32 research outputs found

    A clínica comportamental no enfrentamento do COVID-19: Uma discussão teórica possível

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    In the face of the pandemic scenario declared by the World Health Organization and from a behavioral analytic perspective in clinical practice, this article intends to answer: what can we do to raise people’s awareness about the implications of the pandemic, or rather, how can we make them realize that their behavior affects the lives of others? For this, the present study reviews the definition of behavioral clinical practice and analyzes its socio-political aspects as a controlling agency. Next, we discuss the dimensions required for clinical practice to make cultural contributions during the fight against COVID-19 and after its propagation. The discussion of this topic does not intend to provide a final definition of this area but to affirm it as a controlling agency composed of scientific cultural practices that aim to extinguish and minimize coercive effects, promote self-knowledge and self-control, and that is capable, in this context, practice can promote analyses about our interdependent relations, describe cultural practices that mask them, and of increasing the probability that members of this culture engage in prevention against COVID-19. Furthermore, clinical contribute to the effort against individualism, which can hinder the solutions to collective problems that require us to produce long-term consequences. Lastly, we argue that a clinical practice that is coherent with the principles of Radical Behaviorism is not static, needs to promote goods for itself, others, and culture. And, ultimately, it needs to promote the survival of the people, even if this goes against other controlling agencies.Keywords: behavioral analytic therapy; culture; COVID-19. Em face ao cenário de pandemia declarado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde e a partir da perspectiva analítico comportamental para área clínica, o artigo busca responder: o que é possível de ser feito para sensibilizar as pessoas sobre as implicações trazidas pela pandemia, ou melhor, como levá-las a perceber que seus comportamentos afetam a vida do outro? Para isso, o presente trabalho retoma a definição de clínica comportamental e analisa seus aspectos sociopolíticos enquanto agência de controle. Em seguida, discute dimensões necessárias para que a clínica possa contribuir com a cultura no enfretamento da COVID-19 e após o período de propagação dela.   A discussão dessa temática não pretende chegar a termos finais quanto à definição da área, mas afirmá-la como uma agência de controle, composta por práticas culturais científicas voltadas à extinção e minimização de efeitos coercitivos, a promoção de autoconhecimento e  autocontrole, e que enquanto tal, nesse contexto, capaz de aumentar a probabilidade de engajamento de membros da cultura na prevenção ao COVID-19.  Além disso, promover análises de relações de interdependência, descrevendo práticas culturais que as mascaram, contribuindo para o enfrentamento do individualismo que pode afastar as soluções de problemas coletivos com necessidade de produção de consequências a longo prazo. Por fim, defende-se que uma clínica coerente com os pressupostos do Behaviorismo Radical, não sendo estática, precisa promover os valores de bens para si, para o outro e para a cultura; e em última instância, o de sobrevivência das pessoas, mesmo em desacordo com outras agências de controle.Palavras-chave: clínica comportamental; cultura; COVID-19

    Considerations regarding the profile of tourists from Baile Felix - Baile 1 Mai Spa Destination, Romania

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    Background: Amid the exponential development of the tourist industry in general and spa tourism in particular that characterises the beginning of the century, the knowledge of tourists' perception regarding the destination image is of utmost importance in order to enhance competitiveness. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of tourists from Baile Felix - Baile 1 Mai (Romania) about this spa area, in order to establish the profile of the tourist interested in this destination. Material and methods: Data was collected by applying a questionnaire (face-to-face technique), structured on eleven questions regarding the degree of knowledge of the destination, the habits of tourist consumption and the perception of the quality-price ratio according to tourist consumption. Results: Research results indicate a high degree of satisfaction among tourists regarding the destination. They declare themselves satisfied with most services and this determines their quite frequent return and spending an extended period of time at the destination. Conclusions: As a result, due to the qualitative and quantitative services and tourists' positive perception, Baile Felix - Baile 1 Mai area is one of the most significant spa tourist destinations in Romania.Bihor Destination Management Agenc

    The MOBIOS+: A FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) database for Mindanao's terrestrial biodiversity

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    Due to its complex geological history and the emergence of various biogeographic regions, the Philippines boasts an extraordinary array of flora and fauna. This unique combination has contributed to the country’s exceptional density of terrestrial species, making it amongst the highest in the world. Mindanao, in the southern part of the Philippines, is the second largest group of islands and supports high levels of endemism and proportion of threatened species. However, consolidated biodiversity records and information remain unavailable for the region. The primary goal of the Mindanao Open Biodiversity Information (MOBIOS+) database is to address these substantial data deficiencies by compiling contemporary biodiversity information from the 21st century. This initiative seeks to enhance our comprehension of biodiversity trends in Mindanao over temporal and spatial dimensions, while also creating an openly-accessible database. The database we present here is the first of its kind and currently the most comprehensive attempt to establish the largest consolidated database for Mindanao biodiversity, based on publicly available literature. With its vast collection of biodiversity data, this database will prove to be a valuable resource for advancing biodiversity research and analysis. It will further facilitate the identification of species and areas that require immediate conservation prioritisation and action, addressing the urgent challenges posed by our rapidly changing planet.The MOBIOS+ database is the first attempt to create a massive FAIR database aiming to collate biodiversity records from published literature in the Mindanao faunal region, south of the Philippines. The database currently includes 12,813 georeferenced specimen occurrences representing 1,907 unique taxa across 10 animal classes inhabiting the terrestrial and freshwater environments of Mindanao faunal region. We made all georeferenced specimen occurrences available in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) platform

    Politique monétaire, croissance économique et microfinance : une analyse théorique et empirique sur données de panel de pays en voie de developpement

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    Tout d'abord, cette thèse examine les relations d'une part entre la politique monétaire et la microfinance et d'autre part celles liées à la croissance économique et le secteur de la microfinance. Nos résultats montrent dans le premier cas que les taux des institutions de microfinance (IMF) à vocation non commerciale sont moins sensibles à la politique monétaire contrairement à ceux des IMF à vocation commerciale. Ce résultat peut s'expliquer par la possibilité des IMF à vocation commerciale à avoir un accès plus important au financement bancaire contrairement aux IMF à vocation non commerciale. Quant au deuxième cas, nous trouvons que la microfinance affecte la croissance économique à travers les canaux de transmission que sont la consommation et l'investissement. Ensuite, nous avons analysé l'impact des indicateurs de gouvernance notamment le nombre de personnes au conseil d'administration, le statut juridique et les ratios de prudentielles sur les performances financières et sociales des IMF dans un premier temps et dans un second temps nous examinons l'effet de la structure du capital sur l'activité de microcrédit à court, moyen et long terme. En ce qui concerne la gouvernance, nous trouvons que les IMF ayant le statut de « société anonyme » dégagent des marges bénéficiaires plus importantes que les institutions mutualiste et coopérative d'épargne et de crédit (IMCEC). Quant aux travaux sur la structure du capital, nous remarquons que les prêts aux populations à faibles revenus sont refinancés par les emprunts bancaires dont la conséquence est le renchérissement du taux prêteur. Enfin, nous constatons que les IMF qui se refinancent par les dépôts ont une activité de prêt plus importante que celles qui se refinancent par des emprunts bancaires.Firstly, this thesis examines the relationships between monetary policy and microfinance on the one hand and economic growth and the microfinance sector on the other. Our results show in the first case that the rates of non-commercial microfinance institutions (MFIs) are less sensitive to monetary policy than those of commercial MFIs. This result can be explained by the possibility that commercial MFIs have greater access to bank financing than non-commercial MFIs. As for the second case, we find that microfinance affects economic growth through the transmission channels of consumption and investment. Then, we analyzed the impact of governance indicators such as the number of people on the board of directors, legal status and prudential ratios on the financial and social performance of MFIs first and then we examine the effect of capital structure on microcredit activity in the short, medium and long term. With regard to governance, we find that MFIs with "public limited company" status generate higher profit margins than mutual and cooperative savings and credit institutions (IMCEC). As for the work on the capital structure, we note that loans to low-income populations are refinanced by bank loans, the consequence of which is the increase in the lending rate. Finally, we note that MFIs that refinance themselves through deposits have a higher lending activity than those that refinance themselves through bank loans

    Microfinance institutions, banking, growth and transmission channel: a GMM panel data analysis from developping countries

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    FNEGE 4, HCERES CInternational audienceThis paper aims to analyse the statistical significance of MFIs’ and banks’ performance on economic development through a GMM panel analysis between 1999 to 2016. Our main contributions to previous literature are twofold. Firstly, we consider a greater variety of indicators to capture different aspects of the banks’ and MFIs’ performance. Secondly, besides traditional channels of transmission such as investment and human capital, we account for an important potential transmission channel, which is consumption. We mainly find that despite their relatively small size, MFIs’ performance contributes to economic development even when banks’ performance is taken into account. Furthermore, our results suggest that by improving their social and financial performance, MFIs increase investment and consumption. Especially, we show that women use their loans to consume rather than to invest. Finally, we also find that banks’ performance improves GDP per capita through investment, consumption and human capital

    Automated Spine Survey Iterative Scan Technique

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