39 research outputs found

    Development Of A Simplified Scheme For Intrinsic Lowdimensional Manifolds By Exploiting The Hierarchical Structures Of Hydrocarbon Fuels

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003Çalışma kapsamında 3 boyutlu çalkantılı yanma işlemlerinin fiziksel ve kimyasal nicelikleri kimyasal kinetiğin düşük boyutlu çözüm uzayı yöntemiyle basitleştirilmesi üzerinde yoğunlaşılarak incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, yüksek hidrokarbonlu yakıtların detaylı yanma mekanizmalarının hiyerarşik yapıları kullanılarak söz konusu çözüm yöntemi üzerinde bir takım iyileştirme çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yüksek lisans tezi kapsamında, DBÇU yönteminin elde var olan kaynak kodu geliştirilmiş ve doğruluğu sentez gas/oksijen ve metan/oksijen yakıt sistemleri eş basınç ve adyabatik şartlar altında çalıştırılarak denenmiştir. Sonuçlar klasik ve geliştirilmiş programın faz uzayında birbirine çok yakın sonuçlar verdiğini göstermektedir. Değiştirilmiş algoritmalar daha çözüm uzayını daha kolay bir şekilde düzgün olarak kurabilmektedir.The chemical and physical aspects of 3-D turbulent combustion processes have been investigated with special emphasis on the development of reduced models for simplification of the chemical kinetics by intrinsic low-dimensional manifold (ILDM) method. Within the concept of the thesis, without loss of accuracy, ILDM code is modified in a way that it allows the construction of in situ tables, including mass fractions of the species and the reaction rates of the reaction progress variables, for the high hydrocarbon fuels by exploiting the hierarchical structure of the combustion processes. The capabilites and the efficiency of the developed version of ILDM was investigated with a set of simulations based on the construction of results tables for synthesis gas/oxygen and methane/oxygen non premixed combustion systems with isobaric and adiabatic conditions. Results showed that the variations in the phase space represent exactly the same patterns, even for the distribution of the intermediate species, both in the classical approach and modified versions. Furthermore, the distribuitons obtained by the developed version exhibits a smooth surface in that it does not include any bad point within the solution domain.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Bir Üniversite Hastanesi Psikiyatri Kliniğinde Yatırılarak Tedavi Gören Yaşlı Hastaların Tanı ve Tedavilerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Ortalama yaşam süresinin uzaması ile ülkemizde psikiyatri kliniklerinde yatan geriatrik hastaların sayısının artması, tanılarının tespitini önemli hale getirmiştir. Geriatrik popülasyonda, psikiyatri servisinde yatarak tedavi gören hastaların tanı ve tedavilerine ilişkin bilgileri değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde 2010-2017 yılları arasında yatmış olan 60 yaş ve üzeri 73 hastanın sosyodemografik ve klinik özellikleri tıbbi kayıtlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 67.5±5.5 ve %56.9’u n:41 kadınlardan oluşmaktaydı. Tanıları gözden geçirildiğinde %38.9’u n:28 depresif dönem, %16.7’si, n:12 anksiyete bozukluğu, %11.1’i n:8 psikotik bozukluk, %15.3’ü n:11 bipolar bozukluk depresif n:3 ya da manik n:8 dönem nedeniyle tedavi edilmişti, %19.5 n:14 hastanın demans eş tanısı vardı.Hastaların psikiyatrik hastalıkların %19.4’ünde n:14 hipertansiyon HT ve Diyabetes Mellitus DM , %7.8’ine n:6 tiroid işlev bozukluğu eşlik etmekteydi. Hastaların büyük çoğunluğu %79.2 n:57 kısmi remisyonla taburcu edilmişti. Taburculuk tedavileri değerlendirildiğinde %38.9’u n:28 antipsikotik ve antidepresan kombinasyonu, %23.6’sının n:17 ise antidepresan monoterapisi ya da kombinasyonu ile taburcu edildiği saptandı.Sonuç: Depresyon ve anksiyete bozuklukları, ileri yaşlarda en sık görülen ruh sağlığı sorunlarından ikisidir ve araştırmamız bulguları da yazın ile uyumludur Ülkemizde geriatrik hasta grubunun tanımlanarak, tedavi politikalarının geliştirilmesi açısından büyük örneklemli izlem çalışmaları yapılması gerekmektedi

    Comparison of Postoperative Condylar Functions of Orthognathic Surgery Patients with Control Subjects Using SAM Axiograph

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    Aim:The aim of this study is to compare temporomandibular joint tracings of healthy individuals, who do not manifest any TMD symptoms, with those of the patients who have undergone orthognathic surgery operations after a certain period of time.Subjects and Methods:Fifty adults who have undergone orthognathic surgery operations have been divided into subgroups in accordance with the type of surgery plan and they were compared with the control group without any TMJD, as well as with the other surgery subgroups. SPSS packed programe's Student's t test were used for the statistical analysis.Results:Significant tracing widening and shortening was observed in the advancement surgery and setback surgery groups compared to the control group. Especially the postoperative data of mandibular advancement cases showed reduced mobility and more discrepancy in width compared to the control group and mandibular setback group.Conclusion:Patients, who have undergone advancement surgery, have to be analyzed carefully since these patients are more prone to develop TMDS. None of the patients among mandibular advancement surgery group in our study needed help for their current status. This study shows that after orthognathic surgery, lower jaw movements are more limited and less reproducible, and these results are even more severe in mandibular advancement surgery cases

    Possible role of GADD45γ methylation in diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma: Does it affect the progression and tissue involvement?

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    Objective: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma among adults and is characterized by heterogeneous clinical, immunophenotypic, and genetic features. Different mechanisms deregulating cell cycle and apoptosis play a role in the pathogenesis of DLBCL. Growth arrest DNA damage-inducible 45 (GADD45γ) is an important gene family involved in these mechanisms. The aims of this study are to determine the frequency of GADD45γ methylation, to evaluate the correlation between GADD45γ methylation and protein expression, and to investigate the relation between methylation status and clinicopathologic parameters in DLBCL tissues and reactive lymphoid node tissues from patients with reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six tissue samples of DLBCL and 40 nonmalignant reactive lymphoid node tissues were analyzed in this study. Methylation-sensitive high-resolution melting analysis was used for the determination of GADD45γ methylation status. The GADD45γ protein expression was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: GADD45γ methylation was frequent (50.0%) in DLBCL. It was also significantly higher in advanced-stage tumors compared with early-stage (p=0.041). In contrast, unmethylated GADD45γ was associated with nodal involvement as the primary anatomical site (p=0.040). Conclusion: The results of this study show that, in contrast to solid tumors, the frequency of GADD45γ methylation is higher and this epigenetic alteration of GADD45γ may be associated with progression in DLBCL. In addition, nodal involvement is more likely to be present in patients with unmethylated GADD45γ. © 2015 Turkish Society of Hematology. All rights reserved

    In What Ways Are the Conflict Between Civilization and Savagery Discussed in Novel “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding?

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    When the reader faces first with the beginning of the novel “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, may believe mistakenly that this book is a story that is written for children which tells the story of pack of children crash on a virgin island. It may be seen as the modern application of the R.M. Ballantyne’s well-known children’s book Coral Island. Even Golding names his first two major characters as Jack and Ralph in order to strengthen this belief and resemblance by using apparent names in both stories. However, the true allegoric and deep meaning cannot be foreseen. Throughout the novel, reader is pulled in to the virgin island that the pack of boys trying to survive in. As the time passes, reader is introduced to the real allegoric dilemma of the novel: the dispute between Civilization and Savagery and how far Savagery can go without civilization. There occurs my research question. And in the purpose of answering to this research question throughout my study I will analyze the major impacts, themes and motives that lead us to the general assumptions. The scope of my investigation will be the decomposition of the novel in to branches by also focusing on the allegoric elements. Which I will also support with my secondary sources. Fight for leadership and quest and lust for power plays an important role in the novel so that I will try to relate my statements with these facts. Also degeneration of humankind from civilized gentlemen in to wild animals sets the general rhyme of the novel. I will begin my study with the eloquent quotation from Golding and up to conclusion I will try to merge theoretical ideas of the novel with the characters and events happened in the book

