228 research outputs found

    Role Of Crossslisting On Financial Returns Of Kcb Group Of Companies, Kenya

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    It is perceived that cross-listing domestic stocks in foreign exchanges have significant valuation effects on a cross listed company’s shares. The purpose of the study was to examine the role of cross listing on financial returns of KCB group, Kenya The study objectives were: to determine the effect of growth on financial returns of KCB group of companies, Transnzoia County. The study used a descriptive research survey design. The target population comprised employees KCB group of companies, Kenya. The target population comprised of 4 Regional Managers and 31 heads of department totaling to 35 respondents. A census sampling technique was employed in selecting the 35 respondents. The researcher used questionnaire as the main data collection method. The data was obtained through analysis from company’s annual reports, internet and NSE journals. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive methods and inferential statistics. Correlations was used to show the relationship between the independent variables. The regression model was used to compute the overall effect of the changes in the value of stock for the cross listed firm. H01There is no significant relationship between growth and on financial returns of KCB group of companies, Kenya The study rejected the hypothesis (β = 0.597, P = 0.000). On the major way growth of cross listed firm affected their financial returns, the study concluded that it was by penetrating bigger markets. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made; Companies that want to increase the performance of their companies should adopt cross listing in different stock exchange market since companies that are traded in different markets attract more investors from different markets increasing their shareholder base which is significant for a company since it ensures that the company has more than sufficient resources to invest and increase the performance of the organization. Companies should aim to attract the best employees from the different market segments that they operate in since this ensures that the performance of the companies is top notch since the company is able to attract talent and innovation from the different market segments improving the financial returns of the company. Keyword: Growth, Financial Performanc

    Presupuesto por resultado y calidad de gasto en el marco del programa salud materno neonatal en un hospital regional Lambayeque

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la ejecución del presupuesto por resultado y calidad de gasto en el marco del programa salud materno neonatal en un hospital regional Lambayeque, 2023. Se empleó una metodología de tipo básica, de diseño no experimental, paradigma positivista. Se trabajó con una muestra total de 126 colaboradores, los cuales respondieron dos cuestionarios allegados a las variables. Se comprobó la correlación entre la ejecución del presupuesto por resultado y calidad de gasto, todo ello según la prueba estadística de Spearman, con un resultado de (r=0.976), calificándose como positiva y significativa. De la misma forma, se determinó que existe la correlación entre la variable ejecución del presupuesto por resultado con la dimensión eficiencia del gasto público (r=0.862), así mismo existe una asociación entre la ejecución del presupuesto por resultado con la dimensión eficacia del gasto público (r=0.943) y finalmente existe asociación entre la variable ejecución del presupuesto por resultado con la dimensión pertinencia del gasto público (r=0.935). Concluyendo que mientras no se gestione el presupuesto por resultados de manera eficiente, no se logrará ejecutar una calidad de gasto asociada a objetivos institucionales emergentes

    Caracterización morfológica de hongos fitopatógenos en el cultivo de mora de castilla (rubus glaucus benth) sector Huachi Chico-Ambato-Tungurahua, 2014

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    The present research of MORPHOLOGICAL CARACTERIZATION OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC FUNGI IN MORA DE CASTILLA CROPS Rubus Glaucus Benth IN THE HUACHI CHICO FIELD - AMBATO-TUNGURAHUA. 2014.Research conducted at the Technical University of Cotopaxi laboratory, located in the Eloy Alfaro parish, Latacunga city, and Cotopaxi province, the main aim was to determine the phytophatogenic fungus with greatest impact on crop production, information that allowed the development of the research determining that Botrytis cinérea is the main limiting factor in the production of mora de Castilla Rubus glaucus Benth, devaluating economically with 50 percent loss in the production and marketing fruit. It was taken samples field in mora de Castilla crops identifying signs and symptoms of Botrytis cinerea, which were transferred to the laboratory employing the harvest method papa-destroza-agar (PDA), means for evaluating the morphological appearance and widely used for the isolation of fungi, using plastic petri boxes, five isolations were performed using pieces of 3mm plant stalks leaves, flowers and fruits with the fungus Botrytis cinerea contained, achieving greater efficiency with the use of pieces of 3mm of fruit, are introduced into the incubator at 23 ° C….La presente investigación caracterización morfológica de hongos fitopatógeno en el cultivo de mora de castilla Rubus glaucus Benth en el sector de Huachi Chico- Ambato- Tungurahua. 2014. Misma que se realizó en el laboratorio de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi ubicada en la Parroquia Eloy Alfaro, cantón Latacunga, provincia Cotopaxi, tuvo como objetivo determinar el hongo fitopatógeno de mayor impacto en la producción del cultivo, información que permitió el avance de la investigación determinando que Botrytis cinerea es el principal limitante en la producción de mora de castilla Rubus glaucus Benth desvalorizando económicamente con un 50% en la perdida de producción y comercialización de la fruta. Se tomó las muestras en campo en el cultivo de mora de castilla Rubus glaucus Benth identificando signos y síntomas de Botrytis cinerea, mismas que fueron trasladadas al laboratorio utilizando el medio de cultivo papa-destroza-agar (PDA), medio para valorar el aspecto morfológico y de uso generalizado para el aislamiento de hongos, utilizando cajas petri de plástico se realizaron 5 aislamientos utilizando trozos vegetales de 3mm de tallos, hojas, flores y frutos contenidas con el hongo Botrytis cinerea consiguiendo mayor eficacia con la utilización de trozos de 3mm del fruto, son introducidas en la incubadora a una temperatura de 23ºC, en 28 horas se obtuvo ya el desarrollo del ciclo de vida tratándose de una temperatura alta que ayudo a la germinación y actividad del desarrollo del hongo…

