3,319 research outputs found

    Productivity Growth and Convergence in U.S. Agriculture: New Cointegration Panel Data Results

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    Dynamic effects of health and inter-state and inter-industry knowledge spillovers, total factor productivity (TFP) growth and convergence in U.S. agriculture are examined using recently developed procedures for panel data and a growth accounting model. Strong evidence is found to support the hypothesis that TFP converges to a steady-state. Health care supply in rural areas and research spillovers from other states and from nonagricultural sectors are found to have significant impacts on the productivity growth rate both in the short-run and long-run. These results suggest richer opportunities for policymakers to enhance productivity growth.convergence, growth, pooled mean group estimator, total factor productivity

    Bifurcation in electrostatic resistive drift wave turbulence

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    The Hasegawa-Wakatani equations, coupling plasma density and electrostatic potential through an approximation to the physics of parallel electron motions, are a simple model that describes resistive drift wave turbulence. We present numerical analyses of bifurcation phenomena in the model that provide new insights into the interactions between turbulence and zonal flows in the tokamak plasma edge region. The simulation results show a regime where, after an initial transient, drift wave turbulence is suppressed through zonal flow generation. As a parameter controlling the strength of the turbulence is tuned, this zonal flow dominated state is rapidly destroyed and a turbulence-dominated state re-emerges. The transition is explained in terms of the Kelvin-Helmholtz stability of zonal flows. This is the first observation of an upshift of turbulence onset in the resistive drift wave system, which is analogous to the well-known Dimits shift in turbulence driven by ion temperature gradients.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    A qualitative and quantitative measure of Aufwuchs Production

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    "Reprinted from Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 85 (2) : 232-240. 1966.""Aufwuchs production was measured from its accrual on plexiglass substrates submerged in a stream. A method was developed for separating autotrophic and heterotrophic aufwuchs production and for separating this production from organic and inorganic sediments. The average aufwuchs production in the entire river during the summer of 1961 was 281.8 mg organic weight M-2 day-1, with the autotrophic organisms contributing 212.8 mg and the heterotrophic 69.0 mg."--Abstract

    Robust Machine Learning Applied to Astronomical Datasets I: Star-Galaxy Classification of the SDSS DR3 Using Decision Trees

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    We provide classifications for all 143 million non-repeat photometric objects in the Third Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) using decision trees trained on 477,068 objects with SDSS spectroscopic data. We demonstrate that these star/galaxy classifications are expected to be reliable for approximately 22 million objects with r < ~20. The general machine learning environment Data-to-Knowledge and supercomputing resources enabled extensive investigation of the decision tree parameter space. This work presents the first public release of objects classified in this way for an entire SDSS data release. The objects are classified as either galaxy, star or nsng (neither star nor galaxy), with an associated probability for each class. To demonstrate how to effectively make use of these classifications, we perform several important tests. First, we detail selection criteria within the probability space defined by the three classes to extract samples of stars and galaxies to a given completeness and efficiency. Second, we investigate the efficacy of the classifications and the effect of extrapolating from the spectroscopic regime by performing blind tests on objects in the SDSS, 2dF Galaxy Redshift and 2dF QSO Redshift (2QZ) surveys. Given the photometric limits of our spectroscopic training data, we effectively begin to extrapolate past our star-galaxy training set at r ~ 18. By comparing the number counts of our training sample with the classified sources, however, we find that our efficiencies appear to remain robust to r ~ 20. As a result, we expect our classifications to be accurate for 900,000 galaxies and 6.7 million stars, and remain robust via extrapolation for a total of 8.0 million galaxies and 13.9 million stars. [Abridged]Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, to be published in ApJ, uses emulateapj.cl


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    Boat velocity is determined by both physical capacity and technical ability. By adjusting for power, we quantified differences in velocity attributable to technical efficiency. Stroke data from 47 2000 m races in male and female single sculls (10 and 8 boats) and coxless pairs (3 and 6 boats) were collected using Peach PowerLine and OptimEye S5 GPS equipment attached to boats. The logarithm of velocity was predicted with the logarithm of the sum of mean stroke power of both oars in a general linear mixed model for each boat class, a random effect for boat identity estimated a coefficient of variation representing differences in efficiency between boats. The differences were very large to extremely large (CV of 1.3-3.4%). Performance of boats with poor efficiency could be enhanced by improving technique, improving power output could be the focus for those with good efficiency

    Microarray analysis identifies candidate genes for key roles in coral development

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    Background: Anthozoan cnidarians are amongst the simplest animals at the tissue level of organization, but are surprisingly complex and vertebrate-like in terms of gene repertoire. As major components of tropical reef ecosystems, the stony corals are anthozoans of particular ecological significance. To better understand the molecular bases of both cnidarian development in general and coral-specific processes such as skeletogenesis and symbiont acquisition, microarray analysis was carried out through the period of early development – when skeletogenesis is initiated, and symbionts are first acquired. Results: Of 5081 unique peptide coding genes, 1084 were differentially expressed (P ≤ 0.05) in comparisons between four different stages of coral development, spanning key developmental transitions. Genes of likely relevance to the processes of settlement, metamorphosis, calcification and interaction with symbionts were characterised further and their spatial expression patterns investigated using whole-mount in situ hybridization. Conclusion: This study is the first large-scale investigation of developmental gene expression for any cnidarian, and has provided candidate genes for key roles in many aspects of coral biology, including calcification, metamorphosis and symbiont uptake. One surprising finding is that some of these genes have clear counterparts in higher animals but are not present in the closely-related sea anemone Nematostella. Secondly, coral-specific processes (i.e. traits which distinguish corals from their close relatives) may be analogous to similar processes in distantly related organisms. This first large-scale application of microarray analysis demonstrates the potential of this approach for investigating many aspects of coral biology, including the effects of stress and disease.Lauretta C Grasso, John Maindonald, Stephen Rudd, David C Hayward, Robert Saint, David J Miller and Eldon E Bal

    Cell-Penetrating Peptides as a Tool for the Cellular Uptake of a Genetically Modified Nitroreductase for use in Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy

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    Directed enzyme prodrug therapy (DEPT) involves the delivery of a prodrug-activating enzyme to a solid tumour site, followed by the subsequent activation of an administered prodrug. One of the most studied enzyme–prodrug combinations is the nitroreductase from Escherichia coli (NfnB) with the prodrug CB1954 [5-(aziridin-1-yl)-2,4-dinitro-benzamide]. One of the major issues faced by DEPT is the ability to successfully internalize the enzyme into the target cells. NfnB has previously been genetically modified to contain cysteine residues (NfnB-Cys) which bind to gold nanoparticles for a novel DEPT therapy called magnetic nanoparticle directed enzyme prodrug therapy (MNDEPT). One cellular internalisation method is the use of cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), which aid cellular internalization of cargo. Here the cell-penetrating peptides: HR9 and Pep-1 were tested for their ability to conjugate with NfnB-Cys. The conjugates were further tested for their potential use in MNDEPT, as well as conjugating with the delivery vector intended for use in MNDEPT and tested for the vectors capability to penetrate into cells