878 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tebal Kaca Penutup Terhadap Efisiensi Kolektor Surya Pelat Gelombang Tipe V Pada Proses Destilasi Air Laut

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the glass cover with the thickness 3 mm, 5 mm and 8 mm get the efficiency of the solar collector plate V and the efficiency of distillation. The result is that the efficiency of the collector and the amount of water distillation produced by the glass cover with the thickness 3 mm, 5 mm, and 8 mm reduced simultaneously. The highest efficiency of collector occurred on the glass cover with the thickness 3 mm with an average value of 47. 85% and the lowest efficiency occurred on glass cover with the thickness 8 mm with the average value of 40.65%. While the highest amount of water distillation occurred on glass cover with the thickness 3 mm with an average value of 16.93 mL and the lowest amount of water occurred on the glass with the thickness 8 mm with an average value of 11.13 mL. Consequently, the average of the efficiency of the lowest distillation occurred on glass with the thickness 5 mm is 8.86%. This is due to the glass cover with the thickness 3 mm has a high transmission and absorption in which it is inversely proportional to the glass cover with the thickness 5 mm and 8 mm that has low transmission and high absorptio

    The mediating effect of environmental policy on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry

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    Customer satisfaction and loyalty, according to the literature, are influenced by many factors such as perceived value, corporate image, perceived quality, trust, communication etc. This study investigates the mediating effect of environmental policy in the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. For this purpose, empirical research on Greek hotels’ customers, with the use of a structured questionnaire, was conducted. In data analysis, the S.P.S.S 20 and LISREL software were used. The results indicate that the degree of perceived, by customers, environmental policy is not related to satisfaction, and moreover to their loyalty towards the hotel

    Studi Habitat Peneluran Penyu Hijau (Chelonia Mydas) Di Pantai Pangumbahan Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    All sorts of turtle have registered in the list of Apendik I CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Spesies). The convention forbid the International trade of all products/result of turtle: neither the egg, meat or caravas.The purpose of this research is to know the nesting of Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) reviewed from the physical aspect and biology of Pangumbahan Beach, Sukabumi , West Java. The research was did on January 5th-7th 2011. The method that used is Descriptive Exploratory Method. The research material that used is Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), the nesting of turtle that include the outside vegetation, predator, the long and wide of beach, the temperature, the slope of beach, the moisture of substrate, and the composition of sand. There is 6 station based on Association of The Green Turtle Cultivation. Data collection was did by direct observation in locates. Based on the research result, the Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Pangumbahan Beach achieve 19. The width of Pangumbahan Beach is about 72 - 92 m and the length is about 3000 m. The slope of the beach is about 2.4% - 2.8%. The measured result of the sand temperature is about 28 ËšC - 29.3 ËšC. The composition moisture of surface sediments is about 0.05% - 1.13%, and the moisture inside sediments (50cm) about 0.26% - 4.1%. The sand particle of Pangumbahan Beach is dominated by the medium sand with percentage in each more than 25%. The vegetation that dominate is Pandanus (Pandanus tectorius), meanwhile kind of predators that find in the locate are Wild Dogs (Canis lupus), Red Ants (Oechophylla smaragdina), Crab (Ocypoda sp)

    Isolasi Antimikroba Dari Jamur Yang Bersimbiosis Dengan Biota Laut

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    Penelitian untuk mengisolasi antibakteri dari jamur yang bersimbiosis pada sponge dan ascidian telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memberdayakan potensi biota laut yang kaya dan belum banyak diperhatikan. Penelitian dilakukan meliputi sampling sponge dan ascidian, isolasi jamur simbion pada ke dua biota laut, kultur jamur dan ekstraksi dengan etanol dilanjutkan dengan partisi dengan pelarut etil asetat, heksan dan butanol dan pengujian antibakteri pada bakteri S. aureus, dan E. coli. Aktivitas antibakteri diukur dari zona hambat yang terbentuk oleh masing masing ekstrak terhadap bakteri uji. Tujuan penelitian yaitu: membandingkan aktivitas antimikroba dari ekstrak jamur simbionnya dan fraksi-fraksi etil asetat, heksan,butanol. Dari 5 jenis sponge dan 2 jenis ascidian yang di koleksi diperoleh 12 jenis jamur. Ekstrak kasar jamur S2-3 dan S4-2 dan A2-1 mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri uji S. aureus dan E coli. Ekstrak jamur S4-2 aktivitasnya hampir menyamai antibiotik pembanding yang digunakan (Chloramex). Ekstrak jamur S2-3 fraksi etil asetat dan heksan mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S. aureus dan E coli. Fraksi etil asetat jamur S2-3 da S4-2 diameter zona hambat hampir sama. Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa: dari lima jenis sponge dan dua jenis ascidian didapatkan 12 jamur simbion. Ekstrak kasar jamur S4-2 memiliki diameter zona hambat yang besar dan hampir menyamai antibiotika pembanding. Aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak jamur S2-3 dan S4-2 fraksi heksan lebih besar untuk bakteri E.coli dibanding S.aureus

