123 research outputs found

    Functional Diversity in the Hyper-diverse Mangrove Communities in Papua New Guinea

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    Variation in plant functional traits reflect the differences in an environment a species occupies and the variation in the functional traits across an environmental gradient and growth form reflects the functional performance of the coexisting species. Therefore, detecting the differences in functional traits of species is important to our understanding of the performance of species. The leaf functional traits; Leaf mass per area (LMA) and vein density (DV) are key traits in the resource use strategies and photosynthetic gas exchange capacity (Amax, gsmax) of all plants. Mangroves occupy a hypersaline narrow ecological range and therefore are thought to have uniform functional performance. This view makes sense for low diversity mangrove communities, but what about the hyperdiversity communities such as those in New Guinea? A comprehensive review of the present understanding on the ecology and socio-ecological values of mangrove was undertaken to establish a good foundational understanding of my study on New Guinea mangroves (Chapter 1). It is widely held that mangroves thriving in a hypersaline environment experience high water constraints and as a result have high water use efficiency, therefore have narrow functional performance. I investigated the leaf and photosynthetic functional traits of 31 mangrove species among different zonation bands and growth from six mangrove communities in New Guinea to test the view that mangroves have a narrow functional performance (Chapter 2). I then investigated the differences in wood and stem hydraulic traits among different zonation bands and growth forms and the relationship between wood hydraulics and leaf photosynthetic gas assimilation functional performance to further test the long standing view that mangroves have a narrow functional performance (Chapter 3). I then summarized the major findings of my two studies and their implications on mangrove restoration and rehabilitation with particular reference to the recent mangrove rehabilitation initiatives in Papua New Guinea (Chapter 4). My studies on leaf and wood functional traits across different zonation bands, growth forms and root system types consistently revealed that mangroves have a wide functional performance, and different species exhibited different resource use strategies

    Verifying Weak and Strong kk-Step Opacity in Discrete-Event Systems

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    Opacity is an important system-theoretic property expressing whether a system may reveal its secret to a passive observer (an intruder) who knows the structure of the system but has only limited observations of its behavior. Several notions of opacity have been discussed in the literature, including current-state opacity, kk-step opacity, and infinite-step opacity. We investigate weak and strong kk-step opacity, notions that generalize both current-state opacity and infinite-step opacity, and ask whether the intruder is not able to decide, at any instant, when respectively whether the system was in a secret state during the last kk observable steps. We design a new algorithm verifying weak kk-step opacity, the complexity of which is lower than the complexity of existing algorithms and does not depend on the parameter kk, and show how to use it to verify strong kk-step opacity by reducing strong kk-step opacity to weak kk-step opacity. The complexity of the resulting algorithm is again better than the complexity of existing algorithms and does not depend on the parameter kk


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    Flobamora karate klub adalah sebuah perkumpulan pembinaan untuk anak-anak hingga dewasa yang ingin mengikuti olahraga karate. di dalam Olahraga Karate terdapat salah satu nomer pertandingan kumite dengan waktu pertandingan 3 menit di setiap permainannya. Saat PKL dimulai terdapat sebuah masalah dimana kondisi fisik atlet di  Flobamora Karate Klub saat melakukan sparing atlet mengalami kelelahan pada permainan ke tiga padahal untuk teknik atlet sangat baik. Sehingga dari kejadian tersebut penelitian menduga kelelahan yang di alami atlet tersebut dikarnakan daya tahan atlet yang kurang baik.  Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui daya tahan atlet karate Flobamora.penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskrip. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 10 orang atlet putra yang keseluruhannya adalah atlet kumite .dari tes yang telah dilaksanakan hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat 20% atau 2 atlet dalam kategori  rata-rata dengan rerata vo2max antara 40,0-46,8 selanjutnya terdapat 80% atau 8 atlet dalam kategori kurang dengan vo2max rata-rata  29,6-39,9 Sehingga hasil keseluruhan vo2max atlet di flobamora karate klub yakni 35,3 dalam kategori kurang

    Environmental Regimes of Drained Soils of the Novgorod Region

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    Under the influence of drainage, new ecological regimes of groundwater and soil moisture are formed, which in turn form new nutrient regimes. The objects of this study are the ecological regimes of lands reclaimed in different ways: by an open drainage network (with the use of runoff hollows) and a closed drainage network. Experimental plots are located in the Novgorod region on sod-podzolic soil. The efficiency of the reclamation system is determined by the groundwater regime. The results of the research prove that the regime of groundwater in closed drainage systems is more favorable compared to the open drainage system. The analysis of the nutrient regime of drained soils showed a decrease in agrochemical indicators due to the removal of minerals by runoff. More mineral salts are washed away in closed drainage (up to 711 kg/ha). Considering the agrochemical composition of the soil, calcium ions are removed most intensively from sod-podzolic soils. The water-physical properties of the drained lands, such as density, porosity and moisture content, have also changed. The study of water-air regimes of reclaimed soils revealed a significant difference in the degree of moisture of the plow and subsurface layers when implementing either one or different methods of drainage. A more favorable water-air regime is created by closed drainage systems in the subsurface layer, and by open drainage systems – in the plow layer

    Versions of Now

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    Structural analysis of neotectonic activity in the eastern part of Slavonija-Srijem Depression : master’s thesis

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    U ovom radu interpretirani su seizmički profili i bušotinski podatci na temelju kojih je određena geometrija, kinematske značajke i prostorni raspored rasjeda te pratećih deformacijskih struktura u istočnom dijelu Slavonsko-srijemske depresije. Izrađen je 3D strukturni model podzemlja temeljem kojeg su izrađene strukturne karte po podlozi neogena, podlozi panona i podlozi pliokvartara, odnosno po stratigrafskim horizontima koji odražavaju bitne promjene u tektonskoj evoluciji Panonskog bazenskog sustava na području Hrvatske. Rekonstruirani rasjedi i deformacijske strukture prikazani su na strukturnim kartama, a njihov je postanak interpretiran za vrijeme faze otvaranja Slavonsko-srijemske depresije tijekom donjeg i srednjeg miocena i za vrijeme tektonske inverzije tijekom pliocena i kvartara. Definirano je 11 strukturnih jedinica u istraživanom području. Strukturne jedinice Vinkovci, Berak i Bapska definirane su kao tektonske grabe koje su nastale otvaranjem taložnog prostora Slavonsko-srijemske depresije u ekstenzijskoj fazi. U istoj fazi formirana je i sinklinala Nijemci te horst Đeletovci. Za vrijeme kompresijske faze u istočnom dijelu istraživanog područja nastala je antiklinala Bokšić. Na temelju interpretiranih podataka izrađen je model tektonskog razvitka istraživanog dijela Slavonsko-srijemske depresije prema kojem je ona stvorena normalnim rasjedanjem u fazi intenzivne ekstenzije tijekom donjeg i srednjeg miocena, na koju se nastavlja faza sinsedimentacijskog normalnog rasjedanja za vrijeme gornjeg miocena. U fazi inverzije i strukturne reaktivacije tijekom pliocena i kvartara dolazi do relativno blage inverzije koja je izražena u istočnom dijelu istraživanog područja u sklopu antiklinale Bokšić.Abstract: Structural interpretation of the 2D seismic reflection sections and exploration well data enabled determination of the geometry, kinematics and spatial distribution of faults and associated structures in the eastern part of Slavonija-Srijem Depression. The constructed 3D structural model consists of the structure contour maps - Base Neogene, Base Pannonian and Base Plio-Quaternary, three regional stratigraphic horizons that corelate with important changes in tectonic evolution in the Croatian part of Pannonian basin system. In this work main deformation structures were also reconstructed. Results indicate that structures in the study area were firstly created during the phase of opening of the Slavonija-srijem depression during the Lower and Middle Miocene, as a result of regional extension and then changed during tectonic inversion that occurred in Pliocene and Quaternary. Eleven structural units were defined on the structural conture maps. Structural units Vinkovci, Berak and Bapska are defined as grabens that were formed during the extensional phase in Lower and Middle Miocene. In this phase syncline Nijemci and horst Đeletovci were also formed. During the compressional phase during the Pliocene and Quaternary in the east of the research area Bokšić anticline was formed. Based on interpreted data the structural evolution of the eastern part of Slavonija-Srijem Depression is reconstructed. The depression was formed by normal faulting in phase of intensive extension during Lower and Middle Miocene, was followed by sinsedimentary normal extension in upper Miocene. In the phase of structural reactivation and tectonic inversion that commenced during Pliocene and Quaternary mild inversion occurred with reverse faulting only sporadically occurred in the east of study area as part of Bokšić anticline

    21st Century Ecopoetics and Ecotheory

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    Ecopoetics is the study of literature that is concerned with ecology and nature. However, beyond just literature about nature, this course will examine how ecology and nature have become complicated in the 21st century, the age of the Anthropocene, the age of the climate crisis and the 6th mass extinction (don’t worry, we will define these and other key terms). In the 21st century, humans are now confronted with a growing awareness of their destructive impact on the earth, its environments, and its human and non-human inhabitants. In this class we will examine how ecology and nature have become complicated in the 21st century, alongside many other questions that appear when we start to unravel that complication: What do we even mean by nature? How do we think about interconnection? Interconnection between whom and what? How are authors writing about the climate crisis, ecological justice, and non-human beings? How can the study of ecopoetics actually help us think about the complicated, interconnected challenges of the twenty-first century at large? We’ll look at poems written from the perspective of non-humans; we’ll consider those who have come before us and those who’ll come after; we’ll look at and think about the (supply) chain of associations between you and a cup of coffee; write along the path of NYC’s watershed and waterways from source to tap; and invent new words to describe the challenges of this new century. Ultimately, in this class, we will discuss the profound questions raised by the study of ecopoetics, questions of what it means to be human, to live in an organized society, on a finite earth, now, and 100 years from now