2,069 research outputs found

    Spin dynamics of the ordered dipolar octupolar pseudospin 1 2 pyrochlore Nd2Zr2O7 probed by muon spin relaxation

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    We present a muon spin relaxation study on the Ising pyrochlore Nd2Zr2O7 which develops an all in all out magnetic order below 0.4 K. At 20 mK, far below the ordering transition temperature, the zero field muon spin relaxation spectra showno static features and can be well described by a dynamical Gaussian broadened Gaussian Kubo Toyabe function indicating strong fluctuations of the ordered state. The spectra of the paramagnetic state below 4.2 K reveal anomalously slow paramagnetic spin dynamics and show only a small difference with the spectra of the ordered state.We find that the fluctuation rate decreases with decreasing temperature and becomes nearly temperature independent below the transition temperature, indicating persistent slow spin dynamics in the ground state. The field distribution width shows a small but sudden increase at the transition temperature and then becomes almost constant. The spectra in applied longitudinal fields are well fitted by the conventional dynamical Gaussian Kubo Toyabe function, which further supports the dynamical nature of the ground state. The fluctuation rate shows a peak as a function of external field which is associated with a field induced spin flip transition. The strong dynamics in the ordered state is attributed to the transverse coupling of the Ising spins introduced by the multipole interaction

    Ultra-fast X-ray particle velocimetry measurements within an abrasive water jet

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    Ultra-fast X-ray velocimetry measurements were taken to measure velocities and spatial positions of individual abrasive particles within the solid-liquid-gaseous three-phase flow of a high-pressure injection method-based abrasive water jet (AWJ). A synchrotron X-ray source provided sufficient photon flux to take double-frame images of the AWJ with an inter-frame time interval of 5μs. Abrasive particles with a Sauter mean diameter of 265.5μm were detected by a scintillator optically coupled to a gated image intensifier and a high-speed camera running at a frame rate of 11,250Hz. A commercially available particle tracking velocimetry software was used to process the acquired images and evaluate the spatial positions and velocities of abrasive particles as a function of water pressure and abrasive mass flow. The acquired data show a Gaussian radial distribution of abrasive particles within the AWJ and an almost uniform mean axial velocity, irrespective of water jet velocity and abrasive flow rates. These results are useful to validate theoretical models for the momentum/energy transfer in AWJ, to provide input for abrasion/erosion models, to further understand and advance the AWJ process, and to develop new process opportunities such as AWJ millin

    Asymmetric Thermal Lineshape Broadening in a Gapped 3-Dimensional Antiferromagnet - Evidence for Strong Correlations at Finite Temperature

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    It is widely believed that magnetic excitations become increasingly incoherent as temperature is raised due to random collisions which limit their lifetime. This picture is based on spin-wave calculations for gapless magnets in 2 and 3 dimensions and is observed experimentally as a symmetric Lorentzian broadening in energy. Here, we investigate a three-dimensional dimer antiferromagnet and find unexpectedly that the broadening is asymmetric - indicating that far from thermal decoherence, the excitations behave collectively like a strongly correlated gas. This result suggests that a temperature activated coherent state of quasi-particles is not confined to special cases like the highly dimerized spin-1/2 chain but is found generally in dimerized antiferromagnets of all dimensionalities and perhaps gapped magnets in general

    Quantum spin chain as a potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model

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    It is well established that long-range magnetic order is suppressed in magnetic systems whose interactions are low-dimensional. The prototypical example is the S-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain (S-1/2 HAFC) whose ground state is quantum critical. In real S-1/2 HAFC compounds interchain coupling induces long-range magnetic order although with a suppressed ordered moment and reduced N\'eel temperature compared to the Curie-Weiss temperature. Recently, it was suggested that order can also be suppressed if the interchain interactions are frustrated, as for the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model. Here, we study the new S-1/2 HAFC, (NO)[Cu(NO3)3]. This material shows extreme suppression of order which furthermore is incommensurate revealing the presence of frustration consistent with the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model

    Crystal growth, structure and magnetic properties of Ca10Cr7O28

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    A detailed diffraction study of Ca10Cr7O28 is presented which adds significant new insights into the structural and magnetic properties of this compound. A new crystal structure type was used, where the a and b axes are doubled compared to previous models providing a more plausible structure, where all crystallographic sites are fully occupied. The presence of two different valences of chromium was verified and the locations of the magnetic Cr5 and nonmagnetic Cr6 ions were identified. The Cr5 ions have spin 1 2 and form distorted kagome bilayers which are stacked in an ABC arrangement along the c axis. These results lay the foundation for understanding of the quantum spin liquid behavior in Ca10Cr7O28 which has recently been reported in Balz et al. 2016 Nat. Phys. 12 94