180 research outputs found

    Caracterização química e capacidade antioxidante de azeites de oliva extravirgem provenientes do Brasil e de outros países utilizando técnicas eletroforéticas, cromatográficas e espectrométricas

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    Orientador: Helena Teixeira GodoyTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: O consumo de azeite de oliva extravirgem (EVOO) é altamente recomendado por seus benefícios à saúde humana. No Brasil, a ingestão de EVOO, o qual é importado de outros países, vem aumentando anualmente. Nos últimos anos, o Brasil começou a produzir EVOO, porém de maneira experimental. No capítulo 1 foi apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica destacando os estudos mais relevantes acerca do composição química e dos benefícios à saúde do azeite de oliva extravirgem. No capítulo 2, o objetivo foi determinar o teor de fenólicos totais (TFT) e a capacidade antioxidante (CA), bem como a correlação entre o TFT e cada um dos quatro métodos de CA, de 15 marcas de EVOO, cada qual em três lotes, resultando em 45 amostras. O TFT foi avaliado pelo método do reagente de Folin-Ciocalteu, enquanto a CA foi determinada pelos ensaios de FRAP, ABTS, DPPH¿ e ORAC. O TFT variou de 70 a 297 mg EAG kg-1, FRAP de 114 a 1557 µmol ET kg-1, ABTS de 0,5 a 1,9 mmol ET kg-1, DPPH¿ de 72 a 1129 µmol ET kg-1, e ORAC de 1,1 a 12,9 µmol ET g-1. Houve elevada e significativa correlação entre o TFT e cada um dos métodos de CA (FRAP, r2 = 0,8904; p < 0,001; ABTS, r2 = 0,7837; p < 0,001; DPPH¿, r2 = 0,7908; p < 0,001; ORAC, r2 = 0,7431; p < 0,001). Portanto, a maioria das marcas de EVOO apresentaram considerável TFT e elevados valores de CA. No capítulo 3, o objetivo foi otimizar a separação de 17 compostos fenólicos previamente detectados em EVOO. Foi utilizado um planejamento experimental Doehlert, avaliando-se o pH e a concentração do eletrólito. Resolução, tempo de corrida e coeficientes de variação dos tempos de migração foram as respostas. A função de desejabilidade de Derringer foi utilizada para otimizar simultaneamente as 37 respostas. Os 17 picos dos compostos foram separados em 19 minutos em capilar de sílica fundida (50 µm diâmetro interno, 72 cm comprimento efetivo) com bulbo estendido e eletrólito ácido bórico 101,3 mmol L-1 (pH 9,15, 30 kV). O método foi validado e aplicado em 15 amostras comerciais de EVOO. No capítulo 4, o objetivo foi determinar o teor de compostos fenólicos, tocoferóis e ácidos graxos de 17 EVOO monovarietais produzidos em Minas Gerais, durante duas colheitas. Foram quantificados os ácidos palmítico (6-12,6%), palmitoleico (0,2-2,5%), esteárico (1,6-2,2%), oleico (70,8-84,3%), linoleico (3,2-11,7%), a-linolênico (0,6-1,4), araquídico (0,4-0,8%), 9-eicosenoico (0,4-0,9%) e os compostos tirosol (NQ-155,21 mg kg-1), (+)-pinoresinol (2,89-22,64 mg kg-1), hidroxitirosol (ND-37,74 mg kg-1), luteolina (ND-2,23 mg kg-1), a-tocoferol (28,92-232,93 mg kg-1), ß-tocoferol (ND-9,56 mg kg-1) e ?-tocoferol (ND-18,75 mg kg-1). Em geral, os resultados foram similares aos descritos na literatura. O objetivo do capítulo 5 foi determinar o teor de compostos fenólicos em EVOO brasileiros por cromatografia líquida de rápida resolução acoplada à espectrometria de massas por tempo de voo com ionização por electrospray (RRLC-ESI-TOF-MS). Foram analisadas 25 amostras de EVOO do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Minas Gerais e duas colheitas. Foram identificados e quantificados 20 compostos fenólicos das classes dos alcoóis fenólicos, secoiridoides, lignanas e flavonoides. Os teores de compostos fenólicos totais nos EVOOs destacaram-se nas variedades Coratina (364 mg kg-1), Arbosana (255 mg kg-1) e Grappolo (228 mg kg-1). Desta forma, os EVOOs brasileiros são promissores no que se refere ao teor de compostos fenólicos totais, visto que os valores são comparáveis àqueles dos EVOOs de elevada qualidade produzidos em outros paísesAbstract: Consumption of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) is highly recommended for its benefits to human health. In Brazil, consumption of EVOO, which is imported from other countries, is increasing annually. In the last years, Brazil started to produce EVOO,although in an experimental way. In chapter 1, a literature review highlighting the most relevant studies on the chemical composition and the health benefits of the extra-virgin olive oil is presented. In chapter 2, the aim was to determine the total phenolic content (TPC) and the antioxidant capacity (AC), as well as the correlation between TPC and each one of the four AC methods, of 15 EVOO brands, each one in three batches, resulting in 45 samples. TPC was evaluated by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent method, while the AC was assessed using FRAP, ABTS, DPPH¿ and ORAC assays. The TPC varied from 70 to 297 mg GAE kg-1, FRAP from 114 to 1557 µmol TE kg-1, ABTS from 0.5 to 1.9 mmol TE kg-1, DPPH¿ from 72 to 1129 µmol TE kg-1, and ORAC from 1.1 to 12.9 µmol TE g-1. High and significant correlation was found between the TPC and each one of the AC methods evaluated in this study (FRAP, r2 = 0.8904; p < 0.001; ABTS, r2 = 0.7837; p < 0.001; DPPH¿, r2 = 0.7908; p < 0.001; ORAC, r2 = 0.7431; p < 0.001). Therefore, most of the EVOO brands presented a considerable TPC and high AC values. In chapter 3, the aim was to optimize the separation of 17 phenolic compounds already detected in EVOO. A Doehlert matrix experimental design was used, evaluating the effects of pH and electrolyte concentration. Resolution, runtime and migration time relative standard deviation values were used as responses. Derringer¿s desirability function was used to simultaneously optimize all 37 responses. The 17 peaks were separated in 19 minutes using a fused-silica capillary (50 mm internal diameter, 72 cm of effective length) with an extended light path and 101.3 mmol.L-1 of boric acid electrolyte (pH 9.15, 30 kV). The method was validated and applied to 15 EVOO samples found in Brazilian supermarkets. In chapter 4, the aim was to determine the phenolic compounds, tocopherols and fatty acids contents of 17 monovarietal EVOOs produced in Minas Gerais state, during two crop years. Compounds identified comprised palmitic acid (6-12.6%), palmitoleic acid (0.2-2.5%), stearic acid (1.6-2.2%), oleic acid (70.8-84.3%), linoleic acid (3.2-11.7%), a-linolenic acid (0.6-1.4), arachidic acid (0.4-0.8%), 9-eicosenoic acid (0.4-0.9%), tyrosol (NQ-155.21 mg kg-1), (+)-pinoresinol (2.89-22.64 mg kg-1), hydroxytyrosol (ND-37.74 mg kg-1), luteolin (ND-2.23 mg kg-1), a-tocopherol (28.92-232.93 mg kg-1), ß-tocopherol (ND-9.56 mg kg-1), ?-tocopherol (ND-18.75 mg kg-1). Some of these monovarietal EVOOs presented results similar to those described in the literature. The aim of chapter 5 was to determine the phenolic compound contents of Brazilian EVOO, using rapid-resolution liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (RRLC-ESI-TOF-MS). A total of 25 EVOO samples from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais states and two crops, were analyzed. It was possible to identify and quantify 20 phenolic compounds, belonging to the phenolic alcohol, secoiridoid, lignan and flavonoid classes. EVOOs from Coratina (364 mg kg-1), Arbosana (255 mg kg-1) and Grappolo (228 mg kg-1) varieties presented the highest total phenolic contents. The results showed that Brazilian EVOOs are promising concerning the total phenolic contents, since the values were comparable to those from high-quality EVOOs produced in other countriesDoutoradoCiência de AlimentosDoutor em Ciência de Alimento

