112 research outputs found

    Automatic Creation of Multi-Choice Tests for ISJ

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou testů do předmětu ISJ. Cílem práce je implementace aplikace pro automatickou inteligentní tvorbu testů týkajících se skriptovacích jazyků Ruby a Python a regulárních výrazů s podporou automatického vyhodnocování odpovědí.This bachelor's thesis is concerned with a tests creation for the ISJ course. The aim of this work is the implementation of the application which serves for an automatic intelligent creation of tests relating to scripting languages Ruby and Python and regular expressions with support of an automatic evaluating of answers.

    Wellness hotel

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    Novostavba Wellness hotelu. Objekt je částečně podsklepen. Hotel se skládá ze tří částí. Střední trakt je železobetonový skelet a má pět nadzemních podlaží. Tato část slouží jako vstupní hala a hlavní schodiště. Boční trakty mají čtyři nadzemní podlaží a jejich nosný systém je příčný stěnový, zděný, ze systému Porotherm. V suterénu se nachází zázemí hotelu a bazén. Do přízemí je umístěno restaurační zařízení. Ve druhém patře se nacházejí pokoje, posilovna a služby. V posledním patře jsou pouze pokoje. Budova je převážně založena na základových pasech. Zastřešení je provedeno obloukovými vazníky.Newly built Wellness hotel. The building is partially basement. The building has three parts. The central part is made of reinforced concrete skeleton and has five aboveground floors. This part serves as the main entrance hall and staircase. The side tracts have four aboveground floors and their support system is a transverse wall, brick, from the system Porotherm. In the basement there is a swimming pool and hotel facilities. There is located a restaurant too. On the second floor there are rooms, a gym and services. On the top floor there are only hotel rooms. The building is based on thecontinous footings. Roofing is made arched trusses.

    Integrating Equity into Health Information Systems: A Human Rights Approach to Health and Information

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    Health information systems can play a crucial role in supporting human rights by documenting and tracking health and health inequities, and by creating a platform for action and accountabilit

    Support for Jenkins Plugin Development in Python Language

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    Server pro průběžnou integraci Jenkins CI umožňuje rozšiřovat svou funkcionalitu pomocí zásuvných modulů. Tyto moduly lze programovat v jazycích Java a Ruby. Podpora pro jazyk Python chybí, přestože se jedná o jeden z nejpopulárnějších programovacích jazyků současnosti. Implementovali jsme proto vývojářské nástroje, které umožňují programovat moduly v jazyce Python a tyto nástroje jsme začlenili do projektu Jenkins CI. K nástrojům byla zveřejněna uživatelská dokumentace. Programátoři mohou teď díky této práci implementovat moduly do Jenkins CI v jazyce Python.Jenkins CI, the continuous integration server, enables to extend its functionality by plug-ins. These plug-ins can be written in Java and Ruby. The support for Python language is missing although it is one of the most popular programming languages. Therefore we have implemented the SDK for Python plug-in development and this SDK has been integrated into the Jenkins CI community repository. The documentation for the plug-in development in Python has been also published. Thanks to that work, developers can now implement plug-ins in Python programming language.

    Assessing the context of health care utilization in Ecuador: A spatial and multilevel analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are few studies that have analyzed the context of health care utilization, particularly in Latin America. This study examines the context of utilization of health services in Ecuador; focusing on the relationship between provision of services and use of both preventive and curative services.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study is cross-sectional and analyzes data from the 2004 National Demographic and Maternal & Child Health dataset. Provider variables come from the Ecuadorian System of Social Indicators (SIISE). Global Moran's I statistic is used to assess spatial autocorrelation of the provider variables. Multilevel modeling is used for the simultaneous analysis of provision of services at the province-level with use of services at the individual level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Spatial analysis indicates no significant differences in the density of health care providers among Ecuadorian provinces. After adjusting for various predisposing, enabling, need factors and interaction terms, density of public practice health personnel was positively associated with use of preventive care, particularly among rural households. On the other hand, density of private practice physicians was positively associated with use of curative care, particularly among urban households.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There are significant public/private, urban/rural gaps in provision of services in Ecuador; which in turn affect people's use of services. It is necessary to strengthen the public health care delivery system (which includes addressing distribution of health workers) and national health information systems. These efforts could improve access to health care, and inform the civil society and policymakers on the advances of health care reform.</p

    Considerations on Genre and Gender Conventions in Translating from Old English

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    The Old English poem The Wife's Lament is an extremely conventional and, at the same time, original text. It portrays a female character suffering for the absence of her loved one, through the framework of the so-called 'elegiac' style and a mainly heroic vocabulary. The traditional exile theme is, thus, interwoven with the uncommon motif of love sickness. While this appraisal of the poem is the most widely accepted one, disagreement still remains about the translation of some keywords, strictly related to the exile theme, such as sīþ or wræcsīþ. The aim of this paper is to examine diverging readings and glosses of the above mentioned 'exilic/elegiac' keywords, and to show that an accurate translation should not neglect a thorough appraisal of the text in its complexity and the association with related literary patterns and imagery in other poetic and prose texts

    Analysis of the first two years of broadcasting the Czech-Slovak MTV (december 2009 - december 2011)

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    Department of Media StudiesKatedra mediálních studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě