790 research outputs found

    Persistent Decadal-Scale Rainfall Variability in the Tropical South Pacific Convergence Zone Through the Past Six Centuries

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    Modern Pacific decadal variability (PDV) has global impacts; hence records of PDV from the pre-instrumental period are needed to better inform models that are used to project future climate variability. We focus here on reconstructing rainfall in the western tropical Pacific (Solomon Islands; similar to 9.5 degrees S, similar to 160 degrees E), a region directly influenced by PDV, using cave deposits (stalagmite). A relationship is developed between delta O-18 variations in the stalagmite and local rainfall amount to produce a 600 yr record of rainfall variability from the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ). We present evidence for large (similar to 1.5 m), abrupt, and periodic changes in total annual rainfall amount on decadal to multidecadal timescales since 1423 +/- 5 CE (Common Era) in the Solomon Islands. The timing of the decadal changes in rainfall inferred from the 20th-century portion of the stalagmite delta O-18 record coincides with previously identified decadal shifts in PDV-related Pacific ocean-atmosphere behavior (Clement et al., 2011; Deser et al., 2004). The Solomons record of PDV is not associated with variations in external forcings, but rather results from internal climate variability. The 600 yr Solomon Islands stalagmite delta O-18 record indicates that decadal oscillations in rainfall are a persistent characteristic of SPCZ-related climate variability.Taiwan ROC NSCNTU 101-2116-M-002-009, 102-2116-M-002-016, 101R7625Geological Science

    Design of small-molecule active-site inhibitors of the S1A family proteases as procoagulant and anticoagulant drugs

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    Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) have long been the default drugs for anticoagulant management in venous thrombosis. While efficacious, they are difficult to use due to interpatient dose–response variability and the risks of bleeding. The approval of fondaparinux, a heparin-derived factor Xa (fXa) inhibitor, provided validation for the development of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), and currently such inhibitors of thrombin and fXa are in clinical use. These agents can be used without regular coagulation monitoring, but the inherent risk of bleeding complications associated with blocking the common coagulation pathway remains. Efforts are now underway to develop DOACs that inhibit components of the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation cascades upstream of thrombin and fX. Evidence from humans and from transgenic animal models suggests that this strategy may provide a better therapeutic margin between antithrombotic and antihemostatic effects. Here the design of active-site inhibitors of S1A proteases involved in coagulation and fibrinolysis is summarized

    Immunomagnetic t-lymphocyte depletion (ITLD) of rat bone marrow using OX-19 monoclonal antibody

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    Graft versus host disease (GVHD) may be abrogated and host survival prolonged by in vitro depletion of T lymphocytes from bone marrow (BM) prior to allotransplantation. Using a mouse anti-rat pan T-lymphocyte monoclonal antibody (0×19) bound to monosized, magnetic, polymer beads, T lymphocytes were removed in vitro from normal bone marrow. The removal of the T lymphocytes was confirmed by flow cytometry. Injection of the T-lymphocyte-depleted bone marrow into fully allogeneic rats prevents the induction of GVHD and prolongs host survival. A highly efficient technique of T-lymphocyte depletion using rat bone marrow is described. It involves the binding of OX-19, a MoAb directed against all rat thy-mocytes and mature peripheral T lymphocytes, to monosized, magnetic polymer spheres. Magnetic separation of T lymphocytes after mixing the allogeneic bone marrow with the bead/OX-19 complex provides for a simple, rapid depletion of T lymphocytes from the bone marrow. In vitro studies using flow cytometry and the prevention of GVHD in a fully allogeneic rat bone marrow model have been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the depletion procedure. © 1989 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Amplitude measurements of Faraday waves

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    A light reflection technique is used to measure quantitatively the surface elevation of Faraday waves. The performed measurements cover a wide parameter range of driving frequencies and sample viscosities. In the capillary wave regime the bifurcation diagrams exhibit a frequency independent scaling proportional to the wavelength. We also provide numerical simulations of the full Navier-Stokes equations, which are in quantitative agreement up to supercritical drive amplitudes of 20%. The validity of an existing perturbation analysis is found to be limited to 2.5% overcriticaly.Comment: 7 figure

