125 research outputs found


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    Isolat Bacillus cereus dari sedimen pantai Mentigi terbukti memiliki potensi antibiotik yang cukup bagus untuk dikembangkan dengan cara fermentasi. Fermentasi Bacillus cereus memerlukan optimalisasi jenis medium dan nutrisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui medium yang tepat untuk produksi antibiotik pada B. cereus. Isolat B. cereus ditumbuhkan pada medium starter NB cair selama 16 jam dan kemudian difermentasikan dalam medium cair NB dengan suplementasi garam-garaman dan penambahan unsur N organik maupun anorganik selama 48 jam. Antibiotik yang telah dipisahkan dari kultur sel melalui sentrifugasi selanjutnya diuji daya hambatnya terhadap bakteri uji yang terdiri dari 3 bakteri gram positif (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus dan Streptococcus viridans) dan 3 bakteri gram negatif (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae dan Proteus mirabilis). Zona hambat tertinggi dihasilkan oleh supernatan isolat Bacillus cereus yang dikultur pada medium dengan sumber N organik pada waktu inkubasi 24 jam. Supernatan isolat B. cereus pada semua kombinasi medium fermentasi menunjukkan zona hambat tertinggi terhadap bakteri uji B. cereus (gram +) dan P. mirabilis (gram -)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan kata sapaan kekerabatan dan nonkekerabatan pada bahasa Lembak yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Suku Lembak di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Penelitian ini termasuk pada penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Langkah pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode simak (observasi) dan metode cakap (wawancara). Langkah analisis dilakukan melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan kata sapaan kekerabatan dan nonkekerabatan pada bahasa lembak yang digunakan oleh masyarakat suku lembak di kabupaten Bengkulu tengah. Sapaan kekerabatan kategori vertikal meliputi sapaan untuk orang tua dari moyang (moneng) hingga sapaan untuk anak dari cicit (cicit), serta  sapaan untuk kakak ayah dan ibu (pak wo, bak dang,mak wo, mak dang, wak) dan sapaan untuk adik ayah dan ibu (bak cik, mak cik, wan, cik, wancik, muwan, bucik, mak bungsu, bicik, bungsu). Sapaan kekerabatan kategori horizontal meliputi sapaan untuk saudara kandung dan sepupu (dang, do, wo, docik, donga, wocik, wonga, inga, dodo, adik, adi’, anak pisat, bungsu, pangil nama) serta sapaan untuk kemenakan (nakan, nak, kan, yung, pik, ponakan). Sapaan nonkekerabatan kategori vertikal meliputi sapaan untuk laki-laki dan perempuan yang usianya setara kakek/nenek dan ayah/ibu (datuk, nek, pak wo, mak wo, wak, wan, cik). Sapaan nonkekerabatan kategori horizontal meliputi sapaan untuk laki-laki dan perempuan yang usianya setara kakak dan adik (do, wo, cik), dan sapaan untuk laki-laki dan perempuan yang usianya setara (seumuran penulis: panggil nama, denga, nga, sanak, panggilan penghormatan). Sapaan nonkekerabatan berdasarkan kaitannya dengan status sosial dalam masyarakat meliputi sapaan untuk tokoh-tokoh masyarakat (pak kades, pak imam, ketue adat) dan juga sapaan karena pencapaian tertentu (pak guru, buk bidan, pak polisi, pak ustad, pak aji).AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan kata sapaan kekerabatan dan nonkekerabatan pada bahasa Lembak yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Suku Lembak di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Penelitian ini termasuk pada penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Langkah pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode simak (observasi) dan metode cakap (wawancara). Langkah analisis dilakukan melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan kata sapaan kekerabatan dan nonkekerabatan pada bahasa lembak yang digunakan oleh masyarakat suku lembak di kabupaten Bengkulu tengah. Sapaan kekerabatan kategori vertikal meliputi sapaan untuk orang tua dari moyang (moneng) hingga sapaan untuk anak dari cicit (cicit), serta  sapaan untuk kakak ayah dan ibu (pak wo, bak dang,mak wo, mak dang, wak) dan sapaan untuk adik ayah dan ibu (bak cik, mak cik, wan, cik, wancik, muwan, bucik, mak bungsu, bicik, bungsu). Sapaan kekerabatan kategori horizontal meliputi sapaan untuk saudara kandung dan sepupu (dang, do, wo, docik, donga, wocik, wonga, inga, dodo, adik, adi’, anak pisat, bungsu, pangil nama) serta sapaan untuk kemenakan (nakan, nak, kan, yung, pik, ponakan). Sapaan nonkekerabatan kategori vertikal meliputi sapaan untuk laki-laki dan perempuan yang usianya setara kakek/nenek dan ayah/ibu (datuk, nek, pak wo, mak wo, wak, wan, cik). Sapaan nonkekerabatan kategori horizontal meliputi sapaan untuk laki-laki dan perempuan yang usianya setara kakak dan adik (do, wo, cik), dan sapaan untuk laki-laki dan perempuan yang usianya setara (seumuran penulis: panggil nama, denga, nga, sanak, panggilan penghormatan). Sapaan nonkekerabatan berdasarkan kaitannya dengan status sosial dalam masyarakat meliputi sapaan untuk tokoh-tokoh masyarakat (pak kades, pak imam, ketue adat) dan juga sapaan karena pencapaian tertentu (pak guru, buk bidan, pak polisi, pak ustad, pak aji).Kata Kunci: Sapaan, Kekerabatan, Nonkekerabatan, Suku Lembak AbstractThis study aims to describe the use of kinship and non-kinship greeting words in the Lembak language used by the Lembak people in Central Bengkulu Regency. This research is included in qualitative research with descriptive method. The steps of data collection were carried out using the listening method (observation) and the speaking method (interview). The analysis step is carried out through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, levers and conclusions. The results showed the use of kinship and non-kinship greeting words in the Lembang language used by the Lembak people in Central Bengkulu Regency. The vertical category of kinship greetings includes greetings for parents from ancestors (moneng) to greetings for children from great-grandchildren (cicit), as well as greetings for father and mother (pak wo, bak dang, mak wo, mak dang, wak) and greetings for father and mother (bak cik, mak cik, wan, cik, wancik, muwan, bucik, mak bungsu, bicik, bungsu). The horizontal category of kinship greetings includes greetings for siblings and cousins (dang, do, wo, docik, donga, wocik, wonga, inga, dodo, adik, adi', anak pisat, bungsu, call by name) as well as greetings for nephew (nakan, nak, kan, yung, pik, ponakan). Non-kinship greetings in the vertical category include greetings for men and women of the same age/grandmother and father/mother (datuk, nenek, pak wo, mak wo, wak, wan, cik). Horizontal non-kinship greetings include greetings for men and women who are the same age as brother and sister (do, wo, cik), and greetings for men and women of the same age (the author's age: call by name, denga, nga, sanak, call of respect). Non-kinship greetings based on social status in the community include greetings for community leaders (pak kades, pak imam, ketue adat) as well as greetings for certain supervisors (pak guru, buk bidan, pak polisi, pak ustad, pak aji). Keywords: Greeting, Kinship, Non-kinship, Lembak Trib

