116 research outputs found

    MHD waves at a spherical interface modelling coronal global EIT waves

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    Energetically eruptive events such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are known to generate global waves, propagating over large distances, sometimes comparable to the solar radius. In this contribution EIT waves are modelled as waves propagating at a spherical density interface in the presence of a radially expanding magnetic field. The generation and propagation of EIT waves is studied numerically for coronal parameters. Simple equilibria allow the explanation of the coronal dimming caused by EIT waves as a region of rarified plasma created by a siphon flow

    Mean shear flows generated by nonlinear resonant Alfvén waves

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    In the context of resonant absorption, nonlinearity has two different manifestations. The first is the reduction in amplitude of perturbations around the resonant point (wave energy absorption). The second is the generation of mean shear flows outside the dissipative layer surrounding the resonant point. Ruderman et al. [Phys. Plasmas 4, 75 (1997)] studied both these effects at the slow resonance in isotropic plasmas. Clack et al. [Astron. Astrophys. 494, 317 (2009)] investigated nonlinearity at the Alfvén resonance; however, they did not include the generation of mean shear flow. In this present paper, we investigate the mean shear flow, analytically, and study its properties. We find that the flow generated is parallel to the magnetic surfaces and has a characteristic velocity proportional to ϵ1/2, where ϵ is the dimensionless amplitude of perturbations far away from the resonance. This is, qualitatively, similar to the flow generated at the slow resonance. The jumps in the derivatives of the parallel and perpendicular components of mean shear flow across the dissipative layer are derived. We estimate the generated mean shear flow to be of the order of 10 km s−1 in both the solar upper chromosphere and solar corona; however, this value strongly depends on the choice of boundary conditions. It is proposed that the generated mean shear flow can produce a Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at the dissipative layer which can create turbulent motions. This instability would be an additional effect, as a Kelvin–Helmholtz instability may already exist due to the velocity field of the resonant Alfvén waves. This flow can also be superimposed onto existing large scale motions in the solar upper atmosphere

    MHD waves at a spherical interface modelling coronal global EIT waves

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    Energetically eruptive events such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are known to generate global waves, propagating over large distances, sometimes comparable to the solar radius. In this contribution EIT waves are modelled as waves propagating at a spherical density interface in the presence of a radially expanding magnetic field. The generation and propagation of EIT waves is studied numerically for coronal parameters. Simple equilibria allow the explanation of the coronal dimming caused by EIT waves as a region of rarified plasma created by a siphon flow

    Nonlinear theory of non-axisymmetric resonant slow waves in straight magnetic flux tubes

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    Nonlinear resonant slow magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are studied in weakly dissipative isotropic plasmas for a cylindrical equilibrium model. The equilibrium magnetic field lines are unidirectional and parallel with the z axis. The nonlinear governing equations for resonant slow magnetoacoustic (SMA) waves are derived. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions inside and outside the narrow dissipative layer, we generalize the connection formulae for the Eulerian perturbation of the total pressure and for the normal component of the velocity. These nonlinear connection formulae in dissipative cylindrical MHD are an important extention of the connection formulae obtained in linear ideal MHD [Sakurai et al., Solar Phys. 133, 227 (1991)], linear dissipative MHD [Goossens et al., Solar Phys. 175, 75 (1995); Erdélyi, Solar Phys. 171, 49 (1997)] and in nonlinear dissipative MHD derived in slab geometry [Ruderman et al., Phys. Plasmas4, 75 (1997)]. These generalized connection formulae enable us to connect the solutions at both sides of the dissipative layer without solving the MHD equations in the dissipative layer. We also show that the nonlinear interaction of harmonics in the dissipative layer is responsible for generating a parallel mean flow outside the dissipative layer

    Nonlinear theory of resonant slow MHD waves in twisted magnetic flux tubes

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    The nonlinear dynamics of resonant slow MHD waves in weakly dissipative plasmas is investigated in cylindrical geometry with a twisted equilibrium magnetic field. Linear theory has shown that the wave motion is governed by conservation laws and jump conditions across the resonant surface considered as a singularity – first derived in linear ideal MHD theory by Sakurai, Goossens and Hollweg [Solar Phys. 133, 227 (1991)]. By means of the simplified method of matched asymptotic expansions, we obtain the generalized connection formulae for the variables across the dissipative layer, and we derive a non-homogeneous nonlinear partial differential equation for the wave dynamics in the dissipative layer

