7,854 research outputs found

    Implementasi Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu di Perguruan Tinggl Islam

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    Islamic education at oftentimes Indonesian front with various problem that don't demulcent. One of about problem education that don't demulcent and faced by incionesian ruition is ics low quality on each ladder and satuan is education, notably elementary education and intermediate. About position and upgrade rruinagement importance at an Islamic college is that hereafter existence a college (Islamic college) doesn't particularly clings to government, but preferably clings to estimation stakeholders (college student, oldster, job the world, government, lecturer, supporter energy, and dies interested parties other parties) about Islamyang's college quality be evened out. That its existence is secured, therefore unlikely college shall upgrade at Islamic college that be evened out Kat

    Hubungan antara Pola Tidur dengan Perilaku Lansia:Literature Review

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    Pendahuluan: Lansia yang berumur lebih dari 60 tahun ke atas cenderung memiliki perubahan perilaku baik dari fisiologis, psikologis, emosional maupun sosial budaya. Oleh karenaya dibutuhkan mekanisme koping yang efektif agar respon perubahan perilaku pada lansia adaptif. Salah satu cara untuk mendukung agar lansia dapat beradapptasi lebih baik dengan lingkungan sekitar adalah dengan tidur secara teratur.  Kualitas tidur yang baik tidak hanya menghilangkan rasa lelah dan meningkatkan daya ingat, tetapi juga mengatur fungsi  tubuh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola tidur dengan perilaku lansia Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian literature review dengan rancangan penelitian traditional review. Adapun jumlah jurnal yang ditelaah adalah sebanyak 15 jurnal yang terdiri dari 5 jurnal nasional dan 10 jurnal internasional Hasil: Hasil telaah 15 jurnal dengan berbagai uji hipotesis melalui uji Chi Square maupun Regresi Linear didapatkanp value 0.001 terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pola tidur dengan perilaku lansia Manfaat:Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi baru dalam bidang keperawatan khususnya tentang ‘’Hubungan antara Pola Tidur dengan Perilaku Lansia : Literature Review


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    This research aims to describe the various language errors made by PPG Indonesian students. Language errors in preparing RPPs for PPG Indonesian students in this research will be explained descriptively using a qualitative approach. The participants were 14 PPG Indonesian Language Students for the Ministry of Religion in 2021, with 6 subjects obtained through purposive sampling. Data was collected using the triangularization method and the data will be tested using equivalence techniques. The research instrument is a data corpus and a RPP. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the six RPPs for the 2021 Indonesian Language PPG daljab Ministry of Religion students have language errors which include spelling and punctuation errors, word choice errors, and incorrect sentence construction. The results show that the biggest errors are in spelling and punctuation. PPG Indonesian students still make mistakes in using words that are inappropriate or inappropriate in context. There are still errors in the preparation of the sentences of the six PPG student lesson plans, namely sentences that are too long, inappropriate use of language, or errors in word placement. These errors cannot be underestimated because they can make the reader not understand the meaning of the reading being conveyed, or in other words, create ambiguity


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    Ketersediaan Infomasi Spasial merupakan salah satu faktor utama untuk mengoptimalkan perencanaan pembangunan. Disisi lain, peningkatan kebutuhan data spasial berskala detail terus diupayakan untuk memenuhi tantangan tersebut. Salah satu upaya untuk percepatan penyediaan data dan informasi spasial dengan memanfaatkan teknologi pemetaan dengan wahana Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). UAV dipandang efektif dan efisien baik itu dari segi waktu maupun biaya. Keakurasian yang dihasilkan oleh citra dari UAV pun terus ditingkatkan. Salah satunya adalah melakukan studi lebih lanjut terhadap data yang dihasilkan oleh wahana UAV yakni peningkatan kerapatan point cloud. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis kerapatan 3D point clouds dan kekaurasian kerapatan 3D point clouds tersebut direalisasikan dengan mengidentifikasi sejumlah tie points yang ideal pada lokasi von gruber kemudian diterapkan filtering. Setiap nilai hasil filtering tie points akan diproses kembali dengan menerapkan perhitungan bundle adjustment serta penambahan variabel lainnya. Ketelitian dari sejumlah Point clouds yang dihasilkan dari berbagai variasi jumlah tie points, ditentukan berdasarkan nilai RMSEny


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly changed the world of education due to the obligation to utilize technology. However, technology still cannot replace the role of teachers and learning interactions between students and teachers because learning is about acquiring knowledge and values, cooperation, and competence. This pandemic situation challenges each individual's creativity in using technology to develop the world of education. Google Kelas is one of the free and popular tools to bridge the gap between students and teachers. Google Kelas is a widely used tool during the Covid-19 pandemic because schools or teachers are not required to pay to take advantage of its features. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using Google Kelas. The research was conducted through a quantitative research design. The research sample using this semi-structured survey consists of 87 students who have used Google Kelas for at least one semester in their class. The survey was given using the USE Questionnaire method and was calculated using a Likert scale. Based on the assessment of the use of Google Kelas at SMP Al-Isra, the following results were obtained: the value on the usefulness aspect was 85.2, which indicates that Google Kelas has outstanding usability, which means that Google Kelas can be received very well; the value on the aspect of satisfaction is 83.2 which indicates that Google Kelas provides excellent satisfaction which means that Google Kelas can meet the needs of respondents; the score on the ease of use aspect is 83.6 which indicates that Google Kelas is very friendly to use which means that Google Kelas can be used very well by respondents, and the score on the ease of learning aspect is 86.4 which shows that Google Kelas has perfect easy learning which means that Google Kelas can be learned very well

    Pembentukan Budaya Keagamaan di Lembaga Pendidikan

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    In religion, chastened individual and respondent for everlastingly point out affection and mutually please help fellow being squire. Consciousness excelsior gets excelsior religion too sensed affection and push to help help fellow being squire. Religions appreciative instilling constitute important thing is done in an education institute. Religions appreciative instilling constitute unique thing again pulls since deep instilling assess religion exist correlation among educator and participant is taught. Whereabouts in such event, educator not only functions as instructor only, but also as spiritual father for participant to teach, namely as father or commisioned oldster leads, lead and imbeds dogma to its child.&nbsp


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    The research aimed to determine chemical and physical content of coffee powder combined with papaya seeds and Arabica coffee beans from West Sumba. This research method is an experiment using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor. The treatment factors were papaya seed powder and Arabica coffee powder there are four treatments, and repeated 3 times, so there were 12 experimental units. The best research results were B4 treatment with a combination of 25% papaya seeds and 75% Arabica coffee beans with a caffeine content of 0.93%, water content of 1.17%, ash content of 2.82%, color preference of 4.33 categories, preference aroma 4.24 like categories, and taste preferences 4.12 like categories. The highest yield value (NH) shows the best treatment is B4 treatment with a total NH value of 0.60. Analysis of business feasibility in the best treatment with an RCR of 1.28. R/C Ratio 1 with selling price Rp. 11,500/Packaging 150g
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