166 research outputs found

    Antecedents of e-Government Success: A Phenomenological Study

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    Smart automatic petrol pump system based on internet of things

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    IoT is that a rapid expanding program presently for blend all equipment things like (sensors, gadgets, hardware and so on.) assemble and embed those with programming creating our own gadgets use The petroleum pump is these days running physically. it's an activity that fundamentally a drawnout time and requires more workforce. Additionally, put fuel stations in away zones is extermely costly. So achievement an automatic fuel filling system using web technology to solve these problems. There are dense proposed systems which goal to improve the fueling operation so as to form it less difficulty and more dependabl and more-safe, guarinte that the purchaser gets the same quantity of fuel in interchange for what he/she pays, so assist to end fraud at different fuel stations. these systems take human-software interaction by the web-enabeled procedure, thus keep off all errors made by people. The fundamental objective of this review paper is to survey of recent projects in design protype of smart petro pump based on RFID as payment tool and control on it remotely with high security level and concluded with future potential direction in design of smart petrol pump system

    Journal Self-Citation IV: Citations Analysis of IS Journals – Separating Facts from Fiction

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    This article is inspired by a recent posting on the AISWorld listserv eliciting thoughts on the practice of self-citations by journals in the IS field. While emotions ran high in the ensuing online discussion, we try to provide an objective and informed analysis of the actual citation patterns of both top tier journals and non-top tier journals. Results show that the practice of self-citation is fairly common among both types of journals. Additional analyses showed that the preference for top-tier citations was more prevalent in top-tier journals than in non-top-tier journals. Supported by the data, we provide several arguments for these practices

    Government Policies and ICT Growth in Developing Countries: An Extended Design-Actuality Framework

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    The issue of gaps between ICT policy design and their outcomes is the subject of debate in academic research on information systems in developing countries. This paper extends the design-actuality gaps (Heeks, 2002) framework to provide a theoretical foundation for the evaluation and analyses of the gaps between government policy design and actual outcomes of the implementation of these policies. The design-actuality framework has traditionally been used in understanding success, failure and local improvisations of information systems in developing countries (Pozzebon and Heck, 2006; Gerhan and Mutula, 2007, Best and Kumar, 2008). This framework has also been used to explain success and failure of specific government projects (Gichoya, Hepworth, and Dawson, 2006). This research extends the framework to develop a theoretical foundation for government ICT policies evaluation and analysis

    Consequences of a medical emergency among emergency room patients

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    Objective: To study the consequences of a medical emergency among Emergency Room patients, at a teaching hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Design: A questionnaire-based survey Settings: Emergency Room of Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Main outcome measures: Consequences of a medical emergency in terms of impact on employment, financial position, family life, social life, recreational life, self-confidence and psyche. Results: A hundred patients were surveyed. Emergency Room patients feel that they will not have a major impact on their job or employment, as a result of the medical emergency but it will have adverse financial consequences. The respondents in our study perceive the consequence of the medical emergency to have a variable impact on their family life, social life, recreation life and self-confidence. It is important to note with concern that a major impact on ìPsycheî is expected by the emergency room patients, as a result of a medical emergencyConclusion: We have documented the consequences of a medical emergency among Emergency Room patients, with implications for medical practice and policy makers on healt

    Level of preparedness of patients for medical emergency

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    Is there scope to discontinue non-essential medication in patients with advanced lung cancer?

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    Focal Points 1. Patients with advanced lung cancer take many ‘non-essential’ medicines 2. A simple audit tool could be used to identify ‘non-essential’ medicines that could be discontinued 3. Pharmacists have a potential role in identifying and reviewing ‘non-essential’ medicines Background Lung cancer patients can present with complex medical histories often taking medications to manage existing conditions and prevent future morbidity e.g. antihypertensives and antiplatelets. Guidelines for discontinuing these medications in life-limiting illnesses, such as advanced lung cancer, have not been produced despite the potential to reduce burden, in terms of cost and, more importantly, discomfort to the patient.1 The objectives of this work was to audit the number of medications in patients taking erlotinib for the treatment of advanced lung cancer; and, develop a draft tool that can be used to identify non-essential medications which could, potentially, be discontinued. Methods This clinical audit was undertaken at an acute NHS Trust in April 2011. A clinical audit tool was used to extract data from medical notes of patients receiving erlotinib for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and compared to a set of criteria to establish if the medicine is essential, non-essential or uncertain. These criteria were based on a study that defined unnecessary medication as where there is no anticipated short-term benefit to patients with respect to survival, quality of life or symptom control.2 All patients who had received erlotinib in the Trust for the treatment of NSCLC within 18 months were selected for the audit. A consensus group (consultant pharmacist, lung nurse specialist and consultant oncologist) reviewed results and considered which medications they would have stopped. Results Of the 20 patients audited, 19 were taking at least one medication that could have been discontinued. The mean number of medications taken was 8 (range 1–16). Seventeen patients were taking essential medications (e.g. analgesics) necessary for symptom control in cancer. Non-essential medicines were regarded as those which provided no short term benefit to the patients with respect to survival, quality of life or symptom control or any medicine which had potential to cause harm. The focus group concurred that the majority of non-essential medications identified by the criteria could have been discontinued. Medications classified as uncertain were taken by 7 patients. These medications need to be further reviewed. Discussion For patients undergoing treatment for terminal lung cancer the issue of discontinuing medications is not an immediate priority. However, at some point in their treatment pathway a discussion regarding their medications should be instigated. The focus group revealed that timing of this discussion is crucial. The futile use of medication in terminally ill cancer patients has been reported in the literature and this work is in agreement with this by showing that patients with NSCLC taking erlotinib are taking unnecessary medications.2 Patients take medications such as statins and antihypertensives with the belief that they will be taking them for the rest of their lives, therefore if an appropriate explanation for discontinuation is not given the patients and/or their families may misconceive this as a death-hastening intervention. This work also showed that a significant number of patients who are taking erlotinib also take a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) despite the fact there is a clinically significant drug interaction between erlotinib and PPIs where the absorption of erlotinib is reduced.3 In conclusion, patients taking erlotinib for the treatment of advanced NSCLC take many unnecessary medications and written guidelines on what can be withdrawn are needed. There is the potential for pharmacists to become involved in the review of patients with terminal cancer to facilitate discontinuing potentially unnecessary medicines


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    There is a widespread belief that information and communication technologies (ICT) canplay a significant role in the socio-economic development of a nation. ICT has the potential toaffect many aspects of economic and societal activity such as GDP growth, employment,productivity, poverty alleviation, quality of life, education, and healthcare. While the literaturefrom various disciplines provides a myriad of definitions and elements of socio-economicdevelopment, the fundamental question of what constitutes socio-economic development,specifically one that is ICT-driven, from the perspective of ordinary citizens, remainsunanswered. This study focuses on the citizens’ view in describing ICT-driven socio-economicdevelopment is a developing country. The paper also makes a methodological contribution tothe IS field by its use of the narrative research method, one which is very appropriate for thistype of research. Narratives allow deeper and profound insights into participants\u27 beliefs aboutthe role of ICT in their socio-economic development. Using the narrative research method, amodel of the dimensions of socio-economic development is formulated. Furthermore, theresearch introduces several innovations in qualitative research

    Analisa Biaya Produksi Pada Proses Manufaktur Tungku dan Chamber Alat Pengasap

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    Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan mempunyai hasil laut yang cukup besar, salah satunya adalah ikan. Ikan asap merupakan salah satu produk olahan yang digemari konsumen di Indonesia, karena rasanya yang khas dan aroma yang sedap. Proses pengasapan ikan di Indonesia kebanyakan masih dilakukan secara tradisional yang seringkali memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan yaitu polusi udara. Dalam penelitian dilakukan proses pembuatan alat pengasap ikan yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan dimana cara kerja alat pengasap ikan dibagi menjadi tiga unit bagian, yaitu unit tungku, chamber dan destilasi asap. Pada penelitian ini berfokus pada unit tungku dan chamber dikarenakan pada bagian ini merupakan proses utama dalam pengasapan ikan. Dari proses perancangan diperoleh biaya pembuatan unit tungku dan chamber alat pengasap ditentukan dengan perhitungan biaya material yang digunakan berdasarkan harga/kg material dan biaya produksi yang termasuk didalamnya terdapat biaya listrik, biaya operator, biaya mesin dan biaya bangunan. Total biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan alat destilasi adalah sebesar Rp 2.976.329,74 ================================================================================================ Indonesia as an archipelagic country has considerable marine products, one of which is fish. Smoked fish is one of the processed products favored by consumers in Indonesia, because of its distinctive taste and delicious aroma. Most of the process of fish fumigation in Indonesia is still done traditionally, which often has a negative impact on the environment, namely air pollution. In the study process of making fish smoker tool efficient and environmentally friendly way of working which fish smoker tool unit is divided into three parts, the unit furnace, smoke chamber and distillation. In this study the focus is on the furnace and chamber units because this section is the main process in fish fumigation. Of the design process was obtained the cost of making the furnace unit and chamber of the smoker is determined by calculating the cost of material used based on the price / kg of material and production costs which includes electricity costs, operator fees, machine costs and building costs. The total cost needed in making distillation equipment is Rp 2.976.329,74
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