802 research outputs found

    Nestašica kao poželjna karakteristika luksuznih marki u marketingu usmjerenom milenijalcima

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    Purpose – Marketing literature considers scarcity a mechanism that increases the desirability of the offer and an inherent attribute of luxury products. This market needs to capture the millennial segment. The objective of this paper is to develop a proper scarcity strategy to be used when connecting luxury brands to millennials. Design/methodology/approach – An empirical study based on an experimental design was carried out to test the effect of each of the strategies (second line, my luxury, or exclusive selection of cheaper products) on different dimensions of how millennials perceive luxury brands (refinement, elitism, and hedonism), looking for causality relationships. Findings – The hedonism factor, closely connected with purchase experience, seems to be the most valuable for millennials and best encouraged by the second line strategy. In this way, luxury brands draw millennials into their market in a natural way, through an accessible price. But the second line strategy could imply a process of brand devaluation for the traditional customer base. Limitations – The difference in the results obtained using the “current shopping intention” and “future shopping intention” variables deserves more attention. Different ways of measuring future shopping intention could be applied to test the effects on the results. Originality/value – A different methodology, that is, an experimental study is presented to compare marketing strategies in the luxury market. In this way, a better relationship between exclusivity and the needs of millennials can be established as regards their attraction to luxury brands.Svrha – Marketinška literatura razmatra nestašicu kao mehanizam koji povećava poželjnost ponude i svojstveni atribut luksuznih proizvoda. To tržište treba dosegnuti segment milenijalaca. Cilj je rada razviti odgovarajuću strategiju nestašice za povezivanje luksuznih marki s milenijalcima. Metodološki pristup – Provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje temeljeno na eksperimentalnom dizajnu kako bi se ispitao utjecaj svake strategije (druga linija, moj luksuz ili ekskluzivni izbor jeftinijih proizvoda) na različite dimenzije načina na koje milenijalci percipiraju luksuzne marke (profinjenost, elitizam i hedonizam),u potrazi za uzročno-posljedičnim odnosima. Rezultati i implikacije – Čini se da je čimbenik hedonizma, usko povezan s iskustvom kupovine, najvrjedniji za milenijalce i najbolje ga podupire strategija druge linije. Na ovaj način luksuzne marke privlače milenijalce na svoje tržište prirodnim putem po pristupačnoj cijeni. No, strategija druge linije bi mogla implicirati proces devaluacije marke (pripisivanja negativnih značajki marki) za tradicionalnu bazu potrošača. Ograničenja – Razlika u rezultatima dobivenim varijablama “trenutna namjera kupovine” i “namjera buduće kupovine” zaslužuje više pozornosti. Primijeniti se mogu različiti načini mjerenja namjere buduće kupovine kako bi se istražili učinci na rezultate. Doprinos – Korištena je drugačija metodologija, eksperimentalni dizajn, za usporedbu marketinških strategija na tržištu luksuznih proizvoda. Na ovaj se način može uspostaviti bolji odnos između ekskluzivnosti i potreba milenijalaca zbog njihova privlačenja luksuznim markama

    Grade 9-10 Spanish food and cooking

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    This lesson is a Spanish lesson about food and cooking recipes. The final outcome is that students have to create their own recipe. Through the lesson they will study vocabulary and will be able to establish cross-cultural connections among the Spanish and American culture

    Scarcity as a desirable attribute of luxury fashion brands in millennial marketing

