546 research outputs found

    Formation of Digital Competence of State Servants in the Conditions of Government Digitalisation: The Problem Statement

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    In the context of public administration digitalization the importance of human resources and their quality increases, which requires state employees to possess new digital competencies (knowledge and skills), and often to master new professional functions that enable them to function effectively in the new digital environment. However, under these conditions, in the process of their professional socialization, a number of problems emerge. The purpose of the research is to determine the conditions and factors affecting the digital competency formation required in the transition to digital public administration of the civil servants digital competencies, as well as to identify contradictions that emerge in their formation process. The study was conducted on the basis of the information society concept, E-Government and the paradigm of the new public administration. The main research methods were documents analysis and statistical data analysis. The study has fixed that one of the factors hindering successful professional socialization in the context of public administration digitalisation is the uncertainty in the content of servants’ digital competencies they need, including taking into account future development prospects. The existing vocational education system cannot form digital competencies at the required level for several reasons (closed access to basic digital services and platforms, a variety of departmental digital services and workflow systems available in only one department, etc.). Civil servants are forced to master digital technology is more on its own. The main contradiction emerges in the process of creating digital competencies is the lack of officially fixed requirements for the availability of state and municipal employees’ digital competencies and the lack of mechanisms for their assessment in the selection or certification process. Moreover, the need to master the relevant digital competencies follows from regulatory documents. Keywords: digital competency of civil servants, digital competencies, digital literacy, professional socialization, digitalisation of public administratio

    Features of the formation of the official's image in the public administration through the media

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    The article examines the importance of the media as forming factor as an important component in the formation of an image, such as the Governor. In this article, we reveal the role of the media and their influence on the formation of the image of officials. The media play an important role in forming the image of Governor of Sverdlovsk region and therefore of paramount affect people living in the region. Therefore, in this article, we touched on topics such as the creation of conditions for the presentation of the image that represents the image of the official work of the Information Policy Department of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region and other issues.Нами была поставлена задача показать важность средств массовой информации как формирующий фактор, как важную составляющую при формировании образа, например, губернатора. В статье мы раскрываем роль средств массовой информации, их влияние на формирования имиджа должностных лиц. Средства массовой информации играют немаловажную роль в формировании имиджа Губернатора Свердловской области и как следствие первостепенно влияют на людей, проживающих в регионе. Так в статье, мы затронули такие темы как создание условий презентации имиджа, что представляет собой имидж должностного лица, работу Департамента информационной политики Губернатора Свердловской области и прочие вопросы

    Interactive technologies in the teaching of theoretical disciplines

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    Автором предложен взаимосвязанный последовательный комплекс использования интерактивных технологий в процессе преподавания теоретических дисциплин. Образовательные технологии интерактивного характера позволяют решить исследовательскую проблему, которая заключается в отсутствии образовательных технологий, позволяющих студентам с доминирующим типом «клипового» мышления, усваивать «статичные» теоретические знания и понимать их применимость в повседневной личной и профессиональной жизнедеятельности. Использованные ресурсы помогают «геймифицировать» и «визуализировать» образовательный процесс, мотивировать и вовлекать студентов в каждое отдельное занятие. Теоретическая освоенность (категориальный аппарат, теоретическая осведомленность и т.д.) также совершенствуется, приобретаются необходимые в будущей профессиональной деятельности навыки.The author offers a coherent set of interactive technologies which is used in the teaching of theoretical disciplines. Educational technology can solve the interactive nature of the research problem, which is the lack of educational technologies for teaching students with the dominant type of “clip" thinking, assimilate 'static' theoretical knowledge and understanding of their applicability in daily personal and professional life. Resources that are used to help “gamification” and “visualize” the educational process, to motivate and engage students in every single lesson. Theoretical assimilation (categorical apparatus, theoretical knowledge, etc.) also improved, to acquire the necessary skills for future professional activities

