11 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Bi-Te-Se-S Mineralizations in Slovak Republic and Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine. Part 1. Localities, Geological Situation and Mineral Associations

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    Comparative analysis of telluride occurrences found in the territory of Slovakia and Transcarpathians (Ukraine) has shown that there is distinct difference between the mode of Au-Ag-Bi-Te-Se mineralization of these regions. But within the area of distribution of neovolcanites Bi-Te-Se-S mineralization is generally represented by similar mineralogical phases. In the Transcarpathian region bismuth tellurides (tsumoite, pilsenite, joseites, native bismuth and poorly studied sulpho-selenotellurides of bismuth) were found only in metasomatites as secondary quartzites of the Vyghorlat-Guta ridge area. (Il'kivtsy, Podulky, Smerekiv Kamin'). The similar mineralization have been also found in some neovolcanites of Slovakia (Poruba pod Vigorlatom, Remetska Hamra).Порівняльний аналіз проявів телуридів на території Словаччини і Закарпаття (Україна) показав, що існує помітна відмінність в характері Au-Ag-Bi-Te-Se мінералізації цих регіонів. Але в областях розвитку неовулканітів Bi-Te-Se-S мінералізація представлена в основному аналогічними мінеральними фазами. Телуриди вісмуту (цумоїт, пильзеніт, жозеїти, самородний бісмут і маловивчені сульфо-селено-телуриди бісмуту) знайдені на території Закарпаття тільки в метасоматитах типу вторинних кварцитів Вигорлат-Гутинського пасма (Ільківці, Подулки, Смереків Камінь). Подібна мінералізація встановлена в деяких неовулканітах Словаччини (Poruba роd Vigorlatom, Remetska Hamra).Сравнительный анализ проявлений теллуридов на территории Словакии и Закарпатья (Украина) показал, что существует заметное различие в характере Au-Ag-Bi-Te-Se минерализации этих регионов. Но в областях развития неовулканитов Bi-Te-Se-S минерализация представлена в основном аналогичными минеральными фазами. Теллуриды висмута (цумоит, пильзенит, жозеиты, самородный висмут и малоизученные сульфо-селенотеллуриды висмута) найдены на территории Закарпатья только в метасоматитах типа вторичных кварцитов Выгорлат-Гутинской гряды (Ильковцы, Подулки, Смерекив Каминь). Подобная минерализация установлена в некоторых неовулканитах Словакии (Poruba pod Vigorlatom, Remetska Hamra)

    Biophysical and electrochemical studies of protein-nucleic acid interactions

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    This review is devoted to biophysical and electrochemical methods used for studying protein-nucleic acid (NA) interactions. The importance of NA structure and protein-NA recognition for essential cellular processes, such as replication or transcription, is discussed to provide background for description of a range of biophysical chemistry methods that are applied to study a wide scope of protein-DNA and protein-RNA complexes. These techniques employ different detection principles with specific advantages and limitations and are often combined as mutually complementary approaches to provide a complete description of the interactions. Electrochemical methods have proven to be of great utility in such studies because they provide sensitive measurements and can be combined with other approaches that facilitate the protein-NA interactions. Recent applications of electrochemical methods in studies of protein-NA interactions are discussed in detail

    Microzonation, ecological risk and attributes of metals in highway road dust traversing through the Kaziranga National Park, Northeast India: implication for confining metal pollution in the national forest

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    Despite the abundant literature on metal contamination through road dust (RD) in urban/suburban and residential/highway regions, the RD of highways traversing through the Kaziranga National Park, NE India, has not been studied and lacks baseline data. The objective of the present study was to ascertain the possibility of highway microzonation based on temporal and spatial variability of metal pollution level and ecological risk. It was found that the RD contains an average content of (1.7�33.5 mg/kg) for Cd, Co, Cu and Pb and (121�574 mg/kg) for Ni, Zn, Cr and Mn across the highway passing through the national forest attributed by various sources. The study revealed three possible microzones present in the studied highway NH-37 based on spatial trend of metal as well as human interference. An attempt was made to understand the possible source of metals by principal component analysis, and four sources were identified: Three were of vehicular origin, and another was related to road surface and subsurface condition. The use of noise barrier walls as an effective measure to control the translocation of RD from one place to other was recommended to reduce the hostile effects of metal accumulation in the sensitive ecosystem. Thus, the study suggested and necessitated micronizing the system based on human interference level, ecological risk factors, spatial variability of pollutants and traffic pattern for their efficient management and conservation.by Upasona Devi, Kaling Taki, Tanya Shukla, Kali P. Sarma, Raza R. Hoque and Manish Kuma