    Model i aplicacions del mètode de gestió i direcció de projectes del Diamant. Cas FIA

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és el de facilitar a les empreses, organitzacions, caps de projecte, project managers, etc... una eina/metodología per ajudar-los en el seu dia a dia, més concretament, una eina per ajudar-los amb la gestió dels projectes. En la societat actual, on els projectes son cada cop més i més importants per les empreses, la gestió de projectes s'està posicionat com una de les parts principals de les empreses. Després de dedicar més de cinc anys de la nostra vida a estudiar una carrera tècnica, hem cregut oportú realitzar el nostre projecte final de carrera en el departament d'Organització d'Empreses amb l'objectiu que el coneixement adquirit durant la realització d'aquest treball en un àrea tant o més important que la tècnica, ens pugui ser profitós en la nostra vida professional i ens ajudi a veure les coses des d‟enfocs diferents

    Acrylic resins in wet white

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    Content: The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of acrylic resins on the properties of the hide when added in the pickling-tanning stage of a wet white process. Among retanning products, acrylic resins are very frequently used because they lend very good properties to the hide on account of their high affinity for chromium. When applied during chrome tanning, these resins provide the hides with high fullness, due to the strong interaction of the carboxylate groups with chromium. Extensive bibliography is available on the application of acrylic resins in wet blue, where it is observed that the properties they provide to the hides depend basically on the type of monomers and molecular weight. However, less information is found when these products are applied in wet white tanning. In this study, 9 resins with different molecular weights and different monomer compositions were selected. Resins were applied to pelt leathers of Spanish origin split at 3.5 mm. Hides were cut along the backbone. A standard process was applied to the left halves and the same process adding the resin was applied to the right halves. The resin was added after adjusting the salt of the bath and before adding the pickling acids. The COD was measured before and after adding formic and sulfuric acid, and the shrinkage temperature and the degree of whiteness of the tanned hide were assessed. Hides were retanned and fatliquored with a standard process, and degree of softness, thickness, color intensity and organoleptic properties (fluffiness, compactness and grain tightness) were assessed. Leather shrinkage under temperature was also assessed, and images of leather sections were obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). While acrylic resins did not increase shrinkage temperature, they did fix and/or deposit themselves in the interfibrillary spaces of the hide; indeed, highly reduced COD values after acidification in the pickling stage were observed. This study shows that homopolymeric acrylic resins provided fuller and fluffier hides, while the rest of resins practically did not improve the physical and organoleptic properties of the hides. Take-Away: Homopolymeric acrylic resins provided full er and fluffier hides, while the rest of resins practically did not improve the physical and organoleptic properties of the hides Wet white tanning improvemen

    Intensive care unit-related fluconazole use in Spain and Germany: patient characteristics and outcomes of a prospective multicenter longitudinal observational study

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    Background: Candida spp. are a frequent cause of nosocomial bloodstream infections worldwide. Objective: To evaluate the use patterns and outcomes associated with intravenous (IV) fluconazole therapy in intensive care units in Spain and Germany. Patients and methods: The research reported here was a prospective multicenter longitudinal observational study in adult intensive care unit patients receiving IV fluconazole. Demographic, microbiologic, therapy success, length of hospital stay, adverse event, and all-cause mortality data were collected at 14 sites in Spain and five in Germany, from February 2004 to November 2005. Results: Patients (n = 303) received prophylaxis (n = 29), empiric therapy (n = 140), preemptive therapy (n = 85), or definitive therapy (n = 49). A total of 298 patients (98.4%) were treated with IV fluconazole as first-line therapy. The treating physicians judged therapy successful in 66% of prophylactic, 55% of empiric, 45% of preemptive, and 43% of definitive group patients. In the subgroup of 152 patients with proven and specified Candida infection only, 32% suffered from Candida specified as potentially resistant to IV fluconazole. The overall mortality rate was 42%. Conclusion: Our study informs treatment decision makers that approximately 32% of the patients with microbiological results available suffered from Candida specified as potentially resistant to IV fluconazole, highlighting the importance of appropriate therapy

    Model i aplicacions del mètode de gestió i direcció de projectes del Diamant. Cas FIA

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és el de facilitar a les empreses, organitzacions, caps de projecte, project managers, etc... una eina/metodología per ajudar-los en el seu dia a dia, més concretament, una eina per ajudar-los amb la gestió dels projectes. En la societat actual, on els projectes son cada cop més i més importants per les empreses, la gestió de projectes s'està posicionat com una de les parts principals de les empreses. Després de dedicar més de cinc anys de la nostra vida a estudiar una carrera tècnica, hem cregut oportú realitzar el nostre projecte final de carrera en el departament d'Organització d'Empreses amb l'objectiu que el coneixement adquirit durant la realització d'aquest treball en un àrea tant o més important que la tècnica, ens pugui ser profitós en la nostra vida professional i ens ajudi a veure les coses des d‟enfocs diferents

    Optimization of phenolic compound separation by capillary electrophoresis and analysis of extra-virgin olive oil fatty acid profiles

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    Orientadores: Helena Teixeira Godoy, Roy Edward BrunsDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Nos últimos anos, o interesse em relação ao consumo do azeite de oliva aumentou significativamente, em função da divulgação dos benefícios à saúde provenientes da sua ingestão. O azeite de oliva extravirgem é obtido das azeitonas somente por meios mecânicos, e a ausência de etapas posteriores de refino permite a retenção de diversos compostos minoritários, entre eles os compostos fenólicos. Além disso, possui elevado teor de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados. Este trabalho teve como objetivos empregar a técnica de Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) para classificar as amostras de azeite de oliva extravirgem provenientes de diferentes países por meio da análise da composição em ácidos graxos por cromatografia em fase gasosa, bem como otimizar métodos para separação de 13 compostos fenólicos por eletroforese capilar (CE). Sete ácidos graxos foram determinados por cromatografia em fase gasosa com detector por ionização em chama (GC-FID), e os compostos foram positivamente identificados utilizando-se espectrometria de massas. Dentre as amostras analisadas, nenhuma apresentou indícios de adulteração, considerando-se apenas a composição em ácidos graxos. Com o emprego da PCA, foi possível agrupar separadamente uma amostra de azeite proveniente da Argentina em relação às demais, além da verificação de correlações entre grupos de ácidos graxos. A mistura de 13 compostos fenólicos consistiu em tirosol, hidroxitirosol, oleuropeína glicosídeo, ácido ferrúlico, ácido p-cumárico, ácido cinâmico, ácido p-hidroxibenzoico, ácido gálico, ácido cafeico, luteolina, apigenina, ácido vanílico e ácido 3,4- dihidroxibenzoico. Técnicas estatísticas multivariadas foram empregadas para otimizar a separação, como o planejamento composto central, análise de superfície de resposta e o método de otimização simultânea de Derringer e Suich. Dois tipos de eletrólito para CE foram avaliados: tetraborato de sódio e ácido bórico. Também foram estudadas técnicas de pré-concentração on-line para aumentar a sensibilidade. Os procedimentos multivariados foram eficientes na determinação da condição ótima de separação, usando como respostas a resolução entre pares de compostos e o tempo de corrida. Com o uso da pré-concentração on-line, foi possível reduzir em 7,5 vezes o consumo de amostra e de solventes orgânicos como hexano e metanol. O método com melhor eficiência e menor tempo de corrida utilizou capilar de 50 µm d. i. x 60 cm comprimento efetivo com bulbo estendido, eletrólito ácido bórico 50 mmol L¿1, pH 10,2, 25ºC, injeção de 50 mbar por 25 s com aplicação de voltagem inversa (¿30 kV por 5 s) antes da aplicação da voltagem de corrida (+30 kV) e detecção em 210 nm, promovendo a separação em 12 minAbstract: In recent years, interest concerning olive oil consumption has increased significantly, owing to the divulgation of health benefits that come from its ingestion. Extra-virgin olive oil is obtained from olives only by mechanical means, and the absence of subsequent refinement stages allows the retention of several minor compounds, phenolic compounds being among them. Moreover, it has a high level of monounsaturated fatty acids. The aims of this work were to employ Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for classifying extravirgin olive oil samples obtained from different countries by means of fatty acids composition analysis by gas chromatography, as well as to optimize methods for the separation of 13 phenolic compounds by capillary electrophoresis (CE). Seven fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID), and the compounds were positively identified using mass spectrometry. Considering just the fatty acid profiles, none of the analyzed samples showed adulteration evidences. Employing PCA, it was possible to group an Argentinian sample separately from the others, as well as to verify certain correlations among fatty acids groups. The 13 phenolic compound mixture consisted of tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein glycoside, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, cinnamic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, luteolin, apigenin, vanillic acid and 3,4-dyhydroxybenzoic acid. Multivariate statistical techniques were employed to optimize the separation, central composite central design, response surface analysis and Derringer and Suich¿s simultaneous optimization method. Two CE electrolytes were assessed: sodium tetraborate and boric acid. Preconcentration techniques were also studied to improve CE sensitivity. Multivariate procedures were efficient to determine the optimal separation condition, using peak-pair resolution and running time as the responses. Using on-line preconcentration it was possible to reduce sample and toxic organic solvents, such as methanol and hexane, by a factor of 7,5. The method with the best efficiency and lowest running time employs a capillary column with 50 µm i. d. x 60 cm effective length with extended light path, 50 mmol L¿1 of boric acid electrolyte, pH 10,2, 25ºC, injection of 50 mbar for 25 s with application of reversed voltage (¿30 kV for 5 s) before setting running voltage (+30 kV), and detection at 210 nm, performing the separation at 12 minMestradoMestre em Ciência de Alimento

    Mycobacterium avium subesp. paratuberculosis: uma preocupação para a indústria de laticínios

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    Mycobacterium avium subesp. paratuberculosis é conhecida como o agente etiológico da doença de Johne, ou paratuberculose, que afeta principalmente animais ruminantes. É integrante da família Mycobacteriaceae, da qual também fazem parte a M. tuberculosis e a M. bovis, responsáveis pela tuberculose humana e bovina, respectivamente. Foi sugerido que a M. paratuberculosis poderia estar envolvida na patogênese da doença de Crohn, a qual possui sintomas similares à paratuberculose, mas afeta seres humanos. Como o microrganismo pode ser excretado no leite de animais infectados, o primeiro passo foi avaliar a sua termoresistência. Alguns estudos indicaram que a bactéria sobrevive ao tratamento térmico da pasteurização HTST (72ºC/15 s). Entretanto, os estudos existentes na literatura científica até o momento não permitem afirmar que M. paratuberculosis seja responsável pela doença de Crohn, bem como apresentam dúvidas sobre a termoresistência dessa bactéria. A realização de mais pesquisas sobre este microrganismo é de fundamental importância, com o objetivo de orientar a produção de produtos lácteos isentos de contaminação por M. paratuberculosis

