16 research outputs found

    Ocular Biometry and its Relationship with Body Size and Head in French Bulldog Dogs

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    Background: Ocular biometrics is an easy to perform, safe, non-invasive and low-cost exam that provides immediate results with excellent definition. Brachycephalic dogs have a high risk of developing eye problems, and the early appearance is frequent due to factors linked to anatomical conformation. The aim of the present study was to perform eye biometrics in French Bulldog dogs through ultrasound, correlating with body and head size.Materials, Methods & Results: Clinical examination, ophthalmic examination and ocular biometrics were performed using B-mode ultrasonography, using a 10 megahertz frequency transducer in 30 French Bulldog dogs, aged 1-6 years old, male and females from the Br Lord's Staff kennel and the Radiovet - Rio de Janeiro veterinary clinic. A drop of anesthetic eye drops containing 1% tetracaine hydrochloride and 0.1% phenylephrine hydrochloride was instilled and the direct contact technique was performed with the cornea with the help of sterile water-soluble lubricating acoustic gel between the transducer and the examined eye. These measurements were correlated with cephalic measurements (frontal-occipital distance, skull circumference, distance between the zygomatic arches and frontal-nasal distance) and with body measurements (length of the dog from the cranial end of the sternum to the ischial tuberosity and height of the withers from the cranial angle of the scapula to the ground). No chemical restraint was necessary. Dogs were positioned seated or in sternal decubitus, with slight physical restraint. All measurements were performed by the same examiner. There was no significant difference between the parameters of male and female eye biometrics and there was no difference between the measurements of the right and left eyes. The mean value of axial bulb length was 19.51 ± 0.58 mm, for the thickness of the lens, 6.71 ± 0.66 mm, for depth of the anterior chamber, 2.36 ± 0.89 mm and for the depth of the vitreous chamber, 10.44 ± 1.32 mm, showing the same pattern as other studies with brachycephalic dogs. The size of the dog or skull did not interfere with the measurements of eye biometrics.Discussion: The French Bulldog breed was selected for this study due to the scarcity of publications on ocular biometrics in brachycephalic breeds.The knowledge of ocular biometrics is extremely important for the understanding and early diagnosis of some anomalies related to the growth of ocular structures. It is an essential method of exploration and diagnosis of diseases of the eye bulb and orbit, being indicated to evaluate variations in size, shape and position of the eye bulb. The casuistry of these dogs with eye diseases in the ophthalmological clinical routine is large, since they have a high risk of developing eye problems. Ultrasonography is an easy to access and safe, non-invasive exam and the direct corneal contact technique allows clearer images. As there was no significant difference in measurements of intraocular structures between the right and left eyes, the normal eye can be a reliable parameter to establish the prosthetic eye bulb for the injured or enucleated eye. In the present study, there were 21 females and 9 males, which may have generated interference in these values since there was no sex ratio. The measurements of axial length, lenticular thickness, depth of the anterior chamber and the vitreous chamber had values similar to other studies with brachycephalic dogs

    Cryptosporidium spp. in Aratinga jandaia, Diopsittaca nobilis and Pionus menstruus in Brazil

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    Background: Cryptosporidium is an important protozoan in public health and veterinary medicine that often causes diarrhea in an array of hosts in developed/developing countries. Infection of the gastrointestinal system is the most common, but the respiratory system and other sites can also be affected, especially in birds and immunocompromised individuals. Transmission occurs through ingestion or inhalation of oocysts. The number of wild animals, including those in the class of birds, infected with this parasite has grown in recent years. This study aimed to report parasitism by Cryptosporidium spp. in captive-raised birds of family Psittacidae at the Rio City Zoo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty-three pools of fecal samples of the species Amazona aestiva, Amazona amazonica, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, Ara auricollis, Ara canga, Ara glaucogularis, Ara macao, Ara manilapa, Ara maracana, Ara rubrogenys, Aratinga erythrogenys, Aratinga cactorum, Aratinga auerea, Aratinga mitrata, Aratinga auricapilla, Aratinga jandaia, Aratinga wagleri, Aratinga leucophthalmus, Brotogeris acuticaudata, Cynoliseus patagonus, Caracopsis vasa, Diopsittaca nobilis, Graydidascalus brachyurus, Muopsitta monachus, Nangayus nenday, Pionites melancephala, Pionites leucogaster, Pionus menstruus, Pionus chalcopteus, Pionus maxiliani, Pyrrhura perlata, Pyrrhura leucotis, and Triclharia malachitacea, kept in separate enclosures, were analyzed using Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for detection of parasitic antigens. Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) was conducted in order to identify the species Cryptosporidium in the positive samples targeting the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA), followed by sequencing and analysis of the DNA amplicons. Cryptosporidium spp. antigen was detected in three (9%) of the thirtythree pools assessed, corresponding to the following species of family Psittacidae: Jandaya parakeet (Aratinga jandaya), Red-shouldered macaw (Diopsittaca nobilis), and Blue-headed parrot (Pionus menstruus). Positivity of the three samples was confirmed by qPCR analysis, but it was not possible to identify the species of Cryptosporidium by this technique.Discussion: Zoonotic diseases, such as cryptosporidiosis, have been reported in wild and captive-bred animals worldwide. Several species of the class of birds are parasitized by Cryptosporidium spp. Infection in order Psittaciformes has been described in some species raised in captivity in Brazil; however, no reports of Cryptosporidium spp. infecting the following species of order Psittaciformes: Jandaya parakeet (Aratinga jandaia), Red-breasted macaw (Diopsittaca nobilis), and Blue-headed parrot (Pionus menstrus), were found in the specific scientific literature. The present study detected infection by Cryptosporidium spp. in three species of order Psittaciformes using ELISA and confirmed the positivity of the samples by qPCR, but the species of Cryptosporidium could not be identified. These infected birds should be carefully investigated, with identification of the species and analysis of their zoonotic potential, because they can be sources of environmental contamination and infection for the caregivers, visitors, and other animals of the Zoo. This is the first report of parasitism by Cryptosporidium spp. in these species of family Psittacidae in Brazil

    Myxomatous degeneration of the left atrioventricular valve in a true parrot (Amazona aestiva): a case report

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    Owning wild species as pets is becoming more and more common. Consequently, experience in caring for them has grown, resulting in the diagnosis of numerous diseases. Among these are cardiovascular disorders, especially in parrots. However, the lack of specificity or the absence of clinical signs of these diseases make it difficult to assess cardiovascular issues during the physical examination of birds. This leads to underdiagnosis of these conditions, with the majority being diagnosed post-mortem. This study reports the cardiovascular findings in post-mortem examinations of individuals of the species Amazona aestiva (true parrot) of Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres do Rio de Janeiro (CETAS-RJ) and is the first record of myxomatous degeneration of the left atrioventricular valve in this species

    Determinação dos parâmetros ecocardiográficos em macacos-aranha (Ateles spp.) mantidos em cativeiro, sedados com cetamina e midazolam

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    Há tempos primatas não humanos são estudados e manejados em centros de pesquisa, zoológicos e criatórios, porém há ainda hoje uma carência de informações sobre suas enfermidades. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de estabelecer os parâmetros ecocardiográficos de normalidade, de primatas do gênero Ateles (macaco-aranha) alojados no Jardim Zoológico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro – Fundação RIOZOO. Foram utilizados 9 exemplares da espécie, clinicamente saudáveis, sendo 5 fêmeas e 4 machos, adultos jovens, com idade de cativeiro aproximada de 2 a 3 anos, e peso médio de 8.5 kg. Os animais foram contidos fisicamente com puçá de rede e logo após foi realizada a contenção química por meio de uma associação de cloridrato de cetamina na dose de 8 mg por kg e midazolam a 0.5 mg por kg, por via intramuscular. Os indivíduos foram submetidos à contenção química para estabelecimento de avaliação clínica, coleta de sangue para hemograma e dosagens bioquímicas, coleta de urina para urinálise, radiografia de tórax nas posições ventro-dorsal e latero-lateral, exames eletrocardiográficos, estando todos os parâmetros dentro da faixa de normalidade, além do exame ecocardiográfico, que veio a ser o meio pelo qual foram adquiridos os parâmetros do estudo. Durante este exame foram avaliados os seguintes valores: débito cardíaco, fração de ejeção, volume final cardíaco, frequência cardíaca, diâmetro do átrio esquerdo, diâmetro da aorta, relação entre os diâmetros do átrio esquerdo e da artéria aorta, espessura do septo interventricular na diástole, diâmetro do ventrículo esquerdo na diástole, espessura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo na diástole, espessura do septo interventricular na sístole, diâmetro do ventrículo esquerdo na sístole, espessura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo na sístole, volume sistólico final do ventrículo esquerdo, volume diastólico final do ventrículo esquerdo, fração de encurvamento de septo, fração de encurvamento da parede posterior, separação septal e fração de encurtamento. Com os dados obtidos foram elaboradas tabelas com os valores ecocardiográficos da espécie estudada, sob sedação