    Protein dynamics with off-lattice Monte Carlo moves

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    A Monte Carlo method for dynamics simulation of all-atom protein models is introduced, to reach long times not accessible to conventional molecular dynamics. The considered degrees of freedom are the dihedrals at Cα_\alpha-atoms. Two Monte Carlo moves are used: single rotations about torsion axes, and cooperative rotations in windows of amide planes, changing the conformation globally and locally, respectively. For local moves Jacobians are used to obtain an unbiased distribution of dihedrals. A molecular dynamics energy function adapted to the protein model is employed. A polypeptide is folded into native-like structures by local but not by global moves.Comment: 10 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty and a4.sty; scheduled tentatively for Phys.Rev.E issue of 1 March 199

    Time Reversal Violation from the entangled B0-antiB0 system

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    We discuss the concepts and methodology to implement an experiment probing directly Time Reversal (T) non-invariance, without any experimental connection to CP violation, by the exchange of "in" and "out" states. The idea relies on the B0-antiB0 entanglement and decay time information available at B factories. The flavor or CP tag of the state of the still living neutral meson by the first decay of its orthogonal partner overcomes the problem of irreversibility for unstable systems, which prevents direct tests of T with incoherent particle states. T violation in the time evolution between the two decays means experimentally a difference between the intensities for the time-ordered (l^+ X, J/psi K_S) and (J/psi K_L, l^- X) decays, and three other independent asymmetries. The proposed strategy has been applied to simulated data samples of similar size and features to those currently available, from which we estimate the significance of the expected discovery to reach many standard deviations.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 6 table

    Wave modelling - the state of the art

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    This paper is the product of the wave modelling community and it tries to make a picture of the present situation in this branch of science, exploring the previous and the most recent results and looking ahead towards the solution of the problems we presently face. Both theory and applications are considered. The many faces of the subject imply separate discussions. This is reflected into the single sections, seven of them, each dealing with a specific topic, the whole providing a broad and solid overview of the present state of the art. After an introduction framing the problem and the approach we followed, we deal in sequence with the following subjects: (Section) 2, generation by wind; 3, nonlinear interactions in deep water; 4, white-capping dissipation; 5, nonlinear interactions in shallow water; 6, dissipation at the sea bottom; 7, wave propagation; 8, numerics. The two final sections, 9 and 10, summarize the present situation from a general point of view and try to look at the future developments

    Multivisceral intestinal transplantation: Surgical pathology

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    We report the diagnostic surgical pathology of two children who underwent multivisceral abdominal transplantation and survived for 1 month and 6 months. There is little relevant literature, and diagnostic criteria for the various clinical possibilities are not established; this is made more complicated by the simultaneous occurrence of more than one process. We based our interpretations on conventional histology, augmented with immunohistology, including HLA staining that distinguished graft from host cells in situ. In some instances functional analysis of T cells propagated from the same biopsies was available and was used to corroborate morphological interpretations. A wide spectrum of changes was encountered. Graft-versus-host disease, a prime concern before surgery, was not seen. Rejection was severe in 1 patient, not present in the other, and both had evidence of lymphoproliferative disease, which was related to Epstein-Barr virus. Bacterial translocation through the gut wall was also a feature in both children. This paper documents and illustrates the various diagnostic possibilities.. © 1989 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Gauge-Independent W-Boson Partial Decay Widths

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    We calculate the partial decay widths of the W boson at one loop in the standard model using the on-shell renormalization scheme endowed with a gauge-independent definition of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) mixing matrix. We work in RξR_\xi gauge and explicitly verify that the final expressions are independent of the gauge parameters. Furthermore, we establish the relationship between the on-shell and MSˉ\bar{\mathrm{MS}} definitions of the CKM matrix, both in its generic form and in the Wolfenstein parameterization. As a by-product of our analysis, we recover the beta function of the CKM matrix.Comment: 15 pages; reference added; input parameters updated according to 2000 PDG report; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.