149 research outputs found

    Embracing student experience in inclusive design education through learner-centred instruction

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    This paper explores the process and outcome of using learner-centred methods to develop students’ empathic design abilities during an educational workshop on inclusive design. In the first section of the paper, we suggest the significance of incorporating inclusive design within the education of design disciplines. Then, we introduce a workshop on inclusive design awareness that architecture and interior design students participated, which applied various learner-centred methods. We discuss the process that incorporated project-based learning, role-playing/simulation and students’ reflections and feedback on their experience. The workshop process, the student project experience and students’ reflections on their learning indicate how multiple methods of learning engage students and enhance their empathic understanding so they can embrace differences and adopt a user-centred design approach. Based on the findings, we provide suggestions for similar educational events that can be applied in other disciplinary contexts. © 2016 Taylor & Francis

    Classification of aliphatic hydrocarbons formed at temperature-programmed co-pyrolysis of Turkish oil shales of kerogen types I and II

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    Temperature-programmed co-pyrolysis of Göynük and Beypazari oil shales was investigated with the aim to determine volatile product distribution and product evolution rate of co-processing, A series co-pyrolysis operation was performed using three total carbon ratios. A fixed-bed reactor was used to pyrolyse small samples of oil shale mixtures under an inert gas (argon) flow. A special sampling technique was used for collecting organic products formed at different temperature and time intervals. The co-pyrolysis products were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography and the total product evolution rate was investigated as a function of temperature and time. n-Paraffins and 1-olefins in aliphatic fraction of pyrolysis products were classified by their carbon number. In addition, the recovery of total organic carbon as an organic volatile product was determined. The effect of co-processing was determined comparing the results with the data of their separate pyrolysis. The effect of oil shale kerogen type on co-pyrolysis operation was also investigated. Conversion into volatile hydrocarbons was found to lower with increasing Beypazari oil shale share in the mixture while the amounts of C1-C15 hydrocarbons and coke to increase in the presence of this oil shale

    Classification of volatile products of temperature-programmed co-pyrolysis of Turkish Soma lignite and Göynük oil shale

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    Temperature-programmed co-pyrolysis of Turkish Soma lignites and Göynük oil shale was investigated with the aim to determine volatile product distribution and product evolution rate of their co-processing. A fixed-bed reactor was used to pyrolyse small samples of lignite and oil shale mixture under an inert gas (argon)flow as well as special sampling technique for collecting organic products formed at different temperature and time intervals. The co-pyrolysis products were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography and the total product evolution rate was investigated as a function of temperature and time. n-Paraffins and 1-olefins in aliphatic fraction of pyrolysis products were classified by their carbon number. In addition, the recovery of total organic carbon as an organic volatile product was determined. The effect of co-processing was determined by calculating the difference between the experimental and the hypothetical mean value of conversion of total organic carbon into volatile products. Conversion of organic carbon into volatile hydrocarbons increased while the amount of carbon in solid residue decreased with increasing oil shale ratio in the lignite-shale system

    Solvent swelling studies of Soma lignite (Turkey)

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    The volumetric swelling procedure was applied to Turkish Soma lignite using thirteen solvents to investigate the cross-linking in its macromolecular network. The theory of solvent swelling of cross-linked polymers developed by Flory and Rehner and extended by Kovac and Peppas was used to calculate number-average molecular mass per cross-link of organic structure (M¯c) in lignite samples. The results show that the volumetric solvent swelling of Soma lignite samples in non-polar and polar solvents roughly follows the regular solution theory

    Temperature programmed pyrolysis of oil shales

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    TEMPERATURE PROGRAMMED PYROLYSIS OF OIL SHALES In this study, the temperature-programmed pyrolysis of Göynük, Beypazarı and Timhadit (Morocco) oil shales have been investigated. In addition, kerogen types of oil shales have been determined by IR-spectroscopy and TGA-kinetic parameters of decomposition of kerogens have been calculated. By applied technique, entire characterization of products that occurred in pyrolysis has been carried out at each desired temperature. This technique has been applied first time in literature and results have indicated a good agreement with literature.BİTÜMLÜ ŞİSTLERİN SICAKLIK PROGRAMLI PİROLİZİ Bu çalışmada Göynük, Beypazarı ve Timhadit (Fas) bitümlü şistlerinin sıcaklık programlı pirolizi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, IR-spektroskopisi ile bitümlü şistlerin kerogen tipleri belirlenmiş ve TGA ile kerogenlerin bozunma kinetik parametreleri hesaplanmıştır. Uygulanan teknikle, pirolizde oluşan ürünlerin istenen her sıcaklıkta tam karakterizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu teknik, literatürde ilk kez uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar literatürle tam uyum göstermişti

    Demir oksit pigmenti üretiminin ekonomikleştirilmesi ve düşük tenörlü dolomitlere değer kazandırılması

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.özet: Bu çalışmada demir (III) oksit pigmenti üretiminde ekonomik bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir.Mevcut üretim yöntemlerinden farklı olarak bu yöntemde, ekonomik hiçbir değeri olmayan dolomitten yararlanılmıştır. Toz halindeki dolomit demir (III)klorür çözeltisi ile oda sıcaklığında reaksiyona sokulmuş ve demir (III) hidroksit jeli halinde elde edilen bu ürün kalsine edilerek kırmızı demir oksit pigmenti üretilmiştir.Ayrıca elde edilen ürünün kalitesine reaksiyon ortamı konsantrasyonu ve kalsinasyon sıcaklığının etkisi incelenmiş, sonuçta uygun işletme şartları olarak 1 molarlık demir (III )klorür çözeltisi ve 700%'lik kalsinasyon sıcaklığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada yan ürün olarak elde edilen Magnezyum hidroksit çökeleği kalsine edilerek oldukça yaygın olarak kullanılan magnezyum oksit elde edilmiştir.Yapılan hesaplamalar sonucunda üretilecek olan pigmentin %51 'i oranında magnezyum oksidin elde edileceği bulunmuştur.Bu oran kullanılan dolomitin magnezyum karbonat içeriğinin yükselmesiyle orantılı olarak artacaktır. (43)ABSTRAKT Sentetik demir oksit pigmenti üretiminde dolomitin kullanılmasıyla yeni bir ekonomik üretim yöntemi geliştirildi, Sentetik kırmızı demir oksit pigmenti üretimi için tavsiye edilen işletme şartları; 1 M lik demir (III) klorür çözeltisi ile çalışmak ve 700°C de kalsine etmektir. Yan ürün Mg(0H)2 den elde edilen MgO ise yöntemin ekonomikliğini arttırmaktadır. ABSTRACT A novel process for the manufacture of synthetic iron oxide was developed by using of raw-dolomite as a reactant.The recommended operation conditions for production of synthetic iron oxide pigment with raw-dolomite are ; concentration of iron (III) chloride solution 1 M, roasting temperature, 700 ° C