    The technology of «immersion» in sociology based on knowledge convergence

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    The article describes the features of the mosaic culture, due to the dominance of which todays young people have no systematic knowledge and understanding of the surrounding world. The author draws attention to the "fragmentation" of many educational processes and offers its own vision of knowledge of sociologyon the base of synergetic approach.В статье раскрываются особенности мозаичной культуры, вследствие доминирования которой у современной молодежи отсутствуют системные знания и представления об окружающем мире. Автор обращает внимание на «фрагментарность» многих образовательных процессов и предлагает собственное видение познания социологии на основе синергетического подхода


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    The subject of the study is the impact of the development of information and communication technologies, the digitalization of social space on the culture of social participation of young people in post-communist countries (Poland, Armenia and the Russian Federation). The central concept of the implemented research is that today's youth, who have ample opportunities for social participation in the development of the territory of their residence, are poorly included in these processes due to the uneven formation of a culture of information participation. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the results of a sociological study of student youth in Poland, Armenia and Russia, the national specificity in the formation of a culture of information participation of students in the development of cities is shown, general factors determining the level of this participation are identified. Based on the results of the study, the authors proposed a classification of the levels of youth participation in the information promotion of their city: zero, elementary, advanced and professional

    Studying the problem of control and supervisory functions duplication in regional government

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    В статье рассматривается проблема в реализации надзорно-контрольных функций на региональном уровне, основная из которых заключается в дублировании полномочий надзорных органов. Авторы предполагают вариант методики для изучения причин возникновения подобной проблемы.The article deals with the problem in the implementation of state supervisory and control functions at the regional level, the bulk of which is duplication of supervisory structures. The authors suggest an option technique for the study of the causes of this problem

    Information competence of the high school teacher: the experience of the practical analysis

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    В статье представлены результаты конкретного социологического исследования, проведенного методом опроса среди преподавателей вузов г. Екатеринбурга по репрезентативной выборке. Анализируются такие стороны работы преподавателей вузов с информацией как обращение к различным видам источников информации, частота их использования и оценка полезности в профессиональной деятельности. Также в статье раскрывается отношение преподавателей к использованию различных Интернет-ресурсов в образовательной деятельности, а также владение навыками работы с компьютерными и Интернет-технологиями.The article presents the results of a specific survey conducted by a survey among university professors in Ekaterinburg on a representative sample. Analyzed those aspects of the work of university teachers with the information as referring to various types of sources of information, the frequency of their use and usefulness of evaluation in professional activities. The article also reveals the ratio of teachers to use a variety of Internet resources in educational activities, as well as a working knowledge of computer and Internet technology

    Informatization of public administration in Russia: historical and law development

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    Рубеж тысячелетий в России отмечен началом становления информационного общества, возрастанием роли информационно-коммуникационных технологий во всех сферах жизнедеятельности общества, в том числе и в государственном и муниципальном управлении. В связи с этим важным представляется изучение историко-нормативного аспекта информатизации государственного управления в России.Millennium in Russia has been marked with the beginning of the information society and the increasing role of information and communication technologies in all society spheres, including public administration. In this regard, it’s important to research the historical and law aspect public administration informatization in Russia


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    Introduction. The modern period of development of higher education is directly related to the ongoing digital transformation of public relations. The changes that occur in universities, in their external interactions and functions, basic principles and value-normative foundations, require methodological analysis and research. Aim. The aim of the research is to analyse the theoretical approaches to disclosing the concept and essence of digital universities. Methodology and research methods. The mix-method was used as a research design: qualitative analysis (studying the content of theoretical sources and context, analysing the content of a concept) and quantitative analysis (scientometric analysis of publications and keywords in databases). Results. The study showed that in the methodological terms, there is a problem of defining the concept of “digital university”: there are several theoretical approaches based on different understanding of the phenomenon and its role in the digital development of the university. The methodological problem is complicated by the urgent need to systematise the practical activities of modern universities, which classify themselves in one way or another in the “digital” format; therefore, this is much more difficult to do without a coordinated approach to the concept itself. Scientific novelty lies in an attempt to systematise theoretical approaches to defining the concept of “digital university” and the problem of the absence of a holistic interdisciplinary approach has been identified. Practical significance of the study is associated with the need to develop a regulatory model of a digital university based on a holistic concept for the subsequent analysis of the activities of universities. The results of the analysis can be used in scientific discussion to further define the concept of “digital university” and develop a general model of a digital university. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved