1,309 research outputs found

    Dowker spaces and paracompactness questions

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    AbstractWe construct, in ZFC, a hereditarily collectionwise normal, hereditarily metaLindelöf, hereditarily realcompact Dowker space. This answers a question of R. Hodel (also asked by S. Watson and D. Burke) and another question of M.E. Rudin

    Wavelet analysis of magnetic turbulence in the Earth's plasma sheet

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    Recent studies provide evidence for the multi-scale nature of magnetic turbulence in the plasma sheet. Wavelet methods represent modern time series analysis techniques suitable for the description of statistical characteristics of multi-scale turbulence. Cluster FGM (fluxgate magnetometer) magnetic field high-resolution (~67 Hz) measurements are studied during an interval in which the spacecraft are in the plasma sheet. As Cluster passes through different plasma regions, physical processes exhibit non-steady properties on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and small, possibly kinetic scales. As a consequence, the implementation of wavelet-based techniques becomes complicated due to the statistically transitory properties of magnetic fluctuations and finite size effects. Using a supervised multi-scale technique which allows existence test of moments, the robustness of higher-order statistics is investigated. On this basis the properties of magnetic turbulence are investigated for changing thickness of the plasma sheet.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Further results on a filtered multiplicative basis of group algebras

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    Let FG be a group algebra of a finite non-abelian p-group G and F a field of characteristic p. In this paper we give all minimal non-abelian p-groups and minimal non-metacyclic p-groups whose group algebras FG possess a filtered multiplicative F-basis

    On Colorful Bin Packing Games

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    We consider colorful bin packing games in which selfish players control a set of items which are to be packed into a minimum number of unit capacity bins. Each item has one of m2m\geq 2 colors and cannot be packed next to an item of the same color. All bins have the same unitary cost which is shared among the items it contains, so that players are interested in selecting a bin of minimum shared cost. We adopt two standard cost sharing functions: the egalitarian cost function which equally shares the cost of a bin among the items it contains, and the proportional cost function which shares the cost of a bin among the items it contains proportionally to their sizes. Although, under both cost functions, colorful bin packing games do not converge in general to a (pure) Nash equilibrium, we show that Nash equilibria are guaranteed to exist and we design an algorithm for computing a Nash equilibrium whose running time is polynomial under the egalitarian cost function and pseudo-polynomial for a constant number of colors under the proportional one. We also provide a complete characterization of the efficiency of Nash equilibria under both cost functions for general games, by showing that the prices of anarchy and stability are unbounded when m3m\geq 3 while they are equal to 3 for black and white games, where m=2m=2. We finally focus on games with uniform sizes (i.e., all items have the same size) for which the two cost functions coincide. We show again a tight characterization of the efficiency of Nash equilibria and design an algorithm which returns Nash equilibria with best achievable performance

    Assessing the resilience of a river management regime: Informal learning in a shadow network in the Tisza River Basin

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    Global sources of change offer unprecedented challenges to conventional river management strategies, which no longer appear capable of credibly addressing a trap: the failure of conventional river defense engineering to manage rising trends of disordering extreme events, including frequency and intensity of floods, droughts, and water stagnation in the Hungarian reaches of the Tisza River Basin. Extreme events punctuate trends of stagnation or decline in the ecosystems, economies, and societies of this river basin that extend back decades, and perhaps, centuries. These trends may be the long-term results of defensive strategies of the historical river management regime that reflect a paradigm dating back to the Industrial Revolution: "Protect the Landscape from the River." Since then all policies have defaulted to the imperatives of this paradigm such that it became the convention underlying the current river management regime. As an exponent of this convention the current river management regimes' methods, concepts, infrastructure, and paradigms that reinforce one another in setting the basin's development trajectory, have proven resilient to change from wars, political, and social upheaval for centuries. Failure to address the trap makes the current river management regimes resilience appear detrimental to the regions future development prospects and prompts demand for transformation to a more adaptive river management regime. Starting before transition to democracy, a shadow network has generated multiple dialogues in Hungary, informally exploring the roots of this trap as part of a search for ideas and methods to revitalize the region. We report on how international scientists joined one dialogue, applying system dynamics modeling tools to explore barriers and bridges to transformation of the current river management regime and develop the capacity for participatory science to expand the range of perspectives that inform, monitor, and revise learning, policy, and the practice of river management

    Az Óbudai-sziget geomorfológiája és környezettörténete

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