    Cell-cycle arrest biomarkers in urine to predict acute kidney injury in septic and non-septic critically ill patients

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    Purpose: To analyse the usefulness of the composite index of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) as urinary biomarkers for the early prediction of AKI in septic and non-septic patients. Methods: This is a prospective, observational study including patients admitted to ICU from acute care departments and hospital length of stay 0.8 predicted a rate of AKI of 71% and AKIN >= 2 of 62.9%. Conclusions: In our study, urinary [TIMP-2].[IGFBP7] was an early predictor of AKI in ICU patients regardless of sepsis. Besides, index values < 0.8(ng/mL)(2)/1000 ruled out the need for renal replacement

    Fatty acids profile of pulp and nuts of brazilian fruits

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    Fruits and nuts from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil were collected to determine the fatty acid profile of their oils. The species studied were Brazil (Bertholletia excelsa H. B. K.), Mucaja (Couma rigida M.), Inaja (Maximiliana maripa D.), Jenipapo (Genipa Americana L.), and Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) nuts. Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). Brazil nut major fatty acid was 18:3n-3 (alpha-linolenic acid), and Buriti nut had approximately 23 times more 18: 3n-3 than the pulp. Mucaja nut presented high content of 12: 0 (lauric acid) and 16: 0 (palmitic acid), and Mucaja pulp showed significant levels of 18: 2n-6 (linoleic acid). Considering the PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) sum values, almost all fruits and nuts analyzed presented very high levels of these compounds. Regarding n-6/n-3 ratio, only Brazil Nut, Buriti Nut, Inaja pulp, and Jenipapo pulp corresponded to the desired profile. These Brazilian fruits and nuts could be of potential interest due to their high nutritive value and lipid content.31495095

    Surgical site infection in critically ill patients with secondary and tertiary peritonitis: epidemiology, microbiology and influence in outcomes

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    Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) remains a significant problem in the postoperative period that can negatively affect clinical outcomes. Microbiology findings are typically similar to other nosocomial infections, with differences dependent on microbiology selection due to antibiotic pressure or the resident flora. However, this is poorly understood in the critical care setting. We therefore aimed to assess the incidence, epidemiology and microbiology of SSI and its association with outcomes in patients with severe peritonitis in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: We prospectively studied 305 consecutive patients admitted to our surgical ICU from 2010 to 2014 with a diagnosis of secondary or tertiary peritonitis. We collected the following data: SSI diagnosis, demographics, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score, Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II score, type of surgery, microbiology, antibiotic treatment and outcomes. Microbiological sampling was done by means of swabs. Results: We identified 269 episodes of SSI in 162 patients (53.1 %) aged 64.4 +/- 14.3 years, of which 200 episodes occurred in men (64.6 %). The mean APACHE II and SAPS II scores were 19.7 +/- 7.8 and 36.5 +/- 16.1 respectively. The mean ICU and hospital stays were 19.8 +/- 24.8 and 21.7 +/- 30 days respectively. Pseudomonas spp. (n = 52, 19.3 %), Escherichia coli (n = 55, 20.4 %) and Candida spp. (n = 46, 17.1 %) were the most frequently isolated microorganisms, but gram-positive cocci (n = 80, 29.7 %) were also frequent. Microorganisms isolated from SSIs were associated with a higher incidence of antibiotic resistance (64.9 %) in ICU patients, but not with higher in-hospital mortality. However, patients who suffered from SSI had longer ICU admissions (odds ratio = 1.024, 95 % confidence interval 1.010-1.039, P = 0.001). Conclusions: The incidence of SSI in secondary or tertiary peritonitis requiring ICU admission is very high. Physicians may consider antibiotic-resistant pathogens, gram-positive cocci and fungi when choosing empiric antibiotic treatment for SSI, although more studies are needed to confirm our results due to the inherent limitations of the microbiological sampling with swabs performed in our research. The presence of SSI may be associated with prolonged ICU stays, but without any influence on overall mortality