76 research outputs found


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    The aim is to learn about the spirituality like a part of education. Spirituality is understood as values, attitudes and traditions choosing by man. It also refers to the integral, holistic upbringing of the human being. In this article, attention is paid to the comprehensive, multidimensional pupil development. This objective will be achieved by analyzing selected children's books. Short outline of the research problem and novelty

    Cocaine abstinence induces emotional impairment and brain region-specific upregulation of the oxytocin receptor binding.

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    The key problem in treating cocaine addiction is the maintenance of a drug-free state since negative emotional symptoms during abstinence often trigger relapse. The mechanisms underpinning the emotional dysregulation during abstinence are currently not well-understood. There is evidence suggesting a role of the neuropeptide oxytocin in the modulation of drug addiction processes. However, its involvement during long-term abstinence from cocaine use remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to behaviourally characterize a mouse model of long-term cocaine withdrawal and assess the effect of chronic cocaine administration and long-term cocaine abstinence on the central oxytocinergic system and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal-axis. Fourteen-day escalating-dose cocaine administration (3 x 15-30 mg/kg/day) and 14-day withdrawal increased plasma corticosterone levels and oxytocin receptor (OTR) binding in piriform cortex, lateral septum and amygdala. A specific cocaine withdrawal-induced increase in OTR binding was observed in the medial septum. These biochemical alterations occurred concomitantly with the emergence of memory impairment, contextual psychomotor sensitization and an anhedonic and anxiogenic phenotype during withdrawal. Our study established a clear relationship between cocaine abstinence and emotional impairment in a novel translationally-relevant model of cocaine withdrawal and demonstrated for the first time brain region-specific neuroadaptations of the oxytocin system, which may contribute to abstinence-induced negative emotional state. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    The essence and place of teacher training in the Polish legal system – from the experience of the Centre of Professional Excellence for Teachers in Puławy. Forms of teacher training

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    W artykule podjęto próbę analizy uwarunkowań systemowego wsparcia doskonalenia zawodowego w polskim systemie oświaty. Omówiono podstawy prawne systemu doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli oraz elementy tworzące ten system w Polsce. Ukazano tendencje rozwojowe systemu zarówno w obszarze zdobywania kwalifikacji przez nauczycieli, jak i doskonalenia posiadanej już wiedzy i umiejętności. Podkreślono specyfikę pracy nauczycieli w aspekcie zmian społeczno-gospodarczych i konieczność ciągłego doskonalenia się. Przeprowadzono analizę wyników badań w obszarze potrzeb edukacyjnych środowiska oświatowego w aspekcie preferencji dotyczących form doskonalenia zawodowego w ramach funkcjonowania powiatowej publicznej placówki doskonalenia nauczycieli, co pozwoliło wskazać tendencje i preferencje nauczycieli w obszarze doskonalenia zawodowego.The article attempts to analyze the conditions of the systemic implementation of professional development in the Polish education system. The legal basis of the teacher training system and the elements of this system in Poland were discussed. The development trends of the system were shown both in the area of gaining qualifications by teachers and improving the knowledge and skills already possessed. The specificity of teachers’ work in the aspect of socio-economic changes and the need for continuous improvement were emphasized. An analysis of the research in the area of educational needs of the educational environment was carried out in the aspect of preferences regarding the forms of in-service training within the functioning of the poviat public teacher training institution, which allowed to indicate the tendencies and preferences of teachers in the area of in-service training

    Professional training of teachers as a response to the challenges of modern education. From the experience of the Centre for Professional Excellence for Teachers in Puławy

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    W artykule podjęto próbę analizy współczesnych uwarunkowań i wymagań stawianych profesji nauczyciela. W sposób ogólny omówiono system doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli oraz elementy tworzące ten system w Polsce. Ukazano wyzwania stojące przed współczesnym pedagogiem. Podkreślono specyfikę pracy nauczycieli w aspekcie zmian społeczno-gospodarczych i konieczność ciągłego doskonalenia się. Przeprowadzono analizę badań w obszarze potrzeb edukacyjnych środowiska światowego w ramach funkcjonowania powiatowej, publicznej placówki doskonalenia nauczycieli, co pozwoliło wskazać tendencje i preferencje nauczycieli w obszarze doskonalenia zawodowego.The article attempts to analyse the contemporary conditions and requirements for the teaching profession. The teacher training system and the elements that constitute this system in Poland are discussed in general. The challenges faced by the contemporary educator are shown. The specificity of teachers’ work in terms of socio-economic changes and the need for continuous improvement are emphasised. An analysis of research in the area of educational needs of teachers was carried out in the context of the functioning of the public teacher training institution, which allowed to indicate the tendencies and preferences of teachers in the area of professional development


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    Penetracja surowca kosmetycznego po zaaplikowania preparatu zawierającego ten surowiec na skórę, jest ważnym aspektem w badaniach bezpieczeństwa danego surowca oraz ważnym czynnikiem wpływającym na jego skuteczność. Proces przenikania zależy m.in. od właściwości fizykochemicznych substancji, jej stężenia, składu gotowego preparatu, obecności promotorów wchłaniania czy stanu skóry. Wśród metod badawczych, w chwili obecnej coraz najpopularniejszymi narzędziami do testowania przenikania surowców w laboratoriach przemysłu kosmetycznego są metody wykorzystujące zrekonstruowane modele naskórka, ponieważ umożliwiają przeprowadzanie etycznych, precyzyjnych i powtarzalnych badań penetracji ksenobiotyków przez naskórek. Wśród metod badawczych wykorzystywanych w laboratoriach kosmetycznych coraz częściej wykorzystuje się modele zrekonstruowanego naskórka, ponieważ umożliwiają przeprowadzanie etycznych, precyzyjnych i powtarzalnych badań penetracji ksenobiotyków przez naskórek.Celem pracy było zbadanie zdolności przenikania przez skórę w modelu in vitro związku A-111, wykazującego aktywność antymelanogenną. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem zrekonstruowanego modelu naskórka ludzkiego EpiSkinTM. Próbki pobierano w określonych odstępach czasu, a cały eksperyment trwał 24 h. Stężenie zw. A-111 w próbkach oznaczono metodą HPLC.W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania wykazano, że zw. A-111 przenika przez warstwę rogową naskórka w ciągu 24 h w ponad 30%. Oznacza to, że biodostępność po podaniu na skórę zw. A-111 nie będzie czynnikiem ograniczającym skuteczność jego działania kosmetycznego.Penetration of a cosmetic ingredient after its application on the skin is an important aspect of the safety testing and effectiveness of a given compound. The penetration process depends, among other things, on the physicochemical properties of the substance, its concentration, the formulation of the product, the presence of absorption promoters or the skin condition. Among the research methods, the ones using reconstructed models of the epidermis are becoming more popular tools for testing the penetration of cosmetic ingredients in laboratories. They allow ethical, precise and reproducible studies of the xenobiotics penetration through the epidermis.The aim of this thesis was to investigate the skin penetration of a new anti-melanogenic compound, A-111, in an in vitro model. In the study a reconstructed EpiSkinTM human epidermis model was applied. Samples were taken at defined intervals, and the entire experiment lasted 24 h. The concentration of A-111 in the samples was determined by HPLC.As a result of the study, it was shown that the A-111 absorption through the stratum corneum within 24 hours is slightly above 30%. Therefore it could be concluded that the bioavailability of A-111 will not be a limiting factor in the cosmetic effectiveness of the newly developed cosmetic ingredient when applied on the skin

    Monitoring of priority substances in example of the metal impurities.

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    W pracy badano zawartość metali ciężkich - Cd, Pb, Hg i Ni w wodach powierzchniowych, w okresie od IX 2011r. do III2012r. Próbki pobierane były w 40 punktach na terenie Województwa Małopolskiego w obrębie delegatury WIOŚ w Krakowie. Z pośród nich wybrano 9, w których zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 listopada 2011r. w sprawie sposobu klasyfikacji stanu jednolitych części wód powierzchniowych oraz środowiskowych norm jakości dla substancji priorytetowych określono stan chemiczny wód powierzchniowych. Do oznaczenia Cd, Pb i Ni zastosowano technikę ICP-AES, dla Hg wykorzystano metodę ASA z zastosowaniem techniki amalgamatowej AMA. Środowiskowe normy jakości dla Ni nie zostały przekroczone w żadnym punkcie. Dla Hg norma została przekroczona nieznacznie, w okresie jesiennym. Pb wykazuje największe przekroczenie u źródeł wydobyci. Cd jest jedynym pierwiastkiem dla którego we wszystkich punktach przekroczona jest środowiskowa norma jakości.In master`s thesis was examined the content of heavy metals – Cd, Pb, Hg and Ni on surface water, since IX 2011 to III 2012r. Specimens were downloaded in 40 sites, in Malopolskie Voivodeship within the WIOŚ delegacy in Cracov. Nine of then was chosen, in conformity with Minister of Environment of 9th November 2011for the classification of bodies of surface water and environmental quality standards for priority substances identified surface water chemical status. The ICP-AES technique was used for measurement Cd, Pb and Ni. The ASA method with amalgan AMA technique was used for Hg measurement. The standards of environments quality for Ni was not exceeded in any sites. The standard was slightly exceeded for Hg in autumn sezon. The biggest exceeded was in the source extraction for Pb. Cd is the only element for which the standard of environments quality was exceeded in every sites

