. ERD7 protein was found to bind to several, but not all, negatively charged phospholipids, and was associated with membranes. Lipid components and cold-induced reduction of PIP2 in the mutant line were altered relative to wild type. Furthermore, membranes from the mutant line had reduced fluidity. Taken together, ERD7 and its homologs are important for plant stress responses and development and associated with modification of membrane lipid composition

    Investigation of EBT3 radiochromic film’s response to humidity

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    Purpose: The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of immersing EBT3 radiochromic film in water and to evaluate its contribution to the total uncertainty in dose determination. Materials and methods: We used 3 cm 9 3 cm EBT3 radiochromic films irradiated in the range of 0–70 Gy to study the impact of water immersion on the change in net optical density. These films were placed in a water container for a period of 24 h. The net optical density was measured before (0 h) and after of the immersion in water (1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h). The absorbance spectrum of the EBT3 radiochromic film was measured at 0 h and 24 h after immersion in water. The uncertainty in dose determination due to the effects of keeping the EBT3 radiochromic film submerged in water at 0, 1, and 24 h were recorded in the red, green, and blue channels. Results: We observed an increase in the net optical density as an effect on the film due to its immersion in water. The penetration of the water at the edges of the radiochromic film was observed to be a function of time during which the film remained in the water. On the other hand, the penetration of water at the edges of the film was found to be independent of irradiation dose. Conclusions: EBT3 radiochromic film is found more resistant to water penetration through the edges than its predecessors. However, there is evidence that suggest that liquid water damage the Nylon cover layer of the film by changing its optical properties. Therefore, it is recommended to build a new calibration curve for radiochromic films for a specific situation involving dose measurements in liquid water.UAEMex INN

    A simulation analysis of an influenza vaccine production plant in areas of high humanitarian flow. A preliminary study for the region of norte de santander (colombia)

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    The production of vaccines of biological origin presents a tremendous challenge for re-searchers. In this context, animal cell cultures are an excellent alternative for the isolation and production of biologicals against several viruses, since they have an affinity with viruses and a great capacity for their replicability. Different variables have been studied to know the system’s ideal parameters, allowing it to obtain profitable and competitive products. Consequently, this work fo-cuses its efforts on evaluating an alternative for producing an anti‐influenza biological from MDCK cells using SuperPro Designer v8.0 software. The process uses the DMEN culture medium supple-mented with nutrients as raw material for cell development; the MDCK cells were obtained from a potential scale‐up with a final working volume of 500 L, four days of residence time, inoculum volume of 10%, and continuous working mode with up to a total of 7400 h/Yr of work. The scheme has the necessary equipment for the vaccine’s production, infection, and manufacture with yields of up to 416,698 units/h. In addition, it was estimated to be economically viable to produce recom-binant vaccines with competitive prices of up to 0.31 USD/unit

    Enhancement of metabolite production in high-altitude microalgal strains by optimized C/N/P ratio

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    This study evaluated the role of C/N/P in the increase in the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in two high-mountain strains of algae (Chlorella sp. UFPS019 and Desmodesmus sp. UFPS021). Three carbon sources (sodium acetate, sodium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate), and the sources of nitrogen (NaNO3) and phosphate (KH2PO4 and K2HPO4) were analyzed using a surface response (3 factors, 2 levels). In Chlorella sp. UFPS019, the optimal conditions to enhance the synthesis of carbohydrates were high sodium carbonate content (3.53 g/L), high KH2PO4 and K2HPO4 content (0.06 and 0.14 g/L, respectively), and medium-high NaNO3 (0.1875 g/L). In the case of lipids, a high concentration of sodium acetate (1.19 g/L) coupled with high KH2PO4 and K2HPO4 content (0.056 and 0.131 g/L, respectively) and a low concentration of NaNO3 (0.075 g/L) drastically induced the synthesis of lipids. In the case of Desmodesmus sp. UFPS021, the protein content was increased using high sodium acetate (2 g/L), high KH2PO4 and K2HPO4 content (0.056 and 0.131 g/L, respectively), and high NaNO3 concentration (0.25 g/L). These results demonstrate that the correct adjustment of the C/N/P ratio can enhance the capacity of high-mountain strains of algae to produce high concentrations of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids