1,016 research outputs found

    Mounting technique for pressure transducers minimizes measurement interferences

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    Miniaturized transducers are fabricated from commercially available four-arm semiconductor gages; transducers are connected as bridge circuit and mounted on internal face of small diaphragm. Jacket made of conductive plastic may be needed to avoid buildup or static charges

    Heritage branding orientation: The case of Ach. Brito and the dynamics between corporate and product heritage brands

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    The notion of heritage branding orientation is introduced and explicated. Heritage branding orientation is designated as embracing both product and corporate brands and differs from corporate heritage brand orientation which has an explicit corporate focus. Empirical insights are drawn from an in-depth and longitudinal case study of Ach. Brito, a celebrated Portuguese manufacturer of soaps and toiletries. This study shows how, by the pursuance of a strategy derived from a heritage branding orientation Ach. Brito – after a prolonged period of decline – achieved a dramatic strategic turnaround. The findings reveal how institutional heritage can be a strategic resource via its adoption and activation at both the product and corporate levels. Moreover, the study showed how the bi-lateral interplay between product and corporate brand levels can be mutually reinforcing. In instrumental terms, the study shows how heritage can be activated and articulated in different ways. For instance, it can re-position both product and/or corporate brands; it can be meaningfully informed by product brand heritage and shape corporate heritage; and can be of strategic importance to both medium-sized and small enterprises

    Preventing “a virological Hiroshima”: Cold War press coverage of biological weapons disarmament

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    This article examines representations of biological weapons during a crucial period in the recent history of this form of warfare. The study draws on a corpus of newspaper articles from the US New York Times and the UK Times and Guardian written around the time of the negotiation period of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, the international treaty banning this form of warfare. We argue that a conventional discourse can be found wherein biological weapons are portrayed as morally offensive, yet highly effective and militarily attractive. Interwoven with this discourse, however, is a secondary register which depicts biological weapons as ineffective, unpredictable and of questionable value for the military. We finish with a somewhat more speculative consideration of the significance of these discourses by asking what might have been at stake when journalists and other writers deployed such differing representations of biological warfare

    ReaçÔes fisiolĂłgicas de resistĂȘncia Ă  Xanthomonas malvacearum (E. P. Smith) Dowson, em algumas variedades de algodĂŁo

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    The pathogenicity of one isolate of Xanthomonas malvacearum (E. F. Smith) Dowson was tested under greenhouse conditions on the cotton varieties Stoneville-20, Nu-16, Gregg, Mebane, RM2 and IAC-12 and under field conditions on Stoneville-20, Nu-16, RM2 and RM4 varieties. Stoneville-20 and Nu-16 varieties showed a high degree of resistance when tested either under greenhouse or field conditions. The varieties RM4, Gregg, Mebane an IAC-12 showed to be susceptible to the isolate tested. The variety RM2 was found to be composed of resistant and susceptible plants. Only 20% of the progenies of RM2 plants selected as resistante plants when artificially inoculated under field conditions, showed to have a high degree of resistance when artificialy inoculation under greenhouse conditions.No presente trabalho foi observado o comportamento das variedades Stoneville-20, Nu-16, Gregg, Mebane, RM2 e IAC-12, quando ĂŒioculadas com um isolamento de Xanthomanas malvacearum (E. F. Smiith) Dowson, em condiçÔes de casa de vegetação e das variedades Stoneville-20, Nu-16, RM4 e RM2, quando em condiçÔes de campo. Pelos dados dados, obtidos, as variedades Stoneville-20 e Nu-16 mostraram-se resistentes ao isolamento testado, enquanto que as variedades RM4, Gregg, Mebane e IAC-12 mĂĄostraram-se suscetĂ­veis. A variedade RM2 testada continha plantas que apresentavam reaçÔes fisiolĂłgicas, de resistĂȘncia e suscetibilidade. Dentre as, progĂȘnies obtidas de plantas da variedade RM2 selecionadas em campo como resistentes sĂł aproximadamente 20% mostraram alto grau de resistĂȘncia quando testadas em casa de vegetação

    InfluĂȘncia da porcentagem de areia no solo e Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid e White) Chitwood sobre a incidĂȘncia de murcha de algodoeiro causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum (Atk) Snyder e Hansen

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    The cotton wilt incidence caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum separate and mixed with Meloidogyne incognita, was studied on artificial substrates containing different sand percentages. When a susceptible cotton variety was used the highest wilt incidence occurred in the substrates containing 60 and 90 percent sand. The inoculum that caused the highest amount of wilt was the mixture of Nematodes and Fusarium. When a resistant variety was used no differences in wilt incidence were observed that could be attributed to differences in sand percentage of the different substrates. Again the highest wilt incidence was obtained with the inoculum consisting of the mixture of nematodes and Fusarium. The inoculum versus substrate interection showed that the incidence of wilt caused by the inoculum consisting only of Fusarium was highest in the substrate containing 90% sand. On the other hand the inoculum of Nematodes and Fusarium caused about the same amount of wilt in the different substrates. This shows the importance of the nematodes on the Fusarium inoculum. The interection also showed that the differences in wilt incidence caused by the different inocula was different in the same substrates, with the exception of the substrate containing 30% sand.O presente trabalho teve por finalidade estudar o efeito das diferentes porcentagens de areia, em substratos artificiais sobre a severidade de murcha do algodoeiro. Para ĂȘste fim foram utilizados substratos artificiais com quantidades variĂĄveis de areia. Como inĂłculo foram utilizados suspensĂ”es de Meloidogyne, Fusarium e Fusarium mais Meloidogyne. Os trĂȘs inĂłculos foram testados em duas; variedades de algodĂŁo. Os resultados obtidos com a variedade RM2 no 1.° ensaio mostraram uma maior incidĂȘncia de murcha nos substratos, com maior porcentagem de areia, isto Ă©, 90% e 60%. Quanto ao inĂłculo utilizado, a maior incidĂȘncia da doença ocorreu nos tratamentos que receberam inoculação conjunta de Fusarium mais Meloidogyne. No segundo ensaio, utilizando-se a variedade RM4 nĂŁo foram obtidos dados que mostrassem diferenças significativas entre substratos. Isto provavelmente se deve a um aumento no potencial de inĂłculo e uma melhor distribuição do mesmo. No entanto, houve uma diferença significativa para os tipos de inĂłculo utilizados, sendo que a maior severidade de doença ocorreu quando o inĂłculo era constituĂ­do de fungo e de nematĂłide, seguindo-se o tratamento cujo inĂłculo era constituido sĂł de fungo No ensaio feito com variedade RM4 foi obtida significĂąncia para a interação tipos de inĂłculo versus substratos. A interação mostrou que o inĂłculo constituĂ­do sĂł de Fusarium comportou-se diferentemente nos diferentes, tipos de substratos, utilizados. Tendo a maior severidade da doença ocorrido no substrato contendo a maior porcentagem de areia. No entanto, nĂŁo houve diferenças significativas para a severidade da doença causada pelo inĂłculo constituido do fungo mais nematĂłides nos diferentes substratos, o que mostra efeito do inĂłculo de Meloidogyne sĂŽbre o inĂłculo em potencial de Fusarium. Os diferentes tipos de inĂłculo comportaram-se de modo diferentes nos substratos de terra roxa, e nos substratos contendo 60% e 90% de areia, sendo que a maior coloração dos vasos foi obtida nos tratamentos que receberam os inĂłculos de Fusarium e Fusarium mais Meloidogyne

    Contribuição ao estudo da influĂȘncia dos fatores fĂ­sicos do solo, sĂŽbre a incidĂȘncia da murcha do algodoeiro, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyder & Hansen

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    A finalidade do trabalho, foi obter dados para o melhor conhecimento dos fatĂŽres fĂ­sicos do solo, que influenciam a incidĂȘncia de murcha do algodoeiro, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyder & Hansen. Foi estudada a influĂȘncia do tamanho das partĂ­culas de areia e porcentagem da mesma no solo. O primeiro ensaio mostrou que, a porcentagem de areia tinha um efeito sĂŽbre a incidĂȘncia de murcha na variedade IAC - 12. A maior incidĂȘncia de murcha, foi notada nos tratamentos que possuiam maior porcentagem de areia. No segundo ensaio, foi notado o efeito do tamanho das partĂ­culas de areia sĂŽbre a incidĂȘncia de murcha na variedade IAC - 12. A incidĂȘncia foi mais intensa nos substratos com Areias Fina e MĂ©dia. O terceiro ensaio mostrou que a resistĂȘncia da variedade RM4, ao Fusarium, aparentemente nĂŁo foi afetada pela porcentagem de areia ou pelo tamanho das partĂ­culas.Cotton wilt incidence, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyder & Hansen, was studied on different artificial soil-substrates in three consecutive experiments. The physical factors of the soil studied were percentage of sand and the size of sand particles. In the first experiment using IAC-12 a susceptible variety, the greatest wilt incidence ocurred in the treatments having the highest percentage of sand. In the second experiment using the same variety the highest wilt incidence ocurred in the treatments consisting of fine and medium sized sand particles, when compared with the treatment consisting of coarse sand particles. In the third experiment a wilt resistant variety, RM4, was used and there were no diferences in wilt incidence on the different substrates