    Evaluation of the implementation of the good manufacturing practice for traditional medicine industries in Central Java

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    The study of the GMP implementation for the traditional medicine industries in Central Java has been performed. The GMP for traditional medicine industry is the guidance how to produce and to manage the quality of the product so that it meets to the quality of design and the quality of conformance. The aim of the study is to evaluate how far the GMP is implemented in the traditional medicine industries in Central Java.The method used of the study was a descriptive evaluative qualitative data collected from several traditional industries namely: M, N, O, P, Q, R and S by assessing the implementation level of the GMP in those industries. The evaluation instrument used was the primary data directly collected by interviewing the directors, the managers and the heads of department, and then followed by visitation to the industries to check the primary data and the actual condition.  The result showed that the evaluation of the GMP implementation for the traditional medicine industries in Central Java reached the score of 86.10% that meant of good category, although the quality control, the selfevaluation, and the documentation aspect had to be ameliorated.Key word : GMP, traditional medicine industrie

    Pengaruh Rasio Capital Adequacy, Loan to Deposit, Net Interest Margin Terhadap Pertumbuhanlaba (Studi Kasus Pada Bank Umum Konvensionalyang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    This study is how Influence Ratio Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Net Interest Margin Against Profit Growth at Conventional Commercial Banks Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. the purpose of this study is to analyze the Influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Net Interest Margin on Profit Growth at Conventional Commercial Banks Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The type of research used is associative research. The research population is conventional commercial bank in Indonesia. The research variables are Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Profit Growth. The data used is secondary data. Data collection methods are quantitative. Partial test results show that NIM has a significant effect on Profit Growth, While CAR and LDR have no significant effect to Profit Growth

