862 research outputs found

    A kinematic investigation of the influence of anvil air flow over convective nephsystems on high-level horizontal flow

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    The interactions between horizontal ambient flow and divergent wind fields, such as those that obtain atop cumulonimbus complexes, were investigated (theoretically) kinematically. The following were observed from the results of the analyses. First, for a particular divergent field, the relative mass flux over the area of the nephsystem decreased as the strength of the horizontal flow increased. Secondly, while in some of the cases analyzed the interaction between the two flows only resulted in the fanning out of streamlines and a slight redistribution in the wind speed, in many cases backflows and a total reorganization of the wind field occurred. Backflows have a blocking effect on the horizontal flow. Some of the computed patterns were compared with upper level cloud vectors (from geostationary satellite photographs). The comparison indicated that the computed resultant wind field could be used to explain some features of such satellite-derived wind fields

    Retirement And Adjustment Levels: A Case Study Of Retirees In Ogun State

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    This study examined the level of adjustment (positive or negative) of retirees in Ogun State, Nigeria, as well as their perception (positive or negative) of retirement and the level of adjustment. A self-developed questionnaire was used for data collection. The subjects for the study were 72 retirees (34 males and 38 females), drawn from public, private and government owned companies in Ogun State. Results of the study revealed that respondents had positive perception of retirement and positive level of adjustment in retirement.  The relationship between perception and level of adjustment was not statistically significant [p > 0.05] which indicates that factors other than perception contribute to the positive level of adjustment of the respondents.  &nbsp

    The Eradication of Complexities in Human-Computer Interface Design for Increased System Usage Productivity

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    Computer applications have been developed for virtually all sectors, ranging from medicine, banking to education. The mostimportant factor for the proper use of a computer program is the interface; however in recent times, some computer programshave become highly intricate and uneasy to manipulate. Efforts by programmers to make productive and interactive systemshave been successful yet there is the tendency to introduce complexity and sophistication in the interface designs. This paperattempts to review issues surrounding Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and its relationship to Information Systems. Weidentify some causes of complexity in user interface design and provide solution paradigms to mitigate these complexities.Keywords: Interface design, Human-Computer Interaction, Complexities, Systems and Usabilit

    On A New Weighted Exponential Distribution: Theory and Application

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    A new two-parameter weighted exponential distribution which has more mild algebraic properties than the existing weighted exponential distribution was studied. Explicit expressions for some of its basic statistical properties including moments, reliability analysis, quantile function and order statistics were derived. Its parameters were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood estimation. The new probability model was applied to four real data sets to assess its flexibility over the existing weighted exponential distributio

    Effects of a Customized Professionalism Educational Intervention on Physical Therapists’ Knowledge and Attributes of Professionalism

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    Purpose: There is a growing call around the world to include professionalism in the entry-level education of physical therapists and to teach professionalism as a continuing education professional development workshop for practicing physical therapists. Unfortunately, there is currently no empirical evidence to support the use of didactic instruction to effectuate a change in the knowledge and attributes of professionalism. This study evaluated the effects of a customized professionalism educational intervention on physical therapists’ knowledge and attributes of professionalism. Methods: A quasi-experimental research was conducted among 47 Nigerian physical therapists (Mean age = 41 ± 10.1 years). The educational intervention consisted of a 3-hour classroom lecture and five case studies on professionalism. The impact of the intervention was evaluated by a Professionalism Inventory that assesses the level of knowledge and attributes of professionalism - clinical competence, a spirit of inquiry, accountability, autonomy, advocacy, innovation and visionary, collegiality and collaboration, and ethics and value. Results: Post intervention, the physical therapist\u27s aggregate knowledge of professionalism score improved significantly from 69% to 77% performance level (t = 2.340; p \u3c 0.05). On the contrary, there was no significant difference in the aggregate attributes of professionalism score following the intervention (t = 1.396, p \u3e 0.05). Although the improvement observed in the aggregate attributes of professionalism score was not statistically significant, when the effects of the intervention were examined on the attributes of professionalism subscales, the results revealed that clinical competence, accountability, autonomy, innovation and visionary, and collaborating and collegiality improved significantly (p \u3c 0.05). The intervention was of small practical significance (Cohen d = .34 and .20 for knowledge and attributes of professionalism scores, respectively). Conclusions: It was inferred from the findings that a three-hour classroom instruction consisting of lectures and case studies presentation could improve the knowledge of professionalism of practicing physical therapists. A longer instructional period vis-à-vis mentoring and role modelling in the classroom may be needed to effectuate a practical change in professionalism


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    This paper reuiews the policy framework for Nlgelian agriculture and gauges Its Impact plior to and since the commencement of economic deregulation. It investigates the prospects, analyses tile constraints and ouUlnes a feasible strategy for sustaining ag~icultural growth In a deregulated enabling environment. The paper notes that In the period, 1970 to 1982, the deterioration In ag~icultural pe1jormance In Nlge1ia was the result not only of extemal shocks and erwironmental and/or edaphfc foctors, but of distorted policy pursuits which created clislncentiues for farming. Howeuer, following attemptS to deregulate the economy with the adopUon of the Structural Adjustment Pl:o!P·amme In 1986 and the consequent eff01t to get price lncenUues right for agriculture, there was some Improvement in ag~icultural performance. It Is noted that agricultural sector growth has recently been lwmpered by increased costs 01ising mainly from genera/deregulation. An lnuestlgatlon of the resource base and prospects shows that ag~kulture can contlibute more to g~·owth than In recent years. But success wlll require engendering a conducive enabling environment and Incentives, avaliC!bility of technology and Inputs as well as Infrastructure. This calls for an oction plan which glues the prluate and Informal sectors bigger roles In the execution of development prog~·ammes. In addition, the public section would need to refocus current policies and priolitles with more uigorous implementation of known successful approoches based on factor endowments for stimulating growth

    Internet of Things and Supply Chain Management: An Empirical Analysis of Nigeria Perspective

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    IT developments is a paradigm shift in various domains, including supply chain management (SCM). This study examines internet of a thing (IOT) and SCM; an empirical analysis of Nigeria perspective. The study examined IOT factors and its effect on SCM, with a specific focus on Jumia Nigeria. The survey research design was used in this study. The study's sample size is comprised of 265 members of Jumia employees who were randomly selected with 253 valid responses retrieved. SmartPLS3 was used for the analysis, and hypotheses were tested using structural equation model at a significance threshold of 0.05 to see whether they were correct. Results demonstrated that IOT has a standardized beta value and P value of 0.948 and 0.000 on SCM which its r2 indicates 89.9% on SCM. In conclusion, IOT factors integration will lead to continuous improvement as it helps to enhanced its supply chain management

    On A New Weighted Exponential Distribution: Theory and Application

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    A new two-parameter weighted exponential distribution which has more mild algebraic properties than the existing weighted exponential distribution was studied. Explicit expressions for some of its basic statistical properties including moments, reliability analysis, quantile function and order statistics were derived. Its parameters were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood estimation. The new probability model was applied to four real data sets to assess its flexibility over the existing weighted exponential distributio

    On The Statistical Analysis of Ante-Natal Care Use in Nigeria: Multilevel Logistic Regression Approach

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    Ante-Natal Care usage among women has a great impact on the survival rate of both mother and the new born child. Inadequate usage influences the mortality rate of both woman and infant thus affecting both economic and health status of any population, Nigeria in particular. Attaining and even surpassing the minimum number of Ante Natal Care (ANC) visits as specified by World Health Organization, WHO helps to ensure healthy outcomes for women and newborns. Multilevel logistic regression models were applied to data involving women who make ANC visits who participated in the 2013 National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) in Nigeria. Results show that location, women education, religion and wealth index of participant were significant factors that influence the probability of women meeting and/or surpassing the required number of ANC visits required by WHO. We also found that husband’s level of educational attainment and the frequency of information gathering by such women also influenced their chances of making more ANC visits. Keywords: Ante-Natal Care, Multilevel, Logistic Regression, Intra-class correlatio

    Isolation and characterization of β-sitosterol, oleanolic, 19- dehyroursolic and yarumic acids, from Plectranthus esculentus leaves and tubers

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    Plectranthus esculentus N.E.Br. (family Lamiaceae) also known as Livingstone potato (vat or rizga in Nigeria), is a dicotyledonous perennial shrub growing up to 2 m tall. While it is cultivated mainly for its edible tubers, the plant is potentially valuable as phytomedicine. Three varieties (vat-long’at, vat-riyom and vat-bebot) are well known among the Berom of Plateau State, Nigeria. The vat-bebot variety (which showed good promise in bioactivity studies) was used in this study. The leaves and tubers were extracted successively with hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water. Fractionation of the active ethyl acetate extracts was carried out using open column and preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography (prep HPLC). This led to the isolation of β-sitosterol and oleanolic acid from the leaves; while 19-dehydroursolic acid and yarumic acid, as well as β-sitosterol were isolated from the tubers. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Electron Impact Mass Spectroscopy (EIMS) were used to characterize isolated compounds. Comparing acquired spectral data of isolated compounds with those from literature helped to confirm the identity of the compounds. The isolation and characterisation of these compounds, from Plecthranthus esculentus, have not been hitherto reported in literature
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