15 research outputs found

    Machine learning in anesthesiology:Detecting adverse events in clinical practice

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    The credibility of threshold-based alarms in anesthesia monitors is low and most of the warnings they produce are not informative. This study aims to show that Machine Learning techniques have a potential to generate meaningful alarms during general anesthesia without putting constraints on the type of procedure. Two distinct approaches were tested - Complication Detection and Anomaly Detection. The former is a generic supervised learning problem and for this a simple feed-forward Neural Network performed best. For the latter, we used an Encoder-Decoder Long Short-Term Memory architecture that does not require a large manually-labeled dataset. We show this approach to be more flexible and in the spirit of Explainable Artificial Intelligence, offering greater potential for future improvement

    The GRIFFIN facility for Decay-Spectroscopy studies at TRIUMF-ISAC

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    Gamma-Ray Infrastructure For Fundamental Investigations of Nuclei, GRIFFIN, is a new high-efficiency γ-ray spectrometer designed for use in decay spectroscopy experiments with low-energy radioactive ion beams provided by TRIUMF\u27s Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC-I) facility. GRIFFIN is composed of sixteen Compton-suppressed large-volume clover-type high-purity germanium (HPGe) γ-ray detectors combined with a suite of ancillary detection systems and coupled to a custom digital data acquisition system. The infrastructure and detectors of the spectrometer as well as the performance characteristics and the analysis techniques applied to the experimental data are described

    High-precision half-life and branching ratio measurements for superallowed β\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e Emitters At TRIUMF-ISAC

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    High precision measurements of the ft values for superallowed Fermi β transitions between Jπ = 0+ isobaric analogue states allow for stringent tests of the electroweak interaction described by the Standard Model. These transitions provide an experimental probe of the Conserved-Vector-Current hypothesis, enable the most precise determination of the up-down (Vud) element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing matrix, and allow one to set stringent limits on the existence of scalar currents in the weak interaction. An extensive program of superallowed branching-ratio and half-life measurements at TRIUMF\u27s Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) facility has covered the full range of superallowed emitters, from the lightest case, 10C, to the heaviest case for which precision data are currently available, 74Rb. These experiments have been performed using a 4π continuous-flow gas proportional β counter, the 8π γ-ray spectrometer, and, most recently, the new high-efficiency GRIFFIN γ-ray spectrometer. In this paper, recent highlights from the superallowed Fermi β decay program at TRIUMF will be summarized, including high-precision half-life measurements for all three of the lightest superallowed emitters, 10C, 14O, and 18Ne, with the greatest sensitivity to a potential weak scalar current contribution, as well as high-precision branching-ratio measurements for the heavy superallowed emitters 62Ga and 74Rb