130 research outputs found

    Hydragen:an implementation of Hera-S

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    Characterization of color cross-talk of CCD detectors and its influence in multispectral quantitative phase imaging

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    Multi-spectral quantitative phase imaging (QPI) is an emerging imaging modality for wavelength dependent studies of several biological and industrial specimens. Simultaneous multi-spectral QPI is generally performed with color CCD cameras. However, color CCD cameras are suffered from the color crosstalk issue, which needed to be explored. Here, we present a new approach for accurately measuring the color crosstalk of 2D area detectors, without needing prior information about camera specifications. Color crosstalk of two different cameras commonly used in QPI, single chip CCD (1-CCD) and three chip CCD (3-CCD), is systematically studied and compared using compact interference microscopy. The influence of color crosstalk on the fringe width and the visibility of the monochromatic constituents corresponding to three color channels of white light interferogram are studied both through simulations and experiments. It is observed that presence of color crosstalk changes the fringe width and visibility over the imaging field of view. This leads to an unwanted non-uniform background error in the multi-spectral phase imaging of the specimens. It is demonstrated that the color crosstalk of the detector is the key limiting factor for phase measurement accuracy of simultaneous multi-spectral QPI systems.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Demystifying speckle field interference microscopy

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    Dynamic speckle illumination (DSI) has recently attracted strong attention in the feld of biomedical imaging as it pushes the limits of interference microscopy (IM) in terms of phase sensitivity, and spatial and temporal resolution compared to conventional light source illumination. To date, despite conspicuous advantages, it has not been extensively implemented in the feld of phase imaging due to inadequate understanding of interference fringe formation, which is challenging to obtain in dynamic speckle illumination interference microscopy (DSI-IM). The present article provides the basic understanding of DSI through both simulation and experiments that is essential to build interference microscopy systems such as quantitative phase microscopy, digital holographic microscopy and optical coherence tomography. Using the developed understanding of DSI, we demonstrated its capabilities which enables the use of non-identical objective lenses in both arms of the interferometer and opens the fexibility to use user-defned microscope objective lens for scalable feld of view and resolution phase imaging. It is contrary to the present understanding which forces us to use identical objective lenses in conventional IM system and limits the applicability of the system for fxed objective lens. In addition, it is also demonstrated that the interference fringes are not washed out over a large range of optical path diference (OPD) between the object and the reference arm providing competitive edge over low temporal coherence light source based IM system. The theory and explanation developed here would enable wider penetration of DSI-IM for applications in biology and material sciences

    Fulfilling Multiple Intent Queries Using Compound Responses

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    Information-seeking queries to a virtual assistant can often cover multiple facets of a given topic. For example, a query of the form “what is the latest on covid-19” can reasonably be answered with the latest epidemiological statistics, medical information of disease symptoms, news relating to disease spread, etc. No single interpretation of such a query is likely to meet all of the user\u27s original information-seeking intent. This disclosure describes techniques for answering queries that can include multiple reasonable answers derived from different corpora. The techniques incorporate information from the different corpora and presents it in a manner that obviates the need for a user to understand finer distinctions between the corpora. Effectively, the techniques provide a compound response that is stitched together from available facts, related news stories, and other sources of information to cover the user’s information needs

    Laser-Generated Scholte Waves in Floating Microparticles

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    This study aims to demonstrate the generation and detection of Scholte waves inside polystyrene microparticles. This was proven using both experimental analysis and COMSOL simulation. Microspheres of different sizes were excited optically with a pulsed laser (532 nm), and the acoustic signals were detected using a transducer (40 MHz). On analyzing the laser-generated ultrasound signals, the results obtained experimentally and from COMSOL are in close agreement both in the time and frequency domain. A simplified analysis of Scholte wave generation by laser irradiation for homogeneous, isotropic microspheres is presented. The theoretical wave velocity of the Scholte wave was calculated and found close to our experimental results. A representation of pressure wave motion showing the Scholte wave generation is presented at different times

    On-chip TIRF nanoscopy by applying Haar wavelet kernel analysis on intensity fluctuations induced by chip illumination

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    Photonic-chip based TIRF illumination has been used to demonstrate several on-chip optical nanoscopy methods. The sample is illuminated by the evanescent field generated by the electromagnetic wave modes guided inside the optical waveguide. In addition to the photokinetics of the fluorophores, the waveguide modes can be further exploited for introducing controlled intensity fluctuations for exploitation by techniques such as super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI). However, the problem of non-uniform illumination pattern generated by the modes contribute to artifacts in the reconstructed image. To alleviate this problem, we propose to perform Haar wavelet kernel (HAWK) analysis on the original image stack prior to the application of (SOFI). HAWK produces a computational image stack with higher spatio-temporal sparsity than the original stack. In the case of multimoded non-uniform illumination patterns, HAWK processing bre aks the mode pattern while introducing spatio-temporal sparsity, thereby differentially affecting the non-uniformity of the illumination. Consequently, this assists nanoscopy methods such as SOFI to better support super-resolution, which is otherwise compromised due to spatial correlation of the mode patterns in the raw image. Furthermore, applying HAWK prior to SOFI alleviates the problem of artifacts due to non-uniform illumination without degrading temporal resolution. Our experimental results demonstrate resolution enhancement as well as reduction in artifacts through the combination of HAWK and SOFI

    Fabrication of submicrometer high refractive index tantalum pentoxide waveguides for optical propulsion of microparticles

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    Design, fabrication, and optimization of tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) waveguides to obtain low-loss guidance at a wavelength of 1070 nm are reported. The high-refractive index contrast (Δn ~ 0.65, compared to silicon oxide) of Ta2O5 allows strong confinement of light in waveguides of submicrometer thickness (200 nm), with enhanced intensity in the evanescent field. We have employed the strong evanescent field from the waveguide to propel micro-particles with higher velocity than previously reported. An optical propelling velocity of 50 µm/s was obtained for 8 µm polystyrene particles with guided power of only 20 mW

    Single-shot fringe pattern phase retrieval using improved period-guided bidimensional empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform

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    Fringe pattern analysis is the central aspect of numerous optical measurement methods, e.g., interferometry, fringe projection, digital holography, quantitative phase microscopy. Experimental fringe patterns always contain significant features originating from fluctuating environment, optical system and illumination quality, and the sample itself that severely affect analysis outcome. Before the stage of phase retrieval (information decoding) interferogram needs proper filtering, which minimizes the impact of mentioned issues. In this paper we propose fully automatic and adaptive fringe pattern pre-processing technique - improved period guided bidimensional empirical mode decomposition algorithm (iPGBEMD). It is based on our previous work about PGBEMD which eliminated the mode-mixing phenomenon and made the empirical mode decomposition fully adaptive. In present work we overcame key problems of original PGBEMD – we have considerably increased algorithm’s application range and shortened computation time several-fold. We proposed three solutions to the problem of erroneous decomposition for very low fringe amplitude images, which limited original PGBEMD significantly and we have chosen the best one among them after comprehensive analysis. Several acceleration methods were also proposed and merged to ensure the best results. We combined our improved pre-processing algorithm with the Hilbert Spiral Transform to receive complete, consistent, and versatile fringe pattern analysis path. Quality and effectiveness evaluation, in comparison with selected reference methods, is provided using numerical simulations and experimental fringe data
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