    Downs, Stokes and the Dynamics of Electoral Choice

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    A six-wave 2005–09 national panel survey conducted in conjunction with the British Election Study provided data for an investigation of sources of stability and change in voters’ party preferences. The authors test competing spatial and valence theories of party choice and investigate the hypothesis that spatial calculations provide cues for making valence judgements. Analyses reveal that valence mechanisms – heuristics based on party leader images, party performance evaluations and mutable partisan attachments – outperform a spatial model in terms of strength of direct effects on party choice. However, spatial effects still have sizeable indirect effects on the vote via their influence on valence judgements. The results of exogeneity tests bolster claims about the flow of influence from spatial calculations to valence judgments to electoral choice.</jats:p

    Analisis Senyawa Antibiotik Dari Jamur Simbion Yang Terdapat Dalam Ascidians Didemnum Molle Di Sekitar Perairan Bunaken-Sulawesi Utara

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    Endosymbiont can be interpreted as microbes that live in colonies in the internal tissues of other higher organisms without causing adverse effects directly on the its host. Endosymbiont organisms have a huge potential to be exploited as a new natural products that are useful in medicine, agriculture, and industry. This research is focused on the antibacterial potential. Ascidians Didemnum moll speciments were collected from Manado waters. The fungal isolates were purified followed by screening their antibacterial activity towards Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this study we isolated 3 fungal specimens Acremonium sp. (ADMB-1, 2 and 3). Three isolates showed potential antibacterial activity. Together with the fungal isolates, we also isolated Bacillus galacosidilyticus from the same host. This bacterial isolate also show antibacterial potency

    Kinetic Control of Interpenetration in Fe-Biphenyl-4,4 '-dicarboxylate Metal-Organic Frameworks by Coordination and Oxidation Modulation

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    Phase control in the self-assembly of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is often a case of trial and error; judicious control over a number of synthetic variables is required to select the desired topology and control features such as interpenetration and defectivity. Herein, we present a comprehensive investigation of self-assembly in the Fe–biphenyl-4,4′-dicarboxylate system, demonstrating that coordination modulation can reliably tune between the kinetic product, noninterpenetrated MIL-88D(Fe), and the thermodynamic product, two-fold interpenetrated MIL-126(Fe). Density functional theory simulations reveal that correlated disorder of the terminal anions on the metal clusters results in hydrogen bonding between adjacent nets in the interpenetrated phase and this is the thermodynamic driving force for its formation. Coordination modulation slows self-assembly and therefore selects the thermodynamic product MIL-126(Fe), while offering fine control over defectivity, inducing mesoporosity, but electron microscopy shows MIL-88D(Fe) persists in many samples despite not being evident by diffraction. Interpenetration control is also demonstrated using the 2,2′-bipyridine-5,5′-dicarboxylate linker; it is energetically prohibitive for it to adopt the twisted conformation required to form the interpenetrated phase, although multiple alternative phases are identified due to additional coordination of Fe cations to its N donors. Finally, we introduce oxidation modulation—the use of metal precursors in different oxidation states from that found in the final MOF—to kinetically control self-assembly. Combining coordination and oxidation modulation allows the synthesis of pristine MIL-126(Fe) with BET surface areas close to the predicted maximum for the first time, suggesting that combining the two may be a powerful methodology for the controlled self-assembly of high-valent MOFs
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