116 research outputs found

    Efecto de la reducción simétrica del plano de tierra en líneas microstrip

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    The variations of the characteristic impedance and wavelength of a symmetrical biplate line with the width of the upper plate held constant are studied, for several widely used dielectrics, by the method of moments with a nonuniform distribution of pulse basis functions. Results presented show that, for plastic substrates, a lower plate as narrow as twice the width of the upper results in a Z0 that differs from the corresponding microstrip impedance by less than a 4%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Circuitos de microondas con líneas de transmisión

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    El libro propone una introducción a las microondas sin recurrir al análisis electromagnético. Comienza por las líneas de transmisión, la carta de Smith y sus aplicaciones, y continua por la descripción de los circuitos de microondas mediante los parámetros de dispersión (scattering), inversores de impedancias, atenuadores, filtros, divisores y combinadores de potencia, acopladores direccionales e híbridos, y circuitos basados en líneas de transmisión acopladas

    Ondas electromagnéticas en comunicaciones

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    Este libro está dedicado al estudio de las ondas electromagnéticas, sus peculiaridades en frecuencias ópticas, y los principios básicos de su interacción con la materia. Su principal objetivo es facilitar la adquisición de conceptos y procedimientos que permitan el estudio posterior de sus aplicaciones en ingeniería de comunicaciones (antenas, microondas, comunicaciones, ópticas). Contiene muchos ejemplos extraídos de la vida cotidiana o de aplicaciones técnicas sencillas. El libro realiza un planteamiento original, a partir de la postulación de los campos radiados por una carga acelerada, lo que permite al lector trabajar de forma rigurosa con ondas desde el principio. Su utilización puede ser de interés para estudiantes de ingeniería interesados en comunicaciones y que hayan seguido un curso básico de electricidad y magnetismo

    Filtros para túneles de calentamiento o secado por microondas

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    Para un tipo de filtro de entrada/salida se demuestra la insensibilidad aproximada de su comportamiento a variaciones de la carga en el túnel, y se presenta un diseño realizado para un prototipo de secadero de azulejos cerámicos que ha de trabajar con formatos de espesores variables entre 5 y 20 mm y humedades entre el 1% y el 7%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Temperature compensation of resonant cavities with a teflon post

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    The negative temperature coefficient of E for teflon is used to compensate the frequency drift of a metal cavity due to thermal expansion. An experimental X-band transmission resonator was compensated in this way with a 10 mm teflon post. The results are considered of great interest for the compensation of waveguide millimiter wave oscillators.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Circuits de microones amb línies de transmissió

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    El llibre proposa una introducció a les microones sense recórrer a l'anàlisi electromagnètica. Comença per les línies de transmissió, la carta de Smith i les seves aplicacions, i continua per la descripció de circuits de microones mitjançant els paràmetres de dispersió (scattering), inversors d'impedàncies, atenuadors, filtres, divisors i combinadors de potència, acobladors direccionals i híbrids, i circuits basats en línies de transmissió acoblades

    Algunos aspectos del secado de azulejos cerámicos por microondas

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    The results of tests performed on the drying of unfired tiles by the action of microwaves are presented. These results show that a reduction of more than 5% humidity can be achieved in less than 5 minutes in a well designed system. Some aspects concerning the difficulties met at the static tests are also given. Some effects of the changing properties of the tiles during the drying are described, along with measurements of their dielectric constant. These compare favourably with data obtained from a simple formula for a mixture of dielectric materials.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The correlation of visibility noise and its impact on the radiometric resolution of an aperture synthesis radiometer

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    The correlation between the visibility samples' noise of an aperture synthesis radiometer are required for the computation of the recovered temperature noise of a given pixel and of the improvement introduced by baseline redundance. A general expression for this correlation and noise examples for a linear array are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Radiometric sensitivity computation in aperture synthesis interferometric radiometry

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    This paper is concerned with the radiometric sensitivity computation of an aperture synthesis interferometric radiometer devoted to Earth observation. The impact of system parameters and the use of simultaneous redundant measurements are analyzed. The interferometric radiometer uncertainty principle is presented; it quantifies the relationship between radiometric sensitivity and angular resolution.Peer Reviewe

    Baseline redundancy and radiometric sensitivity: a critical review

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    When computing the radiometric resolution of an interferometric radiometer the correlation among the errors of different baselines is usually assumed negligible. ln this way: a) the radiometric sensitivity turns out to be pixel independent (except for antenna pattern effects), and b) the error of the average of P redundant baselines is reduced by a factor of (P)1/2. While this may be the case in radioastronomy applications, for an on-board instrument where all the baselines are measured at the same time interval the errors will actually be correlated. This has two effects: a) The radiometric resolution changes from pixel to pixel and b) the radiometric resolution improvement introduced by redundance is reduced as compared with the case of independent errors. In this paper this correlation is computed and the results obtained are applied, first, to a fully redundant (all possible baselines are actually measured) filled linear array to analyze the actual radiometric improvement, and, next, to the same array without redundance to investigate the dependence of sensitivity on pixel information.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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