    Prosedur Operasional Standar penyelenggaraan ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional POS (USBN)tahun pelajaran 2018/2019

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    Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional adalah kegiatan pengukuran capaian kompetensi peserta didik yang dilakukan Satuan Pendidikan dengan mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk memperoleh pengakuan atas prestasi belajar


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    Services technical considerations of land is one of an element of public service in alloffices of the National Land Agency included in the National Land Agency Tuban.Services technical considerations of land are the terms and conditions of use and the useof land as the basis for the issuance of location permits, and permits the designation ofland use changes. This study concentrated on technical considerations ministry of land,especially in the issuance of location permits. This study used qualitative researchmethods. The research objective is to analyze the implementation and performance ofservice personnel land technical considerations in the issuance of location permits theLand Office (BPN) Tuban. The results showed that the implementation andperformance of officers of technical services technical considerations land land in theissuance of location permits the Land Office (BPN) Tuban regency is relatively good.Yet still needed improvements to improve services to the public. There are stillimprovements to resources including human resources both in quantity and quality.Similarly, they need to increase both internal and external communications, bothbetween leaders and subordinates, an officer in BPN, as well as with external parties areinstitutions or other agencies and the public. BPN officials still need to maximizepenginformasian to the public related to persoaaln procedures, timing, completenessletter to licensing as well as on the necessary funds. Necessary transparency andoptimization of information so that the public as users of the service can be satisfied.Keywords: Policy Implementation, Service, Technical Considerations Lan

    Prosedur Operasional Standar (POS)penyelenggaran ujian nasional tahun pelajaran 2018/2019

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    Prosedur Operasi Standar Ujian Nasional adalah ketentuan yang mengatur penyelenggaraan dan teknis pelaksanaan UN


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    One of the most challanging problems of our nation is  mocal decadence and this problem needs to be solve urgently. There are many factors that lead to the moral decadence, among those factors are inconsistence in law enforcement, lack of role model, reduced role of parents and teachres, and inconducive environment.  Given the fact of moral decadence, the government has made an effort in moral education or character building. This effort cannot be solely done by single authority or party, rather it need wider engagement and comprehensive involvement from all stakeholders. Using this method and strategy, it is expected that moral education or character building may succeed. In the context of family education and school, parents and teachers play very significant roles in moral education and character building. This paper aims at revitalizing the roles of parents and teachers in inculcating moral values for our children through family education and school education.One of the most challanging problems of our nation is  mocal decadence and this problem needs to be solve urgently. There are many factors that lead to the moral decadence, among those factors are inconsistence in law enforcement, lack of role model, reduced role of parents and teachres, and inconducive environment.  Given the fact of moral decadence, the government has made an effort in moral education or character building. This effort cannot be solely done by single authority or party, rather it need wider engagement and comprehensive involvement from all stakeholders. Using this method and strategy, it is expected that moral education or character building may succeed. In the context of family education and school, parents and teachers play very significant roles in moral education and character building. This paper aims at revitalizing the roles of parents and teachers in inculcating moral values for our children through family education and school education

    Student Perception Towards Personal Branding of Political Leaders on Twitter Ahead of Presidential Election 2014

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    Recent technology developments bring improvement for communication studies. Computer mediated communication (CMC) theory ispotential to rapid messages send using computer with internet connection. Twitter is one of well-known social media, which is used by large number of societies, including our president candidates, e.g. Prabowo Subianto and Aburizal Bakrie. Majority twitter users are teenagers, because teenagers are active society and they use twitter to let themselves know about their upcoming president. Active society had explained in uses and gratification theory. This study aims to identify college student's perception about politician's personal branding on twitter lately before the election on 2014. This research is a descriptive research which used qualitative approach, and equipped with content analysis. This research usednon probability sampling to select the main informants, and also snowball sampling method. Results show that college student's perceptionstowards Prabowo Subianto's twitter were better than their perceptions to Aburizal Bakrie's although Aburizal twitter's management is much betterand friendly. Active and positive responses from college students didn't influenced by politician's personal branding. There are eight concepts in personal branding, known as the eight of law of personal branding. From the eight concepts, Prabowo Subianto known as a well behavior person with high nationalism while Aburizal Bakrie had very well law of visibility in twitter's management