12 research outputs found

    Finite-dimensional signature of spinodal instability in an athermal hysteretic transition

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    We study the off-equilibrium critical phenomena across a hysteretic first-order transition in disordered athermal systems. The study focuses on the zero temperature random field Ising model (ZTRFIM) above the critical disorder for spatial dimensions d=2,3,d=2,3, and 44. We use Monte Carlo simulations to show that disorder suppresses critical slowing down in phase ordering time for finite-dimensional systems. The dynamic hysteresis scaling, the measure of explicit finite-time scaling, is used to subsequently quantify the critical slowing down. The scaling exponents in all dimensions increase with disorder strength and finally reach a stable value where the transformation is no longer critical. The associated critical behavior in the mean-field limit is very different, where the exponent values for various disorders in all dimensions are similar. The non-mean-field exponents asymptotically approach the mean-field value (Υ2/3\Upsilon \approx 2/3) with increase in dimensions. The results suggest that the critical features in the hysteretic metastable phase are controlled by inherent mean-field spinodal instability that gets blurred by disorder in low-dimension athermal systems.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Solas Tapas & Wine Bar Menu 2020

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    At Solas Tapas & Wine Bar the chef, Nick Foley, and front of house, Ann Connell, are serving Mediterranean-style small plates on the Dingle Peninsula. Our favourites include fennel marinated in Dingle gin with toasted almonds, mint, ricotta and sweet tomatoes, and squid stuffed with Annascaul black pudding and parsley butter. This casual spot doesn\u27t discourage drop-in food enthusiasts, but reservations are wise on busy Dingle weekends, such as those for Feile na Bealtaine, Dingle Food Festival and Other Voices.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1501/thumbnail.jp

    Suppression of spinodal instability by disorder in athermal system

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    We observed asymmetric critical slowing down and asymmetric dynamical scaling exponent in the superheating and supercooling kinetic processes during the thermally-induced metal-insulator transition of MnNiSn based heusler alloy. During the transition to the insulator phase, the critical-like features get enhanced compared to the transition back to the metal phase. These experimental findings suggest that the metastable phase in the cooling branch of hysteresis has approached close to the spinodal instability. On the other hand, the extended disorder, generated over and above the intrinsic crystal defects during heating, triggers the excess heterogeneous nucleation before reaching the spinodal point. Zero temperature random field Ising model (ZTRFIM) simulation, inscribed for the athermal martensitic transitions, support the argument that the disorder smears the spinodal instabilities as the correlation length is bounded by the average distance between the disorder points.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Critical Slowing Down at the Abrupt Mott Transition: When the First-Order Phase Transition Becomes Zeroth-Order and Looks Like Second-Order

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    We report that the thermally-induced Mott transition in vanadium sesquioxide shows critical-slowing-down and enhanced variance ('critical opalescence') of the order parameter fluctuations measured through low-frequency resistance-noise spectroscopy. Coupled with the observed increase of also the phase-ordering time, these features suggest that the strong abrupt transition is controlled by a critical-like singularity in the hysteretic metastable phase. The singularity is identified with the spinodal point and is a likely consequence of the strain-induced long-range interaction.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Real-time microscopic view of the relaxation of a glass

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    The understanding of glassy dynamics above the devitrification temperature of a glass remains poorly understood. Here, we use real-time AFM imaging to build a spatio-temporal map of the relaxation dynamics of a highly stable glass into its supercooled liquid. This new methodology enables a direct visualization of the progression of the liquid phase and clarifies and quantifies the presence of localized fast mobility regions separated by giant length scales. Our data permit to establish a clear correlation between dynamic length and time scales in glasses. This approach may also be applicable to unveil the microscopic structure and dynamics of other glass forming systems with much shorter length and time scales, including liquid-cooled glasses


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    Tayangan reality show adalah acara televisi yang menggambarkan adegan yang seakan-akan benar-benar berlangsung tanpa skenario, dengan pemain yang umumnya khalayak umum biasa, bukan mereka yang memiliki pekerjaan di bidang seni peran. Acara reality show umumnya menampilkan kenyataan yang di modifikasi, seperti menaruh partisipan di lokasi-lokasi eksotis atau situasi-situasi yang tidak lazim, memancing reaksi tertentu dari partisipan, dan melalui penyuntingan dan teknik-teknik pasca produksi lainnya. Adapun fokus penelitian yang hendak dikaji pada penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana struktur sintaksis, struktur skrip, struktur tematik, dan struktur retoris tentang pesan disiplin dalam program reality show 86 Net Tv ? Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan antara lain: ( 1 ) Hilangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya berdisiplin dalam menaati setiap peraturan yang telah di tetapkan pemerintah di indonesia. ( 2 ) Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang arti berdisiplin dan banyak di antara pelanggar aturan tata tertib menghindar dan merasa ketakutan ketika melihat polisi serta banyak yang melarikan diri dari upaya pendisiplinan yang dilakukan oleh petugas kepolisian. ( 3 ) Banyaknya pencitraan yang dilakukan oleh pihak kepolisian dalam tayangan ini dan tidak sesuai dengan realita sosok polisi yang ada dalam dunia nyata. Bertitik tolak dari penelitian ini, saran dari peneliti untuk tim Produksi tayangan reality show 86 Net TV selajutnya peneliti harapkan untuk memperhatikan kode etik jurnalistik mengenai hak perlindungan pelaku dan korban untuk selalu di samarkan yang berkaitan dengan tayangan ini. Karena peneliti masih melihat ada sebagian tayangan yang masih memperlihatkan wajah dari pelaku dan korban hal ini yang di khawatirkan adalah baik korban ataupun pelaku akan dikucilkan dari masyarakat sebagai tindakan pelanggaran norma hukum yang ada di masyarakat, mengingat di indonesia masih kental dengan adat norma – norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat

    Focused Sampling: Computing Topical Web Statistics

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    been issued as a Research Report for early dissemination of its contents. In view of the transfer of copyright to the outside publisher, its distribution outside of IBM prior to publication should be limited to peer communications and specific requests. After outside publication, requests should be filled only by reprints or legally obtained copies of the article (e.g., payment of royalties). Copies may be requested from IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, P

    Source data for manuscript "Real-time microscopy of the relaxation of a glass"

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    Source data for manuscript "Real-time microscopy of the relaxation of a glass" (DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02125-0), including: AFM source images and data points for all plots in the manuscript.AFM images Figures 1, 3, 4.rarFigure 1c profile centre.txtFigure 1c profile left.txtFigure 1c profile right.txtFigure 1d.txtFigure 2c AFM.txtFigure 2c FEM.txtFigure 3a inset.txtFigure 3a.txtFigure 4a Growth1.txtFigure 4a Growth2.txtFigure 4a Growth3.txtFigure 4a Growth4.txtFigure 4a Growth5.txtFigure 4a Growth6.txtFigure 4a Growth7.txtFigure 4b.txtPeer reviewe