20 research outputs found

    Copyright protection of scalar and multimedia sensor network data using digital watermarking

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    This thesis records the research on watermarking techniques to address the issue of copyright protection of the scalar data in WSNs and image data in WMSNs, in order to ensure that the proprietary information remains safe between the sensor nodes in both. The first objective is to develop LKR watermarking technique for the copyright protection of scalar data in WSNs. The second objective is to develop GPKR watermarking technique for copyright protection of image data in WMSN

    Secure Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks Data Using Linear Kolmogorov Watermarking Technique

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    In Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), All communications between different nodes are sent out in a broadcast fashion. These networks are used in a variety of applications including military, environmental, and smart spaces. Sensors are susceptible to various types of attack, such as data modification, data insertion and deletion, or even physical capture and sensor replacement. Hence security becomes important issue in WSNs. However given the fact that sensors are resources constrained, hence the traditional intensive security algorithms are not well suited for WSNs. This makes traditional security techniques, based on data encryption, not very suitable for WSNs. This paper proposes Linear Kolmogorov watermarking technique for secure data communication in WSNs. We provide a security analysis to show the robustness of the proposed techniques against various types of attacks. This technique is robust against data deletion, packet replication and Sybil attack

    Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks Applications and Security Challenges

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    The emergence of low-cost and mature technologies in wireless communication, visual sensor devices, and digital signal processing facilitate of wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs). Like sensor networks which respond to sensory information such as humidity and temperature, WMSN interconnects autonomous devices for capturing and processing video and audio sensory information. WMSNs will enable new applications such as multimedia surveillance, traffic enforcement and control systems, advanced health care delivery, structural health monitoring, and industrial process control. Due to WMSNs have some novel features which stem the fact that some of the sensor node will have video cameras and higher computation capabilities. Consequently, the WMSNs bring new security of challenges as well as new opportunities. This paper presents WMSNs application and security challenges


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    The Real Work Lecture (KKN) is an implementation of one of the Tri Darma Higher Education mandates. KKN activities have enormous benefits and goals for the continuity of community life. With the condition of the COVID-19 Pandemic, students of the Sebelas Maret University (UNS) carried out KKN activities by becoming UNS Volunteers Responding to the COVID-19 Outbreak who located in their respective regions. The Community Service Program is implemented  in Pondok Majapahit, Bandungrejo Village, Mranggen District, Demak Regency. As for the problems that occur in the village, not a few people understand about the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as understanding in preventing the spread of the corona virus. Therefore, there is a need for education and outreach about COVID-19 to the public. UNS Volunteer Response Work Program COVID-19 work to achieve the main purpose of increasing the understanding of residents of Pondok Majapahit Area Against Prevention of COVID-19 Plague to break the Chain of Spread of COVID-19. Therefore, in order to support this goal, the activities  are combined under a major theme concerning Supporting Community Understanding of COVID-19. The major  theme, included in the field of social integration,  consists of the following sub-sector program, namely   COVID-19 Transmission Prevention, Proper Handwashing, Social Distancing, Stay at Home Program, Wedang Uwuh Making

    Comparative Analysis between Elgamal and NTRU Algorithms and their implementation of Digital Signature for Electronic Certificate

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    The emergence of electronic certificates, which are official documents in the form of digital files transmitted via the internet, facilitates the exchange of information. However, internet use has risks, such as data theft for fabricating and modifying information. This problem can be solved by applying a digital signature. This problem can be solved by applying a digital signature. The main concern in this research is how to perform a comparative analysis between asymmetric cryptographic Elgamal and NTRU (Nth-Degree Truncated Polynomial Ring) algorithms and their implementation of a digital signature as an effort to improve information security in electronic certificates. The stages of the research method are divided into the key generation process, signing, and verification. In the signing and verification process, the SHA-512 hash function is also used for hashing messages to be encrypted-decrypted and QR Code as the signature. Comparison of performance of NTRU with Elgamal algorithms required running at a pdf extension with security levels 80,128,192, 256 bits will be obtained from the templates.office.com website. The results obtained that the El Gamal algorithm is better than the NTRU algorithm, but at a higher security level, the NTRU algorithm is better than the Elgamal algorithm. In the verification experiment that has been carried out, it can be concluded that by using SHA-512 as a hash function, the N parameter used for NTRU must be greater than or equal to 512 to avoid error results from verification

    Watermarking technique for wireless multimedia sensor networks: A state of the art

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    Wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) are an emerging type of sensor network which contain sensor nodes equipped with microphones, cameras, and other sensors that produce multimedia content. These networks have the potential to enable a large class of applications ranging from military to modern healthcare. Multimedia nodes are susceptible to various types of attack, such as cropping, compression, or even physical capture and sensor replacement. Hence, security becomes an important issue in WMSNs. However, given the fact that sensors are resource constrained, the traditional intensive security algorithms are not well suited for WMSNs. This makes the traditional security techniques, based on data encryption, not very suitable for WMSNs. Watermarking techniques are usually computationally lightweight and do not require much memory resources. These techniques are being considered as an attractive alternative to the traditional techniques, because of their light resource requirements. The objective of this paper is to present a critical analysis of the existing state-of-the-art watermarking algorithms developed for WMSNs

    An Automatic Approach for Bilingual Tuberculosis Ontology Based on Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs)

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    Ontology is a representation term used to describe and represent a domain of knowledge. Manually ontology development is currently considered complex, requiring a lot of time and effort. This research was proposed to develop methods to build automatic domain ontology bilingual in Indonesian and English by using corpus and ontology design patterns (ODPs) in tuberculosis disease. In this study, the methods used were to combine ontology learning from text and ontology design patterns to decrease the role of expert knowledge. The methods in this research consist of six stages are term and relation extraction, matching with Tuberculosis glossary, matching with ODPs, score computation similarity term and relations with ODPs, ontology building and ontology evaluation. The results of ontology construction were 362 terms and 44 relations with 260 terms were added. The calculation accuracy of ontology construction was 71%. Ontology construction had higher complexity and shorter time as well as decreases the role of the expert knowledge which proof that the automatic ontology evaluation is better than manual ontology construction


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    Maraknya aksi peretasan di Indonesia saat ini terjadi tidak hanya di Lembaga-lembaga besar, namun juga lembaga pemerintah daerah. Salah satu bentuk peretasan yang sangat marak akhir-akhir ini adalah judi gacor pada Content Managemen System(CMS) berbasis Wordpress. Di Kabupaten Karanganyar masih ada 6.180 konten judi gacor yang terlihat di Google. Untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut diperlukan Langkah praktik baik bagaimana mencegah dan mengelola sebuah CMS berbasis Wordpress agar terhindar dari serangan siber. Pelaksanaan pengabdian berupa workshop mengelola website mulai dari instalasi sampai implementasi. Hasil workshop menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan peserta yang semula hanya 40% menjadi 80% paham bagaimana mengelola sebuah website yang aman

    Secure Communication in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks using Watermarking

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    Wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) are an emerging type of sensor networks which contain sensor nodes equipped with microphones, cameras, and other sensors that producing multimedia content. These networks have the potential to enable a large class of applications ranging from military to modern healthcare. Since in WMSNs information is multimedia by nature and it uses wireless link as mode of communication so this posse?s serious security threat to this network. Thereby, the security mechanisms to protect WMSNs communication have found importance lately. However given the fact that WMSN nodes are resources constrained, so the traditionally intensive security algorithm is not well suited for WMSNs. Hence in this research, we aim to a develop lightweight digital watermarking enabled techniques as a security approach to ensure secure wireless communication. Finally aim is to provide a secure communication framework for WMSNs by developing new