1,739 research outputs found

    Fitting Parton Distribution Data with Multiplicative Normalization Uncertainties

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    We consider the generic problem of performing a global fit to many independent data sets each with a different overall multiplicative normalization uncertainty. We show that the methods in common use to treat multiplicative uncertainties lead to systematic biases. We develop a method which is unbiased, based on a self--consistent iterative procedure. We demonstrate the use of this method by applying it to the determination of parton distribution functions with the NNPDF methodology, which uses a Monte Carlo method for uncertainty estimation.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures: published versio

    Endothelial Cells Potentiate Interferon-γ Production in a Novel Tripartite Culture Model of Human Cerebral Malaria

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    We have established a novel in vitro co-culture system of human brain endothelial cells (HBEC), Plasmodium falciparum parasitised red blood cells (iRBC) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), in order to simulate the chief pathophysiological lesion in cerebral malaria (CM). This approach has revealed a previously unsuspected pro-inflammatory role of the endothelial cell through potentiating the production of interferon (IFN)-γ by PBMC and concurrent reduction of interleukin (IL)-10. The IFN-γ increased the expression of CXCL10 and intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, both of which have been shown to be crucial in the pathogenesis of CM. There was a shift in the ratio of IL-10:IFN-γ protein from >1 to <1 in the presence of HBEC, associated with the pro-inflammatory process in this model. For this to occur, a direct contact between PBMC and HBEC, but not PBMC and iRBC, was necessary. These results support HBEC playing an active role in the pathogenesis of CM. Thus, if these findings reflect the pathogenesis of CM, inhibition of HBEC and PBMC interactions might reduce the occurrence, or improve the prognosis, of the condition. © 2013 Khaw et al

    Subcellular compartmentalisation of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc in the Parkinson's disease brain

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    © 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Elevated iron and decreased copper levels are cardinal features of the degenerating substantia nigra pars compacta in the Parkinson's disease brain. Both of these redox-active metals, and fellow transition metals manganese and zinc, are found at high concentrations within the midbrain and participate in a range of unique biological reactions. We examined the total metal content and cellular compartmentalisation of manganese, iron, copper and zinc in the degenerating substantia nigra, disease-affected but non-degenerating fusiform gyrus, and unaffected occipital cortex in the post mortem Parkinson's disease brain compared with age-matched controls. An expected increase in iron and a decrease in copper concentration was isolated to the soluble cellular fraction, encompassing both interstitial and cytosolic metals and metal-binding proteins, rather than the membrane-associated or insoluble fractions. Manganese and zinc levels did not differ between experimental groups. Altered Fe and Cu levels were unrelated to Braak pathological staging in our cases of late-stage (Braak stage V and VI) disease. The data supports our hypothesis that regional alterations in Fe and Cu, and in proteins that utilise these metals, contribute to the regional selectively of neuronal vulnerability in this disorder

    Cerebral malaria: Gamma-interferon redux

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    There are two theories that seek to explain the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria, the mechanical obstruction hypothesis and the immunopathology hypothesis. Evidence consistent with both ideas has accumulated from studies of the human disease and experimental models. Thus, some combination of these concepts seems necessary to explain the very complex pattern of changes seen in cerebral malaria. The interactions between malaria parasites, erythrocytes, the cerebral microvascular endothelium, brain parenchymal cells, platelets and microparticles need to be considered. One factor that seems able to knit together much of this complexity is the cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-?). In this review we consider findings from the clinical disease, in vitro models and the murine counterpart of human cerebral malaria in order to evaluate the roles played by IFN-? in the pathogenesis of this often fatal and debilitating condition. © 2014 Hunt, Ball, Hansen, Khaw, Guo, Bakmiwewa, Mitchell, Combes and Grau

    Differential microRNA expression in experimental cerebral and noncerebral malaria

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are posttranscriptional regulatory molecules that have been implicated in the regulation of immune responses, but their role in the immune response to Plasmodium infection is unknown. We studied the expression of selected miRNAs following infection of CBA mice with Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA), which causes cerebral malaria (CM), or Plasmodium berghei K173 (PbK), which causes severe malaria but without cerebral complications, termed non-CM. The differential expression profiles of selected miRNAs (let-7i, miR-27a, miR-150, miR-126, miR-210, and miR-155) were analyzed in mouse brain and heart tissue by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR). We identified three miRNAs that were differentially expressed in the brain of PbA-infected CBA mice: let7i, miR-27a, and miR-150. In contrast, no miRNA changes were detected in the heart, an organ with no known pathology during acute malaria. To investigate the involvement of let-7i, miR-27a, and miR-150 in CM-resistant mice, we assessed the expression levels in gamma interferon knockout (IFN-γ-/-) mice on a C57BL/6 genetic background. The expression of let-7i, miR-27a, and miR-150 was unchanged in both wild-type (WT) and IFN-γ-/- mice following infection. Overexpression of these three miRNAs during PbA, but not PbK, infection in WT mice may be critical for the triggering of the neurological syndrome via regulation of their potential downstream targets. Our data suggest that in the CBA mouse at least, miRNA may have a regulatory role in the pathogenesis of severe malaria. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology

    Flavor SU(3) symmetry and QCD factorization in B→PPB \to PP and PVPV decays

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    Using flavor SU(3) symmetry, we perform a model-independent analysis of charmless Bˉu,d(Bˉs)→PP, PV\bar B_{u,d} (\bar B_s) \to PP, ~PV decays. All the relevant topological diagrams, including the presumably subleading diagrams, such as the QCD- and EW-penguin exchange diagrams and flavor-singlet weak annihilation ones, are introduced. Indeed, the QCD-penguin exchange diagram turns out to be important in understanding the data for penguin-dominated decay modes. In this work we make efforts to bridge the (model-independent but less quantitative) topological diagram or flavor SU(3) approach and the (quantitative but somewhat model-dependent) QCD factorization (QCDF) approach in these decays, by explicitly showing how to translate each flavor SU(3) amplitude into the corresponding terms in the QCDF framework. After estimating each flavor SU(3) amplitude numerically using QCDF, we discuss various physical consequences, including SU(3) breaking effects and some useful SU(3) relations among decay amplitudes of Bˉs→PV\bar B_s \to PV and Bˉd→PV\bar B_d \to PV.Comment: 47 pages, 3 figures, 28 table

    Solution structure of a repeated unit of the ABA-1 nematode polyprotein allergen of ascaris reveals a novel fold and two discrete lipid-binding sites

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    Parasitic nematode worms cause serious health problems in humans and other animals. They can induce allergic-type immune responses, which can be harmful but may at the same time protect against the infections. Allergens are proteins that trigger allergic reactions and these parasites produce a type that is confined to nematodes, the nematode polyprotein allergens (NPAs). These are synthesized as large precursor proteins comprising repeating units of similar amino acid sequence that are subsequently cleaved into multiple copies of the allergen protein. NPAs bind small lipids such as fatty acids and retinol (Vitamin A) and probably transport these sensitive and insoluble compounds between the tissues of the worms. Nematodes cannot synthesize these lipids, so NPAs may also be crucial for extracting nutrients from their hosts. They may also be involved in altering immune responses by controlling the lipids by which the immune and inflammatory cells communicate. We describe the molecular structure of one unit of an NPA, the well-known ABA-1 allergen of Ascaris and find its structure to be of a type not previously found for lipid-binding proteins, and we describe the unusual sites where lipids bind within this structur

    Astrobiological Complexity with Probabilistic Cellular Automata

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    Search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence constitutes one of the major endeavors in science, but has yet been quantitatively modeled only rarely and in a cursory and superficial fashion. We argue that probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) represent the best quantitative framework for modeling astrobiological history of the Milky Way and its Galactic Habitable Zone. The relevant astrobiological parameters are to be modeled as the elements of the input probability matrix for the PCA kernel. With the underlying simplicity of the cellular automata constructs, this approach enables a quick analysis of large and ambiguous input parameters' space. We perform a simple clustering analysis of typical astrobiological histories and discuss the relevant boundary conditions of practical importance for planning and guiding actual empirical astrobiological and SETI projects. In addition to showing how the present framework is adaptable to more complex situations and updated observational databases from current and near-future space missions, we demonstrate how numerical results could offer a cautious rationale for continuation of practical SETI searches.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; added journal reference belo

    Modulation of EEG spectral edge frequency during patterned pneumatic oral stimulation in preterm infants

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    Background—Stimulation of the nervous system plays a central role in brain development and neurodevelopmental outcome. Thalamocortical and corticocortical development is diminished in premature infants and correlated to electroencephalography (EEG) progression. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of orocutaneous stimulation on the modulation of spectral edge frequency, fc=90% (SEF-90) derived from EEG recordings in preterm infants. Methods—Twenty two preterm infants were randomized to experimental and control conditions. Pulsed orocutaneous stimulation was presented during gavage feedings begun at around 32 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA). The SEF-90 was derived from 2-channel EEG recordings. Results—Compared to the control condition, the pulsed orocutaneous stimulation produced a significant reorganization of SEF-90 in the left (p = 0.005) and right (p \u3c 0.0001) hemispheres. Notably, the left and right hemisphere showed a reversal in the polarity of frequency shift, demonstrating hemispheric asymmetry in the frequency domain. Pulsed orocutaneous stimulation also produced a significant pattern of short term cortical adaptation and a long term neural adaptation manifest as a 0.5 Hz elevation in SEF-90 after repeated stimulation sessions. Conclusion—This is the first study to demonstrate the modulating effects of a servo-controlled oral somatosensory input on the spectral features of EEG activity in preterm infants
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