    yitim Zonunun Geri Çekilmesi, Sulu Ve Kuru Eriyik Üretimi

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    Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Yüksek LisansTez (eng) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek LisansSubduction zones are the major element of active tectonics (55.000 km) of planet Eart (Stern, 2002). Subduction zones are regions of the Earth affected by the sinking of relatively cold and dense oceanic lithospheres into the mantle. Geophysical and geological evidences have led to interpretation of oceanic lithosphere subduction beneath the Sunda and Japan subduction region. Active subduction is taking important role to creation of serial volcanic province. These volcanic areas show variable chemical properties such as alkaline and calc-alkaline compositions. Alkaline composition is related with low pressure conditions and common at ridge regions however they are observed at some subduction zones such as Sunda arc. Calc-alkaline magmatism is related with dehydration reactions at subduction slab. Volatiles inside the top of the subducted oceanic lithosphere are releasing at 80 - 200 km depth condition. Volatiles decrease the melting temperature and cause partial melt of mantle wedge (triangular asthenospheric window beneath the volcanic arc). Thickness of the subducting slab is changing with oceanic lithosphere age. Feature of the subduction is dominated by thickness of the slab which is changing with age. Numerous 2D numerical geodynamic experiments (I2ELVIS) in the context of the tectonic evolution of the region are conducted to test the effects of the oceanic lithosphere age on melt generation. Within the scope of the models, the age of the oceanic lithosphere has been tried by increasing the age from 50 million to 120 million years. The plate convergence rate was defined as 4 cm / year and 8 cm/yr. The model boundaries are 1400 km vertical and 4000 km horizontal. as defined. The geology of the layers used in the models is defined as follows; 10 km atmosphere, 2 km. ocean, 20 km. felsic upper continental crust (wet quartzite), 15 km. felsic lower crust (wet kurtzite), 3 km. upper oceanic crust (basalt), 5 km. lower oceanic crust (gabbro) and 2 km. width is used for the zone of weakness hydrated mantle. Model result for subduction are comparable with observations related to the geodynamic evolution of the Sunda. The mantle structure compared by seismic profiles, considering convergent rate of plate motion. Chemical composition distribution of volcanics are correlating with geochemistry studies.Yitim bölgeleri, aktif tektoniğinin temel elemanıdır ve yaklaşık 55.000 km. lik bir kısmını kaplamaktadır (Stern, 2002). Yitim bölgeleri, yeryüzünün nispeten soğuk ve yoğun okyanusal litosferlerinin mantoya batmasından meydana gelen alanlarıdır. Okyanusal litosferin dalması ile oluşam yapının jeokimyasal heterojenliği deniz dibi çökeltileri, mantodan uçucuları ve peridotit içeren okyanus bazaltları ile temsil edilir. Dalan levhanın yapısal özelliklerini belirleyen faktörler şu şekildedir; dalan levhanın termal sıcaklık gradyeni (yaşına bağlı olarak deşikenlik gösterir, dalan levhanın yaşı, yakınsama hızı, manto kamasındaki konveksiyon akımları, dalan levhanın üst yüzeyindeki makaslama kuvvetleri sonucu oluşan ısınma, sıcaklık etkisi altındaki adveksiyon akımları, erozyon ve deformasyonlardır (Artemieva, 2011). Sunda yayının Sumatra-Java bölümünde farklı yaşlarda okyanusal litofosferlerin dalımı, 15 Milyon yıldır devam etmketedir. Aktif dalma batma bölgesinin oluşu seri volkanların oluşumunda önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu volkanik alanlar, alkalen ve kalk-alkalen bileşimler gibi değişken kimyasal özellikler gösterir. Alkali kompozisyon düşük basınç koşullarıyla ilişkilidir ve okyanus ortası sırt bölgelerinde yaygındır, ancak Sunda arkı gibi bazı yitim bölgelerinde gözlenir. Kalk-alkalen magmatizması, Dalan levhadaki dehidrasyon reaksiyonları ile ilişkilidir. Dalan okyanusal litosferin üst yüzeyindeki uçucular, 80-200 km derinlik koşulunda serbest kalmaktadır. Uçucu maddeler erime sıcaklığını düşürür ve açılan manto penceresinin kısmi erimesine neden olur (volkanik arkın altındaki üçgen astenosferik pencere). Dalan levhanın kalınlığı, okyanusal litosferin yaşı ile birlikte değişmektedir. Bölgenin tektonik evrimi bağlamında çok sayıda 2B sayısal jeodinamik model, okyanus litosfer yaşının eriyik üretimi üzerindeki etkilerini test etmek için üretilmiştir. Modellerde sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak hazırlan Eulerian ve hücre işaretleme metodlarının karışımı bir hesaplama yapılmıştır. Her bir sıcaklık, yoğunluk, viskozite gibi materyal parametreleri node adı verilen kesişim çizgileri üzerine aktarılıp yan hücre ile kütle ve ısı korunumu yasalarına dayanarak etkileşime geçmesi sonucu hücre değerleri hesaplanmıştır. 1361x351 node kullanılmıştır. Viskozite, elastisite ve plastik parametreleri ortak çözen metod Taras Gerya tarafından geliştirilmiştir ve adı I2ELVIS'tir. Metodun dayandığı temel prensipler şöyle sıralanabilir; stres kuvvetlerinin yüksek viskozite değerlerinde korunumu, ani sıcaklık iletim sabitlerinde ısının ve kimyasal akışın korunumu, güçlü adveksiyon akımlarındaki yoğunluğun, sıcaklığın ve kimyasal kompozisyonun korunumu (Taras V. Gerya & Yuen, 2003). Modeller kapsamında okyanusal litosferin yaşı 50 milyon yıldan 120 milyon yıla 10'ar artırılarak denemiştir. Plaka yakınsama hızı 4 cm./yıl ve 8 cm./yıl olarak tanımlanıştır. Model sınırları ise düşeyde 1400 km., yatayda 4000 km. olarak tanımlanmıştır. Modellerde kullanılan katmanların jeolojisi şöyle tanımlanmıştır; 10 km atmosfer, 2 km. okyanus, 20 km. felsik üst kıtasal kabuk (ıslak kuartzite), 15 km. felsik alt kabuk (ıslak kurtzite), 3 km. üsk okyanusal kabuk (basalt), 5 km. alt okyanusal kabuk (gabrro) ve 2 km. genişliğinde zayıflık zonu için hidratlaşmış manto kullanılmıştır. Dalma batma ile ilgili model sonucu, Sunda Yayının jeodinamik evrimi ile ilgili gözlemlerle karşılaştırılabilir. Plaka hareketinin yakınsak hızı göz önüne alınarak sismik profillerle karşılaştırıldığında manto yapısı ve volkaniklerin kimyasal bileşim dağılımı jeokimya çalışmaları ile bağıntılıdır.M.Sc.Yüksek Lisan