    The modulation of methamphetamine-induced behaviours by oxytocin in the nucleus accumbens core and subthalamic nucleus

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    Thesis by publication.Includes bibliographical references.1. Introduction -- 2. Oxytocin modulates dopamine-mediated reward in the rat subthalamic nucleus -- 3. Oxytocin in the nucleus accumbens core reduces reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking behaviour in rats -- 4. Oxytocin microinjected into the subthalamic nucleus of the rat reduces reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking behaviour -- 5. Changes to oxytocin receptor expression in the nucleus accumbens core and subthalamic nucleus following chronic methamphetamine self-administration -- 6. General discussion.The psychostimulant methamphetamine (METH) is an addictive illicit drug, which is commonly abused on a global scale. Repeat administration of the drug is associated with a range of long-term adverse effects and effective pharmacotherapies for METH dependence are currently lacking. The neuropeptide oxytocin has been identified as a potential pharmacotherapeutic agent due to the ability of systemic administration of this peptide to modulate METH-related reward and METH-seeking behaviour. This modulation is thought to occur through the attenuation of dopamine activity and release. Recent findings identified the nucleus accumbens (NAc) core and subthalamic nucleus (STh) as key regions involved in oxytocin modulation of acute METH-related reward. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which oxytocin modulates METH-related behaviours, which in turn limits a thorough understanding of the implications of using oxytocin as a pharmacotherapy for METH dependence. Taken together, this thesis aimed to examine the ability of oxytocin to modulate METH-related reward and relapse to METH seeking within the NAc core and STh through the utilisation of animal models of reward and addiction, incorporating pharmacological, cellular, and biochemical investigation. In the first experimental chapter of this thesis (Chapter 2), oxytocinIn the first experimental chapter of this thesis (Chapter 2), oxytocin modulation of dopamine-related reward in the STh was investigated using the conditioned place preference paradigm. Following a single conditioning session, male Sprague Dawley rats formed a place preference for the context paired with a microinjection of dopamine (100 nmol/side) into the STh (200 nl/side) and this preference was blocked by the co-administration of oxytocin (0.6 pmol/side). In addition, the inhibitory effect of oxytocin on dopamine place preference formation was reversed by the concurrent administration of desGly-NH₂d(CH₂)₅[DTyr², Thr⁴]OVT (3 nmol/side), a selective oxytocin receptor (OTR) antagonist into the STh. These findings suggest that oxytocin modulated dopamine-related reward within the STh through the OTR.Considering the detrimental impact that METH abuse has on the individual, the following two chapters examined the effect of exogenous oxytocin on METH reinforcement. More specifically, the ability of oxytocin to modulate relapse to METH-seeking behaviour when microinjected into either the NAc core (Chapter 3) or STh (Chapter 4) was examined using the drug-primed reinstatement model of intravenous drug self-administration. Chapter 3 determined in male Sprague Dawley rats that oxytocin (0.5 pmol, 1.5 pmol, 4.5 pmol/side) microinjected into the NAc core (500 nl/side) reduced METH-primed reinstatement (1 mg/kg, i.p.) and that the co-administration of the selective OTR antagonist used in Chapter 2 surprisingly had a non-specific effect on reinstatement to METH-seeking behaviour. When oxytocin was locally administered into the STh (200 nl/side; Chapter 4), the highest dose tested (3.6 pmol/side) decreased reinstatement to METH-seeking behaviour. Similar to the findings reported in Chapter 3, co-administration of the selective OTR antagonist did not specifically reverse the inhibitory effect of oxytocin on reinstatement to METH-seeking behaviour. The findings of Chapters 3 and 4 suggest that oxytocin mediated METH-primed reinstatement through the activation of receptors beyond the OTR.In light of the findings from Chapters 3 and 4, and the lack of reporting on the role of the OTR in oxytocin attenuation of psychostimulant-induced behaviours, the final experimental chapter (Chapter 5) primarily investigated whether there are cellular changes to the endogenous oxytocin system in the NAc core and STh, as well as changes to oxytocin plasma levels following chronic METH intravenous self-administration (IVSA) and after behavioural extinction. Male Sprague Dawley rats that self-administered METH had higher oxytocin plasma levels, and decreased OTR-immunoreactive fibres in the NAc core than yoked saline rats. After behavioural extinction, oxytocin plasma levels remained elevated, OTR-immunoreactive fibre density increased in the STh that exceeded baseline yoked control levels, and a trend towards normalisation of OTR-immunoreactive fibre density to baseline yoked levels was evident in the NAc core in rats that were previously experienced at METH IVSA compared to yoked controls. These findings demonstrate that the oxytocin system, both centrally within the NAc core and STh, and peripherally through plasma measures, are dysregulated following METH abuse.Chapter 6 discusses implications for the research findings of this thesis and future research directions. The results of this thesis show a direct modulatory role of oxytocin at the NAc core and STh on METH administration. These effects may incorporate the activity of oxytocin at receptors other than the OTR as previous studies have demonstrated interactions with the amino acids glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to mediate METHrelated behaviours. Further, oxytocin is known to act through the V1a receptor of the structurally similar neuropeptide arginine vasopressin to modulate prosocial and autonomic effects, suggesting that V1a receptors may be involved in regulating psychostimulant abuse. As such, a more complex interplay incorporating dopamine, glutamate, GABA and vasopressin in oxytocin modulation of METH reward and abuse is discussed. Lastly, a regulated endogenous oxytocin system has been proposed to increase resilience to addiction. This may be through the regulation of the circuits impacted by drug abuse. Intranasal oxytocin administration may then help replenish depleted oxytocin levels in drug-addicted individuals, potentially reducing engagement in drug-seeking and taking behaviours.In conclusion, the results of this thesis demonstrate that oxytocin modulation of METH reward and abuse incorporates the NAc core and STh. In terms of reward, oxytocin attenuates dopamine-driven reward in the STh through activation of the OTR. Oxytocin administration to either the NAc core or STh reduced relapse to METH-seeking behaviour however, additional receptors to the OTR were involved. Regardless of the weak effect of OTR antagonism to alter oxytocin reductions in METH-seeking behaviour, the density of OTR-ir fibres in the NAc core and STh were differentially affected by METH IVSA and following a period of extinction, despite a constant increase in blood plasma levels of oxytocin. These results provide insight into the neurobiological processes of oxytocin and its receptor in regulating METH abuse, with the NAc core and STh as primary brain substrates. Future studies should determine additional receptor interactions by oxytocin in these and other brain regions affected by chronic METH exposure. Overall, the current body of research has important implications for the development of oxytocin-based compounds for pharmacological treatment of METH abuse and dependence.Mode of access: World wide web1 online resource (xxv, 187 pages) illustration

