56 research outputs found

    Pola Sebaran Spasial Stunting di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dengan Pendekatan Autokorelasi Spasial

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    Stunting is a condition in toddlers who experience failure to thrive due to chronic malnutrition which causes children to be shorter than their cohort. The Indonesian Ministry of Health's Basic Health Research in 2018 reported that the prevalence of stunting in the South Lampung Regency was above the WHO standard of 20%, although it decreased from 43.01% in 2013 to 29.08% in 2018. This study aims to identify spatial distribution pattern of stunting prevalence in the South Lampung Regency. The methods included Moran's Index, Moran's Scatterplot, Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) and correlation analysis. The results showed that there was a spatial autocorrelation to the prevalence of stunting in South Lampung Regency with the spatial distribution pattern being clustered. The grouping of areas in the high-high (HH) cluster is mostly located in villages in Kalianda District with one of the contributing factors being the joint use of water from inappropriate sources. Clean water provision is expected to reduce stunting prevalence in the South Lampung Regency


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    ABSTRACTThis study aim to analyze the food resouces in Pagaralam District, South Sumatera Province in 2001—2010. The study design was retrospective with secondary data analysis covering policies, budgeting, food production, exports, imports and number of population. Data processing included analysis for production, exports, imports, food availability and food suffiency by trend, line, ratio availability and ratio of imports. Food availability policy and food availability budgeting were analyzed using content analysis. The results indicate increasing of production on some commodities but supply doesn’t fulfill the demand. Food availability increases and energy adequacy has already reached the Minimum Services Standard (90%), but not for intake protein. Desirable Dietary Pattern (DDP) score is still below 90. The food availability policy and budget do not support the General Policy for Food Security 2006—2010 and still focused on water resources management.Key words: energy and protein adequacy, food availabilityABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sumberdaya pangan di Kota Pagaralam Provinsi Sumatera Selatan tahun 2001—2010. Data sekunder terdiri dari kebijakan anggaran, produksi pangan, ekspor dan impor pangan serta jumlah penduduk. Desain penelitian ini adalah retrospektif menggunakan data sekunder. Pengolahan data dimulai dengan menganalisis produksi, ekspor dan impor, ketersediaan pangan dan kecukupan pangan menggunakan analisis tren, analisis garis, analisis rasio ketersediaan dan analisis rasio impor. Kebijakan dan anggaran ketersediaan pangan dianalisis menggunakan analisis isi. Peningkatan produksi beberapa komoditi namun produksi belum mencukupi kebutuhan. Ketersediaan pangan mengalami peningkatan dan kecukupan energi sudah mencapai SPM (90%), akan tetapi kecukupan protein masih defisit. Skor PPH masih di bawah 90. Kebijakan dan anggaran belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan Kebijakan Umum Ketahanan Pangan (KUKP) 2006—2010 dan masih terfokus pada sektor pengelolaan sumberdaya air.Kata kunci: kecukupan energi dan protein, ketersediaan panga


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    The aims of study were to analyze the ecological factors such as food availability, land capacity, population density, poverty, GDP, education; and their association to the consumption of carbohydrate food sources in some rural and urban areas of Indonesia. This ecological study was conducted by analysing the 62 districts in Indonesia. The data of food consumption was part of set Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas 2007). The data of food production, population density, poverty, GDP, and education collected from the Central Statistic Agency (BPS). The statistical test was pearson correlation and stepwise linear regression. The study shows that consumption of carbohydrate food sources in rural more than in urban area and dominated by rice. Energy contribution from carbohydrate food sources is a half of total energy contribution (55.9% in rural and 48.05% in urban). In rural area, consumption of rice, corn, cassava, and sweet potato per capita per year were 109 kg, 4.69 kg, 2.51 kg, and 0.66 kg. While in urban area, consumption of rice, corn, cassava, and sweet potato per capita per year were 95 kg, 1.24 kg, 3.51 kg, and 0.209 kg. The food availability was significantly affected to the consumption of carbohydrate food sources in rural and urban areas

    The Analysis of Fish and Other Animal Food Self-Sufficiency in 26 Districts/Citiesof West Java 2012

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    This study was aimed to determine the actual situation of production and consumption, and animal food adequacy ratio based on net production devided to normative consumption. This study used cross sectional study and conducted at 26 districts/cities in West Java Province. The collecting, processing, and analyzing of data since January until July 2014. This study used secondary data that had become a constant number. The results of this study showed that 21 (80,8%) districts/cities have actual comsumption below the normative consumption. Fishes consumption and the others animal consumption in West Java citizen in 2012 were included to low category. Fishes contibute in animal food consumption about 13-44% so that became the one of the determining commodity for animal food pattern in 26 districts/cities in West Java Province. Fishes commodity also became animal food production pattern almost in those all districts/cities in West Java Province except Sukabumi District, Bandung City, Depok City, and Cimahi City. The pattern of citizen’s food consumption has been utilized the potential yet, so was not always approrite with the pattern of district food production. In 2012, there were 13 (50%) districts/cities in West Java Province that have became self-sufficiency in fishes and the others animal food.Keywords: Fish and the other animal food, food self-sufficiency, consumption and production


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    Intake of animal protein in food consumption patterns is very decisive for a person to live a healthy, active, and productive life. This study aims to analyze of consumption and estimation of food demand for animal sources in Indonesia. This analysis used the AIDS model to estimate the elasticity of food demand and use linear equations to estimate food demand of animal sources in 2020-2025. Results showed the consumption of food for animal sources in Indonesia still did not meet the recommended nutritional adequacy rates. Animal commodities are responsive to prices and income changes. The value of the elasticity of demand for animal food was all negative accordance with the law of demand which has a negative direction. For income elasticity the value of income elasticity for whole animal protein source food commodities was positive. The estimation of consumption showed that the demand for animal meat in the period 2020-2025 continues to increase along with income and population growth. To meet the need of animal protein, in addition to the current program to achieve food of animal sources self-sufficiency, it is necessary to strive to increase production based on minimum food demand estimation


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    Repong is a forest management system which inherently conducted by community in Lampung Barat Coast. The objective of this research were to analyze: 1) household socio economic characteristics, 2) household food access, 3) household food security, 4) socio economic factors that influence household food security. This research was conducted by using retrospective design. The location was in Penengahan Village, Karya Penggawa Subdistrict, Lampung Barat District that chosen purposively with consideration that the village is the main village producing resin. The samples were 30 households who own repong and 30 households who do not own repong that chosen snowbally. The result of the research shows that: 1) almost all (93.3%) household who own repong work as farmer, while half of household who do not own repong work as farmer (46.67%), service (40%), and trading (13.33%); 2) there is 30% of household who own repong and 36.7% of household who do not own repong that have low food access; 3) only 33.33% of household who own repong and 23.33% household who do not own repong are food secure; 4) factors that significantly influence energy consumption level are number of household member, size of repong, and food expenditure; factors that significantly influence protein consumption are number of household member and food expenditure; factors that significantly influence consumption diversity are number of household member and size of repong

    Economic and Consumption Variables and Their Associations with Stunting Prevalence: A Provincial Analysis of the Indonesian Child Nutritional Status Survey 2019

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    The study aims to analyze the relationship between economic and food consumption variables with stunting prevalence among Indonesian children. The unit of analysis for this cross-sectional study was secondary data set from 2019 for 34 provinces obtained from Statistics Indonesia, the Food Security Agency, and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. In the majority of provinces (88.24%) the stunting prevalence was still categorized as serious public health problem with the prevalence of 30% or higher. The economic outlook in 2019 showed an economic growth, decrease in Gini ratio and the unemployment rate in 34 provinces. However, the poverty rate was very diverse between provinces and concentrated in eastern Indonesia. There were 17 provinces that had higher food than non-food expenditures. There were 31 provinces with normal energy adequacy level and 28 with normal protein adequacy level. However, there was no provinces reached maximum score in Desirable Dietary Pattern (DDP) as the indicator for food diversity, signaling that none of the provinces achieved adequate diversity in food consumption in 2019. The multivariate linear regression with backward elimination technique showed that seven of independent variables were qualified for the final model with R2 of 0.7406. The three variables significantly correlated with stunting prevalence (p<0.05) were food expenditure, protein adequacy level, and DDP score. Hence, these variables can be categorized as causal factors for stunting at provincial level analysis which can feed the food and nutrition policy and its monitoring and evaluation strategy. However, further analysis is needed to determine the direct and indirect relationship between economic factors, food expenditure, and food consumption with the prevalence of stunting among children in Indonesia so that stunting prevention and alleviation programs can be more precise and optimal


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    The objective of this study was to analyze fish consumption in Indonesia 2005— 2011. Data used in this study was based on the National Social and Economic Survey (SUSENAS). The study showed average national fish consumption 26.04 kg/capita/year, with average growth rate 0.05% per year. Fish consumption was higher in urban (26.51 kg/capita/year) than rural area (25.69kg/capita/year). Contribution of fresh fish and processed fish was higher in urban than rural area (63.0% and 14.0%). Processed food containing fish was higher in rural (8.30 kg/capita/year) than urban area (6.09 kg/capita/year). Low expenditure households consumed fish lower than the high expenditure. Recommendation of fish consumption is 32.70 kg/capita/year or 12.89 g protein/capita/day. The National fish requirement is projected 8.10 million tons at 2015


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    Prevalensi obesitas di Indonesia meningkat pada tahun 2013, pada laki-laki maupun perempuan dewasa. Obesitas berhubungan dengan penyakit penyerta (komorbiditas), seperti kanker, diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, jantung iskemik, osteoartritis, dan stroke. Dengan demikian, akan memengaruhi peningkatan biaya perawatan kesehatan. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan mengestimasi kerugian ekonomi akibat biaya perawatan kesehatan langsung pada orang dewasa obesitas seluruh provinsi di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional study. Biaya perawatan kesehatan yang dihitung merupakan biaya langsung meliputi biaya rawat jalan dan rawat inap. Biaya perawatan kesehatan akibat obesitas diestimasi dari perkalian jumlah orang yang mengalami obesitas disertai penyakit penyerta dengan rata-rata biaya perawatan dan proporsi kejadian komorbiditas pada populasi obesitas. Proporsi kejadian komorbiditas pada populasi obesitas digunakan untuk mengestimasi masing-masing komorbiditas yang diakibatkan oleh obesitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi dengan jumlah biaya rawat jalan terbesar (219 miliar rupiah) jumlah biaya rawat inap terbesar (13254 miliar rupiah) di Indonesia. Komorbiditas dengan biaya perawatan kesehatan terbesar adalah pada kasus penyakit diabetes mellitus (27486 miliar rupiah). Total biaya langsung yang dikeluarkan akibat obesitas pada subjek perempuan lebih tinggi daripada subjek laki-laki di Indonesia (45234 miliar rupiah dan 11252 miliar rupiah)


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    The study aimed to analyze growth characteristic of adolescents using height-for-age (HAZ) and BMI-for-age (BAZ) z scores based on regional ecosystem in West Java Province namely coastal area (Cirebon), mountainous area (Bandung), and mixture between coastal and mountainous area (Garut). The design of the study was cross sectional study using secondary data from Riskesdas 2007. Total number of adolescents was 1,674 subjects. The growth characteristics of adolescents in Garut District based on HAZ was correlated with occupation of the head family (p=0.001; r=-0.145), while based on BAZ it was correlated with per capita protein intake (p=0.028; r=-0.093). Adolescents in Bandung District based on HAZ index correlated with education of the head family (p=0.040; r=0.081), occupation of the head family (p=0.003; r=-0.118), per capita energy intake (p=0.031; r=-0.085), and per capita protein intake (p=0.002; r=-0.124), while the BAZ correlated with education of the head of the family (p=0.017; r=0.095). Growth characteristics of adolescents in Cirebon District for HAZ was correlated with per capita energy intake (p=0.044; r=-0.086), while BAZ was correlated with education of the head family (p=0.016; r=0.102).Keywords:
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