4 research outputs found

    Clinical features of gingival pemphigus vulgaris.

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    BACKGROUND:Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a rare, chronic, intraepithelial bullous disease with a potentially fatal outcome. Oral lesions are a hallmark of PV and occur in almost all cases, and represent the preliminary symptom in more than half of the patients. Gingival lesions are very common and, when solitary, often first recognized by periodontist. METHOD:In the literature, gingival localization of PV are usually described as desquamative gingivitis (DG) and/or as vesiculobullous lesions of the free and attached gingiva; in our experience, early lesions only rarely appears as extensive erythema and erosions. CONCLUSIONS:PV at the onset may frequently appear on gingiva as isolated blisters and/or erosions mainly located to the free gingiva, very little in extension and hardly to recognize as bullous lesions

    The APC/C activator FZR1 coordinates the timing of meiotic resumption during prophase I arrest in mammalian oocytes

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    FZR1, an activator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), is recognized for its roles in the mitotic cell cycle. To examine its meiotic function in females we generated an oocyte-specific knockout of the Fzr1 gene (Fzr1(?/?)). The total number of fully grown oocytes enclosed in cumulus complexes was 35-40% lower in oocytes from Fzr1(?/?) mice and there was a commensurate rise in denuded, meiotically advanced and/or fragmented oocytes. The ability of Fzr1(?/?) oocytes to remain prophase I/germinal vesicle (GV) arrested in vitro was also compromised, despite the addition of the phosphodiesterase milrinone. Meiotic competency of smaller diameter oocytes was also accelerated by Fzr1 loss. Cyclin B1 levels were elevated ~5-fold in Fzr1(?/?) oocytes, whereas securin and CDC25B, two other APC/C(FZR1) substrates, were unchanged. Cyclin B1 overexpression can mimic the effects of Fzr1 loss on GV arrest and here we show that cyclin B1 knockdown in Fzr1(?/?) oocytes affects the timing of meiotic resumption. Therefore, the effects of Fzr1 loss are mediated, at least in part, by raised cyclin B1. Thus, APC/C(FZR1) activity is required to repress cyclin B1 levels in oocytes during prophase I arrest in the ovary, thereby maintaining meiotic quiescence until hormonal cues trigger resumption

    Changing World Religion Map: Status, Literature and Challenges

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