    Oxytocin modulates dopamine-mediated reward in the rat subthalamic nucleus

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    The subthalamic nucleus (STh) is increasingly recognized as an important region involved in the motivation for drug reward. It is not yet known if dopamine, the neurotransmitter primarily responsible for reward signaling, is also involved in mediating reward-related activity in the STh. The neuropeptide oxytocin acts within the STh to reduce the rewarding effects of the psychostimulant methamphetamine, through a proposed interaction with dopamine. However, the mechanisms of this interaction are unclear. The current study aimed to determine whether (i) dopamine microinjected into the STh would result in a significant place preference following a single-trial conditioning session, (ii) co-administered dopamine receptor antagonist would block the formation of a conditioned place preference (CPP) for dopamine, (iii) co-administered oxytocin would prevent CPP for dopamine and (iv) whether the selective oxytocin antagonist desGly-NH2,d(CH2)5[D-Tyr2,Thr4]OVT, when co-administered with oxytocin and dopamine, would reverse the effects of oxytocin and result in a CPP for dopamine. Results showed that male Sprague Dawley rats i) formed a preference for the context paired with dopamine (100nmol/side) administration into the STh, which was prevented by co-administration of ii) the mixed dopamine receptor antagonist fluphenazine (10nmol/side) or iii) oxytocin (0.6nmol/side), with the oxytocin effect on dopamine CPP reversed by the co-administration of the oxytocin receptor antagonist (3nmol/side). These data suggest that dopamine neurotransmission in the STh produces rewarding effects that can be reduced by activation of local oxytocin receptors. Corrigendum to this article appeared in Hormones and behavior, Vol. 64, Issue 1, pp. 172, doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2013.04.0136 page(s

    The Neurocircuitry involved in oxytocin modulation of methamphetamine addiction

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    The role of oxytocin in attenuating the abuse of licit and illicit drugs, including the psychostimulant methamphetamine, has been examined with increased ferocity in recent years. This is largely driven by the potential application of oxytocin as a pharmacotherapy. However, the neural mechanisms by which oxytocin modulates methamphetamine abuse are not well understood. Recent research identified an important role for the accumbens core and subthalamic nucleus in this process, which likely involves an interaction with dopamine, glutamate, GABA, and vasopressin. In addition to providing an overview of methamphetamine, the endogenous oxytocin system, and the effects of exogenous oxytocin on drug abuse, we propose a neural circuit through which exogenous oxytocin modulates methamphetamine abuse, focusing on its interaction with neurochemicals within the accumbens core and subthalamic nucleus. A growing understanding of exogenous oxytocin effects at a neurochemical and neurobiological level will assist in its evaluation as a pharmacotherapy for drug addiction.18 page(s