3 research outputs found

    Management of fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial area: presentation of 19 cases and review of the literature

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    Introduction: Fibro-osseous lesions constitute a rare benign type of pathology with a non-odontogenic lineage that affect the craniofacial area. According to Waldrom's classification, these lesions are divided into: fibrous dysplasia (FD), cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF) and desmoplastic fibroma (DF). Material and Methods: A retrospective study was performed on patients diagnosed with fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial area at the Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, during 1987-2009. A total of 19 cases were collected: 15 cases compatible with an FD diagnosis, 3 cases with a COF diagnosis and 1 case with a DF diagnosis. Results: In the differential diagnosis, entities having similar clinical manifestations in the maxillofacial area with possible involvement of teeth or manifestations present as an asymptomatic radiolucent image should be ruled out. We hereby present the management and development of patients treated in our hospital for fibro-osseous lesions. Conclusions: Fibro-osseous lesions share many clinical and radiological characteristics in common, with histological features confirming the nature of the lesion. Management of patients should be individualized and casespecific, assessing the clinical evolution of each case and taking into account the benign nature and growth behavior of this type of tumors

    La cirugía oral y maxilofacial: cincuenta años de evolución (1940-1990)

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía, 199

    Periodontal disease and gestational diabetes mellitus: a case-control study

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    Antecedentes Los estudios que relacionan la enfermedad periodontal (EP) y la diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) no son concordantes. Nuestro objetivo principal es evaluar la posible asociación entre la EP y la DMG. Además, analizamos los factores de riesgo para la DMG en nuestra muestra. Métodos Participaron 180 gestantes, 90 con DMG y 90 controles, del Hospital La Fe de Valencia. Se pasó un cuestionario y realizo un examen periodontal, valorándose los siguientes parámetros: número de dientes, índices de placa y sangrado al sondaje, profundidad de sondaje (PS) y nivel de inserción de clínica (NIC). La periodontitis se definió según criterios de la CDC-AAP. Resultados Las DMG tuvieron mayor valor promedio de PS (p = 0,001) y NIC (p = 0,028). Un 74,4% de las pacientes con DMG presentaron inflamación gingival vs. 57,8% de las no diabéticas. La periodontitis fue más prevalente en las pacientes con DMG (p < 0,05). La edad materna, el nivel de estudios y la presencia de periodontitis son factores independientes de riesgo para la DMG (OR = 1,16, IC 95% 1,07 a 1,25, p < 0,001), (OR = 0,37, IC 95% 0,19 a 0,72, p < 0,005) y (OR = 2,79, IC 95% 1,40 a 5,59, p < 0,005), respectivamente. Conclusiones Los resultados sugieren que las embarazadas con diabetes gestacional asocian más enfermedad periodontal que aquellas sin dicha enfermedad gestacional. En nuestra muestra el riesgo de DMG puede estimarse a partir de la periodontitis, la edad y el nivel de estudios.Background Studies linking periodontal disease (PD) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are not consistent. Our main objective is to evaluate the possible association between PD and GDM. We also analysed the risk factors for GDM in our sample. Methods 180 pregnant women participated, 90 with GDM and 90 controls, from Valencia's Hospital La Fe. A questionnaire was completed and a periodontal examination was performed, assessing the following parameters: number of teeth, plaque and bleeding on probing indices, probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment level (CAL). Periodontitis was defined according to the criteria of CDC-AAP. Results The GDM group had a higher mean value of PD (p = .001) and CAL (p = .028). Of the patients with GDM, 74.4% had gingival inflammation compared to 57.8% of the non-diabetic patients. Periodontitis was more prevalent in patients with GDM (p < .05). Maternal age, educational level and periodontitis are independent risk factors for GDM (OR = 1.16, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.25, p < .001), (OR = .37, 95% CI .19 to .72, p < .005) and (OR = 2.79, 95% CI 1.40 to 5.59, p < .005) respectively. Conclusions The results suggest that pregnant women with gestational diabetes have more associated periodontal disease than those without gestational diabetes. In our sample, the risk for GDM can be estimated from periodontitis, age, and educational level.Sin financiaciónNo data JCR 20210.113 Q4 SJR 2021No data IDR 2021UE