303 research outputs found

    Greenmail: From Backrooms to Boardrooms to Courtrooms

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    Offshore Metocean Station for Energy Purposes

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    Renewable energy concepts are able to sustainably satisfy the world energy demand without any restrictions for the following generations. In these concepts the wind energy and wave/ocean current energy are important factors as the description and the prognosis of waves and currents is a complex issue, especially offshore. For the estimation of the average annual wind speed and thus the energy production of offshore windfarms, it is imperative to know the exact wind conditions at each project site. Suitable prognosis methods are either missing so far, or not accurate enough, or at beta stage. The only possibility to achieve exact information about the offshore conditions is a metocean station consisting of wind and wave sensors. These met stations can be lattice masts mounted on monopiles or buoys equipped with meteorological sensors, both in combination with wave sensors to include all important parameters. Though conventional metocean stations are far more common, established and are measuring data of high quality, cheaper and more flexible solutions such as the likes of floating light detection and ranging are about to be used during the operation of wind farms. This article explains currently used methods of offshore measurements with respect to wind and wave and compares it with reanalysis data. This data has advantages in comparison to measurements from conventional metocean stations, but cannot be used independently. This article proves that using solely reanalysis data is not possible, that measurements offshore are still necessary and that its operation helps in improving the performance of offshore wind farms

    Field Biology at Algona High School, Summer, 1960

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    The class was made up of seven junior and senior boys who had already successfully completed a regular one-year course in biology. The overall classroom time was 120 hours. Five hours were spent in the school and the remaining time was spent in the field. During the 5-week course, dove banding, wildlife survey of a section of land, gill-netting of fish, vegetation transect, and identification of birds, plants, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals was carried on

    MALDI imaging mass spectrometry in clinical proteomics research of gastric cancer tissues

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    In the presented thesis, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry was used for the proteomic analysis of gastric cancer tissue samples, with the aims of 1) identifying proteins that predict disease outcome of patients with intestinal-type gastric cancer after surgical resection, and 2) generating a proteomic classifier that determines HER2-status in order to aid in therapy decision with regard to trastuzumab (Herceptin) administration. In the first study, a seven-protein signature was found to be associated with an unfavorable overall survival independent of major clinical covariates after analyzing 63 intestinal-type primary resected gastric cancer samples by MALDI imaging. Of these seven proteins, three could be identified as CRIP1, HNP-1, and S100-A6, and validated immunohistochemically on tissue microarrays of an independent validation cohort (n=118). While HNP-1 and S100-A6 were found to further subdivide early (UICC-I) and late stage (UICC-II-III) patients into different prognostic groups, CRIP1, a protein previously unknown in gastric cancer, was confirmed as a novel and independent prognostic factor for all patients in the validation cohort. The protein pattern described here serves as a new independent indicator of patient survival complementing the previously known clinical parameters in terms of prognostic relevance. In the second study, we hypothesized that MALDI imaging mass spectrometry may be useful for generating a classifier that may determine HER2-status in gastric cancer. This assumption was based on previous results where HER2-status could be reliably predicted in breast cancer patients. Here, 59 gastric cryo tissue samples were analyzed by MALDI imaging and the obtained proteomic profiles were used to create HER2 prediction models using different classification algorithms. Astonishingly, the breast cancer proteomic classifier from the previous study was able to correctly predict HER2-status in gastric cancers with a sensitivity of 65% and a specificity of 92%. In order to create a universal classifier for HER2-status, breast and non-breast cancer samples were combined, which increased sensitivity to 78%; specificity was 88%. This study provides evidence that HER2-status can be identified on a proteomic level across different cancer types suggesting that HER2 overexpression may constitute a widely spread molecular event independent of the tumor entity.Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden zwei Arbeiten publiziert, in denen die bildgebende Massenspektrometrie als zentrale Methode zur proteomischen Analyse von Magenkarzinomgeweben eingesetzt wurde. Dabei wurden folgende Ziele verfolgt: 1. die Identifizierung prognostischer Proteinmarker für Patienten mit intestinalem Magenkarzinom, und 2. die Generierung eines proteomischen Klassifikators zur Bestimmung des HER2-Status zur Entscheidungshilfe für eine Behandlung mit Trastuzumab (Herzeptin). In der ersten Studie wurde eine Signatur bestehend aus sieben Proteinsignalen gefunden, deren Überexpression unabhängig von anderen klinischen Parametern ein schlechtes Gesamtüberleben der Patienten indizieren. Hierzu wurden 63 Gewebeproben von Patienten mit Magenkarzinom intestinalen Typs mittels MALDI Imaging analysiert. Drei der sieben Proteinsignale konnten als CRIP1, HNP-1 und S100-A6 identifiziert werden. Diese wurden anschließend an einem unabhängigen Patientenkollektiv (n=118) immunhistochemisch anhand von Tissue Microarrays validiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die beiden Proteine HNP-1 und S100-A6 bestehende klinische Gruppen nach ihrem Risiko weiter aufstratifizieren konnten; HNP-1 Magenkarzinompatienten im frühen Stadium (UICC I) und S100-A6 Patienten im fortgeschrittenen Stadium (UICC II-III). Darüber hinaus konnte CRIP1 als unabhängiger prognostischer Faktor für alle Patienten des Validierungskollektives bestätigt werden. Perspektivisch könnte die hier beschriebene Proteinsignatur vorhandene klinische Parameter als neuer und unabhängiger Indikator für das Überleben von Magenkrebspatienten ergänzen. In der zweiten Studie wurden Proteinexpressionsmuster benutzt, um den HER2-Status in Magenkrebsgeweben vorauszusagen; denn seit kurzem ist der epidermale Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptor HER2 eine wichtige tumorbiologische Zielstruktur bei der Behandlung von Magenkrebspatienten mit dem therapeutischen Antikörper Trastuzumab. In einer vorherigen Studie konnten wir die Machbarkeit der HER2-Status-Bestimmung durch MALDI Imaging erfolgreich anhand von Brustkrebsproben demonstrieren. Unter der Annahme, dass der HER2-Überexpression – unabhängig vom Tumortyp – charakteristische molekulare Veränderungen zugrunde liegen, wurde untersucht, ob eine Bestimmung des HER2-Status in Magenkrebspatienten mit Hilfe von Proteinexpressionsmustern aus Brustkrebspatienten erfolgen kann. Hierzu wurden, zusätzlich zu den bereits vorhandenen 48 Brustkrebsgeweben, 59 Magenkrebsfälle mittels MALDI Imaging analysiert und verschiedene HER2-Klassifikationsmodelle erstellt und verglichen. Der HER2-Status in Magenkrebsfällen konnte mit einem Mammakarzinom-spezifischen Profil mit einer Sensitivität von 65% und einer Spezifität von 92% bestimmt werden. Zusätzlich wurden die Expressionsprofile aller vorhandenen Tumorarten zusammengeführt, um einen universellen HER2-Klassifikator zu erstellen. Dies führte zu einer verbesserten Vorhersagequalität (Sensitivität: 78%, Spezifität: 88%). Dass sich der HER2-Status über verschiedene Tumorentitäten hinweg auf proteomischer Ebene bestimmen lässt, legt nahe, dass die Überexpression von HER2 ein unabhängiges molekulares Ereignis darstellt, ungeachtet der Herkunft des Tumors. Zudem unterstreichen die Ergebnisse das diagnostische Potential der bildgebenden Massenspektrometrie zur schnellen und zuverlässigen Bestimmung von tumorbiologischen Zielstrukturen, wie HER2

    Ab initio to application: antiferromagnetic Heusler compounds for spintronics

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    Balluff J. Ab initio to application: antiferromagnetic Heusler compounds for spintronics. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2017.Antiferromagnetic materials play a key role in the field of spintronics. The exchange bias, which pins the magnetic orientation of a ferromagnet which is in contact with an antiferromagnet, is utilized to create a magnetic reference for spintronic devices such as magnetic tunneling junctions. This work deals with the theoretical search for novel antiferromagnetic compounds among the Heusler family, a versatile, ternary material class. Experimental work on selected compounds verifies theoretical predictions and demonstrate working devices based on antiferromagnetic Heusler compounds

    Integration of antiferromagnetic Heusler compound Ru2MnGe into spintronic devices

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    We report on the integration of an antiferromagnetic Heusler compound acting as a pinning layer into magnetic tunneling junctions (MTJs). The antiferromagnet Ru2MnGe is used to pin the magnetization direction of a ferromagnetic Fe layer in MgO based thin film tunneling magnetoresistance stacks. The samples were prepared using magnetron co-sputtering. We investigate the structural properties by X-ray diffraction and reflection, as well as atomic force and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. We find an excellent crystal growth quality with a low interface roughnesses of 1–3 A ̊ , which is crucial for the preparation of working tunneling barriers. Using Fe as a ferromagnetic elec- trode material, we prepared magnetic tunneling junctions and measured the magnetoresistance. We find a sizeable maximum magnetoresistance value of 135%, which is comparable to other common Fe based MTJ systems

    Securing Personal Items in Public Space: Stories of Attacks and Threats

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    While we put great effort in protecting digital devices and data, there is a lack of research on usable techniques to secure personal items that we carry in public space. To better understand situations where ubiquitous technologies could help secure personal items, we conducted an online survey (N=101) in which we collected real-world stories from users reporting on personal items, either at risk of, or actually being lost, damaged or stolen. We found that the majority of cases occurred in (semi-)public spaces during afternoon and evening times, when users left their items. From these results, we derived a model of incidents involving personal items in public space as well as a set of properties to describe situations where personal items may be at risk. We discuss reoccurring properties of the scenarios, potential multimedia-based protection mechanisms for securing personal items in public space as well as future research suggestions

    ReM für Mediävist*innen. Perspektiven des Referenzkorpus Mittelhochdeutsch (1050–1350) für germanistisch-mediävistische Fragestellungen

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    In diesem Beitrag wollen wir illustrieren, wie die historischen Referenz­kor­pora für germanistisch-mediävistische Fragestellungen genutzt werden können. Wir tun dies anhand von drei beispielhaften Fragestellungen, für die wir das Refe­renz­korpus Mittelhochdeutsch auswerten: (i) Merkmalszuschreibung über Attri­bu­ie­rungen der Personennamen; (ii) Personifizierung; (iii) Metaphorisierung. Der Bei­trag zeigt, wie das Referenzkorpus Mittelhochdeutsch und seine Annotationen (Lem­ma, Wortart) mit dem Korpussuchtool ANNIS durchsucht werden kann und wie die entsprechenden Treffer auch quantitativ ausgewertet werden können