    Coronal global EIT waves as tools for multiple diagnostics

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    Observations in EUV lines of the solar corona revealed large scale propagating waves generated by eruptive events able to travel across the solar disk for large distances. In the low corona, CMEs are known to generate, e.g. EIT waves which can be used to sample the coronal local and global magnetic field. This contribution presents theoretical models for finding values of magnetic field in the quiet Sun and coronal loops based on the interaction of global waves and local coronal loops as well as results on the generation and propagation of EIT waves. The physical connection between local and global solar coronal events (e.g. flares, EIT waves and coronal loop oscillations) will also be explored

    Thermally damped linear compressional waves in a 2D solar coronal model

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    The high resolution observations (TRACE and SOHO) of waves in coronal structures have revealed a rapid damping of modes, sometimes their damping length being of the same order as their wavelength. The rapid damping of modes in coronal loops permits us to derive values for magnetic field and transport coefficients. In this contribution we study the damping of linear compressional waves considering a two-dimensional propagation in gravitationally stratified plasma in the presence of thermal conduction. By considering this 2D model, we show that the presence of an additional transversal motion has an important effect on the damping of the waves. This theoretical model allows as to conclude that the main effects influencing the damping of the waves are the degree of the transversal structuring and temperature

    Statistical study of spatio-temporal distribution of precursor solar flares associated with major flares

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    The aim of the present investigation is to study the spatio-temporal distribution of precursor flares during the 24-hour interval preceding M- and X-class major flares and the evolution of follower flares. Information on associated (precursor and follower) flares is provided by Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). Flare List, while the major flares are observed by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system satellites between 2002 and 2014. There are distinct evolutionary differences between the spatio-temporal distributions of associated flares in about one day period depending on the type of the main flare. The spatial distribution was characterised by the normalised frequency distribution of the quantity δ\delta (the distance between the major flare and its precursor flare normalised by the sunspot group diameter) in four 6-hour time intervals before the major event. The precursors of X-class flares have a double-peaked spatial distribution for more than half a day prior to the major flare, but it changes to a lognormal-like distribution roughly 6 hours prior to the event. The precursors of M-class flares show lognormal-like distribution in each 6-hour subinterval. The most frequent sites of the precursors in the active region are within a distance of about 0.1 diameter of sunspot group from the site of the major flare in each case. Our investigation shows that the build-up of energy is more effective than the release of energy because of precursors

    Diagnostics of plasma ionisation using torsional Alfén waves

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    Aims. Using the recently observed torsional Alfvén waves in solar prominences, we determine the ionisation state of the plasma by taking into account that Alfvén waves propagate in a partially ionised prominence plasma. We derive the evolutionary equation of waves and compare the analytical solutions to observations to determine the number density of neutrals. Methods. Using a single fluid plasma approximation, where the wave damping is provided by the Cowling resistivity, we study the temporal evolution of waves. By comparing the solution of equations with observational data (period, amplitude, propagation speed), we determined the value of the Cowling resistivity that led us to draw a conclusion on the amount of neutrals in the partially ionised plasma, a quantity that cannot be measured directly or indirectly. Results. Our results show that damped torsional Alfvén waves are an ideal diagnostic tool for the ionisation state of the plasma. Using a simple model, we find that at the observational temperature of torsional Alfvén waves, the number of neutrals, is of the order of 5 × 1010 cm−3

    Linear and nonlinear resonant interaction of sound waves in dissipative layers

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    The theory of resonant nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in dissipative steady plasmas developed by Ballai and Erdélyi is used to study the effect of steady flows on nonlinear resonant heating of MHD waves in (a) linear, (b) weakly and (c) strongly nonlinear approximations. Nonlinear connection formulae for slow MHD waves are derived. This nonlinear theory of driven MHD waves is then used to study the interaction of sound waves with one-dimensional isotropic steady plasmas. We find that a steady equilibrium flow can significantly influence the efficiency of resonant absorption in the considered limits. In the case of strong nonlinearity, the efficiency of the resonant coupling is found to be proportional to the counterpart obtained in linear theory. The factor of proportion is approximately of the order of unity, justifying the commonly applied linear approximations
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