    Comparison of the sensititre yeastone antifungal method with the clsi m27-a3 reference method to determine the activity of antifungal agents against clinical isolates of candida spp.

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    Background and aim: Infections caused by Candida species are significantly increasing today, and invasive Candida infections are generally associated with high mortality. Early diagnosis and identification of Candida spp. is important for the determination of antifungal agents that will be used for treatment. The aim of the present study was to provide a better regimen for Candida infections in the future.Materials and methods: The Sensititre YeastOne (SYO) method was compared with The Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute ((MS!) reference broth microdilution (BMD) testing method. Endpoints of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined for both methods.Results: By using both methods, MIC values of micafungin, caspofungin, voriconazole, and fluconazole were lower than amphotericin B. The values obtained with the SYO method were in high categorical agreement for ecinocandins and amphotericin B. The results of voriconazole and fluconazole were in low categorical agreement. The categorical agreement between the SYO and the BMD results at 24 h was 82.1% for VORI and 98.4% for AMB. Values obtained with SYO method for all antifungal agents were in high essential agreement with the data of the CLSI reference BMD method. The essential agreement between the SYO and the BMD results at 24 h was 94.0% for MFG and 99.0% for AMB.Conclusions: The SYO method was ready-to use, so it appeared to be easier and more efficient for Candida isolates

    The urban recharging infrastructure design problem with stochastic demands and capacitated charging stations

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    In this study we develop an exact solution method to optimize the location and capacity of charging stations to satisfy the fast charging needs of electric vehicles in urban areas. Stochastic recharge demands, capacity limitations of charging stations and drivers’ route preferences (deviation tolerances) are simultaneously considered to address this challenging problem faced by recharging infrastructure planners or investors. Taking a scenario based approach to model demand uncertainty, we first propose a compact two stage stochastic programming formulation. We then project out the second stage decision variables from the compact formulation by describing the extreme rays of its polyhedral cone and obtain (1) a cut formulation that enables an efficient branch and cut algorithm to solve large problem instances (2) a novel characterization for feasible solutions to the capacitated covering problems. We test our algorithm on the Chicago metropolitan area network, by considering real world origin-destination trip data to model charging demands. Our results attest the efficiency of the proposed branch and cut algorithm and provide significant managerial insights

    The urban recharging infrastructure design problem with stochastic demands and capacitated charging stations

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    In this study we develop an exact solution method to optimize the location and capacity of charging stations to satisfy the fast charging needs of electric vehicles in urban areas. Stochastic recharge demands, capacity limitations of charging stations and drivers’ route preferences (deviation tolerances) are simultaneously considered to address this challenging problem faced by recharging infrastructure planners or investors. Taking a scenario based approach to model demand uncertainty, we first propose a compact two stage stochastic programming formulation. We then project out the second stage decision variables from the compact formulation by describing the extreme rays of its polyhedral cone and obtain (1) a cut formulation that enables an efficient branch and cut algorithm to solve large problem instances (2) a novel characterization for feasible solutions to the capacitated covering problems. We test our algorithm on the Chicago metropolitan area network, by considering real world origin-destination trip data to model charging demands. Our results attest the efficiency of the proposed branch and cut algorithm and provide significant managerial insights

    Osman Bölükbaşı

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2015.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Ünsal, Mehmet Süha