16 research outputs found

    Not Waving but Striving: Research Collaboration in the Context of Stratification, Segmentation, and the Quest for Prestige

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    In this article we examine the ways in which institutional stratification and academic labor segmentation contribute to shaping faculty collaborative activities. We draw on interviews from science and engineering faculty at two institutions in the United States to highlight how collaboration, as an essential form of academic labor, is shaped by institutional factors like resource stress and isomorphic pressures to fit the ideal of the “world-class” research-intensive university. The findings suggest that a university’s relative position in the institutional status hierarchy has a significant impact on the types of resources faculty seeking to establish collaborations can access and mobilize, thus reinforcing existing patterns of institutional stratification where “striving” institutions can never catch up to their more prestigious peers. At the same time, the pressure to maximize institutional prestige can create paradoxical interinstitutional dynamics where seemingly successful “Mode 2” units that rely almost exclusively on external resources and partnerships with industry are expected to mold themselves more closely to the activity streams of traditional academic units

    An Ethnic Studies Introduction to Conscientizaçao: Latinx Studies and Its Impact on Latino College Students\u27 Ethnic Identity

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    This study explores the impact between Latinx Studies curriculum and Latinx identity development. It is a qualitative study that seeks to investigate the impact that Ethnic studies curriculum has on the identity development of college students from marginalized identities. As Ethnic Studies is a tree with many branches, this study will specifically seek to investigate the impact that Latinx Studies branch has on the identity development of Latinx college students

    Redes Estatales: Panel de Preguntas y Respuestas, Clausura Reunión CUDI Morelia 2010

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    Todas las sesiones del evento se transmitieron por video Streaming, tanto por Internet comercial como por la red CUDI. Agradecemos al personal de la UNAM por el excelente trabajo para la coordinación de las videoconferencias. Queremos expresar también nuestro agradecimiento a las empresas que nos apoyaron con su patrocinio. En particular Telmex que proporcionó la conectividad al hotel. Consideramos que durante estos cuatro días, hemos tenido una reunión muy productiva. En la página de la Reunión CUDI Primavera 2010 se encuentran las presentaciones y la relación de participantes. Durante la próxima semana se podrán consultar las presentaciones desde la videoteca de CUDI. Les agradeceremos difundir estos materiales entre las comunidades de sus instituciones. Con el objetivo de enriquecer el desarrollo de futuras reuniones, agradeceremos contestar la encuesta que se encuentra en la página del evento, para conocer sus comentarios y sugerencias. Los invitamos a que reserven en sus agendas, su asistencia a la reunión de CUDI Otoño 2010, que se realizará en la Ciudad de Tampico, Tamps., del 13 al 15 de octubre del presente año, con el apoyo de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.Sesión de preguntas y respuestas del panel de Redes Estatales, Clausura de la Reunión CUDI Primavera 2010, invitación a la Reunión de Otoño69_CMOR10_ClausuraCUDI_CUDI.mov/fl

    Short-term sperm storage protocol for an endangered Mexican fish acúmara (Algansea lacustris)

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    abstract: Cold sperm storage is a simple and inexpensive technique to assist reproduction programs for endangered species. This study aimed to describe sperm quality indicators and develop a cold sperm storage protocol for Algansea lacustris. A total of 8 storage conditions were evaluated: Control 1 (undiluted sperm), Control 2 (sperm diluted in extender BTS™), and 6 different combinations of the extender (Control 2) + : (1) 2.5 % Me2SO, (2) 5 % Me2SO, (3) 7.5 % Me2SO, (4) 10 % Me2SO, (5) 12.5 % Me2SO, and (6) 15 % Me2SO for 0, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. The motility and duration of moving sperm were assessed daily for each treatment. Samples diluted in the highest concentrations of Me2SO (12.5 % and 15 %) showed a lower motility rate (60–79 %) immediately after dilution (0 h). Undiluted sperm samples (Control 1) showed a higher motility rate (62 %) after 72 h and higher duration of motility (33.8 s) after 48 h. The optimal storage condition for obtaining about 60 % motility is storing undiluted sperm for up to 72 h. However, the combination of extender BTS™ at 5 % and cryoprotectant Me2SO at 10 % present future potential for enhancing the spermatic cryopreservation protocol in Algansea lacustris

    Albergue para cuerpos de rescate y alpinistas en el Parque Nacional Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl "La Cúpula"

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    "Un refugio óptimo para alpinistas, el cual cubra necesidades de resguardo, protección, seguridad, buena oxigenación y temperatura adecuada, con una zona apta para primeros auxilios, descanso y almacenaje de víveres, tomando en cuenta las condiciones geográficas, climáticas, así como normas de interacción con la reserva natural, mejorará la estancia y descanso, y, por ende, el rendimiento físico y mental requerido para la continuación del viaje"

    Diagnóstico del arbolado de alineación de la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas

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    Abstract This research carried out in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas between July and November 2016, the objective was to perform a dasometric diagnosis as well as the physical and sanitary conditions of tree alignment in the city. Using a random sampling method on the urban divisions of the city, the species and number of tree, height, diameter, crown coverage, damages and affectations to the urban infrastructure were determined. A total of 7539 trees, distributed in 38 families, 88 genders and 114 species were recorded; 74% of the individuals are introduced, most of the trees have physical and sanitary conditions from regular to good, the most frequent damages are the lifting of sidewalks, exposed roots and interference with aerial wiring. Through this study, the importance of the role that trees play in the cities is confirmed. To ensure the ability to provide environmental services and ensure their sustainability, it is necessary to incorporate integrated management programs for urban trees at the municipal level. Finally, it is important to highlight that in the cities the damage caused to nature due to poorly planned urbanization and accelerated demographic growth are more evident. Undoubtedly, the citizens are the main modelers of change in the urban environment, influencing directly its development.Resumen El presente estudio se realizó en Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas de julio a noviembre de 2016. El objetivo fue realizar un diagnóstico dasométrico así como de las condiciones físicas y sanitarias del arbolado de alineación en la ciudad. Mediante un muestreo aleatorio en las colonias, se determinaron las especies y número de árboles, así como altura, diámetro, cobertura arbórea, daños y afectaciones a la infraestructura urbana. Se contabilizó un total de 7539 árboles, distribuidos en 38 familias, 88 géneros y 114 especies; 74% de los individuos son introducidos; la mayor parte de los árboles cuentan con condiciones físicas y sanitarias de regulares a buenas, los daños más frecuentes son el levantamiento de banquetas, raíces expuestas y la interferencia con el cableado aéreo. A través de este estudio se confirma la importancia del papel que desempeña el arbolado en las ciudades. Para asegurar la capacidad de proveer servicios ambientales así como garantizar su sustentabilidad, es necesario incorporar programas de manejo integral de arbolado urbano a nivel municipal. Finalmente, es importante resaltar que en las ciudades son más evidentes los daños provocados a la naturaleza debido a la urbanización mal planeada y el acelerado crecimiento demográfico. Es indudable que los ciudadanos son los principales modeladores de cambio en el ambiente urbano, influenciando de manera directa su desarrollo

    Effect of Laccase-Mediated Biopolymer Grafting on Kraft Pulp Fibers for Enhancing Paper’s Mechanical Properties

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    High-resistance paper was manufactured by laccase-grafting of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and chitosan (CPX) on Kraft pulp fiber. The reaction was mediated in the presence of laccase by one of the following polyphenols in the presence of air: gallic acid (GA), vanillic acid (VA) and catechol (1,2–DHB). Enzyme was added at constant loading (24 kg ton−1), 1% pulp consistency, 0.005% CMC, pH = 6.3 ± 0.5 and 2 mM of mediator. CPX content was assessed at two levels (0% and 0.005%). Treated pulps were analyzed by different mechanical tests (ring crush, mullen, corrugating medium test (CMT) flat crush of corrugating medium test and tension). An improvement in these parameters was obtained by biopolymer coupling and selected mediator. When using GA, three parameters increased more than 40%, while ring crush increased 120%. For the case of VA, properties were enhanced from 74% to 88% when CPX was added. For 1,2–DHB, there was not found a statistically significant difference between the results in the presence of CPX. Scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, FTIR and 13C NMR were used in all papers in order to evaluate grafting. Hence, it was possible to correlate polymerization with an improvement of paper’s mechanical properties