    Gesellschaftliche Leistungen der biologischen Landwirtschaft

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    Zusammenfassuung: In diesem Bericht werden die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse nationaler und internationaler Studien zu den gesellschaftlichen Leistungen des Biolandbaus zusammengefasst. Als Referenzen werden dabei sowohl die konventionelle wie auch die integrierte Landwirtschaft herangezogen. Es ist den Autoren bewusst, dass alle Landwirtschaftsmethoden in der Schweiz und im Ausland eine grosse Streubreite aufweisen, da der Einfluss der regionalen sozioökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen, der Standortfaktoren, der Betriebsleiter und der unterschiedlichen staatlichen und privaten Regulierungen gross ist. Trotzdem ergeben sich fĂŒr die verschiedenen Landwirtschaftsmethoden klare Unterschiede, die bei den agrarpolitischen Massnahmen berĂŒcksichtigt werden mĂŒssen. BezĂŒglich der positiven ExternalitĂ€ten weist der Biolandbau klare Mehrleistungen in der BiodiversitĂ€t auf. Dies sowohl auf der Ebene der Genetik, der Arten und besonders auch der Habitate. Deutlich sind die Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus auch im Bereich des Humusaufbaus, was eine höhere CO2-Sequestrierung zur Folge hat. Obwohl eine dauerhafte Honorierung der Vermeidung negativer ExternalitĂ€ten im bisherigen Konzept der Weiterentwicklung des Direktzahlungssystems (WDZ) nicht vorgesehen ist, sind hier die Vorteile der biologischen Landwirtschaft betrĂ€chtlich. Dies betrifft die NĂ€hrstoff- und Pflanzenschutzmittelverluste in Grund- und OberflĂ€chengewĂ€sser sowie in andere Umweltkompartimente, der Verbrauch von nicht erneuerbarer Energie, die Emissionen von Klimagasen und die Belastungen mit Tiermedikamenten. Die nationalen und internationalen Studien zeigen auf, dass der Biolandbau sich besonders durch Systemwirkungen auszeichnet: erhöhte BiodiversitĂ€t, verbesserter Schutz des Bodens, wirksame Vermeidung von Umweltbelastungen, effiziente Nutzung von natĂŒrlichen Ressourcen, geringer Verbrauch nicht erneuerbarer Energie und verbessertes Tierwohl. Dies sind die Effekte von komplexen Response-Massnahmen der Betriebsleiter auf einfach zu kontrollierende EinschrĂ€nkungen und Verbote. Dadurch entstehen nicht zu unterschĂ€tzende Zusatzleistungen und Synergien bei der Erreichung der vom Bund definierten Ziele. Um den Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus gerecht zu werden, schlagen die Autoren zwei neue Massnahmen vor: 1) BiodiversitĂ€tsbeitrag fĂŒr Acker, Sonderkulturen und intensive Wiesen und 2) CO2-SequestrationsbeitrĂ€ge. Damit sind aber die gesellschaftlich wichtigen Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus noch nicht abgegolten. Bei der Vermeidung negativer ExternalitĂ€ten werden höhere umweltschutzrelevante Effekte erzielt. Diese können i) durch die EinfĂŒhrung eines negativen Anreizsystems nach dem Polluter-Pays-Principle (z.B. Stickstoffsteuer, CO2 - Abgabe), ii) durch ein höheres Einstiegsniveau bei den Cross-Compliance-Massnahmen fĂŒr alle Betriebe (ÖLNplus) oder iii) durch einen finanziellen Ausgleich fĂŒr die Mehrleistungen des Biolandbaus abgegolten werden. Die „Förderung des Biolandbaus“ als systemorientierte Massnahme macht auch nach dem Grundsatz des effizienten Einsatzes von Steuermitteln Sinn und stellt eine kosteneffektive Massnahme dar. Einerseits können damit die deutlich höheren positiven ExternalitĂ€ten abgegolten werden, andererseits wird die stĂ€rkere Vermeidung von negativen ExternalitĂ€ten genĂŒgend berĂŒcksichtigt

    Excess of cardiovascular mortality among node-negative breast cancer patients irradiated for inner-quadrant tumors

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    Background: Radiotherapy of the left breast is associated with higher cardiovascular mortality linked to cardiotoxic effect of irradiation. Radiotherapy of inner quadrants can be associated with greater heart irradiation, but no study has evaluated the effect of inner-quadrant irradiation on cardiovascular mortality. Patients and methods: We identified 1245 women, the majority with breast-conserving surgery, irradiated for primary node-negative breast cancer from 1980 to 2004 registered at the Geneva Cancer Registry. We compared breast cancer-specific and cardiovascular mortality between inner-quadrant (n = 393) versus outer-quadrant tumors (n = 852) by multivariate Cox regression analysis. Results: After a mean follow-up of 7.7 years, 28 women died of cardiovascular disease and 91 of breast cancer. Patients with inner-quadrant tumors had a more than doubled risk of cardiovascular mortality compared with patients with outer-quadrant tumors (adjusted hazard ratio 2.5; 95% confidence interval 1.1-5.4). Risk was particularly increased in the period with higher boost irradiation. Patients with left-sided breast cancer had no excess of cardiovascular mortality compared with patients with right-sided tumors. Conclusions: Radiotherapy of inner-quadrant breast cancer is associated with an important increase of cardiovascular mortality, a possible result of higher irradiation of the heart. For patients with inner-quadrant tumors, the heart should be radioprotecte