    Nivel de conocimientos y actitudes hacia la detección temprana de cáncer de próstata, en los integrantes de una dirección policial, Callao. 2018

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    Determina el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes hacia la detección temprana de cáncer de próstata, en los integrantes de la Dirección de Aviación Policial, en el Callao. La investigación es de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 123 integrantes de la Dirección de Aviación Policial, los cuales cumplían con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y se aplicaron dos instrumentos. Un cuestionario que contiene 15 preguntas cerradas y de alternativa múltiple, y una escala tipo Likert que contiene 22 enunciados, entre positivos y negativos. Encuentra que el 44.7% (55) de los participantes presentan un nivel de conocimiento medio sobre la detección temprana de cáncer de próstata. Asimismo, el 52.03% (64) de los participantes presenta una actitud indiferente. Concluye que los integrantes de la Dirección de Aviación Policial presentan un nivel de conocimiento medio y una actitud indiferente hacia la detección temprana de cáncer de próstata.Tesi

    Characterization of Crude Oils and the Precipitated Asphaltenes Fraction using UV Spectroscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering and Microscopy

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    Analysis of crude oil composition provides important information that impacts on the recovery, handling, and transportation of hydrocarbons. Crude characterization also provides data in the analysis of geochemistry of the source of origin. Crude oil characterization by optical methods is usually difficult because of its dark color; however, those characterizations are crucial because they give information that can affect some analysis procedures. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy is a simple and practical technique that allows the characterization of crude oil through dilution in solvents. A comparative study of crude oil solutions contrasted with their asphaltene fractions was performed. Each solution was analyzed in triplicate, on a UV-vis spectrophotometer. Calibration curves for both raw solutions showed no significant variations, indicating stability. Additionally, the results of dispersion and migration phenomena indicated stability only for crude oil solutions. The aggregate size dispersion was different for each type of crude and varied with respect to time. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed the type of morphology present for each type of asphaltene

    The Treatment of Possible Severe Infection in Infants: An Open Randomized Safety Trial of Parenteral Benzylpenicillin and Gentamicin Versus Ceftriaxone in Infants <60 days of Age in Malawi

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    Background - The World Health Organization recommends benzylpenicillin and gentamicin as antimicrobial treatment of infants with sepsis in low income settings (LICs), and ceftriaxone or cefotaxime as an alternative. In a meta-analysis from 13 LICs, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella spp. and E.coli accounted for 55% of infants with sepsis. In a review of bacterial meningitis, resistance to third generation cephalosporins was >50% of all isolates, and 44% of Gram-negative isolates were gentamicin resistant. However, ceftriaxone may cause neonatal jaundice and gentamicin may cause deafness. Therefore, we compared parenteral benzylpenicillin plus gentamicin to ceftriaxone as first line treatment, assessing outcome and adverse events. Methods - This was an open randomized trial carried out in the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi from 2010 to 2013. Infants < 60 days of age with possible severe sepsis received either benzylpenicillin and gentamicin or ceftriaxone. Adverse events and outcomes were recorded until 6 months post discharge. Results - 348 infants were included in analyses. Outcome in the benzylpenicillin and gentamicin or ceftriaxone groups was similar; deaths were 13.7% and 16.5% and sequelae 14.5% and 11.2% respectively. More infants in the penicillin/gentamicin group required phototherapy: 15% v 5%, p=0.03. Thirteen (6%) survivors had bilateral hearing loss. There was no difference between the treatment groups. By 6 months post discharge 11 more infants had died and 17 more children were found to have sequelae. Conclusions - Ceftriaxone and gentamicin are safe for infants in our setting. Infants should receive long term follow up as many poor outcomes occurred after hospital discharge