    Dilated cardiomyopathy in spider monkey (Ateles chamek, Humboldt, 1812)

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    Non-human primates are routinely studied and managed in zoos, conservation breeding centers, and research centers, but there is currently limited information regarding diseases that can affect these animals. Dilated cardiomyopathy is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases in small animal clinical practice. However, there are few reports of this condition occurring in non-human primates. Here, in a spider monkey (Ateles chamek) housed in the Rio de Janeiro Zoo, we report the occurrence of dilated cardiomyopathy, its etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis through clinical examination, and the use of complementary exams (radiographic, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic), as well as the protocol, used in the treatment. In this case, it is assumed that the occurrence of the disease was related to the peripartum period due to the hormonal and metabolic changes that occurred, and the physiological interactions of gestation and puerperiu

    Molecular and morphological characterization of Contracaecum pelagicum (Nematoda) parasitizing Spheniscus magellanicus (Chordata) from Brazilian waters

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    Three new sequences of Mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit 2 (mtDNA cox-2) from C. pelagicum parasite of Spheniscus magellanicus, the Magelanicus penguin, were determined from Brazilian waters. The sequences presented 99 and 98% of similarity with C. pelagicum sequences from Argentina, deposited on GenBank for the same genetic region and with a strong statistical support inferred from the phylogenetic tree. The morphological and ultrastructural studies that were carried out confirmed the genetic analysis


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    Corticosteroids are drugs widely used in veterinary neurology due to their recognized analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. However, their use in high doses and long terms may result in undesirable effects and disorders in other systems. This study describes the prevalence of dogs with neurological diseases referred to a veterinary neurology reference service with previous prescription of corticosteroids. For the retrospective study 284 medical records of dogs were evaluated in the period between August 2017 and April 2019. Of these, 194 (68%) patients already had medical care by another veterinary, and, 100 (52%) had previous prescription for the corticosteroid use. After the diagnosis, the dose was suspended in 28% of the cases, adjusted in 41% and maintained in 31%. Dogs with immunosuppressive doses prescription were the most affected, and the medication was adjusted or suspended in 71% and 21% of the cases, respectively. In conclusion, the therapy for neurological diseases is still strongly associated with the indiscriminate use of corticosteroids, without a dose correlation with the desired effect

    Molecular and morphological characterization of Contracaecum pelagicum (Nematoda) parasitizing Spheniscus magellanicus (Chordata) from Brazilian waters

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    Three new sequences of Mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit 2 (mtDNA cox-2) from C. pelagicum parasite of Spheniscus magellanicus, the Magelanicus penguin, were determined from Brazilian waters. The sequences presented 99 and 98% of similarity with C. pelagicum sequences from Argentina, deposited on GenBank for the same genetic region and with a strong statistical support inferred from the phylogenetic tree. The morphological and ultrastructural studies that were carried out confirmed the genetic analysis

    Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão: Relato de caso.

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    Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. Ectopic thyroid carcinoma develops in the ectopic thyroid parenchyma, in the anterior mediastinum, being an important differential diagnosis of paraganglioma, although occurring less frequently than the same. The cells invade the mediastinal fat reaching the adventitia of the aorta. There is a possibility of metastatic formations in the lung, kidneys, and pancreas. A supporting treatment was provided. The present study proposes the exposition and description of a case of neuroendocrine tumor in the heart, considering the rarity of the involvement of this tumor in the canine species.Case: A 9-year-old American Bulldog male canine was treated at home in the city of Rio de Janeiro. On clinical examination, dyspnea, edema of the hind limbs and an increase in abdominal volume were observed. With the suspicion of congestive heart failure, mainly on the right, cardiac exams were requested. Because it was an aggressive animal, sedation was performed with a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam. During cardiac auscultation, the presence of S4 was noticed, characterizing a gallop rhythm. No alterations were observed on the electrocardiographic examination. The echocardiogram showed a tumor mass in the atrium and dilation of the venous return vessels. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atrium of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. The abdominocentesis procedure was performed to drain abdominal free fluid. Furosemide, enalapril and digoxin were prescribed as a treatment. Three months after the start of treatment, the animal presented intense dyspnea that culminated in the death of the patient, who later had the body sent for necropsy and subsequent tissue collection for histopathological analysis. Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart.Discussion: Brachycephalic dogs, such as Boxers, Bulldogs and Boston Terriers, are predisposed to the development of paragangliomas. The genetic predisposition is related to hyperplasia of the carotid bodies generated by chronic hypoxia, resulting from obstructive processes in the airways. As the reported dog is an American Bulldog, the possibility of the tumor in question was reinforced. Paragangliomas are more frequent in males from nine to thirteen years of age, commonly associated with other endocrine neoplasms. It is also an important marker present in paragangliomas. In contrast to the literature, the report points to a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma, without eliminating the possibility of an ectopic thyroid tumor, because although TTF-1 appears in most thyroid tumors, not all of them are present, although it is very suggestive. Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. However, it is observed that the treatment resources for these tumors, whether by surgical or chemotherapy option, also have few answers. The lack of literature on ectopic thyroid tumors influences the diagnosis of paraganglioma. Thus, clinical and complementary findings, mainly along with immunohistochemistry, were essential in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumor. After 3 months of the start of the treatment, the animal died. Keywords: heart base tumor, Immunohistochemical diagnosis, heart, dog. Título: Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão Descritores: tumor neuroendócrino, diagnóstico Imuno-histoquímico, coração, cão.Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. A supporting treatment with furosemide, enalapril and digoxin was provided. Case: Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atria of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. Discussion: Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. After three months of the start of the treatment, the animal passed away

    Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão: Relato de caso.

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    Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. Ectopic thyroid carcinoma develops in the ectopic thyroid parenchyma, in the anterior mediastinum, being an important differential diagnosis of paraganglioma, although occurring less frequently than the same. The cells invade the mediastinal fat reaching the adventitia of the aorta. There is a possibility of metastatic formations in the lung, kidneys, and pancreas. A supporting treatment was provided. The present study proposes the exposition and description of a case of neuroendocrine tumor in the heart, considering the rarity of the involvement of this tumor in the canine species.Case: A 9-year-old American Bulldog male canine was treated at home in the city of Rio de Janeiro. On clinical examination, dyspnea, edema of the hind limbs and an increase in abdominal volume were observed. With the suspicion of congestive heart failure, mainly on the right, cardiac exams were requested. Because it was an aggressive animal, sedation was performed with a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam. During cardiac auscultation, the presence of S4 was noticed, characterizing a gallop rhythm. No alterations were observed on the electrocardiographic examination. The echocardiogram showed a tumor mass in the atrium and dilation of the venous return vessels. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atrium of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. The abdominocentesis procedure was performed to drain abdominal free fluid. Furosemide, enalapril and digoxin were prescribed as a treatment. Three months after the start of treatment, the animal presented intense dyspnea that culminated in the death of the patient, who later had the body sent for necropsy and subsequent tissue collection for histopathological analysis. Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart.Discussion: Brachycephalic dogs, such as Boxers, Bulldogs and Boston Terriers, are predisposed to the development of paragangliomas. The genetic predisposition is related to hyperplasia of the carotid bodies generated by chronic hypoxia, resulting from obstructive processes in the airways. As the reported dog is an American Bulldog, the possibility of the tumor in question was reinforced. Paragangliomas are more frequent in males from nine to thirteen years of age, commonly associated with other endocrine neoplasms. It is also an important marker present in paragangliomas. In contrast to the literature, the report points to a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma, without eliminating the possibility of an ectopic thyroid tumor, because although TTF-1 appears in most thyroid tumors, not all of them are present, although it is very suggestive. Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. However, it is observed that the treatment resources for these tumors, whether by surgical or chemotherapy option, also have few answers. The lack of literature on ectopic thyroid tumors influences the diagnosis of paraganglioma. Thus, clinical and complementary findings, mainly along with immunohistochemistry, were essential in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumor. After 3 months of the start of the treatment, the animal died. Keywords: heart base tumor, Immunohistochemical diagnosis, heart, dog. Título: Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão Descritores: tumor neuroendócrino, diagnóstico Imuno-histoquímico, coração, cão.Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. A supporting treatment with furosemide, enalapril and digoxin was provided. Case: Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atria of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. Discussion: Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. After three months of the start of the treatment, the animal passed away