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    Purpose – Marketing literature considers scarcity a mechanism that increases the desirability of the off er and an inherent attribute of luxury products. This market needs to capture the millennial segment. The objective of this paper is to develop a proper scarcity strategy to be used when connecting luxury brands to millennials. Design/methodology/approach – An empirical study based on an experimental design was carried out to test the eff ect of each of the strategies (second line, my luxury, or exclusive selection of cheaper products) on different dimensions of how millennials perceive luxury brands (refi nement, elitism, and hedonism), looking for causality relationships. Findings – The hedonism factor, closely connected with purchase experience, seems to be the most valuable for millennials and best encouraged by the second line strategy. In this way, luxury brands draw millennials into their market in a natural way, through an accessible price. But the second line strategy could imply a process of brand devaluation for the traditional customer base. Limitations – The diff erence in the results obtained using the “current shopping intention” and “future shopping intention” variables deserves more attention. Different ways of measuring future shopping intention could be applied to test the eff ects on the results. Originality/value – A diff erent methodology, that is, an experimental study is presented to compare marketing strategies in the luxury market. In this way, a better relationship between exclusivity and the needs of millennials can be established as regards their attraction to luxury brands.Svrha – Marketinška literatura razmatra nestašicu kao mehanizam koji povećava poželjnost ponude i svojstveni atribut luksuznih proizvoda. To tržište treba dosegnuti segment milenijalaca. Cilj je rada razviti odgovarajuću strategiju nestašice za povezivanje luksuznih marki s milenijalcima. Metodološki pristup – Provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje temeljeno na eksperimentalnom dizajnu kako bi se ispitao utjecaj svake strategije (druga linija, moj luksuz ili ekskluzivni izbor jeftinijih proizvoda) na različite dimenzije načina na koje milenijalci percipiraju luksuzne marke (profi njenost, elitizam i hedonizam),u potrazi za uzročno-posljedičnim odnosima. Rezultati i implikacije – Čini se da je čimbenik hedonizma, usko povezan s iskustvom kupovine, najvrjedniji za milenijalce i najbolje ga podupire strategija druge linije. Na ovaj način luksuzne marke privlače milenijalce na svoje tržište prirodnim putem po pristupačnoj cijeni. No, strategija druge linije bi mogla implicirati proces devaluacije marke (pripisivanja negativnih značajki marki) za tradicionalnu bazu potrošača. Ograničenja – Razlika u rezultatima dobivenim varijablama “trenutna namjera kupovine” i “namjera buduće kupovine” zaslužuje više pozornosti. Primijeniti se mogu različiti načini mjerenja namjere buduće kupovine kako bi se istražili učinci na rezultate. Doprinos – Korištena je drugačija metodologija, eksperimentalni dizajn, za usporedbu marketinških strategija na tržištu luksuznih proizvoda. Na ovaj se način može uspostaviti bolji odnos između ekskluzivnosti i potreba milenijalaca zbog njihova privlačenja luksuznim markama

    Cherry Tree Restaurant: Early Bird Menu

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    The Cherry Tree restaurant was opened by chef/proprietor Harry McKeogh in Ballina, Co. Mayo in 2000. It is a contemporary style restaurant with waterside views. Produce is sourced from the local area where possible and a range of menus are offered from early bird to à la carte. The restaurant has won a number of awards and recommendations Restaurant website available here The Early Bird Menu is available 6-9 p.m. Wednesday to Thursday and 6 p.m to 7.30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Three courses cost €26 and 2 courses cost €21.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/menus21c/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes: Comportamientos tecnológicos urbanos versus rurales

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    The tourism paradigm has changed with technology. ICTs have altered the entire tourist travel model: before buying, during its realization, and after completion. The current trend is to generate business and tourist destinations based on technological criteria. The first objective is always to guarantee maximum tourist connectivity with the new ICT applications. Neither the academic literature nor the businessmen consider the existence of tourist experiences outside the ICTs. This paper aims to determine from a market segmentation which attributes, or services, are more critical to differentiate types of tourists based on their behavior and use of ICTs. The differences between tourism that goes to a city destination versus a rural destination have been studied, analyzing the relationships between technological applications, social networks, and its use in the destination by the tourist. It has been possible to determine indicators based on the strategic segmentation of tourist experiences from the use and availability of information technologies. To this end, the data obtained through two studies carried out within the framework of the CSO2014-59193-R project have been used.El paradigma del turismo ha cambiado con la tecnología. Las TIC han alterado todo el modelo de viaje turístico: antes de comprar, durante su realización y después de su finalización. La tendencia actual es generar destinos comerciales y turísticos basados en criterios tecnológicos. El primer objetivo siempre es garantizar la máxima conectividad turística con las nuevas aplicaciones TIC. Ni la literatura académica ni los empresarios consideran la existencia de experiencias turísticas fuera de las TIC. Este documento tiene como objetivo determinar a partir de una segmentación del mercado qué atributos o servicios son más críticos para diferenciar los tipos de turistas en función de su comportamiento y uso de las TIC. Se han estudiado las diferencias entre el turismo que se dirige a un destino de la ciudad frente a un destino rural, analizando las relaciones entre las aplicaciones tecnológicas, las redes sociales y su uso en el destino por parte del turista. Ha sido posible determinar indicadores basados en la segmentación estratégica de las experiencias turísticas a partir del uso y la disponibilidad de tecnologías de la información. Para este fin, se han utilizado los datos obtenidos a través de dos estudios realizados en el marco del proyecto CSO2014-59193-R

    Smart Tourism Destination: Urban versus Rural Technological Behaviours

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    The tourism paradigm has changed with technology. ICTs have altered the entire tourist travel model: before buying, during its realization, and after completion. The current trend is to generate business and tourist destinations based on technological criteria. The first objective is always to guarantee maximum tourist connectivity with the new ICT applications. Neither the academic literature nor the businessmen consider the existence of tourist experiences outside the ICTs. This paper aims to determine from a market segmentation which attributes, or services, are more critical to differentiate types of tourists based on their behavior and use of ICTs. The differences between tourism that goes to a city destination versus a rural destination have been studied, analyzing the relationships between technological applications, social networks, and its use in the destination by the tourist. It has been possible to determine indicators based on the strategic segmentation of tourist experiences from the use and availability of information technologies. To this end, the data obtained through two studies carried out within the framework of the CSO2014-59193-R project have been used.El paradigma del turismo ha cambiado con la tecnología. Las TIC han alterado todo el modelo de viaje turístico: antes de comprar, durante su realización y después de su finalización. La tendencia actual es generar destinos comerciales y turísticos basados en criterios tecnológicos. El primer objetivo siempre es garantizar la máxima conectividad turística con las nuevas aplicaciones TIC. Ni la literatura académica ni los empresarios consideran la existencia de experiencias turísticas fuera de las TIC. Este documento tiene como objetivo determinar a partir de una segmentación del mercado qué atributos o servicios son más críticos para diferenciar los tipos de turistas en función de su comportamiento y uso de las TIC. Se han estudiado las diferencias entre el turismo que se dirige a un destino de la ciudad frente a un destino rural, analizando las relaciones entre las aplicaciones tecnológicas, las redes sociales y su uso en el destino por parte del turista. Ha sido posible determinar indicadores basados en la segmentación estratégica de las experiencias turísticas a partir del uso y la disponibilidad de tecnologías de la información. Para este fin, se han utilizado los datos obtenidos a través de dos estudios realizados en el marco del proyecto CSO2014-59193-R

    El protocolo “network” aplicado al estudio de los destinos turísticos: el caso de Gijón (España)

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    The definition of the concept of destination is a very complicated matter, given the need for consensus between different types of academics and professionals. However, it is essential to establish an adequate framework of knowledge for planning and managing tourism. Most of the new proposals revolve around the Network perspective, with intra and interrelation­ships between agents, attractions and tourist services, and even destinations. The “second generation” experience factor, support­ed by the phenomenon of co-creation, is currently considered the leitmotif for tourists. According to this concept, it is the tourists who, with the choices of resources and services, and with their movements in the territories, really define a destination as such, and in its different facets. This work uses the well-known SmartMax game to offer an empirical protocol of knowledge, quantitative and qualitative, of a tourist destination. Relying on data on the mobility of tourists, and using multivariable analysis techniques, it is possible to identify the different profiles of geographic space as a tourist destination, as well as the relative weight of each one: single destination, headquarters, a destination of circuit and hiking destination. In this way, a useful methodology is built for the empirical knowledge of tourist destinations, in general, and even for its application in other areas of geographic marketing, in particular.La definición del concepto de destino es un asunto muy complejo, dada la necesidad de consenso entre distintos tipos de académicos y de profesionales, pero muy necesaria para poder establecer un marco adecuado de conocimiento orientado a la planificación y a la gestión del turismo. La mayoría de las nuevas propuestas giran en torno a la perspectiva de Red (Network), con intra e interrelaciones entre agentes, atracciones y servicios turísticos, e incluso destinos. El factor experiencia de “segunda generación”, apoyado en el fenómeno de la co-creación, es actualmente considerado el leit motiv para el turista. De acuerdo a tal concepto son los turistas quienes, con las elecciones de recursos y servicios, y con sus movimientos en los territorios, definen realmente un destino como tal, y en sus diferentes facetas. Este trabajo recurre al uso del conocido juego del SmartMax para ofrecer un protocolo empírico de conocimiento, cuantitativo y cualitativo, de un destino turístico. Apoyándose en datos sobre la movilidad de los turistas, y mediante técnicas de análisis multivariable, se consigue identificar los diferentes perfiles de un espacio geográfico como destino turístico, así como el peso relativo de cada uno de ellos: destino único, sede central, destino de circuito y destino de excursionismo. De esta forma se construye una metodología útil para el conocimiento empírico de los destinos turís­ticos, de forma general, e incluso para su aplicación en otros ámbitos del marketing geográfico, en particular

    The Neurology of the Immune System: Neural Reflexes Regulate Immunity

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    Parallel advances in neuroscience and immunology established the anatomical and cellular basis for bidirectional interactions between the nervous and immune systems. Like other physiological systems, the immune system—and the development of immunity—is modulated by neural reflexes. A prototypical example is the inflammatory reflex, comprised of an afferent arm that senses inflammation and an efferent arm, the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, that inhibits innate immune responses. This mechanism is dependent on the α7 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, which inhibits NF-κB nuclear translocation and suppresses cytokine release by monocytes and macrophages. Here we summarize evidence showing that innate immunity is reflexive. Future advances will come from applying an integrative physiology approach that utilizes methods adapted from neuroscience and immunology